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Our House Part Two


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Hello everyone. Quick check in here. Came home from work, had dinner, and will soon be leaving again to go to a committee meeting for church. I'd like to skip it, but I skipped the last one, and I think I'd better put in an appearance this time.

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First, thank you all for your nice comments on my latest tote. I too joined the tote CAL. You can't make just one :D

Kiyo, I love to make hats and make them girlie! Here's the last hat I did with a flower to "fancy" it up.



Judy, :cheer:cheer:clap:clap:yay:yay So happy you were able to get the house sold and off your hands! What a relief!


Cindy, so sorry you got more snow, but happy it melted off by noon. :clap We are expecting more thunderstorms tomorrow.



Joanne, I joined the Crochet Tote Addicts CAL too. I can see swap gifts in my future :lol No way I'll ever use up all I seem to be accumulating! Loved the colors you used in yours.:hug


Marisa, you won't be able to do just one tote, buying the pattern is the beginning of the addiction!!!

Wrennie, way back when I was doing temp work, I felt that way about nothing being where it should be and feeling out of sorts because you aren't sure how the different areas do things. Hopefully, you'll be back "home" to stay soon.


Kiyo, please get the tote pattern and join the CAL, you'll be in very good company :devil


Love Aree's backpack! Those colors really "zing" good job. Wish I could help you out on the Inga issues, but I've not made one of those, yet. :lol[


Linda, I have waited soooo long for this book to come out, I had forgotten about it and thought it would never happen. Now, will have to go and purchase it. Did you get your's online? I absolutely love that series and wish I had the whole set!

I've caught up as much as I can. :heart, :hug:hug to all!

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LOL... its gotten so bad for me... I have now sketched out a dozen totes to design. I have one designed and written out.. just need to type it up nice and neat and have it tested. :hook Oh, no- another enabler---no wonder you and Sue are such good friends!:lol Can't wait to see what you've come up with



LOL... I have another Stash Buster ready for my hook too! :hook

they are addicting!!!


Thanks for the compliment! It was a fun tote to make! It sure was!





I need to rumage through my stash to find some colors to make this stashbuster in....I bought it yesterday or sunday :think and am feeling left out of all the fun that I didn't start one yet :(

You're going to love it- it works up so quick!!!


Good Morning~~~ Clear blue sky today.........not so sure how warm it will get though, it was pretty chilly out this mornin'!


Love the stashbuster totes I'm seeing--I just might have to purchase that patter too and join the thread for addicts and......and.....and....... You will become addicted too..........


WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter! Sorry can't help you there- but if memory serves me correctly, Marisa made one for her sister!!


Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!

Absolutely :manyheart It!!!


Joanne-----can you tell me how to make eggplant lasagne, etc??? I am not Betty Crocker, can you tell?! lol
I'm no Betty either! And my DD's and DH can attest to that! :lol Eggplant lasagne is easy! I buy the Ronzoni no cook lasagne noodles Basically this is what I do:

2 lg. eggplants

1 egg, beaten

1 lb. ricotta cheese

3/4 lb. Mozzarella cheese, cubed

1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp. dried basil

3 c. tomato sauce (about 1 1/2 cans)

Peel and slice eggplant in 1/4 inch slices. Place eggplant slices on a lightly greased cookie sheet, brush lightly with oil, cover with foil and bake in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until eggplant slices are soft. Remove from oven and set aside.Combine eggs, cheeses and basil and mix together until blended. Set aside.



Now, layer tomato sauce, eggplant and cheese mixture in baking pan, starting and ending with the tomato sauce. Sprinkle top with additional Parmesan cheese and Mozzarella Bake at 375 degrees for about 40-45 minutes or until piping hot. I usually cover it for the first 30 min and then take the foil off.




First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!:cheer:clap:yay Best news all day!!!!:yay


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

:cheer :cheer :cheer:hug
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Dusti- I can't believe all the snow you have had and I'm glad that I could put the idea in your head about the eggplant parm- great idea to make it while DH is away- and it absolutely does taste even better the next day or so- Mmmmmm---I wish I didn't send the rest of my leftovers home with my DD today cause I could sure go for another plate of it.


Judy- That's great the AC guy came so early! Don't you love when that happens? Another rainy gloomy day here in NJ- I want SPRING!!!

Oh, did you end up ordering the shawl pattern?


Cindy- Did you have work today? Is everyone adjusting to all the changes?


Linda- That book sounds like it must be very good- I've been doing the opposite- spending free time with hook/yarn and haven't had a minute to read. Although I did start the audiobook Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Piccoult in my car today!


Off to get ready for the Yankees/and switch between them and the Knicks- and work on the SBT!!!

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Toni- You must be on:c9 I'm just so happy for your good news!! And you are so right about these totes- you can't make just one. I pulled into the garage tonight and already have ideas for color combos for a few more. I think these may just be what I give my staff for Christmas gifts. A few of them crochet and/or knit- but these totes could be used for anything!!!

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Joanne, thank you. I am still hyped from all that has happened this afternoon. Getting my sight back will not only give me back my independence, but free my sister up. She's been doing double duty with my mom and me. I feel like a burden, she doesn't say so, but I feel that way. Once I can drive again, I can help her out more with the mama.


I am itching to start another tote, however, I MUST complete the diaper bag and changing pad before I start anything else. I still have 2 pair of socks to finish, a frog tapester for my mom (want to finish to give her for Easter :eek), and my FG. But, I WANT to start another tote, I'm just sooooo bad *LOL* And I love TESTING totes, helps to feed my addictions :rofl :rofl :rofl

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First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

I'm so happy for you!!!:clap:c9:clap

Judy- That's great the AC guy came so early! Don't you love when that happens? Another rainy gloomy day here in NJ- I want SPRING!!!

Oh, did you end up ordering the shawl pattern?

Not yet...I have the DVD of the new, modern Sherlock Holmes coming in tomorrow, so I already have something from my "want" list and hubby's on board with it...I don't want to sneak in a new crochet project, so I'll show this to him...NOT that he'll "get" it, or understand the appeal it has for me...2302360000.jpgthe drape is wonderful, as you can see...I just don't like the P&H fee, but what can you do?:D:lol:devil

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Tomorrow is mani - pedi time for me! Haven't had a pedicure in years...need to now: I almost threw out my back last time I did them!:lol:lol:lol:lol


'nite all:hug:manyheart

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Judy- That shawl is so YOU!!!! You'll get it ---eventually:devil


I was thinking- it's about time for another meet up soon- maybe the last Sat in April or first Sat in May?- Cheeria? Marisa?

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Tomorrow is mani - pedi time for me! Haven't had a pedicure in years...need to now: I almost threw out my back last time I did them!:lol:lol:lol:lol


'nite all:hug:manyheart

Oh, you will enjoy it so much!!!!! Can't wait till it's time for another pedi and this time I'm getting a mani too!!!!


Enjoy the game!

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First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer


:hug:hug:hugThat really is awesome news! Very happy for you!

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Good afternoon/evening to everyone!!! Just thought I'd "pop" in and say hi to you all! Read through the posts but have to get back to work, so not enough time to post to each of you:( Got a couple more hours of work and then I can go home and watch the Giants-Rockies game!:cheer Hopefully we will play as well as last night!


Try to pop in later. :hug:manyheart

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Good evening ladies :hi


Home from work and it wasn't bad today :no Not much new here to report


Kiyo - I did made the Inga's bag :yeshttp://www.ravelry.com/projects/marpan79/ingas-haekelbeutel I did my lining with 2 pieces of fabric....solid black for right behind the squares and a fun one on the inside. I measured up the bag and shape. Sewed to the 2 pieces together to that size and shape and then sewed it into the bag. I don't really know how to explain it, but it wasn't the easiest lining I've done :think Gorgeous bag :manyheart


Linda - Did you finish your book today? And don't worry about the rr, I know it's waiting patiently :lol


Judy- Glad to hear the service guy came early and sounds like you got alot done today too :yes Enjoy your mani pedi tomorrow and that wrap is just gorgeous!!!!


Dusti - Snow :eek I think it's supposed to hit 80 here tomorrow....too hot for me :(:lol I love stromboli and cookies :drool


Toni - :yay:clap:cheer:bounce:woo Awesome news sweetie!!!!! Great blood work too.....continued prayers being sent out for you and the eye surgery :hug And yep, I'm already addicted to making totes....I love doing them and every time I think I'm going to make one and not line it......I just can't do it :lol Your hat is beautiful :manyheart


Cindy - I hope the meeting goes quick and smooth for you.


Joanne - As for a meet up :think Last weekend April I have an appt in king of prussia at 7:45, but should be able to leave from there by 9ish, so that would work for me and would still work better than the first weekend in May because that's Mother's Day weekend so I'll be heading up the line :yes Let's see what Judy and Cheeria are thinking......


Trish - Hey there sweetie, what's new in your neck of the woods?

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Hi there house, :cheer:cheer How is everyone doing. As for me I'm fine and busy, busy. My beginning navajo weaving class is over and I most say I learned a lot, but my rug is far from completed. :eek It took a few tries just to set up the loom and warp correctly. My crocheting have suffer on this journey into learning another fiubre craft, but it's ok for I'm in love with navajo weaving. My grand darlings are doing well and the baby is now taking two steps, but not walking completely yet. My three year old grand darling is back in nursery school for two days and on those two days I just have the baby which have made my life so much easier. Of course I have been to the mall browsing and shopping and just having a great time just looking at the styles that are out. My NOOK is what put me to sleep at night and I love the ease of reading from my NOOK and haven't miss holding a book yet. :think I haven't read any posts but just wanted to wiz in and say a big HELLO HOUSE. Hugs :hug:hug

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Good evening ladies :hi


Home from work and it wasn't bad today :no Not much new here to report



Trish - Hey there sweetie, what's new in your neck of the woods?


Hi! Not much-just really busy! Going camping with my ds, dil and gd this weekend. The campground is by the coast and the forecast says rain:( but we'll have fun anyway!

Hope all is well with you!:hug

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Hi! Not much-just really busy! Going camping with my ds, dil and gd this weekend. The campground is by the coast and the forecast says rain:( but we'll have fun anyway!

Hope all is well with you!:hug



That sure does sound fun, rain or not.....you just have to make the best of it either way :hug

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Marisa- Wow- Mother's Day is the first weekend of May- How'd I forget that? :think:eek Somehow, since my Mom died on Mother's Day, I kind of don't like to make a big deal out of it I guess (even though I am a mother) Last night DD and I made plans for her and BF to come over on Mother's Day and we could just chill- She even left me a note that I got when I came home from work saying how she was looking forward to it and not being glued to the computer working on schoolwork! She'll be done the semester on the 6th! :clap


The last weekend in April (April 30 works for me- Judy- how about you? I'll send a PM to Cheeria since she seems so busy these days and probably won't see the post!


See you in the AM!

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Hello everyone.


I did not fall off theface of the earth, but I have experienced a crash and burn. School and life have just gotten the best of me these days.....mostly school. I have 20 weeks left & I am not sure I am going to make it out alive.


I wanted you all to know that I am alive & well......I miss you all & hopefully I can pull myself up and out of this funk soon. Hugs & love. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

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No problem Joanne, I wouldn't have realized it either if I didn't look at my calendar :lol


Tab and Marlene - Great to 'see' and hear from you both. We're here when you get back and Tab, you can do it you can do it :cheer :cheer

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Hello everyone.


I did not fall off theface of the earth, but I have experienced a crash and burn. School and life have just gotten the best of me these days.....mostly school. I have 20 weeks left & I am not sure I am going to make it out alive.


I wanted you all to know that I am alive & well......I miss you all & hopefully I can pull myself up and out of this funk soon. Hugs & love. :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

Hi there Tab!!! Glad to hear you have not fallen off the face of the earth! Hang in there!! You WILL make it out alive and I'm here cheering you on:cheer


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Hi Ladies, I came on but I'm leaving it is thundering and lightning out. We have had everything but sun today. See you in the morning.

See you tomorrow! Sorry that the angels decided to go bowling when you wanted to post!!!

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