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Our House Part Two


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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was kind of slow today and we ended up staying just a bit late :eek Came home, just had a bowl of cereal and think I might put something in the crock overnight :think I picked up some meat at the market yesterday.


Julie - Hysterical :rofl That is really weird about the doc....They should not be calling you to come for a checkup as a specialist, your doc refers you to them. That's #1 and #2....they should not have called your emergency contact for that, because it's just that....for emergencies! If they didn't have your # and wanted to contact you, they should've sent out a letter to you :yes Very weird indeed :think


Wrennie - You're right, there are always alot of places to donate to :yes


Mary1 - How's that scarf coming along?


Judy - Glad to hear that Sparkie is doing well enough for a short walk :clap:yay The square is beautiful


Tam - Hope you're keeping it together girlie :hug


Joanne - :yay for serving your civic duty and getting so much accomplished too....great multitasking :wink


Linda - I watched chopped last night too and it was amazing watching the judges compete :lol I didn't know they were doing the charity thing so I haven't caught the past 3 :(


Cheeria - I'm glad your conference went well and we sure did miss you :hug Can't wait to see your weaving as you make progress :devil


Kiyo - Good luck with your diet :cheer :cheer It's all about will power (something I have sometimes....and other times, I just don't know what the word means :lol )


Toni - Glad your feeling a bit better :hug


Cindy - Glad the hectic-ness at work didn't effect you and your patients. Hopefully when your dd does move out, she's still close by so you don't lose your quality time :hug

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Just stopping back to say good night. Not that I'm heading to bed already, just shutting down since I just had 2 attacks blocked by my norton. So I'm just turning the computer off for the night.


See you all in the AM :hug

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Good evening, all. I started a 12 point RR today. It's in black, heather gray, soft gray, and soft white. I've had the yarn for quite a while and today was in the mood to tackle it. Almost to the middle of the color scheme.


I've only been called for jury duty once. I actually got to the point of being interviewed, but the defense lawyer nixed me.

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Just a quick check back in. Have an NCIS LA recorded I want to watch and want to work on the diaper bag some. Just finished sewing the head and two legs on a :turtle. Need to make more legs but with my eyes, need better light. They are small.

Furples have been playing the in and out game. Told them they needed to settle now like I'm going to do, not sure they understood :D Now the youngest wants the other two to play. Guess she wasn't listening and growly play ensues!!!!


I'm home and my civic duty is done:yes - at least for another 3 years! YAY! I've been on jury duty once and had to serve. It was interesting about imminent domain and we even got a bus ride out to the property they were trying to take.

Cheeria- Sounds like a super weekend was had by you and that in addition to everything else you are keeping very busy with the new loom. I would not have the patience to spend 3-4 hours to warp it, though- so I'll leave the weaving to you! (And to Linda with her new loom)


I definitely would NOT have the patience to spend that many hours wrapping it or whatever you have to do before you can begin. The articles created on a loom are gorgeous, just not something I will do. I'll stick to sewing and crocheting and leave the looming to others and enjoy their show and tells. :lol


Toni- Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better -but that's a bummer about the 3D's- it was very sunny here today- but definitely on the cooler side- It was windy (nothing like those gravity waves though, thank goodness) while I was walking downtown at lunchtime.


Thanks! I'm feeling better tonight than I was this morning, so whatever is going on, must be going away. My nose isn't quite as swollen. The 3D's will be with us until Saturday.


Good evening ladies :hi


Work was kind of slow today and we ended up staying just a bit late :eek Came home, just had a bowl of cereal and think I might put something in the crock overnight :think I picked up some meat at the market yesterday.


I love the cereal and milk or crackers and cheese with glass of milk meals.


Toni - Glad your feeling a bit better :hug


Thank you. I think all the good thoughts are paying off! :yes:hug


Just stopping back to say good night. Not that I'm heading to bed already, just shutting down since I just had 2 attacks blocked by my norton. So I'm just turning the computer off for the night.


Hate when that happens! Thank goodness for Norton!!!


See you all in the AM :hug


Well, I'm off for the evening. Going to watch my show and work on the diaper bag, it's yellow so can see it better. Y'all have a great night and I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

:heart:hug:angel :angel to watch over you!

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Cindy- Glad to hear that the switch went smoothly for you! I guess this means that you start working some weekends now? Your DD sounds like a girl with a good head on her shoulders and I know what you mean about missing her. I miss my oldest -although we didn't do crafting together- we get along so well. Can't wait to see her again this weekend!


Linda- The colors of your RR sound great together. I didn't get anything done on my RR today- I was thinking of bringing it with me to Jury Duty today, but didn't want to bring another tote- so I figured I'd just bring some cotton and a skein for a scarf which I could fit in my pocketbook. I'm almost done with the scarf- technically it could be done, but I want to it to be nice and long.


Marisa- Sorry to hear your Norton caught two attacks tonight! Crossing fingers, and all that good stuff, I've never had an attack on my Macbook. Did you decide to put something in the crockpot?


I'm heading upstairs now- I think I'm more tired today than when I spend a day in Paradise. I guess it was all the sitting around and waiting! I will say though, thank goodness for crocheting or I probably would have gone out of my mind. As much as I like to read, there was a lot of chatter among people and it was much easier to crochet than read.


See you ALL in the morning.

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Morning glories!


I guess I was tired from all that sitting and waiting yesterday since I promptly fell asleep last evening when I went to bed. Thank goodness I did some walking around at lunchtime or I'd have been really tired. Only so much sitting you can do in those very comfortable chairs (note the sarcasm) that they provide you to sit in at Jury Duty!


Well, folks, off to get ready for Paradise- my last week on this team before heading back to my old department. And for me only 3 days since I head to visit DD on Friday!!


See you on the "flip side"

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Wrennie ~ Looking forward to pictures of your doilyghan! What is a penny social? We probably have something like it and call it something different. :think

Yup, I talked about them in another thread, somewhere :think on here but can't remember the other names people had for them. Its a bunch of stuff, can be anything, books, dishes, furniture, plants, etc. Each item has a cup next to it. You get a set of 100 tickets with all the same number on them. Put a ticket or bunch of tickets in the cup next to the item(s) you want. When everyones done they get mixed up, a number is called. If its your number you win! The one for the fire house and church both have a "special" table where things of more value are. Those tickets are 3 for $1. Last year there were a couple afghans, a $100. gift certificate to a local hardware store etc.


And Sparkie is so energetic I took him on a 5 minute walk yesterday with no ill effects,:yay

Aww, thats good :dog


I guess I was tired from all that sitting and waiting yesterday since I promptly fell asleep last evening when I went to bed. Thank goodness I did some walking around at lunchtime or I'd have been really tired. Only so much sitting you can do in those very comfortable chairs (note the sarcasm) that they provide you to sit in at Jury Duty!


Sitting waiting is sooooo tiresome!


Can't think of much new to report here. My manager was off yesterday. She's back today. When someones missing it sets my 'groove' off. I like who was there, but still.

Supposed to be a bit warmer today. Get lost Mr winter, you are no longer welcome here. March stinks. wheres my spring? I got some seeds stared on my windowsil. Never had luck with peter peppers(very hot variety) or snapdragons before. Well I had great luck this year. Looks like the library is going to get some snapdragons for the plant sale part of the fair!

{{OK maybe a little bit more to say than I thought}}


Cute story Julie. We have some 'characters' around here too. I think every town has 1. :rofl

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joining you with my coffee this morning before heading up for my workout :yes I woke up with a slight headache that seems to be subsiding now :xfin I finished the front left panel of my sweater last night and hope to the start the right tonight since tomorrow is another sixer game and I'll be crocheting there :yes


Linda - Your rr is going to be gorgeous, I love the color choice :manyheart


Toni - Did you get alot done on your diaper bag while watching ncis?


Joanne - I put some more pork chops in the crock, this time with some sauerkraut (homemade by a guy my dad works with) and seasonings right on the meat. I don't usually make pork chops 2 weeks in a row, but the meat just looked amazing at the grocery store so that's what jumped in my cart :lol And yep, sitting and waiting is very tiresome :eek


Cindy - Have a good day at work :hug


Wrennie - I also get throw off a bit when someone different is at work.



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Good morning peeps!:)


Sunny and cold here...the ground is still frozen!:eek


Cindy, I'm so happy to hear that work went okay for you during the change!:clap


Joanne, yup - there's nothing like a boring day to mae you sleepy... I think you have a black belt in shopping:lol


Hi to everyone else...


I finished the third square I wanted to make, so that's done. I won't work on my 9 patch till later today.

This morning I'm going to a place called Restaurant Depot with a neighbor. It's where you can buy restaurant quality food...like the "dolmathes" (rice-stuffed vine leaves) my Greek hubby loves, among other things. The vine leaves were amazing - my own MIL couldn't have improved on them - and that says volumes.:yes


Tam---great to have all well with Hub and Son.........yuck daughter talk.....That is ONE thing I can say for myself- being 1 or 2 children. My brother lives in Denver and fends for himself. Before I got divorced, my goal was to NOT move home to my parents. I only have the 1 daughter and it wouldn't of been a problem but I couldn't do that. I am 34 now and been divorced for 4 yrs. I made SURE I could financially make it on my own so as to not burden my parents. I must say---I'm proud of myself, I've had to borrow money a couple times but I get it paid back just a little slower than I borrowed it lol. I kept my house and I drive a nice car---not many single women, my age have any if not either or neither of those. It's possible to do it, you just have to apply !

Kiyo, I'm VERY proud of you:hug:manyheart


Good evening, all. I started a 12 point RR today. It's in black, heather gray, soft gray, and soft white. I've had the yarn for quite a while and today was in the mood to tackle it. Almost to the middle of the color scheme.

That will be pretty!!! Looking forward to a picture:D

I've only been called for jury duty once. I actually got to the point of being interviewed, but the defense lawyer nixed me.


Linda, I'm wondering why you got excused from jury duty that time...too feisty for the attorney?:lol

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This morning I'm going to a place called Restaurant Depot with a neighbor. It's where you can buy restaurant quality food...like the "dolmathes" (rice-stuffed vine leaves) my Greek hubby loves, among other things. The vine leaves were amazing - my own MIL couldn't have improved on them - and that says volumes.:yes


Linda, I'm wondering why you got excused from jury duty that time...too feisty for the attorney?:lol

Restaurant Depot sounds like a yummy place to shop. I like Greek food, too.


There's abuse in my background and the defendant was accused of beating up a guy behind a bar. I don't think she thought I could really be impartial.


It's another gray, drippy, overcast day here today. Chilly, too. I go back for my recheck with the oral surgeon today. The jaw is still sore, so we'll see. I think it's just because this one didn't want to come out. Also have to pick up some meds at the doctor's office. Hope it's not raining then.


Marisa, I love to cook pork chops smothered in sauerkraut. John didn't think he like them that way, but he does. :lol And home-made sauerkraut is delicious. I once made some in our basement bathroom, back when I was married. It was sweet and out-of-this-world good. It's a really smelly process though.


Judy, hope Sparkie continues to improve.


Catch you all later....:manyheart

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I agree with hubby. It's time she got back out in her own place, managing her own life and kids. Tough love is sure hard! But it sounds like that's what it's going to take to get her back on track. And you need some relief. Good luck on the tests today. :hug :hug :hug :hug


It's still doing it's on again, off again rain thing. The nice thing is that it's washed most of the pollen out of the air and into the ground.


I didn't end up getting a nap in yesterday, but I did rest in bed and read a new book until "Chopped" came on. It was the fourth elimination round setting up the final contests in their all-stars group that are playing for $50,000 for charity. Last night it was Chopped judges competing against each other. WOW!!! They are good! But it was different being on the other side of the judging table. Can't wait to see how it goes next week. They've got some great chefs competing, so it should be ultra exciting. Not sure who I'm going to root for.


Almost time to get Kim moving, so I'll catch you all later. :manyheart

Thanks so much for your support!!!

I've become so exhaused... that I simply dont have the energy to fuss with my daughter anymore. I'm tired of tending to the grandbabies. I love those little people more than I can express... but they arent mine to raise.

I sure hope she gets busy soon looking for a place! I'm not sure she thought hubby was serious.

Gosh... I hope the pollen being knocked down a bit has helped you feel better!!! :hug



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I love the pics and sayongs you find to post!

And I agree with Linda: time for DD to move out:yes




Here's a gold star 12 inch square. I made some changes to the original pattern called Star Overlay, from this site:


The gold star squares are incorporated into comfortghans made through this group


and sent to families of soldiers who were killed or who died while on active duty. The group also makes comfortghans for others when requests are made...even making little berghans for kids (my friend Phyllis makes beautiful ones)

Anywho: this is also how I'm making the other 2 squares to give to Phyllis:

Thanks sweetie!!! :hug

I love your square! You did a great job in it!!!

Hi house, boy did I have a busy, busy week-end, which started on Friday evening for my church conference began then and ended at Saturday at 3 pm. Long but so worth while. On Friday night my girlfriend and I decided to treat ourselves to dinner and just hanging out.

Sunday I ended up sleeping in and just relaxing before my online Navajo Class. I have my loom set up correctly now and have began to weave a few rows. Navajo weaving is fun but hard for wraping the loom have to be right and exact, matter of fact perfect. Yes I'm learning from the mistakes that I'm making along the way, but it goes along with the learning curve. I had to stay up Saturday night until 2 am in the morning just to re-warp the loom which can take anywhere between 3 - 4 hours. Saturday evening I did get to spend a few moments at the mall to spend my birthday money on a pair of 14K gold hoop earrings. So that was fun. All in all I had a nice, doing what I like to do, for ME week-end.


Sorry I miss the meet-up for everyone in the picture look like they were having fun. Maybe next time I will get to meet Marisa's friend Mary.


Bye for now group the little grand darlings are getting into things right now. :lol HUGS

Wow... busy but fun sounding weekend!

yikes... 3-4 hours to wrap? Oh my!

** Hey, Hey, Heyyyyyy GIRLIES!!** Sounds like we all had a pretty good weekend! Nothing too tragic! Wheeeeew!

All is well here today! Very cold outside, but I'm in my flip flops and jeans and a hoodie.hmmmmm think something is wrong with that picture? lol NOPE!! News said supposed to get 1-3 inc. snow down in valleys----WTH??? YUCK! I'm tired of it!


I started my diet today, hopefully to lose 20 -30 lbs before my honey decides where we are going to "CRUISE" to........I'm going to do a full system cleanse......10 days.....ugggggghhhhh I'm kind of scared, if I'm not careful I may see a kidney fall out lol!

Anyhow, hope you all have a great Monday- (shhhhhhhh, I have my white yarn and hook here to keep on keepin on with my middles of the grannies for my bags! ) I got my moms done except for the handles and I'm going to plop it on her desk and say Happy Easter, you have to line your own cuz I have NOOOOO idea. lol

Oh... good luck on the diet hon! :cheer I'll be here to cheer you on! go go go.. you can do it..... :D

Glad that Michael and hubby are both hanging in there. And good for hubby for having a talk with DD.

Thanks dear!

its so nice to have all you to vent this all out with!

I think I'm tired now... can you imagine if I didnt have you guys to talk to... :(



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Afternoon House!


Got more thunder and lightening and rain overnight, so not much sleep. One furple burying herself deeper and deeper under covers and the other grumbling at her to settle down :rofl


Feel somewhat better today, not 100% but better. Worked late and got some of the new system problems straightened out, so feel better and not as stressed about that. Then took a long nap. Now trying to catch-up everything!


It's a 3D day, damp, dark and dreary here. Supposed to be that way all week.




Originally Posted by teakaycee viewpost.gif

ah... daughter is still the same. I'm so darn tired from it all! Hubby did tell her the other day.. as soon as her taxes come in..she needs to move out! She was NOT happy about that! Its been a year... she needs to be on her own!


:cheer:cheer WAY TO GO KEN!!! :cheer:cheer Trust me, I had to use some VERY tough love with one of my dd's and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but saved my sanity and was the right thing to do. No more enabling her!!! :hug:hug:hug and prayers to you all.



Thank you dear! :hug




Well, I think that's it. If I missed anyone, I'm sorry and will try to catch you next go round!


Julie, your stories make me smile. Glad to see you posting so much!


:hug:hug:hug Everyone!

Thanks hon! :hug

I'm really glad that Ken talked to her! I just hope she understands that he's serious! She hasnt even started looking for a place yet. Her taxes should be here Friday. She better start doing something!

Tam---great to have all well with Hub and Son.........yuck daughter talk.....That is ONE thing I can say for myself- being 1 or 2 children. My brother lives in Denver and fends for himself. Before I got divorced, my goal was to NOT move home to my parents. I only have the 1 daughter and it wouldn't of been a problem but I couldn't do that. I am 34 now and been divorced for 4 yrs. I made SURE I could financially make it on my own so as to not burden my parents. I must say---I'm proud of myself, I've had to borrow money a couple times but I get it paid back just a little slower than I borrowed it lol. I kept my house and I drive a nice car---not many single women, my age have any if not either or neither of those. It's possible to do it, you just have to apply !

I know... right.... its one thing to be in a spot and need a little help... but my daughter moved in... and just took over! I realize she was raised here... but this is MY house! I have rules here...They are the same as they always have been ... and then the ones that apply to her are to tend to her own children... Not curl up on the couch and sleep while I do it.

See... You have enough respect for yourself and your parents to not have done what my daughters doing. It would have been fine for her to move in for a short period of time... and take care of herself and kids... but a year later ... I'm pooped.

btw............. good for you. you have every right to be proud of yourself!!! :hug

Absolutely agree. I was divorced and I had 3 girls - and I would never ever have even thought to move back in with my parents- the thought never occured to me! and yes, I did have to borrow money a few times- and it all got paid back. My oldest DD had moved out to Oregon after college and was having a tough go of it out there. I offered for her to move in with us (I had since re-married) until she got her feet on the ground again- she lived with me for about 5 months- and then found her job in Boston and moved up there. Neither of my other daughters has moved back in with me since they were in college. I guess I'm lucky in that they are all self sufficient! And that's not to say that they haven't needed my assistance from time to time- but they always pay me back---unless I tell them it's a gift from me-

Exactly...........see again.. you have a respect for yourself.. and your parents. And although you've had to help your daughter(s) They have a desire to be grown up... responsible... and independant. 5 months is more of a short term need... not a year later and no where.

Good evening ladies :hi


Work was kind of slow today and we ended up staying just a bit late :eek Came home, just had a bowl of cereal and think I might put something in the crock overnight :think I picked up some meat at the market yesterday.


Julie - Hysterical :rofl That is really weird about the doc....They should not be calling you to come for a checkup as a specialist, your doc refers you to them. That's #1 and #2....they should not have called your emergency contact for that, because it's just that....for emergencies! If they didn't have your # and wanted to contact you, they should've sent out a letter to you :yes Very weird indeed :think


Wrennie - You're right, there are always alot of places to donate to :yes


Mary1 - How's that scarf coming along?


Judy - Glad to hear that Sparkie is doing well enough for a short walk :clap:yay The square is beautiful


Tam - Hope you're keeping it together girlie :hug


Joanne - :yay for serving your civic duty and getting so much accomplished too....great multitasking :wink


Linda - I watched chopped last night too and it was amazing watching the judges compete :lol I didn't know they were doing the charity thing so I haven't caught the past 3 :(


Cheeria - I'm glad your conference went well and we sure did miss you :hug Can't wait to see your weaving as you make progress :devil


Kiyo - Good luck with your diet :cheer :cheer It's all about will power (something I have sometimes....and other times, I just don't know what the word means :lol )


Toni - Glad your feeling a bit better :hug


Cindy - Glad the hectic-ness at work didn't effect you and your patients. Hopefully when your dd does move out, she's still close by so you don't lose your quality time :hug

I'm hangin' tough sweetie............ :hug thanks!



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Morning my dear sweet house......


dont say anything to anyone... I'm sneakin' out to get a manicure here in minute.;)

I'll be back later!

have a wonderfully blessed day my friends!



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Ooooo Tam, ENJOY your manicure :clap:yay You so deserve it.....and while you're at it, spend some extra me time while your out :yes I have a little idea to make sure dd knows that Ken was serious....pull out the classifieds from the paper with some options circled in the apt section :idea Maybe that will reinforce the talk to make sure she understands :hug :hug Good luck honey and of course we're here for you :ghug


Judy - The restaurant depot sounds wonderful, I hope you get some good buys :yes


Linda - These pork chops are much better than the ones I made last week :yes Of course I had to take a little taste :lol And the sauerkraut is just wonderful!!!! I've never had it homemade before


OK ladies, gotta finish getting ready for work and run out the door.......

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Morning my dear sweet house......


dont say anything to anyone... I'm sneakin' out to get a manicure here in minute.;)

I'll be back later!

have a wonderfully blessed day my friends!




I get my nails done...acrylic fakies!! I don't have them very long in length (I AM a farmer you know :lol) as I'd bust them real quick, but I do like my "pretty" nails.


DH looked at them after I had them done one time and said "you know you don't have to have those done like that for me" and I said.. "yup I know!"


I don't do them for him silly man :lol I do love him though :hug

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~~gIRls GirLS GiRlS and our pretties!!! I do my own acrylic nails, long, short, pink, purple, orange, blue tips, w/ sparklies, whateverrrrr I want and I LOVE them! I even play softball in them. It trips people out but I make them thick enough that they don't go anywhere unless my finger goes with! lol I would love to have my toes done but last time I had them done- they poked into the tips of my softball cleats and about sent me through the roof because they hurt my toes sooooo dang bad. and now that I don't play I'm too fat to lean over and do them myself so they just get polished. Poor Piggys!

---Tam You deserve it----no need to shhhhhh, SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOP---you need a breaky break and a pamper me moment!!!~~~

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~~MUST I SAY.... THANK YOU MARY~~~ I received your scarves yesterday! Love them! What stitch did you do the blue/white one in? I appreciate you donating to my goal---I'm trying to come up with a name of my mission.....something fun and creative! So far, I have collected 150 items I think I counted the other day and yours make 152!!! only 248 more to go until October!!

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Tammy, Yay, for treating yourself. Putting the classifieds out sounds like a marvelous idea.


I haven't posted any pictures in a while so here goes. The RR I started yesterday (with Sweet Pea in it), the baby blanket for my niece's soon to be born baby, and Rosie's grandson, Braedon, in the red and purple outfit she made him.


Kim is sleeping through her breathing treatment at the moment and I'm watching 2001: A Space Odessy, which I recorded over the weekend.



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Linda, great pics!! The RR is 2 strands?:think Looks good...as does the baby quilt!:yes The little guy looks pleased as punch, too:c9


I have a little idea to make sure dd knows that Ken was serious....pull out the classifieds from the paper with some options circled in the apt section :idea Maybe that will reinforce the talk to make sure she understands :hug :hug That sounds like a great idea!


Judy - The restaurant depot sounds wonderful, I hope you get some good buys :yes

Mor stuffed grape leaves and few little things...

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Who is makin' home made saurkraut?? Sweet?? I used to live by a little ol lady who made hers from scratch and OMG!! the BEST EVER!!!! I KNEW I should of stolen that recipe from her before she passed!

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Ooooo Tam, ENJOY your manicure :clap:yay You so deserve it.....and while you're at it, spend some extra me time while your out :yes I have a little idea to make sure dd knows that Ken was serious....pull out the classifieds from the paper with some options circled in the apt section :idea Maybe that will reinforce the talk to make sure she understands :hug :hug Good luck honey and of course we're here for you :ghug


OK ladies, gotta finish getting ready for work and run out the door.......

Oh............ I sure did! It was wonderful!

I totally love the classifieds idea! :yes

love you sweetie! :hug

I get my nails done...acrylic fakies!! I don't have them very long in length (I AM a farmer you know :lol) as I'd bust them real quick, but I do like my "pretty" nails.


DH looked at them after I had them done one time and said "you know you don't have to have those done like that for me" and I said.. "yup I know!"


I don't do them for him silly man :lol I do love him though :hug

LOL........... I know what you mean... Love my hubby to pieces... but I dont get manicures for him.......... LOL... its called pamper ME time! :D

~~gIRls GirLS GiRlS and our pretties!!! I do my own acrylic nails, long, short, pink, purple, orange, blue tips, w/ sparklies, whateverrrrr I want and I LOVE them! I even play softball in them. It trips people out but I make them thick enough that they don't go anywhere unless my finger goes with! lol I would love to have my toes done but last time I had them done- they poked into the tips of my softball cleats and about sent me through the roof because they hurt my toes sooooo dang bad. and now that I don't play I'm too fat to lean over and do them myself so they just get polished. Poor Piggys!

---Tam You deserve it----no need to shhhhhh, SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOP---you need a breaky break and a pamper me moment!!!~~~

Ooooooooooooooooh..... How nice to do your own! Just from getting to know you here... I bet you have the coolest designs and such on your nails! :)

I havent had a pedicure done is so long. Just dont seem to have enough time for both hands and feet.

heheheheheee.. the reason I was shhhhhhhhhhhh... was that I just knew if anyone knew I was going... my plans would get changed for me... ;) but I made it and back... no phone calls... no interuptions.. .:yay

Tammy, Yay, for treating yourself. Putting the classifieds out sounds like a marvelous idea.


I haven't posted any pictures in a while so here goes. The RR I started yesterday (with Sweet Pea in it), the baby blanket for my niece's soon to be born baby, and Rosie's grandson, Braedon, in the red and purple outfit she made him.


Kim is sleeping through her breathing treatment at the moment and I'm watching 2001: A Space Odessy, which I recorded over the weekend.

Thanks sweetie!!! Yeah... I like the paper idea too!

Okay................. round ripple - Pretty! Baby blanket - outstanding! Braedon - ADORABLE!!!



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