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Our House Part Two


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Thanks, Mary:hook


I tried sending the shirts out...but regardless of where I sent them I never liked how they looked when they came back.

Funny....one day Hubby was interviewing someone and he had his suit jacket off. The woman actually remarked on how good his shirt looked...and he told her how I insisted on doing them myself:lol...and no, she wasn't flirting with him...:rofl:rofl


Finally, all my food prep for the shower is done. Still need to run some errands and clean a bit.

I also managed to knit a pair of baby booties i between chores today. My back is feeling a little better, probably because I alternated an hour of work with an hour of rest.

That's good to hear!




I started the baby 9 patch, but am making the squares 4 inches. It should look cute.


Today I was looking at the "basketweave" knitted square I've been working on and it looked nothing like the picture! I frogged it and may play with an "easy" knitted sampler I saw on Lion Brand today or do something from another beginner book I was gifted.

Not ready to knit again just yet....I think I'll finish this 9 patch first, then play.

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Hi Ladies,


Toni, Good news on your lab work. Hope it stays there for you.


Judy, The lapghan is really nice and someone is going to love it. You and Marisa did a great job on your squares. Good news on Sparkie. Has to be a relief for you.


Linda, Glad your jaw is getting better. I don't know what the pollen here is but it isn't giving anyone here any trouble yet.


Julie, The lap quilt is beautiful! It will keep you busy for awhile. Happy 6 year anniversary.


Mary2, Spring beginnings in the bunny barn and spring cleaning on the closets.


Cindy, Sounds a good plan work an hour and rest an hour. Hope it continues to get better.


Kiyo, Have a good time at the wedding and party.


Tam, Your like the energizer bunny. Good news on Michael and Ken. Good luck on the cat scan today.


Wrennie, Good luck with the fundraiser.


Mary1, Have fun planting this weekend.


I will get some pictures of the bowling balls they have done. I didn't do one. We went to a 50th wedding anniversary this afternoon. A couple from Ohio kids came in and threw them a surprise party with all of us. They 3 girls, 1 sil, 2 grandkids and 1 cousin who all came in for it. They were surprised. She had told me they were to have a party back home this summer when they were all together.

My Grandma taught me to iron when I was a kid. I love it doing it. Judy I would have fits when I worked at the cleaners and see some of the work some of the girls would try to push through. If I wouldn't wear it, it wasn't going out the door.

Maya had to go to the doctor yesterday. She is throwing up clear liquid. They took her off the medicine she was on as it isn't helping her stomach.

They want stool samples from here. They don't know what is wrong with her. I wonder if it isn't sinus draining maybe. She still says her belly hurts. She doesn't have a fever though.

Were getting ready to go to the relay for life.

I will catch everyone tomorrow. Have a good night! Have fun at the meet up tomorrow.

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Marlene, I hope Maya get better very soon:hug:manyheart

And, yes, we're feeling much more relieved...and once Sparkie doesn't need the pills for his painful leg it'll be perfect:c9


Off for the night...have a good one, my friends:hug:manyheart

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Good evening ladies :hi


:yay it's the weekend!!!!! Home from work and just had some dinner and after I finish here, I'm going to clean the turtles so I don't have to later in the weekend :think


Tam - How did dh's ct go? :hug You sure are a crocheting machine lately, but I guess with the extra stress.....you need extra DE-stressing too :hug


Wrennie - I think Judy already answered, but yep, we get together every now and again :yes


Judy - I'll have my baby 9 patch with me too :lol Glad to hear a good report for Sparkie and I agree with talking to your regular vet first. They want to repeat a test that they think they didn't do right the first time....let alone putting Sparkie through that again, but does that mean you wouldn't have to pay a 2nd time since they were fixing a mistake they made from the first time around :think It just doesn't sound right :no That book looks interesting.


Cindy - Glad your feeling a bit better and that you made sure to rest in between all your chores and errands today :hug


Toni - :yay for your blood levels improving :hug


Linda - Glad to hear your pollen was a bit less today, hopefully the rain will calm it down over the weeknd. How's your tooth today?


Julie - I also hate to iron and don't do it. Maybe I iron 3-4 pieces of clothing ALL YEAR!!! :eek We never did it growing up, nor did my mom. She had to iron everything when she was a kid. She washes and folds the clothes so they don't need ironing and I do the same :yes My iron got some heavy use for my mystery bernat ghan squares :lol when I steamed them for blocking.


Mary1 - Have fun with your gardening this weekend.


Marlene - Sorry to hear that Maya is still not doing well. It really may be sinus related if she's getting alot of post-nasal drip, that's going to go down her throat to her stomach. I know that when I'm sick and all congested I tend to get stomach aches myself from that :yes I sure hope they figure it out soon :hug


OK, off to clean the turtles...

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Well, I had a good, productive day today. Always do after chemo because they give me steroids first and the day after, ENERGY BOOST! :rofl

Got laundry done, took some things off back porch (trying to organize out there) and put them in the shed (which also needs organizing), washed clothes and even got them all put away, then played in the dirt a little bit, trying to get my neglected gardens cleaned out. I have some things that need to be transplanted. Need trip to Lowes for dirt and mulch that is weed inhibitor. It works great!

Made pork roast with potatoes and carrots for supper in my favorite cast iron roaster and it was YUMMY! :D

Now my hooks and yarn are calling my name.


By the way, I threw my iron and ironing board away ,since that is the one task I hate above all others .


I hate washing dishes and ironing runs a close second. BUT, I love cotton for summer clothes, so have to iron. Looked in that room where ironing board is set up and noticed some summer knee knockers need to be ironed so I have them to wear to church.


I find it very Zen...like weaving in ends...just don't enjoy pulling the ironing board out and setting it up:lol


Ironing and weaving in ends ZEN like :think NOT! :lol


Toni ~ Oh, that's good news about your labs. :) I admire your good attitude and that will help you get through this! :hug


Thank you! It's just something I've been given, so I'll deal with it. Doesn't define who I am, just like wrinkles and gray hair, it's a PART of who I am. :)


Errands are out of the way and I'm looking forward to planting my annual herbs and flowers this weekend. :) Zoe has a check-up tomorrow at 9 and I may let DH take her...it's his turn. :lol

We are expecting severe storms this weekend, no playing in the dirt for me. Maybe Thursday when we go to dr., my sister can take me to Lowes for some dirt and mulch and I can play next weekend.


Finally, all my food prep for the shower is done. Still need to run some errands and clean a bit.

I also managed to knit a pair of baby booties i between chores today. My back is feeling a little better, probably because I alternated an hour of work with an hour of rest.


You've certainly been busy. Sure hope you didn't overdo it glad you rested in between


Funny....one day Hubby was interviewing someone and he had his suit jacket off. The woman actually remarked on how good his shirt looked...and he told her how I insisted on doing them myself:lol...and no, she wasn't flirting with him...:rofl:rofl


That is funny!!!


I started the baby 9 patch, but am making the squares 4 inches. It should look cute.


Can't wait to see it!


Hi Ladies,


Toni, Good news on your lab work. Hope it stays there for you.


Thank you!


I will get some pictures of the bowling balls they have done. I didn't do one. We went to a 50th wedding anniversary this afternoon. A couple from Ohio kids came in and threw them a surprise party with all of us. They 3 girls, 1 sil, 2 grandkids and 1 cousin who all came in for it. They were surprised. She had told me they were to have a party back home this summer when they were all together.


What a wonderful surprise for them and you got to join in too. That's terrific!


Maya had to go to the doctor yesterday. She is throwing up clear liquid. They took her off the medicine she was on as it isn't helping her stomach.


Oh, sure hope she gets better soon. Just hate upchucking....ewwwwww


Were getting ready to go to the relay for life.

I will catch everyone tomorrow. Have a good night! Have fun at the meet up tomorrow.


Good evening ladies :hi


:yay it's the weekend!!!!! Home from work and just had some dinner and after I finish here, I'm going to clean the turtles so I don't have to later in the weekend :think

Happy weekend!!!!



Toni - :yay for your blood levels improving :hug


Thank you! :hug


Julie - I also hate to iron and don't do it. Maybe I iron 3-4 pieces of clothing ALL YEAR!!! :eek We never did it growing up, nor did my mom. She had to iron everything when she was a kid. She washes and folds the clothes so they don't need ironing and I do the same :yes My iron got some heavy use for my mystery bernat ghan squares :lol when I steamed them for blocking.


The only thing I don't mind ironing, my fabric for quilting or sewing :D


OK, off to clean the turtles...


Well, that's it for me tonight. NASCAR is on and they are doing qualifying in a little while, so I'll work on the flannelghan and relax. :crocheting is my yoga!

Night all!

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Marlene, sorry to hear that Maya is still sick. Hope they figure out something to make her feel better.


All this talk about ironing...I don't iron many clothes, but quilting and sewing require lots of ironing, so my board is always up in the sewing room.


Joanne, Marisa and Judy, have a good time at your get together. Too bad Cheeria can't make it.


My errands are finished, dh vacuumed for me, and I cleaned in the bathrooms. Laundry is also finished. I'm as ready as I can be for that shower tomorrow. Even my gift is wrapped!

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here ae the two pairs of baby booties I made today. The purple ones are knit, and the green ones are crocheted.

The knit ones are supposed to be preemie sized, but I used WW yarn (Caron Pounder),and size 6 needles and I think they are probably about 3-6 month size. I think the cuffs turned out a little tall, but I am really bad at "un-knitting" so I just left them the way they turned out.

The green ones are made form Red Heart Soft yarn.



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Quick stop in- as I just got in about 15 minutes ago- and No, i wasn't working-:lol I went out to dinner with a co-worker and our former manager- We had a really nice time- but all of a sudden I'm tired! So I think I 'm going to call it an early night so I'm well rested for tomorrow- which is cleaning day for me here! Want to get that out of the way before meeting up with Judy and Marisa and Mary!!!


See you in the AM:hug

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Jules, this is the book for next meeting. Very different, so I'll give it a shot.


Back to work here...ironing shirts is next on the agenda.



Looks like that could be a fun read.:book

I've been ironing shirts forever. It began when I was in Catholic grammer school...my blouses had to be ironed and while I was at it I did the rare dress shirts my dad wore, and my brother's shirts - also for Catholic school - till they learned how to do it. My mother was an equal opportunity mom. If you wanted to eat you learned to cook, too.


I find it very Zen...like weaving in ends...just don't enjoy pulling the ironing board out and setting it up:lol

I grew up ironing everything from pillowcases, to Dad's work shirts and denim jeans, to dresses, tableclothes and sheets. Now it's mainly for quilting and sewing and once in a while pillowcases.

I will get some pictures of the bowling balls they have done. I didn't do one. We went to a 50th wedding anniversary this afternoon. A couple from Ohio kids came in and threw them a surprise party with all of us. They 3 girls, 1 sil, 2 grandkids and 1 cousin who all came in for it. They were surprised. She had told me they were to have a party back home this summer when they were all together.

Maya had to go to the doctor yesterday. She is throwing up clear liquid. They took her off the medicine she was on as it isn't helping her stomach.

They want stool samples from here. They don't know what is wrong with her. I wonder if it isn't sinus draining maybe. She still says her belly hurts. She doesn't have a fever though.

Sounds like a wonderful surprise party. Hope they figure out Maya's problem soon. :hug :hug :hug

here ae the two pairs of baby booties I made today. The purple ones are knit, and the green ones are crocheted.

The knit ones are supposed to be preemie sized, but I used WW yarn (Caron Pounder),and size 6 needles and I think they are probably about 3-6 month size. I think the cuffs turned out a little tall, but I am really bad at "un-knitting" so I just left them the way they turned out.

The green ones are made form Red Heart Soft yarn.



I've worked on the Lake wallhanging today and decided on how I'll be quilting the Challenge Quilt and a name for it, "Squares, within Squares, within, Squares." I'll have to get the batting after John gets home on Sunday or sometime early next week. That gives me two months to get it quilted and sent off.


John and Mark left for the hunting lodge from work tonight. Tomorrow is the start of hunting season for turkeys. Last year they got skunked, so we'll see how they make out this year.

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Good morning!


Cindy- those booties are so cute! I hope that your back is feeling a little better and that you have fun at the shower today!


Linda- I hope that the pollen count is continuing on the downward spiral! Enjoy your weekend.


Wrennie- As Judy explained, she, Cheeria and I live fairly close to each other; Marisa lives a little over an hour away and we try to meet up every month or so. Is all your snow gone?


Julie- Ironing and me- well, let's just say- DH irons his own shirts. I only pull the iron out when absolutely necessary! DH knows it is one of my least favorite things to do. And if he has the iron out and is ironing one of his shirts and I need something pressed, I will say- do you mind pressing this for me? My brother always irons his own shirt. My sis-in-law doesn't like to iron either- and she said very early on in their relationship- if you want your shirts ironed, either you'll have to do it yourself or take it to the cleaners. So, my brother being the frugal guy that he is, has been ironing his own shirts ever since!


Toni- Glad to hear that the chemo went well. Sorry to hear you are getting bad weather which will postpone your trek to HL! Enjoy your weekend!


Mary2- Do you have any rabbit shows this weekend?


Kiyo- Hope you had a good time at the wedding


Marlene- Sorry to hear that Maya still isn't feeling well and hopefully the doc can figure out what is wrong. The 50th Anniv party sounds like it was a lot of fun!


Judy and Marisa- See you in a little while!!


Tammy- Glad to hear that Michael is off the prednisone! That is great news. Hoping that the CT scan was negative for any spots!! And your hooks sure have been busy! It IS a great de-stresser!!! Remember, take care of YOU!


Mary1- Nice to hear that you've had some time for 'hooking'! Hope things are going ok with your parents.


I slept in and didn't get up till 7:30!!! Guess I needed the rest! So very little of my usual Saturday routine will get done, but that's ok- there is always tomorrow morning.


See you all later!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick post as I'm waiting for Mary to get here so we could head out to meet up with Joanne and Judy :clap:yay Then we're going to Jersey Gardens shopping :woo


Cindy - Beautiful booties :manyheart Great job, hope your back is feeling better today :hug


Linda - Well good luck to John with the turkey's :lol and :yay for deciding on the quilting


Joanne and Judy - See you soon, with mary in tow :lol

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here ae the two pairs of baby booties I made today. The purple ones are knit, and the green ones are crocheted.

The knit ones are supposed to be preemie sized, but I used WW yarn (Caron Pounder),and size 6 needles and I think they are probably about 3-6 month size. I think the cuffs turned out a little tall, but I am really bad at "un-knitting" so I just left them the way they turned out.

The green ones are made form Red Heart Soft yarn.



Joanne and Judy - See you soon, with mary in tow :lol


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the 3 of us went back to sleep this AM....and only got up 30 minutes ago:blush Finally got Sparkie's breakfast down for him:lol He's so good...

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Wrennie, Me, Joanne and Cheeria live pretty close to each other, and Marisa drives up from Philadelphia - and we meet at a nearby Starbucks for a couple of hours of coffee and "show and tell/hooking":D Cheeria can't make it this time around. Mary is coming with Marisa and Joanne met someone on Ravelry who also lives close by and she joined us last time - not sure if she's coming tomorrow or not,


:photo Sounds like fun! I wish I lived closer to people from here!


Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.




Good luck with the library fundraiser ! I bet they will appreciate anything you donate to help .

:yes I'm sure. I still feel helpless tho'.



Wrennie, Good luck with the fundraiser.



here ae the two pairs of baby booties I made today. The purple ones are knit, and the green ones are crocheted.

The knit ones are supposed to be preemie sized, but I used WW yarn (Caron Pounder),and size 6 needles and I think they are probably about 3-6 month size. I think the cuffs turned out a little tall, but I am really bad at "un-knitting" so I just left them the way they turned out.

The green ones are made form Red Heart Soft yarn.

Very cute!


Wrennie- As Judy explained, she, Cheeria and I live fairly close to each other; Marisa lives a little over an hour away and we try to meet up every month or so. Is all your snow gone?

Thats cool!

Theres still snow. The warm weather has been scared away. It was in the teens last night and we wont be much above freezing today.:wbrr At least its sunny out there.

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Good morning, Gang! I got the dogs both out and back in again before it started to rain this morning. It didn't last long enough to do much good I'm afraid, but I'm hoping we'll get some more before the day's over. It would wash a bunch of pollen out of the air if it sticks around. Plus we need it. It's very dry. It's still dark and gray so I have hopes it will rain some more.


Have fun at the meet up this morning, Judy, Joanne, Mary, and Marisa. I'm with you in spirit. :manyheart

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Mary2- Do you have any rabbit shows this weekend?


I slept in and didn't get up till 7:30!!! Guess I needed the rest! So very little of my usual Saturday routine will get done, but that's ok- there is always tomorrow morning.


See you all later!


Good morning house. It feels strange today to not have a show with the last few weeks having one. It doesn't seem like Saturday :lol


I didn't sleep in. Awake at 6:45. Self employed so really call my own hours. 6:45 isn't it :D


Dark and gray so far here this morning. :P Trying to convince my Moose dog that he doesn't need to go out just yet so I can finish surfing the 'ville this morning.


Got to work on my doily'ghan last night. Got to frog a bunch of it too. That is what I get for working on it late at night when I'm tired :rofl When it took me 4 tries to get a double shell right I decided it was time to quit again :D


Everyone have a great day!

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Got to work on my doily'ghan last night. Got to frog a bunch of it too. That is what I get for working on it late at night when I'm tired :rofl When it took me 4 tries to get a double shell right I decided it was time to quit again :D


Everyone have a great day!

Been there. Done that. :D


It continues to drizzle a bit, stop a while, drizzle a bit, stop a while, drizzling at the moment. About to fix lunch for Kim and I.


Mark got a turkey this morning. They are going to save the tail feathers for me to use in decorating Kentucky Derby hats for Kim and John. :lol :lol :lol

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Glad you guys had a good meet up. You are all smiling so beautifully.


Shower is over, clean up is done, and it all went well. The bride to be, (nephews fiancee), really got some wonderful gifts. We had tons of food left over though. My sister in law invited us over for dinner tonight, and I offered to bring my leftovers. I have a lot of dessert leftover, and also veggies and dip.


My nephew, who is getting married, invited dh and me over to see their new home this afternoon, so we are going to stop by there, before we go to bil and sil's house. They bought a small farm, since my nephew loves to grow things, with an old farmhouse on it, that they are fixing up.

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Cindy, your family sounds so nice...and starting married life on a farm is my idea of heaven! I'm so happy to hear it all went so well.

Leftovers....I always have too much food anytime I have people over:lol

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Here are Joanne, Marisa's Mary, Marisa and me.

Gorgeous picture. You seem to be having so much fun.

Glad you guys had a good meet up. You are all smiling so beautifully.


Shower is over, clean up is done, and it all went well. The bride to be, (nephews fiancee), really got some wonderful gifts. We had tons of food left over though. My sister in law invited us over for dinner tonight, and I offered to bring my leftovers. I have a lot of dessert leftover, and also veggies and dip.


My nephew, who is getting married, invited dh and me over to see their new home this afternoon, so we are going to stop by there, before we go to bil and sil's house. They bought a small farm, since my nephew loves to grow things, with an old farmhouse on it, that they are fixing up.

Congratulations on a successful shower. Sounds like they are going to have a nice start to their life together.


The hunters got one turkey this morning, and are hoping for more.


We've had rain showers off and on all day so far.

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Hi all,

We had a great meet-up and as Judy was going to take a pic of us, a very nice lady offered to take one of the four of us! The time together just flew by. I then went to the outlets with Marisa and Mary- and Marisa's friend Kathy met us there. I got some good deals, but the best was a pair of Lee Jeans marked down to 7.99 and then 50% off that!!! I left the three of them and headed home- and they had some more shopping to do!


I did some of my cleaning so it's not all left for tomorrow.


Cindy- Glad to hear that the shower went well!! I always have too much food too- but it's always better to have too much than not enough. Enjoy your evening.


Wrennie- I see you posted a thread about your library fundraiser and some ideas on things to make- How about some book totes? (There's a pattern that Judy posted on the Combo Challenge thread) Washcloths/dishcloths are fast and useful. You had mentioned that people not be thinking of afghans in June, but how about some shawls? Just some ideas that popped into my head.


Linda- Hope you get some rain to wash out the pollen. Wow I can't believe we'll be up on another Kentucky derby soon and get to see what hats you create for Kim and John


Mary2- It must seem strange to not have a rabbit show. But yes, it IS Saturday!!!


Toni- How are you feeling today?


Julie- Did Cam come over today?


Off to figure out dinner (I think I'm opting for take out tonight)

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Joanne, I think Marisa and Mary have alot of energy! You were brave going shopping with them...and what a great deal you scored on those jeans!:clap


It was a fun morning..and at least 2 ladies (that I remember, anyway) dropped by our table and complimented Mary and Marisa on their work!:hook


CU all tomorrow. Have a good night everyone:hug:manyheart

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