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Our House Part Two


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Hi, Mary.

Yup...you need crochet therapy!


LeeAnn, well, I'm not sure how fast I'll get to the border, but im anticipating getting a lot of crochet time in this weekend.


The skies outside have been gray fr the entire afternoon. Snow is coming, for sure. Can't wait to see Lucy run laps in deep snow. Its been years since she's seen a lot of it!

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Hi to everyone.  I made a run yesterday to the pharmacy and my apartment.  Picked up meds from both places.  Haven't been out today.  DD and GS are already asleep.  GS has swim lessons tomorrow.  It's supposed to get up above freezing by a degree or two Sunday or Monday.  At least January is about over and that's the worst usually for the winter here.  February is usually warmer and snowier.  Have the missed doctor appointment rescheduled.


Not very newsy tonight.  Wishing you all well.  Stay safe in whatever you all have for weather.​

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The snow has arrived. Actually about an hour or so ago. Am planning on a lazy day tomorrow inside. I saw my GS tonight. I don't know who is more excited about the snow. My dd or the boys!!! She loves snow and I know she'll be out in it woth the boys. Hopefully sh takes it easy. She is 8 mos pregnant after all. L

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Hi Ladies,


LeeAnn, At the jam sessions they play old country western music and some gospel music. We have people who come in from other rv parks who either just sing, play guitar, piano, violin, once in awhile we get a banjo player and a harmonica player, and one guy plays the drums. Some are very talented. In the area we are in you can go to a jam session every day or night. Quite a few rv parks around here. 


Michelle, I can't imagine having to herd up the cows off the highway. I hope it didn't take to long of a time and not to many got out. 


Joanne and Judy, I hope you don't lose power so you can be a nice warm house and watch it snow. 


Linda, This is Texas winter month here and we have had some really nice warm days. But we are going to be getting cold later next week. Even tomorrow night down in the 30's. I'll probably bring out the electric blanket. 


Mary, I hope you were able to stay home today and you got some me time in. Cold temps are coming soon. 


Today we went for lunch up at the club house. The guys made roast beef with rutabagas, potatoes, carrots and onion. It was pretty good. For dessert they bought pies at the local grocery store and they were not that good. It surprised me because they sell single pieces of pie and I bought a piece of lemon meringue pie and it was really good. 

Tonight we had a band play. We had a nice turn out. Lots of dancing going on and when the band quit at 9 everyone was disappointed. But they only for 2 hours. They'll be back and play on Valentine's Day. 

DD texted me tonight to tell me they were all over to her girlfriends house. Liz's son and Maya were playing and he put Maya in handcuffs. They don't have a key for them. They had to call the police to come and unlock them. The police locked them so it can't happen again. I asked her if Maya cried and she said no. She said Kolby felt really bad. Maya's daddy wasn't very happy. 

Stay safe and be warm everyone!

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Morning peeps.


Well, me and joanne will get lots of hook time today. The wind is getting worse and the snw is blowning all over. Lucy wouldn't let Sparkie come back inside this morning. She lay down in the snow and physically blocked him. Brat.

I had a nice hot cuppa already, my ereaders are charged,as is my smartphone and I have a stack of real books too. Camp stove and budd heater have been checked...

Let the games begin.....

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This is definitely a stay inside day as judy said. It's really something. I shoveled the stoop by the front door. I like to know I can get out if I have too. My nook is not charged up, but I did get a couple of books from dd for Christmas so will probably start one of those in between hooking and knitting.


Have a good day ladies

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Stay safe, those of you in the snow, especially Judy and Joanne.


The sun is shining brightly here. Dh is working, so far I'm being lazy. I did get a load of laundry started but mostly it's been reading, crocheting and drinking coffee. It's nearly 11 AM, and I haven't gotten dressed yet.


Judy, i always charge all my gadgets before a storm too. What is a budd heater? We no longer have a wood burning fireplace, so we had to buy a generator so we would have heat in the event of a power outage. It's not strong enough to power our well though. I keep bottled water around for drinking and if we have advance warming I fill the bathtubs for flushing and washing. Luckily power outages are rare in our area. I'm not sure why, since many neighborhoods in the general area seem to lose power every time it storms.


Judy, the graphghan is coming along beautifully. And Lucy certainly was aptly named!


Linda, glad you were feeling well enough to be out a bit. Hope improvement continues for all of you.


Marlene, it just goes to show that store bought goodies don't usually beat homemade. Glad you enjoyed the meal though.


Mary, I hope you really did get a day at home. Every once in a while that is a neccesity.


Michelle, your cow story brought back a memory. Several years ago, I was turning right onto our road on my way home from work. It was pretty much dark, and as I began to turn, I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Sure enough, a whole herd of cows wandering about on the road. There aren't any farms within at least five miles of us, so I don't have a clue where they came from. I ended up calling the police about them, because you obviously can't have a herd of black cattle out and about in the countryside. I never found out where they came from.


Gotta stop, iPad battery going....have a great day.

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Cindy I use my nook to post and it eats some letters. Its called a Buddy Heater. Meant for outdoors but in a pinch we can use it on the brick hearth of the fireplace to warm toes if we lose power. As I type this parts of three towns around us have no power.

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Hi House. :)  Thinking of those of you in the path of the storms.  :yes  I talked to Jo earlier.  She is safe and warm at home and praying her power stays on, too.  She has two cell phones (not sure why Lol) and she's keeping them charged.


Marlene ~ Oh, thank goodness the police came to remove the handcuffs!  That may be one of those stories that Maya will pass down to her kids and grandkids. ;)   Your activities always sound great!  It's nice that you have so many choices when you want to do something.


Linda ~ I hope all of you are over the 'crud.'  Will you be going back home soon?


Judy ~ Have the children been out in the snow yet?  Super progress on the graph 'ghan! :cheer


LeeAnn ~ You inspired me to go through my wips and start going through my yarn. :)   I'm going to try and finish tomorrow.  My sewing room has been a bit out of control lately. :lol


Cindy ~ A generator is such a good idea - especially with your winters!  We have natural gas heat, water heater, and stove...but none of that works without power! 


Joanne ~ Stay safe!  I hope you're able to have lots of time with your yarn and hook/needles. :)


Michelle ~ I hope you are okay ~ we miss you!


Hubby is grilling steaks for dinner - yum.  Krogers had bone-in rib eyes for $4.99/lb and we stocked up!

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Mary, the children have been out without me to do a quick visit and then run back in. The drifts.in the yard are crazy. Lucy ran around, leaping, with her nose in the snow now and then till she finally found a.place to really go.the snow is at least up to her chest In many spots. We're lucky that the usual side entrance they use has been so windblown they can go.out without climbning over a snowdrift


tommorrow will be our day to play out in it. :)


Its snowing again...but at least the gale force winds are gone...and we still have.power!


Have a good night myfriends.

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Glad you both have power still. My cousin in New Jersey posted pictures of her neighborhood on Facebook. That is a lot of snow. Meanwhile we had our first sunny day in weeks, with a gorgeous sunset to cap it off.


The plantar fasciitis in my right heel has flared up over the past few days, making walking painful, so I couldn't take advantage of the weather. Dh took Sophie out in the woods for an hour, and I woukd have loved to go. I have to work Monday and Tuesday, so I decided I'd better baby it a bit today and tomorrow.


Still plugging away at my WIPs. I finished a bulky yarn beanie and a cowl today. I also frogged a Tunisian project. It was going to be a hat, but I forget how to work the pattern, and I didn't like it enough to fuss with it and figure it out again. I worked for a half hour or so on at least five different projects besides the two I finished. I really, really want to start something new.......

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Hey Girls!!

   Been wondering about some of you and how you are doing!! Been watching weather news on TV and I just don't see how all you ladies deal with all that white stuff and frigid temps! I guess it's all in what you are used to. Our high today was 41 and windy gusts.. and I have froze all day. DH has kept a mighty fine fire blazing in the wood burning fireplace to help the furnace to not have to run so much but it is just plain old drafty tonight in the house! I don't do well in cold, my back has hurt all evening. But anyway, JUDY and JOANN ya'll please take extra care during all this!


Michelle, I can't imagine chasing cows! Is it like herdng cats? LOL! And the Paris ghan has to wait till I get this Marine ghan done. The list is waiting for me.

  :lol  JUDY The cows showed out again yesterday. I went to go pick up DD from school. It was still rainy some yesterday and just didn't want her driving.. and sure enough got down the road and there one was again!! These are not even our cows! They are my DH's sisters cows.. Thank goodness all of ours are loving being in their own place!! But when it is cold we are careful to be sure to have plenty of good nutrient hay out because they eat it constantly for energy to keep warm.. and they love being able to get in their stalls when it is just plain too cold. CINDY your memory is our nightmare.. Most of our cattle is registered black angus.. You just cannot hardly see a black angus cow on the highway at night... But our own cattle actually have never gotten out on the highway thank goodness!!


 Other than that I have just been in a funk today and have not been productive at all... :( So MARY I can definitely say I had some 'me" time today! only thing is all I felt like doing was browsing on the computer....

Not been sleeping well at all and think that has a lot to do with it.


  LINDA I sure hope you are feeling better, but yes it is good to see that you was well enough to get out.. even if it was for your meds..


  MARLENE the jam sessions sound FUN!! I grew up in all that and play some guitar and a bit of violin (only we call it the fiddle with the kind of music we play LOL) and I sing.. I have no one close around to jam with anymore and I sure miss that ....

:haha  at Maya and her little friend!!! Kids!! they can do the darndest things that you laugh about when it's all over..


JUDY your marine afghan is coming along wonderfully!!

MARY those steaks sure were sounding good!

CINDY hope the plantar fasciatis goes away!! Been there and it hurts!!


Well, guess I better go and get my bath and some things done for church in the morning.. Hope you gals have a great Sunday tomorrow!!  and Happy :crocheting  to all snowed in!!!



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Woke up this morning, the snow has stopped AND our lawn guy had already been here and plowed us out. Boy was I happily surprised.


Going to go get my coffee. And enjoy the scenery out the window. Nothing like looking at pristine snow after a huge storm when all is quiet.

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Judy ~ Oh my...your picture says it all!  Have Lucy and Sparkie ventured out in that?


Joanne and Judy ~ So glad you have power!  We've had the Fox news coverage and the pictures are incredible.


Cindy ~ I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago, so I feel your pain. :hug   I'm not sure why it's so persistent, but I spent hours stretching my foot on the stairs and it helped!


Michelle ~ Take care of yourself. :manyheart

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Happy Sunday.



Hi, Marlene and Michelle.
Michelle, I can't imagine chasing cows! Is it like herdng cats? LOL! And the Paris ghan has to wait till I get this Marine ghan done. The list is waiting for me.

We are prepared fr the nreaster. Very higb winds and maybe a foot of snow. Flooding at the nearb coast. At least we are away from the bay so that won't affect us.

Have a good day

Chasing cows is a lot like trying to herd cows who don't want to be herded.  :lol   It does get a bit hairy when they are out on the road, especially at night.  ​


The snow has arrived. Actually about an hour or so ago. Am planning on a lazy day tomorrow inside. I saw my GS tonight. I don't know who is more excited about the snow. My dd or the boys!!! She loves snow and I know she'll be out in it woth the boys. Hopefully sh takes it easy. She is 8 mos pregnant after all. L

That sounds a lot like me going water skiing at 6 months pregnant.  As long as you are careful you can get away with a lot at all points during a healthy pregnancy.  There were a group of college kids where we were spending a week on vacation and the only one who knew how was the one driving the boat.  I was the only other person there who could water ski.  He got up on the skis so fast the others couldn't see how he did it and with me it was obvious how I did it.  Of course, after seeing an "old" pregnant lady get up on the skis, the other college kids were determined to do it.  They all eventually did it, too.

Hi Ladies,


Today we went for lunch up at the club house. The guys made roast beef with rutabagas, potatoes, carrots and onion. It was pretty good. For dessert they bought pies at the local grocery store and they were not that good. It surprised me because they sell single pieces of pie and I bought a piece of lemon meringue pie and it was really good. 

Tonight we had a band play. We had a nice turn out. Lots of dancing going on and when the band quit at 9 everyone was disappointed. But they only for 2 hours. They'll be back and play on Valentine's Day. 

DD texted me tonight to tell me they were all over to her girlfriends house. Liz's son and Maya were playing and he put Maya in handcuffs. They don't have a key for them. They had to call the police to come and unlock them. The police locked them so it can't happen again. I asked her if Maya cried and she said no. She said Kolby felt really bad. Maya's daddy wasn't very happy. 

Stay safe and be warm everyone!

It sounds like the guys did a pretty good job on the meal.  Too bad the pies weren't up to snuff.


Oh, the things kids get themselves into.  Glad the cops could get them open and then fix them so that particular "oops" can't happen again.



That looks fabulous, Judy.  :clap


Woke up this morning, the snow has stopped AND our lawn guy had already been here and plowed us out. Boy was I happily surprised.

Going to go get my coffee. And enjoy the scenery out the window. Nothing like looking at pristine snow after a huge storm when all is quiet.

Hooray for the yard guy already being so prompt.  Looking at a fresh snowfall is beautiful.  Cleaning up after a big one, not so much fun.  You're right about the quiet after a big one.  There's nothing like it.


Good morning

Have a good day, Judy.  Take care out in all that white stuff.  You, too, Joanne.


I did get out to the apartment and pharmacy yesterday.  It's so cold that I really don't want to have to go out in it to walk Sweet Pea.  My ankle is acting up since last night, but I'm not sure why.  It's the one that I injured so badly right before I moved up here.


Take care everyone.

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Hi, ladies.


Linda,I hope your ankle is ok. Maybe it's just the weather bothering it? Hopefully it'll be ok. You went through a lot when that happened.


We had sunshine today, so once our fantastic neighbor used his snowplow the walkway and driveway ended up in great shape. The main roads have been well plowed, too From what our son told us when he came over this afternon.

I feel the need for a Starbucks run tomorrow :) We didnt have our usual weekend outings because of the blizzard. I wasn't even sure what day it was today!


I posted a short video of the children on Instagram and linked it to my FB page. I went out in the yard with them after lunch and after a whie Sparkie had enough and went to the door to go back inside.

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Hi Ladies,


Joanne and Judy, Glad you guys still have your electric. That's a lot of snow you guys got.


Judy, You have really made progress on your graphghan.


Michelle, Does a heating pad or a heated massage pad help your back. Hope your feeling better today.


Cindy and Mary, The shoe insert the foot doctor had me buy for plantar fascia is called "orange" you can order them online at orange.com. They have truly helped me. It isn't gone 100% but it is nearly. I can work a meal and my feet don't hurt. The doctor said don't go without shoes. I'm hoping I can wear sandals soon. I wear good supporting ones so I'm hoping.


Mary, Your steaks sound yummy. I wish there was a Kroger's down here. We have Heb and Walmart. We bring are meat with us. We have a five day cooler. I froze a quart size jug and things were still frozen when we got here. 


Linda, I hope you'll be back home and feeling better real soon. Hoping your foot is okay.


I did some rearranging here today. I have some cupboards that run above the windows on both sides of the trailer. The ones above the chairs are not that easy to get into some I put things in there I need but not often. Put craft related in the cupboards below the sink. I store my yarn under the couch. I could not live in this place.

I face time with all the grandkids today. Jocelyn was a little chatter box. She talked for 45 minutes. The older she gets the closer we get. I'm glad! 

Tonight we ice cream social. After everyone left 8 of us stayed to do line dancing. Two of us are new to it. I use to do it close to 30 years ago. Were going to do it again wednesday afternoon. 

Hope everyone stays safe and warm!

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Marlene, having a place for my yarn and books is why, though I like the idea of a tiny house, I would have a very hard time destashing. Might have to start working on one project at a time...or just threadwork...and would have to read all my books on kindle...lol!

Looks like the pups enjoyed the snow!

oh, they did! More playtime today. We will be getting a slow mwlt now, and some rain tomorrow...will be messy then, as you know. I hope your foot is even better today!
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