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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Dear Sue:

I will jump in and try out that market bag pattern you wil be gifting us with...


That will be a rest from the stashbusters totes...


A new pattern will refresh my brains..


That pattern will be with cotton right?




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nice totes everyone! wow! can't believe how much we all post in such a short time. lol!


well, still didn't get my tote finished. had to catch up on business and then got enlisted to make a gift for my mom to give someone. errrrggg All I have left is the last 5 rolls. Soon, hopefully. Have already picked out my next one. :hook My cousin volunteers every year for special olympics in her state. I thought one in their colors would be a nice way to say thank you for what you do. now just have to decide... cotton or not cotton. :lol


thanks for the round ripple patterns. :)

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Started SBT #2 about 20 min ago. Working on first round of the V-stitches. Not going to be able to finish tonight because I'm hoping to get to bed fairly early tonight.


SBT #2 is in Pagoda, Blue Mint, and Soft Blue. Caron Simply Soft.

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:yay yay Joanne! I snuck in work on mine (just #4) and finished it as well. Hopefully pics tomorrow. :)
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Hi my friends:


I know i've been a bit missing here but i have kept up with all the posts and all them totes are looking lovelier by the post..

Wow you gals are amazing with color combinations...


Well I havent been crocheting since been taking Kim's Knitting class and pulling my hairs which is not good for me but finally did learn to do knit stitch.



So I took time off from knitting lessons to show you all three more totes I had done since last week...


I dont think color wise they are not as pretty as all of you ladies here but I think they are pretty... You all know me and my magic yarn balls...


Well here they go...




I love them! They are the definition of STASH BUSTING!! :D

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Hi Judy:


Wow your totes looks awesome... I love each of them and the red and black wow I love it.. that one you can crochet a lady bug applique and sew it on... would look great..





QUOTE=SouthernJudy;2280921]I hope i do this the right way lol I have never tried to put picts up of anything so he we go!!! lol

These are the four totes I have done in the past couple of weeks. Not a very good picture I hope to get better at it.


Thank you, I got some lady bug material i'm going to line it with.

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Thanks everyone for all the nice compliments on my totes. I really have had fun making them. I'm thinking about doing a lapghan in school colors and then doing a tote to match to take to the football games in the fall.

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i FINALLY got a decent 7 hour nap! im ready to face the night....

aside from my mind racing LOL. i and my hubby volunteer every year for the Soecial Olympics. now why didnt i think of giving my boss a bag? :think and judy you gave me a wonderful idea with your red and black tote! my BFF school colors are red & black! at lesat with all these thoughts brimming about ill have plenty to do when hubby has surgery!

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:yay yay Joanne! I snuck in work on mine (just #4) and finished it as well. Hopefully pics tomorrow. :)
:yay for finishing another one!!!


Thanks everyone for all the nice compliments on my totes. I really have had fun making them. I'm thinking about doing a lapghan in school colors and then doing a tote to match to take to the football games in the fall.
That's an awesome idea!!!


#19...#20 is close to done..a few ends to weave
:eek Wow!:cheer Love #19's colors!!!


i FINALLY got a decent 7 hour nap! im ready to face the night....

aside from my mind racing LOL. i and my hubby volunteer every year for the Soecial Olympics. now why didnt i think of giving my boss a bag? :think and judy you gave me a wonderful idea with your red and black tote! my BFF school colors are red & black! at lesat with all these thoughts brimming about ill have plenty to do when hubby has surgery!

7 hr nap? I don't even get 7 hours of sleep:lol My usual is anywhere between 5 and 6 hrs of sleep a night!! And you will never be out of ideas for color combos with these SBT's- there are endless possibilities!!!!


Another rainy, gloomy day here- Sue---I really wish I could send some your way!!! (And no, all the rain is not my tears after yet another Yankee loss:()


Have a good day everyone!!!

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ok so maybe 7 hours isnt a nap lol i only intended to sleep for like maybe 3.... BUT ive been dillegently working since about 11pm my time (central) on my current SBT and am up to the yellow....

details forthcoming :hook

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SBT #9



CGGR #4 (I think)






Love them both :manyheart The bright one sure is fun :yes


Well, my pattern making brain is active again. Working on a market bag that has a little pocket it folds into so you can stuff it in your purse (or SBT :lol ). I think it will be perfect for always having a bag when you need it. I hope to get it done and written up by tomorrow. Any testers??




I might be too late, but if you're still looking for more testers I think I can squeeze the project in :think I can start tonight since I actually have a window of 'freedom' :lol


I would LOVE to test your pattern! I actually need to make a market bag. Plan to keep it in the car to always have on hand when the unexpected need for a tote arrives! :) If it works out, I may make several as I have decided to join in with those on a quest to stamp out all of these crazy plastic bags. Can you imagine how many go into the trash on any given day? I have a couple of reusable shopping bags but will need more in order to say "no to both paper & plastic" even on grocery day.


You're so right on the bags. Although, even with the market bags, I still opt to use the paper or plastic (whatever's available) for my raw meats and fish :yes I don't want to contaminate the reusable ones with any escapee juices :eek


Hi my friends:


I know i've been a bit missing here but i have kept up with all the posts and all them totes are looking lovelier by the post..

Wow you gals are amazing with color combinations...


Well I havent been crocheting since been taking Kim's Knitting class and pulling my hairs which is not good for me but finally did learn to do knit stitch.



So I took time off from knitting lessons to show you all three more totes I had done since last week...


I dont think color wise they are not as pretty as all of you ladies here but I think they are pretty... You all know me and my magic yarn balls...


Well here they go...




Don't be silly young lady!!! They're all gorgeous and the green is my favorite and of course that's because green's my favorite color :wink


Hello everyone! Just a quick note because my computer time is very limited, to say hi and that surgery went well.


Also, big thank you to Mona W for the two totes and dishcloths and to Grannieannie for the tote full of goodies. I'm hoping after dr. visit Thursday to get back to my crocheting.


:hug to all


:yay I'm glad to hear from you that the surgery went well. Been thinking about you all week and am still sending positive thoughts for your recovery :hug


I hope i do this the right way lol I have never tried to put picts up of anything so he we go!!! lol

These are the four totes I have done in the past couple of weeks. Not a very good picture I hope to get better at it.



These are all just beautiful :manyheart


#19...#20 is close to done..a few ends to weave


Yet another gorgeous tote Mary :manyheart I keep praying for more time, but it seems to be getting less and less :shrug



No crafting last night for me :( However, lately I've been working on my knit sweater since it got thrown aside while making other stuff :lol I have friday off this week and am heading out to Pitt to visit with my sister and my parents will be there too. I'll be looking at empty office spaces on friday :xfin This is where all my time and energy has been focused and I really miss my crafting time :(

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Hi there ladies:


Thank you kuddles,ducky73,sheila,cindy,judy,sue,oliveoil,joanne, and ann for your kind words you all sure know how to make some one feel good about their works..


Oliveoil I dont weave in ends in my stashbuster tails cause since i live like 4 inches long tail I just crochet over it when i work my stitches so no weaving necessary..

Give it a try you will see...


hugs to all



I always do the 'crochet over', never weave in ends unless I connect squares! Love it!


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I always do the 'crochet over', never weave in ends unless I connect squares! Love it!




Me too!!!! I also hate weaving in ends and if I'm switching every row or every other row....I carry the yarn up if I can :think

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good morning kuddlekubs


Hi! How you doin' today? I'm off to work in a few, but will sneak some peeks back here to see what everyone is up to! (me = dental appt this afternoon, ugh!)



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Me too!!!! I also hate weaving in ends and if I'm switching every row or every other row....I carry the yarn up if I can :think

The tails never come undone after a few washings??

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Dear Sue:

I will jump in and try out that market bag pattern you wil be gifting us with...


That will be a rest from the stashbusters totes...


A new pattern will refresh my brains..


That pattern will be with cotton right?





Yes cotton. Its all done, just need to type it up. :)


#19...#20 is close to done..a few ends to weave


Love love it!!


Another rainy, gloomy day here- Sue---I really wish I could send some your way!!! (And no, all the rain is not my tears after yet another Yankee loss:()


Have a good day everyone!!!


Poor Yankees. :(



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Here's the market bag. Just need to type it all up!


Drawsting closed.


Drawstring open.


Folded up in its attached pocket.





looks quite interesting! goodmorning sue!

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