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Our House Part Two


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Hi Ladies. :)


Judy ~ Love the pictures!  Did you get your Starbucks fix?


Linda ~ Oh, I hope your ankle improves soon. :hug    Great story about your water skiing!  We had a boat when I was in junior and senior high - two skis and not very graceful was my style. :lol   DH was raised on a lake here in Fort Worth and could slalom like a pro as recently as 4 or 5 years ago!


Marlene ~ How wonderful that you and Jocelyn are close. :manyheart   Line dancing sounds fun!


Please say a little prayer for my DD, Sarah.  She has had procedures over the last 12 years because of abnormal pap smears.  They took three samples for biopsies today.  I had cervical cancer and a hysterectomy when she was 18 months old.  Of course now there are alternatives with laser, etc. but it's still very scary. :(  They told her the results could take 7-10 days.  


Have a good evening, friends. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Hi ladies. Very busy day at work today. I'm exhausted, my back hurts and my plantar fasciitis is letting me know I was on my feet too much today. Marlene, thanks for telling me about the insoles. I'm thinking of ordering the 3/4 length one, but first I want to try one of my old ones, just to be sure an insole will fit in my work shoes.


Mary, I will definitely say a prayer for Sarah. Sure hope they don't find anything bad!


Work again tomorrow, hope it's a little quieter. Ordinarily I really enjoy it when it's busy, but my foot doesn't...and i think limping because of the foot is what caused the back pain. My back is a bit touchy at the best of times, but it's a lot worse than usual today.


Well....back to my WIP collection!

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I didn't get out today.  Feeling exhausted.  The ankle is okay today.  I'm sure the pain is weather related and that with all the bone bruising that I did to it that it's going to be extremely weather wise from now on.  It's snowing today and slippery out. 


Mary, sending prayers out to Sarah.  I hope everything comes back fine.


Judy, I enjoyed watching the video of the pups on Facebook.


Marlene, the line dancing sounds like fun.  You have great relationships with all your grandkids.  That's great.


Cindy, sending prayers your way, too.  Hope the foot feels better soon.


Love to you all.

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Mary. Prayers and positive thoughts for Sarah. And for you.


Cindy Hope tomorrow is an easier day


Didn't go to craft club tonight since it Took me longer than usual to get home. Some roads that are normally 3 lanes are 2 because of the snow. Tomorrow I return to the dentist after work. Fun times. Lol


Have a good night everyone.

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Mary, Sarah is in my thoughts and prayers....as areyou and DH. Seeing your child worry and have to wait for test results is so hard on mom and dad, too.


And yes, I gotmy SB fix yesterday!


Finished row 98/150.

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Mary. Prayers and positive thoughts for Sarah. And for you.

Cindy Hope tomorrow is an easier day

Didn't go to craft club tonight since it Took me longer than usual to get home. Some roads that are normally 3 lanes are 2 because of the snow. Tomorrow I return to the dentist after work. Fun times. Lol

Have a good night everyone.

Good luck at the dentist!
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Thanks to all of you for the prayers and hugs.  :ghug  


Judy ~ You've made a lot of progress on the graph 'ghan! 


Linda ~ Have you had a lot of snow?  Stay safe and warm. :yes   I bet you're right about the weather affecting your ankle.  My sister had a severe wrist sprain years ago and it still bothers her during cold weather.


Cindy ~ Hopefully you have days off coming up, so you can stay off that foot! :hug 


Joanne ~ Oh boy - another trip to the dentist. ;)   I hope it's nothing too painful. :manyheart   I'm sorry you had to miss craft club, but it sounds like you  did the right thing by heading home.  Is there still lots of ice and snow along the roads?


I have a dental appt. today, but it's just a cleaning.  DH is having lunch with the guys - he always looks forward to that. :)


Have a good Tuesday, everyone. ♥♥♥

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Hello Ladies!

  Wowza at the snow reports I've been seeing and JUDY :eek  at your picture!! I would die I think if I woke up to that!! VERY different raised up and living in the south!! :yes But your furbabies look like they were enjoying it for a bit.. and they are very beautiful!!

 JOANN  I'm really glad that you're not snowed in either and actually got up to such a pleasant surprise and enjoyed a special magical moment before the yuck! part of it hit.. and I hope your dentist appointment goes well today.

 MARY :hug  for you and your daughter!! Remembering Sarah and ya'll in my prayers while you are anxiously waiting.. Praying hard for good news!!

 MARLENE thank you for thinking of me with my back! Actually it is finally feeling a little better this morning.. I suffer chronically with it.. This started 4 years ago when I had a shoulder injury, and when the shoulder got better, plantar fasciatis and then my back.. After a couple of years of constant pain and 4 doctors later, was told by neurosurgeon there is nothing wrong with my back or foot, it is ALL fibromyalgia.. Some days I still find that hard to believe because my back wakes me up 2 or 3 times a night many nights and it goes down my leg and foot just like a disc or something... oh well.. I am SO much better than I used to be..but I have days I just want to cry when I think what I was like before and now.. I really need to lose 35 pounds.. That's how much overweight I am and I feel like for sure that I would really tell a difference... It is just so hard to do. I need exercise, but exercise most of time brings on the flare-ups..but again, I am SO much better than I was! I am so glad you found out about those "orange" shoes!! I have never heard of them. And that line dancing surely sounds like fun!! I used to do some of that about 30 years ago in my teens also!! I think it is awesome how you can have a winter home and still be so close to your grands!! :)

Oh CINDY! :hug :hug :hug  to you too!! I sure hope you are feeling much better with your foot and your back!! I have been there and still struggle if I cook a big meal, it puts me down for a bit.. Hopefully you can get some of those shoes also and they will help you too!!

 LINDA I sure hope you are doing much better today! :hugYou take extra pampering time for yourself today...

 I woke up with a mild case of the blah's today, so I really need to just pitch in to what chores I can get done today and then I have a meeting tonight.

  My DD finally got to drive for the first time herself to school yesterday.. She did well, mama was nervous anxiously waiting to see her car drive up yesterday evening... Good Lord it is hard letting them grow up!!

 Well,, I sure hope all of you has a good day!!! :)

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Hi, Michelle and Mary.


Sparkie acts much younger than his 10 years when there's snow on the ground! Each year that goes by with him is a gift...I'm so glad he had some big stuffto enjoy this winter.


Michelle, you could still be having disc issues, esp as you said, you should lose a little weight. DS is a chiro and says keeping your weight at the lower end of your range is better for the back.


Well, we have new supplies in the house and went to get more Eukanuba at the pet store, so we are babback in business as they say.


The dogs have made a path inthe yard that we follow whn cleaning up after them...otherwise my boots aren't tall enough To handle the drifts...lol! Some of the snow has compacted nicely, but some still has a way to go. As Joanne could attest to, going around corners is interesting. The plows have piled the snow up around five feet in some cases!


Well, back to the graph ghan!

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Good evening house!


Had a busy weekend followed by the beginning of another super busy week.  We drove up to Johnstown on Friday evening.  My nephews 8th birthday party was on Saturday, made the 5 hour trek back home on Sunday.  Came home to 7 orders..happy happy.  Just now catching up with emails and posting.


Getting ready to  head out the door will be back in the a.m.  hugs and warmest of wishes to each and every one of you!

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Hi ladies. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a busy but fun day at work today and came home to Mongolian beef and chocolate cheesecake for dinner. Dh cooked, and the kitchen wasn't a shambles!


My foot seems a bit better today, and I now have 6 days off, which will help a lot. I have a meeting tomorrow from 4 to 6. Thursday our oldest grandson will be spending the day with us as part of his birthday gift. We plan to take him to the King Tut exhibit at our local museum. I hear that there is an actual replica of his tomb in the museum.



The rest of my evening will be reading or crafting, and watching it snow. Hope you all have a good evening.

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Prayers for Sarah and you guys. Sure hoping she has good results. 


Joanne, Hope the dentist appt wasn't to bad.


Are weather her has turned cool for today and tomorrow then it will start warming up nicely again. I made a big pot of potato soup and took some of it to happy hour/potluck. 

Heard today that a couple that is are neighbors and from are home state sold there place. Not sure when they will be moving. I hope it isn't until spring so they will have good roads and weather to drive on. It's been years since they have dealt with winter driving. I do hope they will be moving near there daughter they we could stop by and visit often when we go to are appts. Sure will miss them being here. 

Stay warm and stay safe everyone.

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Good evening to everyone.​  We got a couple inches of fairly light fluffy stuff yesterday and last night.  Went to apartment to check on the mail. It made for slippery roads.  GS helped to clear off my car for me which was very nice.  Once the plow comes by again, I can move it back in front of DD's house.


GS had a bad spell afte​r school today.  He's finally calming down a bit I think.


Thinking of all of you ​and praying that all of us get to feeling better soon.


Cindy, wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

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Thanks, Marlene and Linda.


We picked up a few inches of snow overnight with another 3 or 4 inches expected. It's accumulating slowly, so it's not too bad in terms of driving. It sure looks pretty!


Linda, hope DGS is back to himself today, and that all of you feel better.

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Hello to everyone.  :manyheart ​ Hope this finds you all well.  My day has been a quiet one.  Saying prayers for all those of you who are battling bugs and other aches and pains.  I've been doing a lot of resting, pushing fluids, and reading.  No crocheting yesterday or so far today.   :ghug

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Good morning peeps


Yesterday I brought the graph ghan downstairs from my sittijng room and working on it diwnstairs. Made great progress, especially by finally weaving in all the ends! There are just three color swaps over the entire row fr a while, then minimal ones before I do several rows of one color then the USMC initials. The border is a simple one.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning ladies. The sun is shining here but it's cold. (Boy, are my windows dirty!)


Thanks, Joanne.


I think DGS had a great time yesterday. We spent about three hours at the museum in the morning, then went to our house to build a snowman, wander around in the woods, play with Legos without having a sibling interrupt, and finally, out for pizza. The Kibg Tut exhibit was outstanding. The workmanship on the artifacts boggles the mind. I can't even comprehend how they could have made things like that 3000 years ago. Of course the stuff in the museum is copies, but I'm told they are absolutely exact.


Today I'm going out to lunch and shopping with DD. I don't need anything, but who knows what I will find.


Have a great day, ladies!

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Good morning peeps.


I finished a small....to be donated...baby blanket last night. Back to the biggie today again.


I hope all is well with everyone. We do get in these lulls, which is natural.


Hugs to all!

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Small blanket. Cindy's Peek a boo pattern made this nice and airy. I used the pattern for the picot edging from the Caron one Skien Baby Blanket.


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Good morning.


Judy I like your blanket, and I like the color way of that yarn. I don't think I've ever seen it before.


No big plans here today. I'm dragging a bit after being out and about for the past two days. I have housework and crafts to entertain myself. I think Dh will work for at lest part of the day.


Have a great day, ladies.

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