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Our House Part Two


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It posted- has some mistakes, but try to ignore the poor spelling and missing letters ,etc .


I have worked a little more on the lap quilt .Very slow going ,but so far it is a nice change of pace . I really prefer crocheting above all other crafts,but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes .

My breathing is just not good . Kind of at a roadblock -- have tried every asthma drug . They either dont work well enough to keep my breathing proper, or they make me really sick,so not sure yet whether to make another run to the lung guy or just tough it out .


He is well aware of what is happening ,so not sure he'd be able to do much any different for me .


I had the oddest thing happen -- I have never heard of a Dr doing this before,but 2 weeks ago, my kidney guy 's office called Sam at work to ask him if I wanted to come in for a checkup .

The only reason I HAVE my kidney guy is because my BP meds mess up my kidney blood-test results. I honestly dont know what the normal number is supposed to be,and what the number IS that I have ,but my regular doc told me I dont have to go back to my kidney guy unless those blood tests come back with an off number .


She ran the bloodwork for that about a month ago and said it came out ok . So as long as it does, I dont have to go to the kidney guy .


I REALLY like my kidney guy, but last time I went , that was the shortest Dr appt in history. He came in, looked at the blood results, said they look ok,and I could go home.

So 235 bucks lighter in the wallet ,and 2 minutes of time ,I decided it was stupid to keep that up if unnecessary .


So,back to the story . I got a new phone a couple weeks ago . The kidney guy doesnt have my number . They call Sam at WORK (they have his number as an emergency contact ) and scared him spitless beause he thought something was wrong that they called him at work. the ysaid ,no,they were calling to ask if I wanted to come in for a checkup .

He told them he would give me the message and if I WANTED or NEEDED to come in, I would call them .

THEN... LAST week, they call him AGAIN at work while he was in a meeting .


D A N G it ......


He gave them my new number and hung up .


SO, they call me on Friday .




I was not nice to them AT ALL .


I told them I have never heard of a Dr calling a patient to ask them if they want to come in for a visit unless there is a reason .

I told them to NEVER EVER call my husband at work again ,because they are calling his work cell phone which WORK pays for ,and if he gets fired for getting calls during meetings, then I will have no insurance .

THEN I told her that I have been to enough Dr's and tests to already have reached my yearly limit of deductible,and I wont be calling all my specialists just to blow more money for no reason .

WOW did I let that lady have it . Not Nice, I know ..but I am getting grouchier than a bear with a sore tail .

Sick of Dr's ,tests, and nonstop bills ,and I still feel just as crappy ,so I'm tired of tossing money down a bottomless pit . Might as well stay home and go buy me some CAKE .



alright, Im done griping for now. I just thought that was totally uncalled for . NEVER had a Dr all me out of the blue, just wanting me to come in to shoot the breeze .


I can go down to Dollar Store and do that for free . ( Or One Doller ,if I find something I wanna buy )

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I'm using Lyn's Round Ripplehttp://project-angel-kisses.150m.com/roundripple.html

:( It wouldn't load for me.


That's it for me. I still don't feel good and am going to get off of here. Talk to Y'all tomorrow sometime.

:hug Feel better!


Wrennie - How's your rr coming along? We sure did have a great time together yesterday:yes

I stopped at (about) round 13 saurday. Then I suddenly got inspired to start a doilyghan, which I think will be what I give to the library. Or maybe the rr. My co-worker is a fire fighter. They have a penny social for a fundraiser, an afghan of some sort will go to them too. Plenty of places to donate to.


Here is the pocketbook I got while shopping yesterday....it is so cute and I fell in love with it immediately :lol

Very pretty!



Sounds like you guys have a few of those weather setbacks this time of year too. We get a beautiful day or two ( not super warm yet,but somedays you can wear your sweatshirt out instead of a big coat),then it goes back to spitting snowflakes . Gets frustrating !


Very frustrating, and depressing for me.


My breathing is just not good . Kind of at a roadblock -- have tried every asthma drug . They either dont work well enough to keep my breathing proper, or they make me really sick,so not sure yet whether to make another run to the lung guy or just tough it out .

:hug Feel better!




I was not nice to them AT ALL .

GOOD! They didn't deserve someone to be nice.


WOW did I let that lady have it . Not Nice, I know ..but I am getting grouchier than a bear with a sore tail .

Sick of Dr's ,tests, and nonstop bills ,and I still feel just as crappy ,so I'm tired of tossing money down a bottomless pit . Might as well stay home and go buy me some CAKE .



alright, Im done griping for now. I just thought that was totally uncalled for . NEVER had a Dr all me out of the blue, just wanting me to come in to shoot the breeze .


I can go down to Dollar Store and do that for free . ( Or One Doller ,if I find something I wanna buy )


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Gotta tell you guys one more FUNNY story :


Went down to Goodwill the other day .

(they call that OUR MALL,since we dont have any other nice stores in town) . :yes


The guy was there who has his BIKE pimped out to look like a HARLEY ....


I need to try to get a photo of it sometime ,but this guy is ....AHEM ..... :loco .........should we just say he is a few ants short of a picnic,

and also carries a knife that could butcher a cow in less than 10 minutes ,AND tends to be very WOBBLY mentally . :eek



So, I try to blend into the background when he is around, but maybe someday I will risk being turned into a Jack-the-Ripper -Display, just to get you guys a photo of this bike . :D



Anyhow, he was down there "shopping" . :shop


I'm standing at checkout .


He comes walking up to this STORE DUMMY ,that had on a pair of dress pants . :blink


He steps back and ponders the pants , steps up to finger around the waistband to find the SIZE tag .


(Now mind you,they must have FIVE HUNDRED pairs of men's pants on the rack down there ) .


Anyhow, he yells out


" JUST MY LUCK !!!!"







The little skinny checkout girl looks at me,and lets out a tiny giggle. :heehee



I slowly look her in the eyes and shake my head NO !!!! :no


It WAS really funny, but if you live in OUR town , you soon learn who you can laugh around and who you can't . :whew


That little skinny girl didnt have enough MEAT on her bones to make a very good last meal for OUR TOWN's version of Jeffrey Dahmer .....and she seemd like a nice kid ..........:scared



She obviously doesnt KNOW this guy like the rest of us do, or she would have played Helen Keller :confused

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'Morning, everyone. Thanks for the well wishes - I think I'm going to survive :wink but it's going to take a couple of days to catch up with everything. :yes


Julie ~ Oh no! I would be upset if a Dr. called DH at work, too! Maybe business has slowed down because of the economy...or their records are wrong? Yep, Cam is at "that age" - our DD waited until she was about 11 to go through that talking back stage and we had many long, serious talks. :lol


Not being able to crochet must be so hard - you've been so creative about working on other things, though. :hug


Wrennie ~ Looking forward to pictures of your doilyghan! What is a penny social? We probably have something like it and call it something different. :think


Marisa ~ The purse is very cute! So glad you and Mary had a good shopping trip. :shop


Kiyo ~ Aww, I hope your headache is gone and stays away. :hug So sorry you had to miss the wedding and party.


Shannon ~ It's so good to see you here again - glad you're feeling better! :manyheart


Toni ~ Love your bag! Beautiful work and colors, too! :clap


Hi to those I've missed - time to change laundry and get things done while I have the energy. :lol Have a good morning. :manyheart

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Hi, peeps!


Beautiful bag, Marisa:c9


Joanne, washcloths are a great idea!


Jules, my pasta sauce is very basic...Hubby helped me early in our marriage with suggestions. He was lucky he never got food poisoning from my attempts at cooking back then.


I'm making three gold star squares...will post a pic of the one I'm finishing up. I think all 3 will be identical - like the look of the colors....


And I'll suggest joining us for a meetup to Phyllis. It might be good for her!



And Sparkie is so energetic I took him on a 5 minute walk yesterday with no ill effects,:yay


BBL Monday is house chores..

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~~ Happy Sunday ladies~~ Had to come in to work since we all left early on friday----unfortunately........I didn't get to go to the wedding!!! :0( I had a migrane hit me while I was here and it made me have to use the trash can!! I felt so bad. I ended up going home and going to bed for the afternoon. I've only had 2 in my life so it was horrible! I'm good now!

been crocheting a lot today- I'm making granny square bags for my mom and Aree's God mom for Easter so I've had my hook a hookin'! Plus trying to teach my cousin in Idaho how to crochet, via- text messaging and video text, kind of funny. She's catching on though pretty quick but doing her stitches so tight it hurts her hands lol.

All else is well---hope all of you are well this weekend! It's cold and snowed a little this morning! Dang it----where's the Spring?

Oh hon.......... I'm so sorry to hear about your migrane! How I know those all to well. I live with daily headaches... some days worse than others. :(

Cant wait to see a pic of your grannysquare bag! :hook

I've been gone too long. I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow I hope. Been sicker than a dog for about three weeks. But now feeling better.


So here we go.


At work now I have to move each and every table and chair and booth seat every night so they can be swept and mopped under every time. :thair Like I wasn't working hard enough as it is. So now I don't get done any of the extra stuff I used to because it takes three hours or more to get that done each night. Of course I won't do it on Friday or Saturday nights because we can't start it until three am and I get off at six.


At home, been trying to clean things up. Getting tired of looking at the mess all around me. Don't even want to crochet until I have a spot cleaned for it. :eek Making headway even though it doesn't always seem like it.


Signed up for a membership at Genesis Health Club here in town. I'm going to start my workouts tomorrow. I plan on getting in shape gradually. I definitely don't expect miracles right away. But healthier body and looking better will come I just have to make it work.


I think that's about it. For now anyway. Talk more later after I catch up with the messages tomorrow. IF I Have Time. You all know how that goes.

So Sorry you've been sick! :(

I started walking the track at the High School while my son has Track Practice. I want to get to walking 3 miles or more and eventually jogging it. So I'm cheerin' ya on for good workouts :D



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Hi from jury duty. First group has been called in. And here I sit. Y

I started a Shelley scarf while I've been sitting here. Also brought some cotton yarn. I'm on my phone so this won't be long. It was nice to read all the posts while taking a quick break from hooking I see an extra "Y" was typed bit not sure how to go back to remove it.

Anyway thanks for the updates. See u later

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Here is the pocketbook I got while shopping yesterday....it is so cute and I fell in love with it immediately :lol

Oh, WOW!! Gorgeous purse.

I've been gone too long. I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow I hope. Been sicker than a dog for about three weeks. But now feeling better.


So here we go.


At work now I have to move each and every table and chair and booth seat every night so they can be swept and mopped under every time. :thair Like I wasn't working hard enough as it is. So now I don't get done any of the extra stuff I used to because it takes three hours or more to get that done each night. Of course I won't do it on Friday or Saturday nights because we can't start it until three am and I get off at six.


At home, been trying to clean things up. Getting tired of looking at the mess all around me. Don't even want to crochet until I have a spot cleaned for it. :eek Making headway even though it doesn't always seem like it.


Signed up for a membership at Genesis Health Club here in town. I'm going to start my workouts tomorrow. I plan on getting in shape gradually. I definitely don't expect miracles right away. But healthier body and looking better will come I just have to make it work.


I think that's about it. For now anyway. Talk more later after I catch up with the messages tomorrow. IF I Have Time. You all know how that goes.

Glad to see you again, Shannon. Sorry to heat that you've been sick and glad that you are better. All that moving and cleaning sounds like a royal pain. Is it a Health Dept. issue? Take it easy as you start the health club membership. Working into it is important.

Yep... Michael and Hubby are hangin' in there! Hubby goes for more blood work tomorrow. So you're daily prayers will be good as we need his numbers to be good!

ah... daughter is still the same. I'm so darn tired from it all! Hubby did tell her the other day.. as soon as her taxes come in..she needs to move out! She was NOT happy about that! Its been a year... she needs to be on her own!



Thank you dear! :hug







I agree with hubby. It's time she got back out in her own place, managing her own life and kids. Tough love is sure hard! But it sounds like that's what it's going to take to get her back on track. And you need some relief. Good luck on the tests today. :hug :hug :hug :hug


It's still doing it's on again, off again rain thing. The nice thing is that it's washed most of the pollen out of the air and into the ground.


I didn't end up getting a nap in yesterday, but I did rest in bed and read a new book until "Chopped" came on. It was the fourth elimination round setting up the final contests in their all-stars group that are playing for $50,000 for charity. Last night it was Chopped judges competing against each other. WOW!!! They are good! But it was different being on the other side of the judging table. Can't wait to see how it goes next week. They've got some great chefs competing, so it should be ultra exciting. Not sure who I'm going to root for.


Almost time to get Kim moving, so I'll catch you all later. :manyheart

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Love you guys!!!!






I love the pics and sayongs you find to post!

And I agree with Linda: time for DD to move out:yes




Here's a gold star 12 inch square. I made some changes to the original pattern called Star Overlay, from this site:


The gold star squares are incorporated into comfortghans made through this group


and sent to families of soldiers who were killed or who died while on active duty. The group also makes comfortghans for others when requests are made...even making little berghans for kids (my friend Phyllis makes beautiful ones)

Anywho: this is also how I'm making the other 2 squares to give to Phyllis:


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Hi house, boy did I have a busy, busy week-end, which started on Friday evening for my church conference began then and ended at Saturday at 3 pm. Long but so worth while. On Friday night my girlfriend and I decided to treat ourselves to dinner and just hanging out.

Sunday I ended up sleeping in and just relaxing before my online Navajo Class. I have my loom set up correctly now and have began to weave a few rows. Navajo weaving is fun but hard for wraping the loom have to be right and exact, matter of fact perfect. Yes I'm learning from the mistakes that I'm making along the way, but it goes along with the learning curve. I had to stay up Saturday night until 2 am in the morning just to re-warp the loom which can take anywhere between 3 - 4 hours. Saturday evening I did get to spend a few moments at the mall to spend my birthday money on a pair of 14K gold hoop earrings. So that was fun. All in all I had a nice, doing what I like to do, for ME week-end.


Sorry I miss the meet-up for everyone in the picture look like they were having fun. Maybe next time I will get to meet Marisa's friend Mary.


Bye for now group the little grand darlings are getting into things right now. :lol HUGS

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Here are Joanne, Marisa's Mary, Marisa and me.


AWWWWW----cute girls!!! How fun!! I wish I were closer!! I love you guys!

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I love the pics and sayongs you find to post!

And I agree with Linda: time for DD to move out:yes




Here's a gold star 12 inch square. I made some changes to the original pattern called Star Overlay, from this site:


The gold star squares are incorporated into comfortghans made through this group


and sent to families of soldiers who were killed or who died while on active duty. The group also makes comfortghans for others when requests are made...even making little berghans for kids (my friend Phyllis makes beautiful ones)

Anywho: this is also how I'm making the other 2 squares to give to Phyllis:

That's a lovely square, Judy. And a super worthy group.

Hi house, boy did I have a busy, busy week-end, which started on Friday evening for my church conference began then and ended at Saturday at 3 pm. Long but so worth while. On Friday night my girlfriend and I decided to treat ourselves to dinner and just hanging out.

Sunday I ended up sleeping in and just relaxing before my online Navajo Class. I have my loom set up correctly now and have began to weave a few rows. Navajo weaving is fun but hard for wraping the loom have to be right and exact, matter of fact perfect. Yes I'm learning from the mistakes that I'm making along the way, but it goes along with the learning curve. I had to stay up Saturday night until 2 am in the morning just to re-warp the loom which can take anywhere between 3 - 4 hours. Saturday evening I did get to spend a few moments at the mall to spend my birthday money on a pair of 14K gold hoop earrings. So that was fun. All in all I had a nice, doing what I like to do, for ME week-end.


Sorry I miss the meet-up for everyone in the picture look like they were having fun. Maybe next time I will get to meet Marisa's friend Mary.


Bye for now group the little grand darlings are getting into things right now. :lol HUGS

Congratulations of a YOU weekend. Sounds like you had a really nice time.

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** Hey, Hey, Heyyyyyy GIRLIES!!** Sounds like we all had a pretty good weekend! Nothing too tragic! Wheeeeew!

All is well here today! Very cold outside, but I'm in my flip flops and jeans and a hoodie.hmmmmm think something is wrong with that picture? lol NOPE!! News said supposed to get 1-3 inc. snow down in valleys----WTH??? YUCK! I'm tired of it!


I started my diet today, hopefully to lose 20 -30 lbs before my honey decides where we are going to "CRUISE" to........I'm going to do a full system cleanse......10 days.....ugggggghhhhh I'm kind of scared, if I'm not careful I may see a kidney fall out lol!

Anyhow, hope you all have a great Monday- (shhhhhhhh, I have my white yarn and hook here to keep on keepin on with my middles of the grannies for my bags! ) I got my moms done except for the handles and I'm going to plop it on her desk and say Happy Easter, you have to line your own cuz I have NOOOOO idea. lol

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Joanne ~ It's always a long day of wait and see, isn't it? Good for you for taking your crocheting!


Judy ~ Beautiful square! :clap The Yahoo group looks really active and it's a wonderful cause. :manyheart


Cheeria ~ Your weekend sounds like a good one! How are the little ones doing?


Hi Kiyo ~ Remember - we love pictures. :D More snow doesn't sound like fun...I've been in Texas too long. :yes


Linda ~ Yay for rain and less pollen! We're still dry, but there is finally a chance tomorrow.


I am officially off the clock. :lol My strength is coming back, but I'm ready for a break with my hook. I'm about 2/3 through with a hdc ribbed scarf in Vanna's Oatmeal.:hook

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Hi Jude

Wow those squares are so pretty !


Hi Kiyo

Sounds like you are full of life and ready to start another week .


Hi Mary

Glad you got a little time off today to rest up .



I'm glad you had a fun weekend and are working on your new loom to get it figured out .

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Judy---:0.) LOVE YOUR SQUARES!!! Great job!


Mary----ummmm......photos??? Who loves them?? Lol- I actually cant believe I forgot to take some!! I will tonight!


JULLLLIEEE! Hey girl! YUP YUP, smile on my face, Pink in my hair refreshed last night- we are GOOOOOOOD to go! lol

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~~ Happy Sunday ladies~~ Had to come in to work since we all left early on friday----unfortunately........I didn't get to go to the wedding!!! :0( I had a migrane hit me while I was here and it made me have to use the trash can!! I felt so bad. I ended up going home and going to bed for the afternoon. I've only had 2 in my life so it was horrible! I'm good now!


Sorry you missed the wedding.


I've been gone too long. I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow I hope. Been sicker than a dog for about three weeks. But now feeling better.


Signed up for a membership at Genesis Health Club here in town. I'm going to start my workouts tomorrow. I plan on getting in shape gradually. I definitely don't expect miracles right away. But healthier body and looking better will come I just have to make it work.



Sorry you've been so sick. Good luck with the getting healthy plan.


oooooooooh... nice snags at Michaels and AC Moore today! :hook

Thanks for the compliments hon! Yep... Michael and Hubby are hangin' in there! Hubby goes for more blood work tomorrow. So you're daily prayers will be good as we need his numbers to be good!

ah... daughter is still the same. I'm so darn tired from it all! Hubby did tell her the other day.. as soon as her taxes come in..she needs to move out! She was NOT happy about that! Its been a year... she needs to be on her own!



Thank you dear! :hug








Glad that Michael and hubby are both hanging in there. And good for hubby for having a talk with DD.


I love the pics and sayongs you find to post!

And I agree with Linda: time for DD to move out:yes




Here's a gold star 12 inch square. I made some changes to the original pattern called Star Overlay, from this site:


The gold star squares are incorporated into comfortghans made through this group


and sent to families of soldiers who were killed or who died while on active duty. The group also makes comfortghans for others when requests are made...even making little berghans for kids (my friend Phyllis makes beautiful ones)

Anywho: this is also how I'm making the other 2 squares to give to Phyllis:


Beautiful square!

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Afternoon House!

Got more thunder and lightening and rain overnight, so not much sleep. One furple burying herself deeper and deeper under covers and the other grumbling at her to settle down :rofl

Feel somewhat better today, not 100% but better. Worked late and got some of the new system problems straightened out, so feel better and not as stressed about that. Then took a long nap. Now trying to catch-up everything!

It's a 3D day, damp, dark and dreary here. Supposed to be that way all week.


Here is the pocketbook I got while shopping yesterday....it is so cute and I fell in love with it immediately :lolI can see why!!! Way KEWL!


ah... daughter is still the same. I'm so darn tired from it all! Hubby did tell her the other day.. as soon as her taxes come in..she needs to move out! She was NOT happy about that! Its been a year... she needs to be on her own!

:cheer:cheer WAY TO GO KEN!!! :cheer:cheer Trust me, I had to use some VERY tough love with one of my dd's and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but saved my sanity and was the right thing to do. No more enabling her!!! :hug:hug:hug and prayers to you all.



Thank you dear! :hug








Good morning!

Toni- Thanks for the explanation on the gravity wave. Hope that this morning finds you feeling a bit better.


A "bit" better is how I'd describe it :lol The first gravity wave I experienced here was a big one that went on and on and on an on. Scared me to death because I didn't know what it was. Weather guy said it was the strongest one he had seen. Well, duh!


Gordon had a conniption over it --said it looked like something a dog wouldnt eat,and he threw it away .

I think he needs to refine his taste buds ! Anyone throwing away gravy is committing a serious offense in my books !


:lol I agree! Sausage gravy and biscuits, hamburger gravy and rice, you get the picture, I'm a gravy person too!




hope your weather didnt get too bad for you on the weekend !


Just lots of wind, rain and small hail! Really bad stuff went north and south of me.


What are the tapesters you are making ? I take it they are turtles ?


They are the little 2" retactable tape measure covers. I do turtles, frogs, snails and am working an idea, of my own, for an elephant and a ladybug. Just some fun little kitchy things and one of the specialty shops on Lookout Mountain is interested in seeing if she can sell some. She liked them and I tell you, with all these dr. bills, can use the extra $$.



sorry you are not feeling well. I hope maybe today will be a little better for you .

Your felted purse was really pretty ! Nice work !


Thank you. Can't wait to get some things finished up so I can make mine. They are quick and easy and with the self-striping yarns out, make up beautifully!


I THINK I am caught up. Let's see if this thing will POST now and hope I'm not another 17 posts behind ! :lol


It's still doing it's on again, off again rain thing. The nice thing is that it's washed most of the pollen out of the air and into the ground.


We have flood warnings. At least until summer gets here, we are caught up on yearly rain! :lol



Almost time to get Kim moving, so I'll catch you all later. :manyheart


Here's a gold star 12 inch square. I made some changes to the original pattern called Star Overlay, from this site: www.yarncrazy.com The gold star squares are incorporated into comfortghans made through this group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hb-comfortghans/

and sent to families of soldiers who were killed or who died while on active duty. The group also makes comfortghans for others when requests are made...even making little berghans for kids (my friend Phyllis makes beautiful ones)

Anywho: this is also how I'm making the other 2 squares to give to Phyllis:


Oh, very, very nice![/QUOTE]


[quote name=LovinThis32;2254132

Anyhow' date=' hope you all have a great Monday- (shhhhhhhh, I have my white yarn and hook here to keep on keepin on with my middles of the grannies for my bags! ) I got my moms done except for the handles and I'm going to plop it on her desk and say Happy Easter, you have to line your own cuz I have NOOOOO idea. lol


You are on a roll today :lol Good luck on your weight loss strategy. Would never work for me. :no


Well, I think that's it. If I missed anyone, I'm sorry and will try to catch you next go round!

Julie, your stories make me smile. Glad to see you posting so much!

:hug:hug:hug Everyone!

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Tam---great to have all well with Hub and Son.........yuck daughter talk.....That is ONE thing I can say for myself- being 1 or 2 children. My brother lives in Denver and fends for himself. Before I got divorced, my goal was to NOT move home to my parents. I only have the 1 daughter and it wouldn't of been a problem but I couldn't do that. I am 34 now and been divorced for 4 yrs. I made SURE I could financially make it on my own so as to not burden my parents. I must say---I'm proud of myself, I've had to borrow money a couple times but I get it paid back just a little slower than I borrowed it lol. I kept my house and I drive a nice car---not many single women, my age have any if not either or neither of those. It's possible to do it, you just have to apply !

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I'm home and my civic duty is done:yes - at least for another 3 years! I got called and our group was heading up the elevator when the guy escorting us got a call and was told to bring us back down. Then about 45 min later it was time for lunch break. So of course I went shopping! ;) There is a store there that has all shoes for 21.99 so I got 2 pairs of sandals for the summer- both are Naturalizer's. :D


When I got back from lunch I started hooking again:crocheting. I ran out of yarn for the scarf I was working on, so I took out the cotton yarn- blue and white twists and made a wash/dish cloth. I read a little on my Nook and then they announced at 3 that the group that was assigned to a certain judge (my group) was now unassigned since that case was settled. Then about 45 minutes later they told us we were excused and could go- and that we had fulfilled our duty! :clap


Judy- That star square is amazing- so vibrant- and beautiful!!! :manyheart I love those bearghan's too- really cute. It would be nice if Phyllis would like to meet up with us sometime.


Cheeria- Sounds like a super weekend was had by you and that in addition to everything else you are keeping very busy with the new loom. I would not have the patience to spend 3-4 hours to warp it, though- so I'll leave the weaving to you! (And to Linda with her new loom)


Toni- Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better -but that's a bummer about the 3D's- it was very sunny here today- but definitely on the cooler side- It was windy (nothing like those gravity waves though, thank goodness) while I was walking downtown at lunchtime.


Kiyo- Good luck with your weight loss and be careful with the cleansing. I honestly have found Weight Watchers to be the best thing for me- it teaches you portion control and you get to eat lots of things- and not feel deprived. Heck I even had no sugar added ice cream last night -only about 3 points for a full cup! And it was Dutch Chocolate! And I love chocolate ice cream (or any kind of chocolate including Marisa's chocolate tote!:lol


Cindy- Hope you had a good day at work and that your back isn't too sore!


Julie- I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts today- and at one point I was cracking up while I was reading them this morning at Jury Duty. Can't imagine what the folks around me were thinking!


I think I'll work on the scarf again- and try to finish it.

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Tam---great to have all well with Hub and Son.........yuck daughter talk.....That is ONE thing I can say for myself- being 1 or 2 children. My brother lives in Denver and fends for himself. Before I got divorced, my goal was to NOT move home to my parents. I only have the 1 daughter and it wouldn't of been a problem but I couldn't do that. I am 34 now and been divorced for 4 yrs. I made SURE I could financially make it on my own so as to not burden my parents. I must say---I'm proud of myself, I've had to borrow money a couple times but I get it paid back just a little slower than I borrowed it lol. I kept my house and I drive a nice car---not many single women, my age have any if not either or neither of those. It's possible to do it, you just have to apply !

Absolutely agree. I was divorced and I had 3 girls - and I would never ever have even thought to move back in with my parents- the thought never occured to me! and yes, I did have to borrow money a few times- and it all got paid back. My oldest DD had moved out to Oregon after college and was having a tough go of it out there. I offered for her to move in with us (I had since re-married) until she got her feet on the ground again- she lived with me for about 5 months- and then found her job in Boston and moved up there. Neither of my other daughters has moved back in with me since they were in college. I guess I'm lucky in that they are all self sufficient! And that's not to say that they haven't needed my assistance from time to time- but they always pay me back---unless I tell them it's a gift from me-

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Got interrupted in my posting by dinner. Dd has to work tonight and she likes to eat dinner with us before she goes to work.


Work was good today. My back is sore, but it's not too bad, much better than last week. A little Motrin will help a lot, but I'm waiting to take it when I'm ready to go to bed. Don't want to overdo.


Today was the big split at work. My unit split into a medical ICU and a cardiac ICU. That meant that the cardiac patients from the surgical ICU needed to come up to our unit. The atmosphere was a little hectic, but both my patients were where they needed to be, so it didn't really affect me.


It never would have occurred to me to move back in with my parents, although I'm sure I would have been welcome for a short time.


We are lucky that all three of our children are independent. Youngest DD lives here, but she pays room and board. She talks about buying a condo in the next year or so, but Dh and I would like to see her school debt paid off before she takes on that debt. She is more than halfway to getting her school loans paid.


And I do have to confess that I will really miss her when she moves out. We have a lot of the same interests, and since we each work only 3 days a week, we try to spend a day crafting together every once in a while.


Toni glad you are a little better. Hope you are even better tomorrow.


Kiyo, good luck with the weight loss. I have to second Joanne's plug for weight watchers. I think the one of the reasons it works is that you can follow it anywhere and eat any kind of food. The group support is also a motivator.


Julie, I am planning to dig out an embroidery WIP tonight. Your quilt gave me the urge to work on them. I had a good laugh at your story about your town's "character"!


Joanne, glad your civic duty is done for another three years. Sounds like you got a lot of crocheting done.


Cheeria, I've always thought that weaving would be fun, but it also sounds like a lot of work. I've been to a couple of craft malls where weavers have studios and you can watch them work.

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