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Our House Part Two


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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, last night I got a bit of mapping done, then I started a tote during dwts, and then I got to read a chapter of my book before bed :D I feel like I got alot accomplished. The only thing still yelling my name is the sleeves for my knit sweater :eek So maybe I can get that started tonight :think Today is my sisters bf birthday and my bro and sil's anniversary :cheer


Joanne - have a great day in paradise, hump days always seem the worst for me (monday's don't seem to be a problem for me :lol )


Julie - Thinking of you and hoping all is well and that the house is coming along smoothly :hug


Catch y'all later :hug

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Morning all! Rude awakening this morning at 3:30 with the weather radio going off. Yep, storms again. It's blowing and raining and lightening and thunder and...spring in the mountains :lol


Thank you all for your good wishes. Prayers really are answered.


Need to get off of here because of storms, catch up with you all later. :hug :hug :hug

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Wrennie - I hope hope work goes well for you today and isn't very chaotic :hug When your getting frustrated, just keep reminding yourself that at least you have a job to get frustrated at :yes That's what I do anyway :lol


Oh, don't get me wrong. I am very grateful for the job. It came along at a perfect time. I was closing my store and really upset because I didn't have something else to fall back on then *pop* there it was, right in town.

Our DOM (district operations manager) was in at the end of the day yesterday for a coaching session. She somehow made me feel a bit better because I know that she knows how frustrated we are. She also knows th ARL(area retail leader, who does the hiring process) doesn't have her 'stuff' together I think.


First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer


:clap:clap Thats fantabulous!! :clap:clap


That's what I do too- I was very frustrated today. I feel very overwhelmed and pulled in a million directions, but I am just taking deep breaths and figure this too shall pass- and I am grateful that I do have a job to be frustrated at!

yu, me too! the thankful part that is.


Kiyo, I love to make hats and make them girlie! Here's the last hat I did with a flower to "fancy" it up.




Very cute!


Wrennie, way back when I was doing temp work, I felt that way about nothing being where it should be and feeling out of sorts because you aren't sure how the different areas do things. Hopefully, you'll be back "home" to stay soon.




I was thinking- it's about time for another meet up soon- maybe the last Sat in April or first Sat in May?- Cheeria? Marisa?


I think you ladies should take a :drive to the Catskills. Just sayin'. :P

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'morning, peeps!:hug


Judy- That shawl is so YOU!!!! You'll get it ---eventually:devil

I'm going to show hubby the pic of it today - he's visual:lol

I was thinking- it's about time for another meet up soon- maybe the last Sat in April or first Sat in May?- Cheeria? Marisa?

the 30th works, as I see you mentioned.


Hi! Not much-just really busy! Going camping with my ds, dil and gd this weekend. The campground is by the coast and the forecast says rain:( but we'll have fun anyway!

Hope all is well with you!:hug

Indoor plumbing??:lol:lol:lol:lol


Hello everyone.


I did not fall off theface of the earth, but I have experienced a crash and burn. School and life have just gotten the best of me these days.....mostly school. I have 20 weeks left & I am not sure I am going to make it out alive.


I wanted you all to know that I am alive & well......I miss you all & hopefully I can pull myself up and out of this funk soon. Hugs & love. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

Hi, Tabby!!:hug:manyheartYou'll get there...and then you can hopefully carve out some time for yourself. I hope Doah and kids are well....

Hi Ladies, I came on but I'm leaving it is thundering and lightning out. We have had everything but sun today. See you in the morning.


Morning all! Rude awakening this morning at 3:30 with the weather radio going off. Yep, storms again. It's blowing and raining and lightening and thunder and...spring in the mountains :lol

You, too!?:eek


I think I'll stay in NJ...at least the weather is predicatable, and not that violent - most of the time, anyway:lol

Hi to everyone else...Cindy, Linda, Marisa, Wrennie, Dusti, Jules... all of you sweet ladies.


Well, off to get moving here. Have a good one and I'll check in later.

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I think you ladies should take a :drive to the Catskills. Just sayin'. :P

I know of 2 adventurous ladies in the group who just might be up for that!:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Forgot: Here is the 2nd baby blanket made using squares my older friend made and gave to me. I bordered them with white, whipstitched them and made a border. Came to 21 by 24 inches.



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That sure does sound fun, rain or not.....you just have to make the best of it either way :hug

It'll be fun-hopefully it just sprinkles though!


Hello everyone.


I did not fall off theface of the earth, but I have experienced a crash and burn. School and life have just gotten the best of me these days.....mostly school. I have 20 weeks left & I am not sure I am going to make it out alive.


I wanted you all to know that I am alive & well......I miss you all & hopefully I can pull myself up and out of this funk soon. Hugs & love. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart


Take care of yourself:hug:manyheart


Hi Ladies, I came on but I'm leaving it is thundering and lightning out. We have had everything but sun today. See you in the morning.

:hugHopefully you get sun soo!


Good morning!!


Looks like I closed up the house for the evening and am opening it back up again!


Hope you ALL have a good day!!! Off to get ready for another day in Paradise!

Yep-Paradise that's where I am at the moment. But it's my friday:clapHave a great day!:hug


Good morning ladies :hi


Well, last night I got a bit of mapping done, then I started a tote during dwts, and then I got to read a chapter of my book before bed :D I feel like I got alot accomplished. The only thing still yelling my name is the sleeves for my knit sweater :eek So maybe I can get that started tonight :think Today is my sisters bf birthday and my bro and sil's anniversary :cheer


Catch y'all later :hug

Isn't nice to go to sleep knowing that you got stuff done? I started a tote as well, hope to finish it tonight!


Morning all! Rude awakening this morning at 3:30 with the weather radio going off. Yep, storms again. It's blowing and raining and lightening and thunder and...spring in the mountains :lol


Thank you all for your good wishes. Prayers really are answered.


Need to get off of here because of storms, catch up with you all later. :hug :hug :hug

:eekNot a fun way to get woke up! Hopefully the storms pass and you get sun soon!:hug


'morning, peeps!:hug


Indoor plumbing??:lol:lol:lol:lol

They actually do have bathrooms!:lol It's just that it's a long walk in the middle of the night and it never fails that nature calls at about 3 a.m.! :lol



Well, off to get moving here. Have a good one and I'll check in later.


Forgot: Here is the 2nd baby blanket made using squares my older friend made and gave to me. I bordered them with white, whipstitched them and made a border. Came to 21 by 24 inches.

Very pretty!

Well, it's my Friday:cheer Just need to make it through the next 11 hours and I can start my weekend. Hopefully the weather holds out and we're not "roughing" it in the rain:lol

My dd finds out what the baby is today!!!!!!!! We are totally hoping for a girl, but as long as it's healthy we're happy.

Guess I sould actually get some work done. Have a great day everyone!!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning, my friends. I came in late last night to catch up after finishing my book, but droopy eyelids got the best of me.


It's overcast this morning. John gets back from California sometime tonight. Not sure just when. The trip was a big success. Lots of good meetings with potential clients and a successful video shoot with him as the star character in a spoof commercial.


Need to do some cleaning and straightening before he gets in. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. :hug :hug :hug


First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!! :yay :yay :yay

I'm no Betty either! And my DD's and DH can attest to that! :lol Eggplant lasagne is easy! I buy the Ronzoni no cook lasagne noodles Basically this is what I do:

2 lg. eggplants

1 egg, beaten

1 lb. ricotta cheese

3/4 lb. Mozzarella cheese, cubed

1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp. dried basil

3 c. tomato sauce (about 1 1/2 cans)

Peel and slice eggplant in 1/4 inch slices. Place eggplant slices on a lightly greased cookie sheet, brush lightly with oil, cover with foil and bake in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until eggplant slices are soft. Remove from oven and set aside.Combine eggs, cheeses and basil and mix together until blended. Set aside.


Now, layer tomato sauce, eggplant and cheese mixture in baking pan, starting and ending with the tomato sauce. Sprinkle top with additional Parmesan cheese and Mozzarella Bake at 375 degrees for about 40-45 minutes or until piping hot. I usually cover it for the first 30 min and then take the foil off.

:cheer :cheer :cheer:hug

Okay. Dumb question time. Where do the noodles go? :think

Joanne, thank you. I am still hyped from all that has happened this afternoon. Getting my sight back will not only give me back my independence, but free my sister up. She's been doing double duty with my mom and me. I feel like a burden, she doesn't say so, but I feel that way. Once I can drive again, I can help her out more with the mama.


I am itching to start another tote, however, I MUST complete the diaper bag and changing pad before I start anything else. I still have 2 pair of socks to finish, a frog tapester for my mom (want to finish to give her for Easter :eek), and my FG. But, I WANT to start another tote, I'm just sooooo bad *LOL* And I love TESTING totes, helps to feed my addictions :rofl :rofl :rofl

:lol :lol :lol Having your independence back will be GREAT!

Linda - Did you finish your book today? And don't worry about the rr, I know it's waiting patiently :lol

Yup! I finished the book last night. All 757 pages of it in 2 1/2 days. :devil It was just soooooooo hard to put down.

Hi there house, :cheer:cheer How is everyone doing. As for me I'm fine and busy, busy. My beginning navajo weaving class is over and I most say I learned a lot, but my rug is far from completed. :eek It took a few tries just to set up the loom and warp correctly. My crocheting have suffer on this journey into learning another fiubre craft, but it's ok for I'm in love with navajo weaving. My grand darlings are doing well and the baby is now taking two steps, but not walking completely yet. My three year old grand darling is back in nursery school for two days and on those two days I just have the baby which have made my life so much easier. Of course I have been to the mall browsing and shopping and just having a great time just looking at the styles that are out. My NOOK is what put me to sleep at night and I love the ease of reading from my NOOK and haven't miss holding a book yet. :think I haven't read any posts but just wanted to wiz in and say a big HELLO HOUSE. Hugs :hug:hug

Hi, Cheeria! Glad the weaving is going well. Wow! Little one taking steps already. When they don't have to hang on to stay up they can get into soooo much more stuff sooooo much faster. :lol :lol

Hello everyone.


I did not fall off theface of the earth, but I have experienced a crash and burn. School and life have just gotten the best of me these days.....mostly school. I have 20 weeks left & I am not sure I am going to make it out alive.


I wanted you all to know that I am alive & well......I miss you all & hopefully I can pull myself up and out of this funk soon. Hugs & love. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

Hang in there, Tabby. You can do it! The funk is normal after being at it so long and having to cope with a family at the same time as school and studying. The end is in sight! :hug :hug :hug

Forgot: Here is the 2nd baby blanket made using squares my older friend made and gave to me. I bordered them with white, whipstitched them and made a border. Came to 21 by 24 inches.

That is soooo sweet! :clap :clap :clap


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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Good morning all. :)


Tam ~ Yay for DH and the boys all doing well. :manyheart


Kiyo ~ The backpack is wonderful! And I love your new signature picture from Tam.:clap


Toni ~ :yay May 5th will be here before you know it! Congratulations on the good lab results and being able to have the eye surgery. :hug Love your tote and "girlie" hat!


Joanne ~ Your tote colors are great. Beautiful work! :hook


Judy ~ Another gorgeous baby ghan! The border turned out really pretty. :c9


Miss Tabby ~ We miss you and hope things get better soon. :hug School will be over soon! We're here for you whenever you need to talk. :yes


Hi Trish! I hope your Friday goes quickly...and I know you must be so excited to find out about the grandbaby!


Hi to ALL of the House Ladies. :ghug


I'm home today catching up on the usual stuff. I babysat for Luke yesterday and we had great fun playing. :lol He's putting blocks in the right places in the shape sorter toys!


Have a good day, everyone.

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Hello everyone. Gloomy drizzly day here today. I went to the doctor this morning, (just routine), and then grocery shopping. Shopping is put away and now I'm eating lunch. I had considered doing some more clothes shopping too, but I'm not in the mood at all.


Tab, hang in there, hopefully things will get much better soon.


Judy that shawl looks so pretty, and you are right, it drapes beautifully. Your bby blanket is very pretty. I like that very simple look. (I can tell that you didn't make the squares, too tame for you :lol)


Trish, I can imagine how excited you are to find out about the new grandchild. have fun camping in the rain. That actually doesn't sound so bad to me. I like rain, as long as it isn't pouring and camping in it sounds kind of cozy, (as long as you are able to stay warm and dry.) Yes, I'm the idiot that opens the window at when its raining so I can hear it, no matter how cold it is. This we have my poor dh huddled under every spare blanket he can find, just so I can listen to the rain. Thanks to hot flashes, I don't have any problems staying warm!


Joanne, I really liked that tote you posted yesterday, and one in shades of blue sounds really nice as well. Hope your work day is going well, and is less frustrating than yesterday.


Cheeria, good to hear from you. Sounds like those grandbabies are keeping you hopping. I also love my Nook, and now I have a Kindle as well, although so far only dh has used it.


Marlene, we had thunder and lightening off and on last night too. Hopefully we will see the sun tomorrow. I'm starting to think that spring is going to miss us this year.


Toni...oh dear, more storms..... Hope that the storm season won't last too much longer for you.


DD is sleeping so I need to think of something quiet to do with my afternoon. I probably should do laundry, but I am not at all in the mood to be productive. Guess I'll dig around in my sewing room and see if any of my many WIPs are calling to me.

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Hi, ladies...

Mani and pedi all done...I feel like a lady:c9


Mary, I can't believe how fastLuke is growing up! I know you're savoring every moment.


Linda, I used to read Michner's books fast like that...it'll be a long time before I get out of Clan of the Cave Bear, Book 1:lol


I took Sparkie for his walk and he's napping now...so, time for me. I think I'll start a tote:hook

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I had considered doing some more clothes shopping too, but I'm not in the mood at all.

I definitely have to be in the mood for that, too.:yes

Judy that shawl looks so pretty, and you are right, it drapes beautifully.Yup...I like that about it....I'll order it but want to show hubby first.:D Your bby blanket is very pretty. I like that very simple look. (I can tell that you didn't make the squares, too tame for you :lol)

You know me well:rofl:rofl:rofl

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Trish, no sun until Friday. At least it will be nice Saturday to go to Trade Day. :yay It's acres of flea market type stuff from live plants, to fresh fruits and veggies, to livestock, just about anything you'd ever want or need or not need :lol Haven't been there in a while, so looking forward to going with my neighbor and her family.

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So, I'm done with work, done dishes, going to fix lunch and lay down for a while. Maybe get nap in BEFORE the next wave comes through of thunderstorms :lol

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Judy - Yay for pampering yourself this morning. :) It seems everyone but me is making totes. :lol What pattern are you using?


Toni - I hope the storms pass you by this time! We've been lucky so far...baseball size hail fell about a mile from us last night. We got about 5 raindrops.


What was I thinking?;) DD wants to have a garage sale and decided a week from Friday/Saturday was good for them...so I said "of course, I'll help." :lol Oh well, all I have to do is open any closet or cupboard and I'll have plenty to contribute. :lol

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Hi all


Well here I go again, trying to respond to 789 posts all at once-- this oughta be a challenge !




Hope your job settles down soon so it isnt as hectic.


Never tried eggplant parm -- or eggplant in anything. Here in Hillbilly Village we don't have very many exotic items . We're lucky if we can find a withered up bunch of grapes downtown !






Glad the first ladies liked the baby ghan,and the last couple you have posted are really pretty too. Love the all white with the small touches of blue .


Glad you guys are getting some good sitting-out weather !






That's funny about your husband buying the kindle for the both of you ! Have you gotten a turn with it yet ? I've never tried using a Nook,although I have seen them. I think they both have neat qualities, all in what youre searching for I guess.


And I'm with you, I HATE shopping for clothes .






Sounds as if you have the shopping disorder too. This must be an unusual bunch,or else I had my thinking wrong. I thought ALL ladies loved to clothes shop. I have always hated it -even as a teen ..just pick out whatever is in the drawer and wear it .






You are do keep an organized life and manage to stay on a really good schedule with exercising and everything else ! wish I was that disciplined .








Howdy Kiyo


Sounds like you guys are sure getting tons of rain -is that normal for out there ? I always figured it'd be pretty dry most of the year .


Aree must have gotten your baseball talent--sounds like their team is doing well.








I'm glad you had so much fun at your dinner --- maybe you guys should try to schedule one for one day a month,so you can get a little break more often .




And are you sure you werent looking in MY closet when you described your numbers of clothes and shoes ? I'm the same-- have only the bare necessities. Don't really like having lots of stuff I rarely wear,so I only have the basics .


So glad that most of the events in your family are quiet at the moment so you have time to gather yourself -- sure wish your girl would get her act together. It'd take a big load off your back .


Hope your stomach gets better-- it could be the stress causing it .






This may be really late, but good luck to your brother on his job search ! Hope he gets it ( or already got it -- I might be behind a little )




Hi Linda


Sounds as though you have been busy and getting lots accomplished,and also had a fun shopping trip. I'm glad Kim is doing so much better. I bet it helped her so much for you to give her the meds at first signs of trouble-- probably warded off another bad spell .


Is the Auel book another part added onto the cave Bear books or a new one ?


I have never read them, but hear they are extremely popular .








That is gross about all the worms --- they have a book at our library-- want me to check it out for you ?


Fishing Worms for Fun & Profit .


No joke ---- I bet it has NEVER been checked out.


We have lots of really B O R I N G books at our library,since it's such a "farm area" community. We have lots of farmers and 4-H kids,so they have lots of those types of books.


Also, about 1/3 of the town is a real strict religion --kinda one step down from Mennonites ,and we do have some mennonites close too,so our library has a large section of "appropriate " books for them .


Aree's backpack turned out very pretty. Bet she loves the colors .




Hi ya Mary


Wow, be careful down there with all the fires and winds -- they have those a lot in your state at certain times of year,don't they ?


Sounds like you got lots of nice yardwork completed !






You have sure been busy lately ! The new tote is very cute ! Wonderful news about your eyes ! I know how much of a chllenge it has been for you and you will be so glad to get them fixed so you an see better again .








Sounds like you guy's weather is a lot like ours .wE have seen a little of everything the past week,rain,sleet,snow, wind,sun,clouds.. you name it. Today is real cold and windy out .






Great news on the house selling so fast ! Sometimes they sit for a long time ,so glad it will be closed quickly--will help since it's a realtor and a cash purchase. No waiting for loans,etc.


Hope you get to order the shawl in the Herrshners book. Which one was it ?


To all the ladies making totes-- they have all been so pretty ! Great work on them .






Wow, you have been cooking up a storm . I used to bake and cook a lot more, but with just the 2 of us, I dont do much baking like I used to . Some nights we have good meals, others, just this or that. Depends on my mood .




Hi Trish !


Thanks for stopping in -- hope all is well out your way !








Thanks for the jump in -- sorry to hear that things are snowing you under . Have you lost interest in finishing school, or are you just getting burnt out on it and want it to be done ? Hope you decide what to do about it soon. Drop in whenever you want --the doors are always open .






Hi Cheeria


Good to see you,and glad you are getting a little more free time now . Sounds like you are catching onto your new weaving real well. I bet you will do just fine with it !






Hi Marlene


Be careful in those storms -- we'll catch you when you get the chance to come back in .








Glad you are liking your new yarn winder -- never had one of them,so not sure how they work,but they must work out pretty good !


Have you started anything with your new yarn yet ?






Well, I THINK I am caught up. I tried .....




It's been kinda hectic here the past few days ... Cam has been coming here after school so I help him with homework and make him supper ,which is no big deal ,but it's just a change in routine ..




We are still waiting on the guy to come give us a house repair estimate. Wish he'd hurry up,but I guess he had another job ahead of ours,so it may be awhile. We cant buy anything til we know how much we need,so we just wait .




Still been working off and on, onthe quilt .I know I promised a picture ,but just havent remembered to ask Sam the past couple nights ,so will try to get him to do it tonite-- I dont think Cam is coming tonite,at least not to my knowledge ..




Not much else new here -been cold and windy today .doesnt feel like 50 out there .




No plans for the Easter weekend --we dont do much celebrating anymore with everyone scattered all over the place ,we just treat them like any other day .


Sam asked if I wanted to go down to the motel this weekend (where our reunion is ),but I havent decided yet. We have a truckload of Dr bills needing paid,plus I dropped 240 bucks on 3 of my medicine refills this week,so really don't think we should blow the money on something that is not a necessity .




Will check in later when I can .




Hope everyone is well and has a good day .

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HI MY GIRL JULIE!!!! I've missed you!!! Glad to hear from you! As for the worm book.......you can check it out, gross out, read up on them and report to me about your findings lol

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Judy, gorgeous blue and white ghan! You're on a roll!


Judy - Yay for pampering yourself this morning. :) It seems everyone but me is making totes. :lol What pattern are you using?


that's the pattern...mine is being made with dark orchid (RHSS) and Bernat's Fresh Lilac (variegated)

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hi, Jules! good to see you here...I hope the contractor gets over to see you soon! And we're supposed to close on the house on May 9th:)

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Hi Jude

Wow, May 9th is pretty fast for a house closing ! It usually drags out for a couple months when you sell to someone else who has to sell their house, then wait on all the inspectors, loan approvals, etc .

I'm glad it is going so fast for you guys .


The shawl is beautiful ! Are you making it in the pink or do they have it in other colors too ? I like the pink a lot .


Also, I guess I need to make a run over to the tote CAL -- your colors sound pretty !

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Mary, first round of storms and the weather radio woke me up early this morning. Just checked radar and looks like second wave just crossed into AL and goes from NW corner down to Birmingham. We definitely are NOT behind in rainfall this year! :lol


Julie, my brother and sister would like the book on the worms, they both use them for compost and soil enrichment. Brother has worm beds. Me, I like them for fishing. They are a good business around here, farm country and every yard just about has a veggie garden.


Kiyo, worms aren't so bad. I guess you've never been fishing.


Judy, that shawl is beautiful.


Mary1,Mary2, Marissa, Joanne, Wrennie, Trish, Dusti and everyone, have a great evening. I need to go work on finishing a project so I can start a tote!


:hug :hug :hug:heart :heart :heart

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