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Our House Part Two


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Busy day at work today, but nothing out of control. I have tomorrow off.

Work has been quite stressful lately. The changes are really affecting everyone, and we've had a lot of resignations, with the result that we are short staffed, and therefore people are even crankier than they would be otherwise.


I think all the issues with my mom and my mil are getting to me. My mil had heart issues three weeks ago, and it has turned into an on-going problem. In fact DH is out with her right now getting some more tests done. Neither my dad nor my fil are in the best of health either, but at least my dad is trying to do things. My fil just sits around and expects us to jump when ever they want something. You'd think he'd want to come along when mil has these tests done, but he prefers to just sit around doing nothing. He's in the best shape of all of our parents. ( I'm just a little cranky!)


I have been sleeping well, but I'm exhausted. I must be getting too old for all this stress. I think tomorrow is going to be a mental health day for me. DD wants to go shopping, and even though I am not much of a shopper, I think I might go just for the distraction.

:hug :hug :hug Sounds like you really need a destressing day for yourself. Glad you have tomorrow off.

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Hello housemates!


Cindy- You definitely need a mental health day! It's hard to have 4 parents who need your attention and seemingly all at the same time. Add to it all the changes at work!!! Change at work is never easy- I'm having a tough time adjusting back to my department- and missing the team I worked with the past 2 years ---

Remember you need to take care of you and if you need to be cranky here, you know we are ok with it! That's what friends are for!:hug:hug


Linda- Wow- you sure did a lot of de-stashing and de-cluttering and I hope you are not too sore today! Now, it's time to get back to your Challenge Quilt!!!


LeAnna- Hope you are hanging in there and got a chance to speak with Hub-E today


Judy- Hope it wasn't too painful paying those taxes!!;)


Wrennie- We don't have any bears where I am (thank goodness)- they are more in the NW part of the state!


Marisa- Can't wait to hear what you got at Boscov's tonight! Hope you had a good dinner!! Speaking of dinner, I am getting hungry-


Tammy- :cake:birthday to Patrick! Hope he had a spectacular day!!!


I may stop back in- but if not-see you in the AM!

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Busy day at work today, but nothing out of control. I have tomorrow off.

Work has been quite stressful lately. The changes are really affecting everyone, and we've had a lot of resignations, with the result that we are short staffed, and therefore people are even crankier than they would be otherwise.


I think all the issues with my mom and my mil are getting to me. My mil had heart issues three weeks ago, and it has turned into an on-going problem. In fact DH is out with her right now getting some more tests done. Neither my dad nor my fil are in the best of health either, but at least my dad is trying to do things. My fil just sits around and expects us to jump when ever they want something. You'd think he'd want to come along when mil has these tests done, but he prefers to just sit around doing nothing. He's in the best shape of all of our parents. ( I'm just a little cranky!)

You're allowed to be cranky!:hug:hug:hug

I have been sleeping well, but I'm exhausted. I must be getting too old for all this stress. I think tomorrow is going to be a mental health day for me. DD wants to go shopping, and even though I am not much of a shopper, I think I might go just for the distraction.

Absolutely go shopping. It's called retail therapy...:yes

Judy- Hope it wasn't too painful paying those taxes!!;)

It hurt....but only for a minute...esp if you just look at the many numbers on the check as pretty squiggles and not $$$$:P



I may not get on here much tomorrow - early errands and things, but I'll check in by evening, I'm sure.


Have a good one everybody!:hug:manyheart

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick stop for me, I want to head upstairs to watch dwts. We decided not to go out to eat tonight and will go thursday. Trying to keep it 1 time a week :lol I bought a pair of sunglasses tongiht and we got the special for making the 3 visits last week, which was a set of 4 soup cups with lids for $2.99 :clap We'll go tomorrow and thurs to make our 3 days this week and I'm NOT buying anything on either of those days....I'm putting my foot down. It helps that the sales on those days are in the men's dept :blush:lol We have tix to the phillies game for wed so the week is going to be hectic so don't worry about me when I'm sparse :hug :hug


I'm going to skip out on individual posts tonight, but I did read everything and thank you so much for your compliments on my tote :hug I have to go find another 2 colors to make 1 for my aunt and I'm going to give them for mother's day :think


Have a great night and I'll catch y'all in the AM :D

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Happy Early Birthday to Patrick!! What a lucky boy- an ipod touch AND a car!!! He must be in 7th heaven!!!!


Made my run to Trader Joe's and stocked up on veggies and fruit (and of course coffee) and a few other things! When I came home I decided to finally tackle re-potting my house plants that have all outgrown their current containers- and I had picked up some cute new planters at Christmas Tree Shops a few weeks ago.


DD should be here shortly and while she works on her paper, I'll be working on my crocheting- a perfect Sunday afternoon!!!



Yeah.... he's getting spoiled! LOL

thank goodness you got coffee.... hehehehehe

Yay! It's been a crazy few days, but I can finally catch up with you all and say Good Morning! :manyheart I was so glad to read that Toni is okay. I hope she's able to check in soon.


Julie ~ I'm so sorry you were in the hospital again. :hug Are the new meds working any better? Can't wait to see your quilt!


Meet-up Ladies :D ~ So glad you all got together again! How fun it must be to see eachother and WIPs in person!


Cindy ~ How is your Mom? I tried to read through all posts, but I may have missed some news. :hug


Tam ~ Your totes are lovely! I love the one on the left that you designed. :clap That is such good news that your family is doing well. :)


Joanne ~ Beautiful tote and babyghan! The babyghan looks so soft and cuddly. :c9


Faile ~ Way to go on making socks. I tried knitting years ago - classes and everything...just too frustrating for me. :lol


Hi Trish!

aww... thanks sweetie!!! :hug

Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.


I need to get ready for church, but I'm...well...not sure what I am...maybe a little in shock...


Hug those loved ones of yours that are close by...call those that aren't...

Oh... honey... I'm sorry! Hugs to you :hug

love ya!

Hello everyone. I just skimmed posts from the past two days, so forgive me if I missed something.


My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.


LeAnna, so sorry to hear about your bil. Sending prayers for you, Hub-E and the family.

Oh... happy to hear your mom is doing some what better! hang in there sweetie! ::::::Continued Prayers::::::

:bday Patrick How awesome, a certificate for a car :yay Remember to tell him :bday tomorrow




Oh LeAnna, I'm so sorry :hug :hug Still sending many prayers your way. If there's anything I can do, please just ask. How is dh's nephew doing?





You too Cindy, if there's anything I can do, just let me know. Sending many prayers out for your mom to make a good recovery from this. At least she still has the basics and hopefully with the therapy, she'll regain a good deal of function on that right side :xfin:hug :hug

you're a doll!

I told him for you! Thank you!!!! :hug



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LeAnna- So sorry to hear about your BIL- but like you said, it was good that he didn't suffer too long. :hug to you and to your Hub-E--it must be hard to be so far from each other at this difficult time. If there's anything you need---- and also prayers for your nephew!:hug


I'll bet your glad that is over!! And that's wonderful that you seem to have sold a lot of things! (more $ for yarn?:devil)It must have been nice to have Luke as your entertainment to help pass the time!!!



I'm sure it is tough to see your Mom like this:hug But it does sound encouraging that at least she can speak, read and swallow- Continued prayers that she will continue to recover with therapy!!!



Thanks, Judy- it was a nice day- DD got her work done and I watched the Yankees win while finishing up Stash Buster Tote #4~ She also brought her laundry which is almost done now. We just finished dinner and as soon as her 2nd load of laundry is done drying, she'll be heading home, and I think I should work a little on the RR! (although, I am SO tempted to start another tote!!!)


Here's a pic of my Stash Buster Tote #4- RR SS in Turqua and Peruvian Print



ooooooooooooh.... thats a cool tote!!!

Hi there house, I slept in to 11 this morning for I was extremely tired. I spent the last few days, cleaning out my closet and putting away the winter clothes to make place for my summer clothes and all the new goodies I brought on my shopping trip this saturday. It was a great meet-up and I was so happy to see my dear House family. I ran into Joanne again later in the day for I also took a trip to AC Moore to buy some yarn for that beautiful Stash Buster Tote. :hook

Today I didn't do any crocheting for I was still in the mist of spring cleaning. :think


Leanna - so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother-in-law, prayers and hugs to you and the family. :hug


Julie - hi there, so sorry to hear that you were sick :hug


Dusti - you do some beautiful crocheting love the baby items and the pretty green color.


Joanne - WOW you finish that tote fast, nice.


Well dinner is calling my name got to run now.


Hugs to everyone :hug

wow... what a nice rest you got! Oh to sleep till 11......hmmm just to sleep at all.. LOL


Beautiful Joanne, I love how the colors fell :manyheart


I also finished mine today..........

Oh.. nice............. very nice!!!!!!!



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these totes of Sue's are addicting... My name is Mary and I am a Sue tote addict :lol:lol:lol This one is...#12 :D:cheer


Well it was a pretty successful week of baby bunnies! Some frustrations, but over all not bad. Lots of new kids in the barn. No I have no idea :think how many :eek ..and probably don't want to know either :rofl


Sorry for the losses many are going through. Hugs for healing from the hurt.


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Good morning!


Mary- Glad to hear that you have gotten lots and lots of new baby bunnies- and love tote #12!!! You are Mary and YOU are a tote addict!!!:lol


Marisa- Very busy week ahead for you!!! Which tote did you start for your Aunt?


I was watching DWTS and watching Yankees during the commercials! Wonder who will get voted off? Nice win by the Yanks in the 9th!


Hugs to all who need them (and don't we all need a hug???):hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Cindy ~ Oh, I hope you have a "me" day today! :hug I can totally empathize with the parents' situation and it is very stressful. That combined with issues at work must be even harder. :hug


Kiyo ~ I'm so glad you're having fun with your friends from Australia! And sorry that your Honey can't come for a few more weeks. :( Come talk to us when you're lonesome. ;) (Not quite the same, is it? :lol)


Mary ~ Tote #12!!! It's beautiful! :clap


Linda ~ I hope you can take a break from the cleaning, etc. and have some crafting time. :manyheart


Toni ~ We're all thinking about you and hope to see you soon. :ghug


I ended up staying with Luke yesterday while DD went to the Dr. Came home to a sick Zoe and will call the vet this a.m. Talk about being behind on everything...that's me! At least the storms are gone for now and we're supposed to have pretty weather for a while. :yes (And I am never having another garage sale! :lol )

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Toni ~ We're all thinking about you and hope to see you soon. :ghugI couldn't agree more!!!!!


I ended up staying with Luke yesterday while DD went to the Dr. Came home to a sick Zoe and will call the vet this a.m. Talk about being behind on everything...that's me! At least the storms are gone for now and we're supposed to have pretty weather for a while. :yes (And I am never having another garage sale! :lol )

Keep repeating after yourself-- I am never having another garage sale, I am never having another garage sale, I am never having another garage sale.....:lol


I hope everything will be ok with Zoe!:hug

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Keep repeating after yourself-- I am never having another garage sale, I am never having another garage sale, I am never having another garage sale.....:lol


I hope everything will be ok with Zoe!:hug


Thank you, Joanne. :) And yes, I need to make a poster as a reminder. :D

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm up a little earlier than usual for a tues. Mary called me this morning and was at the hospital with her mom who had a mini stroke last night not long after we got back from boscovs. Mary had just gotten home and her Aunt called her saying her mom woke up coughing and with slurred speech, so Mary left right back out to go take her to the hospital. By the time they got there she was doing better already, but already has alot of health issues and they pretty much took her right in. She text me 3x last night but I never heard it. They done lots of tests and so far saying everything looks pretty good. Please keep her in your prayers :hug :hug :hug


Mary2 - :yay for bunnies :clap


Joanne - I ended up missing dwts and I didn't get it on the dvr either :( I just didn't order them in importance correctly for this week to make sure I got it, my fault :shrug I started the SB tote for my Aunt last night with black as the main color and a bright rainbow-y one with pinks and blues for the contrast....I like how it's working up already :yes


Mary1 - I hope Zoe is feeling better today :hug How is our little Luke doing?

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Marisa- Definitely keeping Mary's Mom in my prayers and positive thoughts for both her and Mary!!! Hopefully, things continue to look good.


The black with bright rainbow-y colors sounds like it's going to be stunning!!!


Off to finish getting ready for Paradise.

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Have had a WONDERFUL time, we have a big wedding coming up this Sat. so we are all looking forward to getting a little buzz on and enjoying ourselves!

i have a wedding this saturday to go to too!


Busy day at work today, but nothing out of control. I have tomorrow off.

Work has been quite stressful lately. The changes are really affecting everyone, and we've had a lot of resignations, with the result that we are short staffed, and therefore people are even crankier than they would be otherwise.


I think all the issues with my mom and my mil are getting to me. My mil had heart issues three weeks ago, and it has turned into an on-going problem. In fact DH is out with her right now getting some more tests done. Neither my dad nor my fil are in the best of health either, but at least my dad is trying to do things. My fil just sits around and expects us to jump when ever they want something. You'd think he'd want to come along when mil has these tests done, but he prefers to just sit around doing nothing. He's in the best shape of all of our parents. ( I'm just a little cranky!)


I have been sleeping well, but I'm exhausted. I must be getting too old for all this stress. I think tomorrow is going to be a mental health day for me. DD wants to go shopping, and even though I am not much of a shopper, I think I might go just for the distraction.


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug feel better soon!


Wrennie- We don't have any bears where I am (thank goodness)- they are more in the NW part of the state!

Thats good. They love bird seed!


Someone posted in crochet for charity about a sheler in Alabama that needs stuff for pets that are tornado victims. Time to make more kitty things!

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Good morning, my friends. My goal on the sorting of boxes is 1 each evening during the week and 4 each day on the weekends that I have off (zero when I'm on 24hrs with Kim). At that rate I'll get done well in advance of the deadline, which will minimize the hecticness that will happen as the time gets closer and closer to move day. We are thinking that we will build a rather small one bedroom house for me on the property, so that I can have my own place for all my books, crafts, pictures, etc., and John and Kim can have privacy when I'm not needed, which would be good for all of us. We pretty much have that now with me having the downstairs as my space.


You hear about bookworms that eat books, but I'd never seen any until last night. The box I opened had little bitty white worms that were eating the ever living daylights out of one of the textbooks in that box. YUCK!!!!:yuck It more or less grossed me out. Needless to say that book and another one immediately went into the trash.


I need to get to work on John and my hats for the Kentucky Derby party, which is Saturday. Over the weekend John soaked, cooked, and bleached the dear antlers that are going on his hat. And I decided which hat and which decorations I'll be using on mine. Rosie's John is going to drill holes in the skull of the antlers so I can sew them onto a camoflage hat for John. I'll get pictures taken as they get finished up.


Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon so today will be a bit more hectic than usual. I've got one the end of the week, too.


these totes of Sue's are addicting... My name is Mary and I am a Sue tote addict :lol:lol:lol This one is...#12 :D:cheer


Well it was a pretty successful week of baby bunnies! Some frustrations, but over all not bad. Lots of new kids in the barn. No I have no idea :think how many :eek ..and probably don't want to know either :rofl

Beautiful tote, Mary! :clap :clap :clap Congratulations on all the new baby bunnies! Sounds like they are healthy which is very good. :manyheart

I ended up staying with Luke yesterday while DD went to the Dr. Came home to a sick Zoe and will call the vet this a.m. Talk about being behind on everything...that's me! At least the storms are gone for now and we're supposed to have pretty weather for a while. :yes (And I am never having another garage sale! :lol )

Nice that you got time with Luke, but sad that Zoe is sick. :hug Hope it's nothing serious and that the vet can get her feeling well again very quickly. :hug

I'm up a little earlier than usual for a tues. Mary called me this morning and was at the hospital with her mom who had a mini stroke last night not long after we got back from boscovs. Mary had just gotten home and her Aunt called her saying her mom woke up coughing and with slurred speech, so Mary left right back out to go take her to the hospital. By the time they got there she was doing better already, but already has alot of health issues and they pretty much took her right in. She text me 3x last night but I never heard it. They done lots of tests and so far saying everything looks pretty good. Please keep her in your prayers :hug :hug :hug


I started the SB tote for my Aunt last night with black as the main color and a bright rainbow-y one with pinks and blues for the contrast....I like how it's working up already :yes

:hug :hug Prayers for Mary's mom heading her way. :hug :hug


Your new tote sounds lovely.

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Good morning, my friends. My goal on the sorting of boxes is 1 each evening during the week and 4 each day on the weekends that I have off (zero when I'm on 24hrs with Kim). At that rate I'll get done well in advance of the deadline, which will minimize the hecticness that will happen as the time gets closer and closer to move day. We are thinking that we will build a rather small one bedroom house for me on the property, so that I can have my own place for all my books, crafts, pictures, etc., and John and Kim can have privacy when I'm not needed, which would be good for all of us. We pretty much have that now with me having the downstairs as my space.


You hear about bookworms that eat books, but I'd never seen any until last night. The box I opened had little bitty white worms that were eating the ever living daylights out of one of the textbooks in that box. YUCK!!!!:yuck It more or less grossed me out. Needless to say that book and another one immediately went into the trash.


I need to get to work on John and my hats for the Kentucky Derby party, which is Saturday. Over the weekend John soaked, cooked, and bleached the dear antlers that are going on his hat. And I decided which hat and which decorations I'll be using on mine. Rosie's John is going to drill holes in the skull of the antlers so I can sew them onto a camoflage hat for John. I'll get pictures taken as they get finished up.


Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon so today will be a bit more hectic than usual. I've got one the end of the week, too.



Beautiful tote, Mary! :clap :clap :clap Congratulations on all the new baby bunnies! Sounds like they are healthy which is very good. :manyheart


Nice that you got time with Luke, but sad that Zoe is sick. :hug Hope it's nothing serious and that the vet can get her feeling well again very quickly. :hug


:hug :hug Prayers for Mary's mom heading her way. :hug :hug


Your new tote sounds lovely.


Thanks Linda...you make me tired just reading everything you got going on over there :eek And bookworms, double :eek I don't know that I would've been able to continue :think But WTG on all the cleaning and good luck finishing up your quilt. Can't wait to see pics of it, as well as the kentucky derby hats :bounce

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Marisa ~ Oh, please tell Mary she and her mom are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug


Luke is fine, thank you! Of course, I think he is just the smartest little one-year-old. :lol


Linda ~ Is this the real thing? You're coming to Texas? :cheer How appropriate that you found bookworms and you have "Bookworm" in your siggie. :wink:rofl Sorry, couldn't resist...I bet that was quite a shock!


Hi Wrennie!


Zoe has a 10:30 appt. at the vet. Our vet is out of town, so will be seeing one of his partners.

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Luke is fine, thank you! Of course, I think he is just the smartest little one-year-old. :lol


Linda ~ Is this the real thing? You're coming to Texas? :cheer How appropriate that you found bookworms and you have "Bookworm" in your siggie. :wink:rofl Sorry, couldn't resist...I bet that was quite a shock!


Zoe has a 10:30 appt. at the vet. Our vet is out of town, so will be seeing one of his partners.

Hi, Mary! Yup, the real thing. John and Kim's daughter-in-law is stationed at the arny base in Killeen, Texas, which is where their son works. They have two children which John sees several times a year when he is there on business trips, but Kim only gets to see the grandkids about once a year. John really wants to be closer to them so that Kim can see them grow up. Jonathan, their son, just bought a parcel of land about 20 -30 miles away in the foothills and they are building a house on it for themselves, there is a prefab house on the property that John and Kim will have, Shannon's mom will have a house there, and I will have a small house, too. Our own little extended family division. There is lots of wildlife on the acreage for John to hunt as it's wooded.

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I went shopping this morning, but didn't buy anything. I tried on a lot of stuff, but the only thing I liked a lot was a dress that was $158. That seemed a little steep for a dress that was really not much more than a glorified t-shirt. The vast majority of the summer clothes that I saw were geared toward teens and 20 somethings. Very youthful and bare. even dd who often wants me to dress youthfully felt that most of the things we saw were inappropriate.


I am planning to finish my crocheted hat this afternoon, and maybe my stashbuster tote. Both are close to finished, but, as is usual for me, as soon as the finish is in sight, I loose interest and look for something new to start.

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...because Heidi came home today and will be keeping me busy!

8 weeks old today, a GSD...and she's a love! Sparkie has been great with her, too!!



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...because Heidi came home today and will be keeping me busy!

8 weeks old today, a GSD...and she's a love! Sparkie has been great with her, too!!

Oh Judy! She is adorable! :c9 I wondered where you were today...and how did you keep her a secret from us? :lol

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Cindy ~ I totally agree with you about the clothes! I need a few things and can't find anything that's not too "young" or too "old." :yes


Linda ~ That is so exciting! We are only about 150 miles from Killeen!


They are keeping Zoe until they find what is wrong. :( Initial exam didn't find anything, so they're doing bloodwork and putting her on an IV for now.

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