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Crochet ADD

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I swear I have this, at any one time I have multiple projects going. I can't seem to resist starting a new one, and I'll work on one for an hour or two, get bored with it and pick up a different one. As it stands right now I have 4 blankets all in some stage of completion from just started to nearly done. Is anyone else like this or do you prefer to finish one project before starting another?

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I used to be that way (only do one at a time) but I would end up getting about 3/4 the way through a project and just speeding to finish so I could start a new one... now I have multiple projects going at the same time and I just pick and choose which one I want to work on at the time :) Keeps it interesting for me!!

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I have a lot of different ones going also. Right now, I have a tote that I'm doing for my mom for Christmas, 2 blankets & I'm sure other stuff as well!

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Yeah...I start and then go on to something new, I have no 'patience' and have to have something new to do all the time...but things DO get finished.:D

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I'm the same way, here is a partial list of my general categories:


Sit and crochet while listening to books on CD project(s).

'go bag' project I take with me when I go out and know I'll have waiting time.

Urgent projects that I need to get done on a deadline.

For me projects that are worked on as I have time.

Large projects I can only work on when it's not too hot.

Scrap projects waiting for more scraps.

Semi-planned projects that need more yarn when I can afford it.

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Right now there are two shawls lying on the back of the couch half-done and a third where I'm almost out of a skein of yarn. I also try to keep a knit project around because the two different motions tend to keep me from hurting my hands.

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I usually have 2 or more projects going on at once. I have a small, portable one going (baby snuggly) and a large afghan. I then have a couple sets of baby booties going (knitting and in different colors) so don't think you are very unusual. A lot of us work on many projects. I think it is whatever suits our moods, situations, etc.



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Kel, you most definitely are not alone. I currently have 2 afghans (1 almost done and the other one about 1/2 way done) packed away to finish later in the fall or winter. I have 1 almost done prayer shawl to finish. I have at least 20 chemo caps done but need to trim ends. I also have 2 or 3 potholders waiting to be sewn shut. I like to keep a small project in the works to take with me when I go out. In recent days that has been the chemo caps. When I am making something new (trying a new pattern or stitch) I like to give it my complete attention. When I am at the doctor's or running errands with my hubby and waiting in the car I like to work on something I am familar with so I don't have to think about what I am doing. For me the main thing is I will eventually finish each of these projects. Oh, I forgot I have 2 dishcloths made and need to make at least 12 more for the "ladies/girls" in my Sunday School class. No you are not alone. Besides I think variety is the spice of life.

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you are so not alone. I have no less than 5 things going at once...my 5 year afghan i have actually been working on it for 5 years...a doily, a large filet project, a pair of flip flops for my granddaughter and i think i have a starfed dishcloth in my other purse

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I too used to just make one, but now I have more than one on the go. One of these days I'm actually going to get something finished!!!!!!

So no you are not alone!!!!

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Right now I am working on two wedding afghans--one for September, one for November. 2 camping back pack afghans for my grandsons. Have to sew the straps on those, and finish working ends in on Arden's camping blankie.


I get tired of doing the same colors all the time and switch back and forth. It all gets done in the end*~* This explains why I always post multiple projects at once......:blush

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Oh yeah.. I actually have reminates of Childhood Adhd. I'm what people in cross stitching call a serial starter....I am however being able to do one project and finish before i start something new. But i'm doing small projects..so

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I do multiple projects at the same time. I have 3 RR. One in watercolors 1 in camouflage, 1 in baby pastels, multiple scarves, 2 baby ones (1 RR 1 corner to corner)

And now doing edging on 63 squares for a friend just learning to crochet. Think I have enough to do?

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I'm so glad I'm not alone :) After posting I realized I have at least two other projects set aside under my bed that I'd forgotten about: Christmas stockings, and a large afghan for one of my "nieces"

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I have 2 shawls, a sweater, 2 scarfs, and some small projects almost finished. A lot of them are from patterns someone needed help with. I started them to help and liked them so I kept going until someone came along with another I liked. Right now I have two more ready for yarn to be started also. Then there is the pile of ones I have myself I want to do also.

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oh yeah..this is me in this thread!! If I can remember everything... 2 rr, 3 totes, 1 baby blanket. make that 4 totes.... ok 6... another rr, another baby blanket....



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I used to be that way (only do one at a time) but I would end up getting about 3/4 the way through a project and just speeding to finish so I could start a new one... now I have multiple projects going at the same time and I just pick and choose which one I want to work on at the time :) Keeps it interesting for me!!


I tend to be this way too. The choice keeps me interested. Then every so often I just have an urge to whip through and finish and I don't need the distraction of something different. I just want to know what it will look like when it is done.

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Maybe I do have the "syndrome", but I find that if I change back and forth that sometimes my gauge changes, or I rob a hook and then can't remember which one I was using.


I do get bored easily, so I am better off (usually) with smaller projects. Altho, sometimes I can just zone out with an afghan that is an easy repetitive pattern.


I don't think I am ADD, maybe I am Bi-Crochet (not that way, duh!)



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Maybe I do have the "syndrome"' date=' but I find that if I change back and forth that sometimes my gauge changes, or I rob a hook and then can't remember which one I was using.




One of the reasons I try to use ravelry..so I put the project in INCLUDING the hook I was using. So 2 months later when I go to finish I can look up what hook it was. Now am I really good at doing that?? uh...no, but I do try :hook

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