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crochet tote addicts CAL


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This is just my #3 but I've been really busy in between with other projects. This is out of Sugar n Cream Psychedelic and Cotton Ease Violet. For some reason, it came out a touch smaller than the other cotton one. Maybe I crocheted tighter. Who knows. :think I gave this one to my mom today for Mother's Day. She actually helped me pick the yarn out yesterday, thinking I was getting it for someone else. <sneaky, sneaky :D >

CUTE colors!! I love this! :manyheart

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I want to wsh you all a happy and blessed day..


Today is a sad day for me one cause i was never blessed with children and second cause my moms past away on a May 10th so you can imagine how heart broken i am.


May is not my happiest of months.

I am however taking my sister out to dinner cause her kids didnt come up this weekend to be with her so hubby and I will take her out.


On a good and Happy note I have completed 3 more totes which i will try and take a photo of later tonight and post...


When i get back i will back track here and say my wows to the ladies that have done more lovely totes...


Have a blessed day every one..



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wow! All your totes are wonderful! I think the colors you all have chosen, (is there really any wrong combination, lol) are wonderful too, and am astounded at how many some of you have or are going to make!! What to do with them all, do you have plans for them all?? Gifting, or using them at home, what are some of your plans for them?? They would be lovely for for so many things!! Nice job everyone, one day, I may make another, I made one, not from this pattern, but my own, and it turned out nice, i like it, and use it, for portable works in progress!! thanks for the pics, again, nice job to all!

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Well Sweetie as for me I am trying to make as many totes as possible for gifts for this christmas..

I make gifts for female doctor and her female staff.

I make gifts for the animal hospital where i adopted my Foxie they are all females there too so i will make for them too and

then if i got time i will make for the lab technicians where i get blood drawn and for the eye doctor staff....

So yeap gift giving is my idea for these totes....





wow! All your totes are wonderful! I think the colors you all have chosen, (is there really any wrong combination, lol) are wonderful too, and am astounded at how many some of you have or are going to make!! What to do with them all, do you have plans for them all?? Gifting, or using them at home, what are some of your plans for them?? They would be lovely for for so many things!! Nice job everyone, one day, I may make another, I made one, not from this pattern, but my own, and it turned out nice, i like it, and use it, for portable works in progress!! thanks for the pics, again, nice job to all!
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Today is a sad day for me one cause i was never blessed with children and second cause my moms past away on a May 10th so you can imagine how heart broken i am.



Hugs to you!


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I want to wsh you all a happy and blessed day..


Today is a sad day for me one cause i was never blessed with children and second cause my moms past away on a May 10th so you can imagine how heart broken i am.


May is not my happiest of months.

I am however taking my sister out to dinner cause her kids didnt come up this weekend to be with her so hubby and I will take her out.


On a good and Happy note I have completed 3 more totes which i will try and take a photo of later tonight and post...


When i get back i will back track here and say my wows to the ladies that have done more lovely totes...


Have a blessed day every one..





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Well my Mother's day started out with me getting everyone in the truck to pickup DH from work and 3yr puked on me so not having time to change because he rides with someone half way I go smelling lovely then get home wiggle my 7yr tooth because other adult tooth came in behind it it popped out so he had to cry for that :lol now the kids are all fighting all in all normal day here :lol

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Today is a sad day for me one cause i was never blessed with children and second cause my moms past away on a May 10th so you can imagine how heart broken i am.


I have no human kids and never wanted them. I prefer my non-human kids. My mil passed 2 years ago May 9th, so I feel your pain. :hug


wow! All your totes are wonderful! I think the colors you all have chosen, (is there really any wrong combination, lol) are wonderful too, and am astounded at how many some of you have or are going to make!! What to do with them all, do you have plans for them all?? Gifting, or using them at home, what are some of your plans for them?? They would be lovely for for so many things!! Nice job everyone, one day, I may make another, I made one, not from this pattern, but my own, and it turned out nice, i like it, and use it, for portable works in progress!! thanks for the pics, again, nice job to all!


Gifts, gifts and more gifts! :lol


Well my Mother's day started out with me getting everyone in the truck to pickup DH from work and 3yr puked on me so not having time to change because he rides with someone half way I go smelling lovely then get home wiggle my 7yr tooth because other adult tooth came in behind it it popped out so he had to cry for that :lol now the kids are all fighting all in all normal day here :lol


Hmmmm, sounds like a normal day at work for me. I shower as soon as I get home to get the turtle "funk" off me. :rofl



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I want to wsh you all a happy and blessed day..


Today is a sad day for me one cause i was never blessed with children and second cause my moms past away on a May 10th so you can imagine how heart broken i am.


May is not my happiest of months.

I am however taking my sister out to dinner cause her kids didnt come up this weekend to be with her so hubby and I will take her out.


On a good and Happy note I have completed 3 more totes which i will try and take a photo of later tonight and post...


When i get back i will back track here and say my wows to the ladies that have done more lovely totes...


Have a blessed day every one..



I hope you had a a nice time with your sister! I can understand how you feel, My mom passed away on May 9 12 years ago- and it was actually on Mother's Day the year she died. I miss her and Mother's Day is always a little bittersweet for me.

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Hello my dear friends:


I want to thank you all for your kind words and for sort of understanding me and thank you for all the hugs you have posted for me...


I survived today taking my sister out and well Hubby enjoyed his buffet and my sister did too she stuffed herself ... She was I happy and that made me happy as i felt bad for her kids not being her with her.


Then she and I went to Lowes and she bought herself some annual plants to plan out doors this year...


So now i am soooo ready to sit and crochet...


Yes you know it on a tote... Sue's tote....


hugs to all


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Just wanted to stop in and let you know I made it back to Philly and have been busy since. Now I'm going to see what's on the dvr and then head to bed. Morning comes early :(


I hope you all had a great mother's day (and yes, that includes mother's of pets :lol )

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Finished my first SBT last night, definately not my last though. I will post a picture later today after work and stuff.


As for now, I have to start a second Granny-go-round for my sister as I took her to Hobby Lobby on Saturday to choose her color and now I have to get started. :lol

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#15! This is for my grandson, Wyatt. So it's in darker boy type colors.....edit...lost count..this one is #16 :rofl


I really like this one in darker colors! Genius!


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Great job Mary!! I can't believe you've finished #16!!! :lol


Just finished this one. I had to do a cotton one after seeing Stephanie's.




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Looks good Sue! Love that color combo :yes


#17 will be for my sisters DIL in Michigan. My sister would like me to make her one..and hand deliver it :lol:sigh wish I had time to do just that

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