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Our House Part Two


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Hi, peeps!


Well, I started the shawl last night and it's an easy pattern - just couldn't used my E Clover hook - too big. My regular hook is much nicer. No way will it be finished by Saturday, Joanne, but I will bring it so you can pet the thread:lol


Here's apic of the 37 inch square baby ghan. Made from Phyllis' squares!She used pretty colors - I just did te grunt work:lol


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Awwww.....Wrennie, you have a good soul, stopping for the bird...



Gotta run, since the electrician will be here in less than an hour!

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Good morning. rainy and dreary here today. I have a meeting at work this afternoon, but other than that I plan to stay home today.


Wrennie, it was so sweet of you to save the little bird.


And speaking of birds, I noticed some large bird outside the bedroom window when I woke up this morning. I didn't think much of it at first, but ]since the birds were hanging around, I decided to go see what they were. After a few minutes one left, but the other settled into a tree and sat there for at least 15 minutes. It was a really large owl. I don't believe I've ever seen one outside of a bird sanctuary or zoo. It was already daylight and I always thought that owls did their hunting at night.

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Good morning, Friends :hi

The sun is shining :sun, the girls are back at school :school, and I am happy :manyheart No real reason, it just feels like a great day. I DO hope all is well on your end, too!


LeAnna ~ It's good to see you, again. I'll keep Hub-E's brother and nephew in my prayers, and your mom, too. What a schedule you have been keeping -- you sound busy.


Cheeria ~ Good of you to stop in, too. I am happy to hear that you are still enjoying your weaving so much. It has got to be nice to spend a little one-on-one time with your youngest grandson while Jaedon is at pre-school -- different dynamics with only one little guy, I would imagine.


Judy ~ Oh, your shawl pattern looks lovely. I have worked with the bamboo yarn on a couple of occasions and found it draped divinely. I cannot wait to see your progress. :clap Nice work on the baby blanket from Phyllis' squares.


Faile ~ I am glad that your sock is coming right along. What colors will this pair be? For you??


Linda ~ All of your Spring cleaning, wow :faintI am sorry to read that you over-did it at the beginning of the week, but I hope you enjoyed your time with Rosie and then your book, as you built your energy-stores back up, again.


Marisa ~ Lots of shopping in your near future -- how fun. :shop Like a lot of the ladies, here, I am not a great fan of shopping, but, once-in-awhile it is fun to update a few pieces of my wardrobe (last week, I could not resist a silk-y, fuchsia tank-style blouse at Kohl's and a decadent pair of floral wedge heels. I am dreaming of spring weather, can you tell? :lol Good luck as you embark on your next step of getting in touch with realtors in Pittsburgh. :hug What kind of ice cream did you order, today? Did you go for lunch, and then, later, with Mary and her mom? :devil If we had a Baskin Robbins around here, I just might. Ice cream is yummy, and cheap ice cream cannot be passed up.


Wrennie ~ What a sweetheart you were to care for the sparrow and give it a chance to catch its breath and un-ruffle its feathers before returning to the sky :dragonfly (I know that is not a birdie, but I was not a fan of the 'hen' Smilie in this case, either) Hang in there with the new manager, I hope he is a quick learner, once he gets his head out of the books and into the practical application of his knowledge.

Marlene ~ Oh, my. It was a rough day for you in the kitchen :apple Here's hoping that type of luck does not last long. I did not get a new pair of slippers after Easter, but thanks for asking. The good Bunny returned them on Monday with another note about how thoughtful the girls were to lend the slippers to him. He left a box of erasable colored pencils for Kyri's sketching and a few bottles of glitter glue for Annika at the same time (ah-hem, someoneforgot to check one last hiding place on Sat. night and discovered these few gifts :blush) :lol


Kiyo ~ Hope you continue to feel alright :hug What great visits you have to look forward to in the next couple of days. No doilies made, yet, huh? Maybe in time for the next visit Honey makes out west ;) Hope you are both feeling real good by then, and that you can get away, even for a night.


Mary ~ Your garage sale is taking on a life of its own. I do not have much trouble collecting items for the sales, but I dislike sitting and putting prices on everything; it just seems to take so long. Honestly, if I could just put $0.25 on everything, I would, because once I have decided that we are finished using items, I want them out of the house. Usually, mum and I pack up after a sale and bring all of the leftovers to a shelter or Goodwill, and then I feel fine. It is hard work, though. Your sale is this weekend? I'll keep my fingers crossed for good weather.


Toni ~ Sounds like you could use a hug. Sorry to hear about DD's living situation, but I hope she figures out something, shortly. How did your felted tote turn out? Crochet IS good therapy in trying times :hook {HUGS} for you, as your worry about your mum. Only a little longer until your eye surgery, and then you will feel as though you can help shoulder some of your sister's caregiver duties.


Cindy ~ Congrats on winning one of the Stashbuster patterns in the give-away :clap Have you started one, yet? What colors?? Did the sun come out for your couple of days off? Like you, I can, practically, see the grass growing after all of our rain. Once the temps jump into the 50s, it will feel spring-like here, too.


Joanne ~ Wow, it's really warm out your way. I cannot quite imagine A/C, yet, but it sounds lovely. Congratulations on your lifetime WW membership :yay That is an accomplishment.


Hi to Mary2, Tam, Trish, Julie, Tab and Everyone else I may have forgotten.


It's time to start a spring hat with a little brim for Annika. If this one does not look good, I am coming your way, Kiyo (just to warn you :wink ), for help finding a pattern for something wear-able by a spunky little gal, because yours always look adorable.


Catch you all, later :waving

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Hi there everyone. Thank you for all the prayers, good thoughts and well wishes.


Hub-E got into St. Louis okay, his youngest brother picked him up at the airport and they immediately went to Springfield, IL to see the brother and nephew. Poor nephew, his hair is starting to fall out from the chemo. But apparently he's taking it all in stride. When Hub-E called me last night, we didn't talk long because the reception wasn't the best and so I don't know too much about my BIL. Except that I guess he might be going into hospice care. Not sure though.


Me and Serenghetti did nothing yesterday except retreat to the bedroom all day and watch Netflix. I'm still in the bedroom, but do have to get up and get going and keep the house tame. A friend and I are suppose to get together, which sounded good yesterday, today I still feel like retreating to the bedroom, but I'm gonna fight that urge. Mainly because I really have to work on the hats...


Anyway, I'm reading a long...forgive me for not doing personals right now. Big hugs everyone.

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Good morning my friends. I've already sorted through a big HEAVY box today. Didn't know if I was going tobe able to lug it out, but finally got it out. About half of it just went into the trash. Some will be going to DD, some to GoodWill, and a litte I will be keeping.


As for when it rains it pours, my mama is sick and had to go to doctor. Doctor told her it's either in and out of hospital or hospice. She and my sister chose hospice twice a week to monitor her health and needs. I have got to get my eyes done so I can help my sister more. Life, it sure can throw you curves sometimes.


Joanne, kids, even adult one's still need their mom :lol They make choices and sometimes we know they are the wrong one's, but they have to make them on their own. So true.

:hug :hug :hug :hug

I was driving to work yesterday and a little bird flew right in front of my truck. He was so close I didn't have even a second to hit the brakes. I looked in my rear view mirror, hoping he'd gone low or fast and I missed him..... but, there he was tumbling down the road. Well at least I hadn't run him over with a tire. He was on the road fluttering a bit but not getting up. So, I backed up, got out and went to see who my little victim was. Poor guy was all kinds of shocked and stunned. I picked him up so the next car wouldn't squoooosh him. It was a white throated sparrow. I looked him over and nothing looked broken. Then a lady I know who drives a small school bus came along. She stoped to see what waa going on. And the poor little guy put his head down and closed his eyes. We both went uh-oh. Then he opened them up a little. So he got in the car with me and sat on my leg for a drive into town. Yes I turned the stereo off for him ( first thing Marton started to ask) I listen to, uh, well, unsoothing for a little bird, music. I didn't want to leave him on the side of the road to suffer if he was hurt more than I thought, and i have a wildlife rehabilitator I know who lives down the road from the bank that I could call if he didn't recover. I walked into the bank and Stephanie (co-worker) was all a dither cause I had this little bird. I put him in a box, she ran out to get him some grass to be more comfy on. ( She was trying to help, I didn't have the heart to tell her he didn't need it ). I lightly covered the box so he wouldn't fly around the bank if he did get better. I checked on him a couple times and he was still there but not real perky ye. A little bit later and I heard him scratching around. I took the box outside and opened the top, tilted it a little, he saw sky & a tree and flew off. He was OK!! Yaaay!!

Oh, I'm so glad the little bird was just stunned and not seriously hurt.

Well, I started the shawl last night and it's an easy pattern - just couldn't used my E Clover hook - too big. My regular hook is much nicer. No way will it be finished by Saturday, Joanne, but I will bring it so you can pet the thread:lol


Here's apic of the 37 inch square baby ghan. Made from Phyllis' squares!She used pretty colors - I just did te grunt work:lol

Gorgeous! :clap :clap :clap

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And speaking of birds, I noticed some large bird outside the bedroom window when I woke up this morning. I didn't think much of it at first, but ]since the birds were hanging around, I decided to go see what they were. After a few minutes one left, but the other settled into a tree and sat there for at least 15 minutes. It was a really large owl. I don't believe I've ever seen one outside of a bird sanctuary or zoo. It was already daylight and I always thought that owls did their hunting at night.

That's what I thought, too. years ago our neighbor had a big pine tree in his yard and every night I'd hear an owl hooting! Kind of neat.....

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Hi all,

It was a very long day in paradise and I didn't get home until almost 6:30!!! And I didn't stop for my ice-cream on the way home either! I just wanted to get home!!!!


Just finished dinner and stopped in to see what everyone was up to- and enjoyed hearing about your day!!


Beautiful afghan that Judy put together for Phyllis!!!


I'll try and post more in the AM when I am more alert. Right now, I want to get in comfy pjs' and crochet a bit!! (I'll get a pic tomorrow of the tote I finished- since I still have to weave in the ends tonight- and once I do that , it'll be dark out!


Hugs to all!!!

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Beautiful afghan that Judy put together for Phyllis!!!

I sent a pic of the ghan to Phyllis and she says it's not her ghan...it's "our" ghan:hook...till it goes to its new owner.


I gave the NICU nurse the 3 ghans I assembled from the donated pieces...she's always very appreciative.


'nite everyone!:hug:manyheart

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Just dropping by to ask for prayers for my mom. My brother just called and said she had a stroke today. My sister in law is still at the hospital with her, so he didn't really have any details. Apparently she fell at home and my dad couldn't help her up so they called an ambulance. (My mom is a very small person, so her weakness must have been pretty bad.) My brother says she is able to speak though.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was pretty busy today and I came home at lunch to get the sinus meds I forgot when I left out this morning and my head was pounding. It totally helped within a half hour my headache was gone :yay Gotta love allergy season :sigh I am grateful though that I don't get much else with it. I'm watching the sixers game and they're keeping it close, but making too many mistakes. It's half time now so :xfin


Wrennie - You had an active day with the bird and the dog :hug


Judy - The blanket is beautiful :manyheart


Cindy - :hug definitely sending out prayers for your mom :hug :hug :hug


Linda - Did you finish your sorting?


Joanne - Don't worry, Mary had enough ice cream for you :rofl But her mom really enjoyed the outting :yes


:hi to everyone else in the house

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:hug:hug Cindy :hug:hug I will definitely say a prayer for your mom, tonight. How scary for all of you. I hope you will be able to talk with your sis-in-law, soon, and hear a little bit about what the doctors are thinking right now. How far away do your parents live from you? It is encouraging to hear that your mom is talking, and I will pray for a brighter tomorrow.
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Thanks Dusti and Marisa. I just talked to my Dad, and he says my mom is moving all her limbs and talking, although her speech is a bit slurred. My sister in law says that she looks quite a bit better than she did earlier today.


My parents are about 250 miles from here, but my brother lives only a few miles from them. If things stay the same, I will go there to check things out this weekend, but if she gets worse, I will call off work on Friday and go sooner.


Good night everyone.

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Well, please keep us posted. That's about as far as we live from my folks', and, like you said, it is do-able, and I am glad to hear that you could get off of work on Friday to hurry to your parents', if the need arises. I am hoping that with a night's rest, your mom will be more clear to understand, and that the doctors will have some ideas for what befell her. My MIL had similar symptoms the day after Christmas, and after the usual MRI and CT scans, it was determined that she had suffered a seizure -- no stroke, and her speech came back within 24 hours, though she still had a bit of numbness on one side of her face and in one arm for a bit longer. Hang in there ♥

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Prayers for your Mom's speedy recovery!


Mary, Good luck with your garage sale!


Linda, Be careful of over doing again. Hope your not in the path of those tornados.


Kiyo, Glad your feeling better. Your friends are certainly special people taking care of Jack and giving him all there love. A lot of people wouldn't of done it. Your time will fly by quickly and everyone will be here before you know it.


Toni, Good luck with DD moving back home. Hopefully it won't before long.


Cheeria, Glad life has quieted down for you and that you are able to do both your weaving and crocheting. One baby is easier to take care of than two.


Joanne, I have only taken care of Maya full time. Some stuff has happened and Iam needed here so here Iam. I will be home next week. DIL's Dad is coming to stay so I can be home for a week. He came while I was in Texas. I use to watch Payton often when he was an infant and toddler. Prayers are still needed and appreciated.

Congratgulations on your lifetime membership at ww.


Wrennie, Glad the sparrow made it.


Judy, Pretty baby ghan!


Marisa, Pretty tote!


Leanna, Your body is telling you that it needs a break.


Dusti, How thoughtful of the Easter bunny to return the slippers and give the girls thank you gifts. What wonderful memories you are giving the girls. Your such a great Mom!


Judy and Joanne, Send some of those warm temps over to me please. This weather here isn't much fun. Rain, rain, rain. A high in the 40's tomorrow. Iam ready for some 70's.


Going to head for bed and watch the news. Catch you all tomorrow!


Julie, Hope all is well with you.

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Good morning!


Cindy- I will be praying for your Mom and I was glad to read that she seems to be improving! Hugs to you and your family! :hug:hug


Marisa- That is a beautiful color that you used on the tote- your SIL is going to LOVE it! (and yes, you ARE that good:lol ) I don't think Sue is coming this Saturday.


Marlene- That's great that you'll get to come home for a week!


LeAnna- Continued prayers for Hub-E's brother and nephew! Hang in there!


Wrennie- How sweet of you to tend to that bird:hug


:eek It's after 6 and I've got to get ready!!! Will post again after work.


Praying for all those affected by these devastating tornadoes- Toni-I was reading about Ala and how many are without power and lives have been lost. Hope you are oK- Also saw that they hit parts of GA- Linda- hope your area was spared.


See you later!:hug

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Wrennie, it was so sweet of you to save the little bird.

I love my birdies. I used to own a wild bird feeding shop.

And speaking of birds, I noticed some large bird outside the bedroom window when I woke up this morning. I didn't think much of it at first, but ]since the birds were hanging around, I decided to go see what they were. After a few minutes one left, but the other settled into a tree and sat there for at least 15 minutes. It was a really large owl. I don't believe I've ever seen one outside of a bird sanctuary or zoo. It was already daylight and I always thought that owls did their hunting at night.

They are around at daylight too. But its not very common to see them.



Oh, I'm so glad the little bird was just stunned and not seriously hurt

me too!


Thanks Dusti and Marisa. I just talked to my Dad, and he says my mom is moving all her limbs and talking, although her speech is a bit slurred. My sister in law says that she looks quite a bit better than she did earlier today.


My parents are about 250 miles from here, but my brother lives only a few miles from them. If things stay the same, I will go there to check things out this weekend, but if she gets worse, I will call off work on Friday and go sooner.


Good night everyone.

I hope mom makes a full and speedy recovery!:hug


Well ladies :hi


I finished my tote while watching my sixers lose :( Anyways, of course it's not lined yet (I'm not THAT good :lol ) It's going to be for my SIL :D


Nite nite :c9

Very nice! I love mine from turtlelover!


MARLENE is having a BIRTHDAY! Have a wonderful day!





I came home last night and there was a little bright yellow poof on the road. At first I thought it was a dandelion someone had ripped up. I go and look and a warbler had been run over :ohdear:cry

Then later I was outside watching my feeders, and I saw......









HUMMINGBIRD!!!!!!!!! :cheer:D

So I ran in and made food and put out his feeder! I love my hummers!


Then a little bit later me & Marton were talking, his back was to the feeder, I gasped, his eyes got big and he spun around (I think he thought there was a bear behind him :lol ) There was a rose breasted grosbeak! Another of my summer birds! Yay spring is here!


We're under severe thunderstorm warnings till mid morning. Maybe the power will go out and we can go home.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) I hope everyone made it through the storms okay and we'll be waiting to hear from you. :ghug


Cindy - Hugs and prayers to your family. I hope your Mom is better today. :hug


Marisa - Your tote bag is gorgeous! :clap Beautiful work and color!


Judy - You and Phyllis are great partners...the baby ghan is just adorable. :c9


Wrennie - Aww, I loved reading the bird story with the happy ending. :manyheart Years ago, we kept an injured Blue Jay baby until he was able to go out on his own and cried as he flew off. I could write a book on the creatures we've rescued and raised. :lol


Dusti - Yes, the garage sale pricing is the worst part! We're setting it up today and will have the sale tomorrow and Sat. Our weather is supposed to be nice, so that helps. Looking forward to seeing Annika's hat. :yes


Linda - Oh, it sounds like lots of cleaning out going on. Didn't you mention possibly downsizing? (or did I imagine that! :think) Are you still working on your quilt?


Hello to all my House friends!


Gracie got me up at 4:45, but I'm up so had better get busy. Have a great morning, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning housemates :coffee


Thank for all your wonderful compliments on my tote :hug We should get thunderstorms all day here and am just waiting for it to start. It's so dark outside it almost looks like morning forgot to come :think:lol


:bday Marlene :cheer:party

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Good morning everyone. No new news on my mom, but no news is good news. I made my Dad promise to call me immediately if there is any change.

(My parents still think they need to protect me from whatever they can, so I needed to be clear about that!)


Marisa, that is a nice bag. Love the color.


Wrennie, I like the birds too. I saw a rose breasted grosbeak yesterday too, but I haven't seen any hummers yet. My niece who lives a little north of here says she's seen them though, so they must be around. I ought to dig out my feeders as well.


Mary, hope the garage sale goes well. I've only had one garage sale in my entire life, and I decided it was too much work for what I got out of it. Now all my discards go to Goodwill, or I give them to DD for her annual garage sale.


Joanne, Kiyo and Marisa, hope work goes well today.


Julie, hope you are doing okay.


Linda, hope the tornados missed you.


:bday Marlene!!! Hope you have a great day!

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