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Our House Part Two


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Good morning!!! TGIF!!!!


Toni-:yay So happy to read that all went well with your LAST chemo this go-round and hoping that they will be able to do your eyes on the 5th~~~ Amazing what steroids will do for one's energy level isn't it! Hope you were able to get some rest!!! My 1:1 went fine- thanks for asking.


Shay- I never had to wear glasses until "old age eyes" set in! I was in my 40's and started needing them to read- now I have progressive lenses- and glasses are just part of who I am now! Sending positive thoughts that all goes well at your appt next week


Linda- Praying that all is ok with Kim. I know you will keep us posted as you can!:hug


Wrennie- One more day.....till.......HL!:clap


Judy- Did you watch the game last night? What an ending!!! First pie in the face of the season:cheer And I really think that maybe they should put Colon in Hughes place and try to figure out what is going on with him- this is now 3 lousy starts!


Marisa- Thinking of you and hoping that you are getting some leads on possible locations for your new office!!!


Tammy- Did you enjoy your ME, ME, ME time yesterday? I sure hope so!!!


Julie- Will Cam be coming this weekend? Has he started up with baseball?


Cindy- Have a good day at work!


Dusti- Hope you and the girls all made it out of the house on time this morning!! Have a good day- and I'm hoping the SNOW did not make an appearance.


Kiyo- Is this the last day that you have to do your bosses work? Hope it goes by quickly and that you have a great weekend! Are you working the other job tomorrow?


Missing some of our "old faithfuls" here in the House, and sending hugs to ALL!


Make it a GREAT DAY!!!! :)

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Wow, what a long week :eek Sorry I've been MIA. I think I was here last on tuesday :think Well tues, wed, and thurs nights, I got through a division of Alleghany county each night for my mapping project and now I still have 2 to go :clap Didn't even get on the computer all week :lol I also did no crafting since mondays game. I didn't go to wed game because I had a early mornng thursday and the game was an hour later than usual. I still need to make the squares I promised for the comfortghans and hope to get those accomplished this weekend while watching some playoff games :xfin Also need to clean, run to the grocery store, clean the turtles, and run to the eyeglass place this weekend. Don't know what I did to my glasses, but the one arm is a little bent near the screw that attaches the arm to the frame and it's not quite stable now :( Good think I have 2 pair :D That's pretty much all I've been up to, works been crazy busy, yet yesterday moved along VERY slowly. I did scan through the posts, but didn't bother taking extensive notes because I just didn't have the time


Thank you to ALL of you for the compliments on the baby blanket, whcih still needs to be washed yet.


Tam, Mary2, and Toni - Love all the totes :manyheart


Tam - Great dishcloth :hug I love it!


Mary2 - The hat is really cute :yes


Joanne - travel time can be altered here too even by leaving within a 10 minute difference :(


Kiyo - Glad to hear your step-dad bowel tumor is less serious than anticipate :clap I also found out a good friend of mine from chiro school is pregnant :yay 8 weeks so far and she wanted to keep it on the DL for a little longer but her dh is busting at the seams to tell :lol


Wrennie - Enjoy your HL trip!!! I want to make one of those myself (notice I didn't say need :lol )


Chrizty - :yay for all your progress!!!! Feel free to ask any questions and it is totally addicting. It's also nice to switch up with the crafts as well :yes


Linda - How's Kim doing?


Dusti - Awesome projects and I adore the sweater :manyheart What pattern is that?


Shay - Beautiful quilt ghan. The pattern I used was a Lion Brand Vanna's Choice 9 patch baby throw, but I used different yarn, thinner, so I increased my initial chain to 38 to make 9 inch squares.




I haven't even worked on my sweater in a LONG time that seems like forever so the sleeves are still waiting for some attention :sigh I hope to get to that over the weekend as well :xfin


I should be back later :yes

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Wrennie- One more day.....till.......HL!:clap


Debbie& I were surfing the Hobby Lobby & Christmas Tree Shops web sites yesterday. Steph was working at a different branch but I'm sure she'll look today. CTS is in the same 'mall' so they want to go there too.

We printed coupons. I think Deb has her whole house spring decorated in her head. She even called home yesterday and told her son to get the box of easter decor from the basement.:rabbit



Wrennie - Enjoy your HL trip!!! I want to make one of those myself (notice I didn't say need :lol )

Oh, I don't need to go either! :rofl


Did I mention we're going to red robin for lunch too? Yum-O! I love their cobb salad. Deb wants to hit up IHOP in the morning. If we do, no pancakes for me or I'll be :sleep for the rest of the day.


Dusti I LOVE that jacket!! Where did you find the pattern? What yarn did you use?? QUICK I need to know before my HL trip tomorrow!:lol

Definitely bringing in my pattern notebook to look through today, even if I have to wait for lunch. Gotta start planning.


I hope everyone who isn't feeling well or has to go for treatments feels better very soon.


Kiyo I started another hat for you last night. Its pretty cool, the top is a snowflake then its worked in a spiral down off that!


Marissa sounds like a very busy week!


Shaylen don't over worry yourself. Lots of factors can make your eyes change. I need readers all the time now. Used to be the only one in the car that could read that road sign waaaaaaay down the road. Gettiiing older sux.


Speaking of old did you hear? The oldest man in the world just passed away at 114 years old.:eek

I don't think I'd want to live that long. Unless UI could just sit and crochet for the last 50 or so years of my life!:lol

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Hi guys

Long time, no post .. amd wow, what a pile of posts behind I am. Have come in and ttied keeping up with them,but not doing a real good job of it .



I'm with you, wondering where spring is.. although our weather goes in stops and starts. We have a real nice day, the next day a little less nice, next day ,rain,next day spitting snow ,so it gets very frustrating. Some of our bushes and trees are starting to get buds on them, so I think things will level out soon and get nice .

Your little hat and shrug are both very cute !



Glad you had a little time all to yourself. You need that once in awhile to listen to some quiet . At least I always used to say that when everyone was still at home, I needed time to myself .




Hope Kim isnt any worse today and you can head off this latest bout of illness. Hope it isnt as bad as last time .



You always do such beautiful work -- you are really talented in the crochet department ! Everything you make is so pretty .



How are things going with you , my little buddy ? Sounds like things were hetic at work this week for you ,but you are tough,so I bet you handled it well .



How has your week been ? Probably pretty busy getting back into the routine of your new/old job . Bet you are looking forward to the weekend .

Don't know how you can deal with all the traffic and long drives home ! We arent used to that around here. The worst traffic jam in our area is if you get behind a tractor on the way to the store. He will usually pull over when he finds a spot so everyone can go around him . I dont think I'd do well in a big town .



How are things with you ? You are on your new work scheule, now arent you ? Hope it's going ok ... sometimes nurses dont get the greatest hours ..lots of weekends and holidays .At least thats how it was back in the dinosaur days when I worked .



So glad you had your last chemo and hope now they can give you the go ahead to get your eyes fixed up so you can see better . I know it's been hard to not be able to drive . I'd have a hard time with that too .



Sounds like you hit the jackpot,getting another babyghan that is close to being done ! Won't take you long to finish it up .



Bet you got your list made out for your shopping adventure tomorrow !! Hope you find some good suff .



Wow, your week sounds like it has been really hectic, with a busy weekend coming up too . Hope you get everything accomplished without wearing yourself out. Guess it helps when you are half my age ! I used to have lots more power than I do now .

Your babyghan was SO neat -- liked how the variegated made the different patterns.



Yep, it is a challenge to keep up in here at first, or if you skip out for awhile like I did, it's hard to stay up with the posts.so I'm sure I have missed a lot of you .

Anyhow, we're glad to have you along --- you'll get the hang of things if you come in often .


A big howdy to everyone I missed -- very sorry to those I did ... just getting lazy or sluggish or something lately .


Cam called this morning at 7 ,asking if I'd pick him up at school today ,so not sure how long he gets to stay . Guess I'll find that out later,but at least he will be here tonite for awhile,maybe longer if they dont have any plans. Don't think they have started baseball practice yet. Our weather here is so unpredictable in April, I think it'll be May before any practices .


I'm still chipping away at the embroidery project . Still dont like it as much as crochet,so I only keep it around for times when I get really bored and need a little something to keep my hands occupied . I'll get Sam to take a photo maybe sometime this weekend. He has to go to an Earth Day event tomorrow,so will probably be gone most of the day . Supposed to pour rain,so not sure what kind of turnout they will get .


Not much else new in Hillbilly Village ,just a regular old week .


Hello to all I missed -- hope you all are doing well . :)

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Wow, 114 is quite an accomplishment for a man -- usually the ladies hold out longer than the men for some reason .

I like when they ask them what their secret is for stayng alive so long. The one guy on the news said JUST KEEP BREATHING .

I thought that was so funny .

I also like the ones they have on the news who have been married like a gazillion years . They ask them what their secret was for staying married so long,and they get this puzzled look on their face, like What Are You Talking About ?

I dont guess there is any secret --some people just live longer than others .

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Joanne, I took my night time meds and turned on the mattress pad and snuggled in. Watched some HGTV until I was good and tired and then slept very well. Thank you.


Good Morning House! :hi


Not working this morning. Can't deal with the sitting here and have one order that needs complete concentration to get done. I'll do it tomorrow morning when no one will see me online and try to call or IM me :lol One of the benefits of working from home and only part-time is working when I can. Have very understanding boss.


The southern tornado alley is on the move this morning. Already moved my car and will be taking down hangy things. If it wasn't for the hummers, would not put feeders back up until later, but I get so much joy watching those little birds, that isn't going to happen :lol


Yes, I'm amazed at the energy bursts I get from the steroids. But, weather has changed my plans, can't work outside :( so will wash clothes and clean laundry room and steam mop kitchen floor.


Marissa, you've been very busy and sound like you're going to be for a while. Just don't overdo. Hope you are able to get to the sweater over the weekend for some R&R!


Wrennie, have fun eating, shopping, laughing, shopping, eating, shopping, laughing and shopping some more. Sounds like a perfect day!


To everyone else Have a wonderful blessed day. BBL

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Happy Friday, everyone! Today will be my first full day at home this week and I'm a bit overwhelmed with so much to do. :yes


I've seen so many beautiful pictures! You all are so talented. :clap


Hi Chritzy! Way to go on teaching yourself to crochet. :hook The Irish Chain is a great pattern for the little squares!


Linda ~ I hope Kim is okay. :hug


Toni ~ That's great news about being able to have the eye surgery. :manyheart We have lots of severe weather this time of year, too - stay safe!


I'll try to check in throughout the day - going to tackle laundry and the desk first!

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Good morning, peeps!


Judy- Did you watch the game last night? What an ending!!! First pie in the face of the season:cheer And I really think that maybe they should put Colon in Hughes place and try to figure out what is going on with him- this is now 3 lousy starts!
It was some game!! I was glad Swish drove in the winning run...he always tries so very Hard! I agree about Hughes....but if he doesn't pitch how will he ever right himself?:think

I hope your day goes well:hug


Good morning ladies :coffee


Wow, what a long week :eek Sorry I've been MIA. I think I was here last on tuesday :think Well tues, wed, and thurs nights, I got through a division of Alleghany county each night for my mapping project and now I still have 2 to go :clap Didn't even get on the computer all week :lol I also did no crafting since mondays game. I didn't go to wed game because I had a early mornng thursday and the game was an hour later than usual. I still need to make the squares I promised for the comfortghans and hope to get those accomplished this weekend while watching some playoff games :xfin Also need to clean, run to the grocery store, clean the turtles, and run to the eyeglass place this weekend. Don't know what I did to my glasses, but the one arm is a little bent near the screw that attaches the arm to the frame and it's not quite stable now :( Good think I have 2 pair :D That's pretty much all I've been up to, works been crazy busy, yet yesterday moved along VERY slowly. I did scan through the posts, but didn't bother taking extensive notes because I just didn't have the time

Don't put any pressure on yourself to get in here...we'll be waiting whenever you get a breather...

The pattern I used was a Lion Brand Vanna's Choice 9 patch baby throw, but I used different yarn, thinner, so I increased my initial chain to 38 to make 9 inch squares.



That was the one Joanne used...thanks for the link!

I haven't even worked on my sweater in a LONG time that seems like forever so the sleeves are still waiting for some attention :sigh I hope to get to that over the weekend as well :xfin

Whenever we make something for ourselves it always seems to be last on the list. Take care of YOU when you can!:hug

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Hi Toni and Mary1 - I hope your weather doesn't turn scary!:hug:manyheart


I can't get on the previous page of posts from last night....:(

Ladies hiding on that page...thinking of everyone I missed this morning.

Love and hugs!

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Good morning my friends. No sunshine here this morning, just overcast skies. Kim was wobbly when walking all day yesterday. I gave her two extra breathing treatments in the afternoon and Tylenol to bring down her temp. She had a better night last night. She's resting and watching TV at the moment. Hopefully the antibiotics and prednisone will kick in later today and she'll start feeling a lot better.


I didn't craft at all yesterday. I was tired and so went to bed early last night. I'm hoping to finish hiding the tails on the prayer shawl and work on the 4th Christmas stocking today.


Well, other than working on some rectangles for HAP I haven't done any crafting today...or reading...I did take Sparkie for a walk and ran an errand.

It's so nice and sunny outside I was just enjoying the view out back. Too bad we have to wait about another month before flowers can be put out.

Nice view out back, Judy.

This is going to be quick. DH is working out of town until the Saturday before Easter, and it always takes me a couple of days to get my "sea legs" as a single parent. The girls got to-and-from school on time :yay, I completed the grocery shopping, the ironing, and I have dinner prepped. :whewI think we'll make it. Tomorrow will be the first, big test, as we have to all be out the door and dressed nicely for Mass by 7:15a.m. As far as I can tell, the only thing that is going to throw a wrench into my best-laid plans is the weather -- we are supposed to get 1-3" of snow by mid-day, tomorrow. Can you believe it? "Oh, Spring, where aaaarrrrreee you???" :rabbitI remember those April snow storms very well. Don't miss them a bit. :lol

I am not sure if I will be able to get in here tomorrow morning, so I will show off two of the projects I finished this week. A cap for Kyri to wear in the spring: [ATTACH]38027[/ATTACH]


My ruffled shrug/jacket for Mass tomorrow: [ATTACH]38030[/ATTACH]

Sounds like a busy day today. The hat and shrug are fabulous! :clap :clap

Been long day with my LAST chemo this go round and one step closer to getting my eyes done :woo Dr. appt Tuesday to get release and have him contact eye doctor. I'll follow-up to see if they can do them on the 5th when my appt is. If not, make new appt. Don't want to go until they can do my eyes!


As always, the day was long with the treatment taking around 2 hours, then groceries and then pick up lobster/seafood salad for supper at Quiznos, home, feed furples and then put away groceries and feed myself. But, because of the steroids and my excitement that this round of chemo is over and the eyes being fixed soon, I'm just a tad bit hyper right now.


Going to finish up this post and go sit in my chair and crochet to see if it will bring me "down" a bit. Plan to work a couple of hours in the morning, prepare for the storms tomorrow evening and get out the weed whacker and attack weeds/edging in front yard. Trying to be careful not to ovedo it with the steroid energy boost :rofl

Be careful not to overdo it Toni. Sure hope they can do your eyes on the 5th.

Wow, what a long week :eek Sorry I've been MIA. I think I was here last on tuesday :think Well tues, wed, and thurs nights, I got through a division of Alleghany county each night for my mapping project and now I still have 2 to go :clap Didn't even get on the computer all week :lol I also did no crafting since mondays game. I didn't go to wed game because I had a early mornng thursday and the game was an hour later than usual. I still need to make the squares I promised for the comfortghans and hope to get those accomplished this weekend while watching some playoff games :xfin Also need to clean, run to the grocery store, clean the turtles, and run to the eyeglass place this weekend. Don't know what I did to my glasses, but the one arm is a little bent near the screw that attaches the arm to the frame and it's not quite stable now :( Good think I have 2 pair :D That's pretty much all I've been up to, works been crazy busy, yet yesterday moved along VERY slowly. :yes

Sounds like you've been very busy with all your research locating a site, Marisa. Hope you have a relaxing and productive weekend. :hug :hug

Joanne, I took my night time meds and turned on the mattress pad and snuggled in. Watched some HGTV until I was good and tired and then slept very well. Thank you.


The southern tornado alley is on the move this morning. Already moved my car and will be taking down hangy things. If it wasn't for the hummers, would not put feeders back up until later, but I get so much joy watching those little birds, that isn't going to happen :lol

Glad you slept well last night. I can't wait for the hummies to show up here. Not yet, but John has our feeders filled and ready for them. Hope the storms pass you by. You don't have to send them our way. :D


Hope everyone has a good Friday. I hope to catch you all later. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Hi Ladies,


It's been a busy week here. Yesterday was Payton's first soccer practice.

Spring can't be to far away even though it feels like it is far away today. Pretty windy out and cold.

We are going to take the kids back to are house this weekend. We need to turn things on. We turn the water off and everything is unplugged when we leave.

I haven't had much computer time this week that's why I haven't been around. What a difference 3 kids makes. I'm ready for bed before 10.

I don't have the time to commet to everyone.

I've seen some really nice projects. Beautiful work you've all done.


Linda, I hope everything is okay with Kim!


Judy, I enjoyed seeing your picture. I hope to be replacing are outside table and benches soon.


Chrizty, Welcome to are group! This is the best group of ladies ever!


Tam, Glad the men in your family are all doing better. Good to hear you had some me time.


Toni, Glad you had your last chemo treatment. Hope you can get your eyes taken care of as soon as you would like to.


Wrennie, Have fun on your shopping trip.


Dusti, Welcome back home! You'll do fine being a single parent for a bit.


Kiyo, Glad things weren't any more serious with your SD. Enjoy your weekend after the long week you've had.


Joanne and Cindy, Hope your new schedule/job works out for you.


Julie, Enjoy your day or weekend with Cam!


Marissa, Sounds like a good plan marking territorys out on the map. Lots of work but while worth it. Hope you can get in some crocheting time this weekend.


Shay, Welcome back to the group! Glad your feeling better.


Mary1, How is weather? It isn't very warm here.


Mary2, Do you have a rabbit show this weekend?


Well I left and came back a few times. They have a pellet stove here for heat and I filled it and the barrels, feed the girls, started laundry and made another pot of coffee. The coffee pot here only makes 3 cups at a time. Next week I will get out the old pot. I need to get in the shower and get things packed up.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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Hi, Marlene. Sounds like you've had a really busy, fun-filled week with the grandkids.


Kim is doing better. Her temp is almost down to normal, her eyes are clearer, and her balance is better. Yay!!! Another day should see her more herself.

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Hi Judy ~ I had trouble getting pages to load earlier, too. :think We lucked out again - there were hail storms just north of us and we didn't even get rain!


Linda ~ That's great news about Kim! :clap Our hummers are just starting to come...I've seen 3 this morning. :)


Marlene ~ Hi! You are one busy grandma. :lol How is your arm doing? Are you able to get in any crochet time?


Julie ~ I'm glad Cam is coming over. :yes Are you planning a pizza night? I've been craving it lately, but DH doesn't care for it. Looking forward to pictures!


Okay - back to the desk. :( Boring!

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Be careful down there with all them storms coming through. Have you always lived down there ? It sounds as if you are pretty used to the storms and what to do to prepare for them . Stay safe !


Hi Mary1

Not sure yet what will be on the agenda for supper. Cam called at 7 AM and asked me to pick him up,so not sure if he will be here for supper or just a couple hours. Sometimes Steph takes him to do something fun on Friday nights .Tried emailing her a bit ago at work. I dont like calling and bothering her at work,so I email and it goes to her phone . Guess I'll get the scoop when I hear back from her ,then ask Cam what he wants if he is here to eat tonite.



Howdy --- I am one of the ones on the invisible page .It works ok for me,maybe it was just acting on the blink this morning .

I ordered another lap quilt kit frpm Herrschners. Gotta keep something to do . I have the most nervous hands --cannot just SIT with nothing to do .



Good news with Kim.Sounds like maybe you got the meds to her quick enough that she might avoid getting too sick this time. sure hope so !



good to hear from you. It sounds like you have had quite a busy time this week ! I bet you will be glad to get home and settled again .


Well, I have things to get done and put away.Went to run some errands this morning,so have things laying all over that need put away and done .

Will check in later .

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:mdust~*~*~*~*~Good Late Morning House~*~*~*~*~:mdust



How is everyone this fine cool rainy day? Its 43* out but loving the Spring time feel of it!

Yesterday was wonderful! The house was so quiet!! Last night went to the two younger ones Music Concert... they did great! Michael playes the trumpet... David plays my old clarinet. Patrick plays the sax.. but his Concert was a few weeks ago.

I worked on the sock that my grandson ripped out.... and got it almost done.. put it down to play with some stitches... and sketch out a few ideas for tote patterns. Oh boy... I have got to go diving in my stash and get those ideas out of my head and made! :hook

Today is another quiet day! :yay..... no one home but me and the pets! Daytona(my turtle) must be feeling the quiet and relief... he's been so silly today! Playing and climbing on the edge of his tank to talk to me. LOL Charlie(our cat) is sleeping so peacefully!!!! Lucky (the guinea) is racing around in his cage like his having a great time! Casey and Autumn (the dogs) are out cold!

I plan on getting some more crocheting done and possibly start on one of these totes in my heard. :hook


You all have a GREAT day!



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Okay, I am back home again, for a short time. We made it to school on time, again :drive Thus far, our "snow" is only a misty and cold rain, so it is not amounting to much of a worry. The 1st graders, who did the Mass this morning, looked so CUTE :bheart Annika wore the layered, ruffled dress I had crocheted for her this summer, we curled her hair out, and she was just like a little pixie. All of the readings went off flawlessly, the chorus sang well, and there were not any tears, which is always a good sign. Their teacher was just so proud of the students' hard work. It was a great way to start the day.


I will be back, later this afternoon, to chat, but I wanted to get back to Wrennie, so she has time to peek at the pattern I used for the shrug. It is from a Leisure Arts booklet copyrighted 2005. "4 Stunning Crochet Shrugs" #4357 Designs by Kay Meadors. Here is a link to a copy of the book on Amazon. The shrug has size adjustments for 30"-42" bust size. I used about 16 ounces (4.5 skeins) of Patons Decor yarn (sold in 3.5oz skeins) in the Secret Garden Variegated colorway. This is the 5th time I have made this pattern, and it comes out perfect every time. I have used Lion Brand's recycled cotton, Red Heart's Christmas yarn with the shimmery thread running through it, and now Patons. I do the guage swatch to figure out which hook to use with each yarn, but the pattern is forgiving and a breeze to whip-up. Give it a try :devil


So sorry to run off, here, but I have a few things I need to take to the Post Office this afternoon, and I still have to find packing materials for them. Catch you all, later :manyheart

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Linda, I hope and pray that Kim isn't any worse:hug:manyheart:hug


Toni, I hope the chemo went ok....:hug:manyheart:hugRest up!


Well, other than working on some rectangles for HAP I haven't done any crafting today...or reading...I did take Sparkie for a walk and ran an errand.

It's so nice and sunny outside I was just enjoying the view out back. Too bad we have to wait about another month before flowers can be put out.

Love that pic! Even without the flowers yet... what a peaceful beautiful site!

Hi, Friends :hi


This is going to be quick. DH is working out of town until the Saturday before Easter, and it always takes me a couple of days to get my "sea legs" as a single parent. The girls got to-and-from school on time :yay, I completed the grocery shopping, the ironing, and I have dinner prepped. :whewI think we'll make it. Tomorrow will be the first, big test, as we have to all be out the door and dressed nicely for Mass by 7:15a.m. As far as I can tell, the only thing that is going to throw a wrench into my best-laid plans is the weather -- we are supposed to get 1-3" of snow by mid-day, tomorrow. Can you believe it? "Oh, Spring, where aaaarrrrreee you???" :rabbit


Tam ~ Ohhh, nooooo. Were you able to figure out where you were on the unraveled sock? Sorry you had to re-do your work. But, it's great to hear that you had the house to yourself for awhile in which to sit, drink your coffee in peace and think.


Linda ~ Prayers being said for Kim. How is she doing this afternoon? Does the high pollen content of the air make it more likely for pneumonia to take hold in her lungs? I sure hope you are able to head-off anything more serious with the antibiotics and prednisone. :hug


Shay ~ VERY PRETTY hexagons your are working on. And, I have to compliment you on your quilt-ghan -- that is stunning :clap. Did you keep it for yourself, or was it a gift?


Kiyo ~ Hi, back at you. I missed your morning greeting. Are you finished being in charge at the office, once this week is over? It sounded as though you had everything under control, but it must have been a lot of extra duties.


Joanne ~ How's Paradise? Any time for crocheting?


Cindy ~ Were you teaching just a one-day class? Or, do you have to go back again, tomorrow? Hope all went well.


Toni ~ Gentle :hug for you this evening. Hope you are feeling alright after your treatment. Is is today that you are super-energetic? Or, will you be pretty wrung out for awhile?


Judy ~ Were you able to sneak a nap into your day, today? It was nice you were still awake and able to listen to DH's thoughts last night, but I would have been a bit groggy in the light of day, too.


I am not sure if I will be able to get in here tomorrow morning, so I will show off two of the projects I finished this week. A cap for Kyri to wear in the spring: [ATTACH]38027[/ATTACH]



My ruffled shrug/jacket for Mass tomorrow: [ATTACH]38030[/ATTACH]




Have a good night, everyone! :hugto Everyone.

Omy........love your hat and shrug!!! How pretty are they!!!



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My pics for today for show & share.......... :hook


This is what I had redone yesterday on my moms socks.

I'm at the toe now and hope to start the second one today if I dont distract myself. (squirrel)



I spent some time practicing the 'crocodile stitch' yesterday. I wanted to figure it out and get comfortable with it... I like the look.



These are a handful of Fridgies I got from a fellow 'viller and fellow Nebraskan. Arent they pretty!?! I love them!





Okay... off to get more :mug and get some more :hook done!




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Kim is doing better. Her temp is almost down to normal, her eyes are clearer, and her balance is better. Yay!!! Another day should see her more herself.

that's such wonderful news!


Howdy --- I am one of the ones on the invisible page .It works ok for me,maybe it was just acting on the blink this morning .

I ordered another lap quilt kit frpm Herrschners. Gotta keep something to do . I have the most nervous hands --cannot just SIT with nothing to do .

what design is the new one??

My pics for today for show & share.......... :hook


This is what I had redone yesterday on my moms socks.

I'm at the toe now and hope to start the second one today if I dont distract myself. (squirrel)



I spent some time practicing the 'crocodile stitch' yesterday. I wanted to figure it out and get comfortable with it... I like the look.



These are a handful of Fridgies I got from a fellow 'viller and fellow Nebraskan. Arent they pretty!?! I love them!





Okay... off to get more :mug and get some more :hook done!



Love the look of the sock yarn...and the crocodile stitch looks like fun! Someone here told me about that stitch a while back...maybe it was you? I've never tried it.



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My pics for today for show & share.......... :hook


This is what I had redone yesterday on my moms socks.

I'm at the toe now and hope to start the second one today if I dont distract myself. (squirrel)



I spent some time practicing the 'crocodile stitch' yesterday. I wanted to figure it out and get comfortable with it... I like the look.



These are a handful of Fridgies I got from a fellow 'viller and fellow Nebraskan. Arent they pretty!?! I love them!



Okay... off to get more :mug and get some more :hook done!



Beautiful, Tammy. I've never tried that particular stitch. And hooray for some time alone.


Hi, there, Dusti. Sounds like a wonderful service.


Kim is definitely on the mend. Her eyes have some sparkle in them this afternoon and she's even showing some signs of spunk. She's still pretty wobbly, though, which is a safety concern. I'm making sure I've got a good tight hold on her and we're walking slowly. So far so good.


John will be home this weekend and has to do some work on the computer, so probably won't be back on until Monday. Hope you all have a really, really nice weekend. And hope that the weather cooperates with all your plans. My plans include more cleaning, crocheting, and reading. I also need to get a couple of packages mailed out before too long. My niece sent me a nice birth announcement. Her ninth arrived on March 21 and it was a quick and easy delivery.

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Afternoon. Been storming off an on all day, but nothing severe. I got clothes washed and that's about it. I got cold and couldn't get warm so the 2 girl furples and I crawled into bed and snuggled down with the storms outside. Lots and lots of rain and big thunder rolling around the mountains. So much for my energy burst day, didn't have one this time. :(


Linda, glad to hear Kim is doing better. Continued prayers.


Julie, I lived most of my life in FL with hurricanes. All the supplies I had for them, I brought with me to AL thinking they would come in handy in winter should we get ice storm. I have a generator, camp stove (although don't need it here because I have gas) lantirns, you name it. Anything you'd need during storms.


Tam, love your photos! What pretty, cheerful fridgies!!!


:hug everyone

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Here's my Friday Photo. These are the last two pair of socks I made. Have another pair started, well one sock waiting for it's mate :lol



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Well, I am glad I left home early and anticipated the snow. We have, at least, 2" of white stuff :snow covering the yard, now. Two-thirds of our household are happy, and one-third is shaking her head...guess which category I am in? :P We are home, safe 'n' sound, and, if the mood does not strike us, there is nothing that we have to go out and do this weekend. We can hunker-down, stay warm and play all weekend. I have lots of yarn :hook


Tam ~ pretty Fridgie gifts. Thank you for sharing some spring-y color. Your sock is looking great. The only patterns I have made, have been of the toe-up variety, but the heel on yours looks soooo much smoother and fitted than mine end up being. Good job.


Linda ~ Glad to read that Kim's eyes seemed a bit clearer, today. There is a great chance you were able to nip a return of the pneumonia in the bud, before it took hold in her lungs. I sure hope, so. :hugover the next couple of days. Stay safe in these spring storms.


Toni ~ You stay safe in those winds, too :hug I could feel your excitement about your last chemo round for awhile. I DO hope you are able to schedule your eye surgery for the 5th. I'll be praying for you through this next stage :manyheart


Wow, Marisa ~ you sure have a lot going on, right now. Congrats on plotting so much of the acceptable area for your new practice, already. Not sure when you are going to squeeze crocheting into the mix, right now, but, perhaps, you need a little break and can pick up your hook. Good luck :crocheting


Julie ~ Hi :hi I hope Cam can stay with you for awhile this afternoon. What did you decide to fix for his dinner? Are his homework assignments tapering off, already, too? Kyri's teacher has been sending less and less work home in the afternoons, and that just surprises me, because the students still have 5+ weeks of classes, yet. Maybe the teacher has Spring Fever :2spin The kiddos do, too, even if Mother Nature is not cooperating this week. Enjoy your time with Cam, however long you get to keep him.


Mary ~ How is the desk/paper work going? Are you making headway? No fun, but a necessity, I suppose. Are you planning more yard work this weekend? Is a trip to the nursery for new plants in your mind?


Marlene ~ A 3-cup coffee maker?? :faint I had one like that in college, but that just would not cut it for me, anymore :rofl I kinda like my coffee :coffeeGood luck, as you work to open up your house this weekend. How fun you get to spend quality time with the grandkiddos as soon as you return from TX :yes


Hi Judy ~ Hope the 'Ville loads better for you, later in the day. The view of your backyard was very pretty and peaceful. Thank you for sharing that.


My girls are up and thinking that it is time to fix dinner. Little do they know, but I already made a pan of enchiladas, and they are baking in the oven. We can eat in another 15 minutes -- I am surprised it was not their noses that lead them out of bed and into the kitchen :lol


Talk to you all, tomorrow :yarn

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Hi gang


The next lap quilt I ordered has several different quilt designs all on one. I'll find it online and post it here in a bit .



NO, not more snow !!! Sounds like the children's church event went off well. It's always fun watching little kids when they have performances like that .



The crocodile stitch is so cute ! What would you use it to make ?

And the socks are turning out so pretty .



Cute socks, and I'm glad you are used to storms-- if you have lived around them your whole life, they probably arent as scarey .



Hope your weekend goes ok and that Kim continues to improve .



Cam's here ,asking me over and over to play Clue ,so I have to go play --will check in later .

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Hello and welcome to the weekend!!! So happy that it's here!!!:cheer


Tammy- Love the socks and that crocodile stitch looks so cool. :hook I am so very happy that you have had some ME time without all the craziness!!!


Linda- Wonderful news about Kim!!! :clapI was very happy to hear that she is doing better- and i hope that you also have a nice relaxing weekend!!!v


Wrennie- T- minus hours till HL!!! And Red Robin- and CTS (what is CTS by the way?- the first thing that came to mind was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Od course, I would think something medical:lol and then the next thing was the Cadillac CTS!! Enjoy your day tomorrow!!


Cindy- Hope you had a good day and will get to have some time off this weekend!!!


Marisa- You sure have been busy plotting and planning- and it sounds like you are going to have one busy weekend- Take care of YOU and try to get a little hooky (or knitting) time in!!!


Marlene- Sounds like you have been on a whirlwind with the grandkids. And I'm with Dusti- a 3 cup coffee-maker would never work for me! I'm a coffee addict and always make a full pot (12 cups) in the morning- this way, DH and I can each have a cup and I take a big travel mug with me to work!


Judy- Heard on the news that they put Hughes on the DL and added Colon to the starting rotation! Mmmm now why didn't I think of that?:lol;)


Julie- Hope you enjoyed your afternoon with Cam. I understand totally the hands have to have something to do! Which kit did you order?


Dusti- Sorry to hear that you are getting the dreaded S word:snow. The leaflet on shrugs that you posted looks interesting. I've only made one wearable (not counting a hat or scarf) and that was a shrug for my DD's birthday. What do you plan on :crocheting this weekend! And as far as the 1/3rd in your house who doesn't want the snow or isn't happy about the snow- I guess that would be YOU!!!:)


Mary1- I hope that you got through all the work on your desk that you had to and that you'll get some relaxation time in.


Toni- Snuggling in bed in the afternoon sounds ideal to me! stay safe in the storms- How many tornado warnings do you have a year? I'm glad that we have very few tornado's- and have only had a couple of bad hurricanes that I can remember- one of them being when I was home alone with 3 young kids and a live wire fell down on my front stoop--I was petrified that the house was going to catch on fire. Luckily the elec company killed the power very quickly. I'll never forget it, and I still feel my heart racing when I think about it- and when we have severe wind warnings!


My middle DD is coming over early Sunday morning and staying here till Tuesday morning. She has a 30 page paper to work on and some other things for school- Her semester is winding down- about 3 more weeks I think- and she wanted a chance of scenery so she could be more productive and get everything done. So it won't be much of a visit, but it'll be good to have her here!


Off to get something to eat. Someone mentioned pizza- and that is sounding very good to me!!!!

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