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Our House Part Two


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Good morning everyone. I've been up since 4, because of my back. I've taken some Motrin, and hopefully it will settle down soon and I can sleep a while longer. At least it doesn't hurt to walk around.


I need to get to the laundry some time today. I also need to go to Sam's Club to buy some stuff for a wedding shower I am having tomorrow morning. Dh will go with me there, so he can do the carrying and lifting. And of course I will need to do some food prep for that shower today as well.

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!


Tam- good to see your posts! How are YOU doing?


Mary2- Doesn't it feel great to clean out the closet? I have more room in mine too after clearing out 15 pairs of pants. I still have some more things to clear out of there- if it hasn't been worn this past winter- it's out of here!


Judy- Hope you had fun at your book club last night! And I bet you looked more than presentable!


Marisa- You'll soon be done with your baby blanket! Glad to hear that Mary's coming tomorrow- it'll be nice to meet her!!!


Cheeria- In case you stop in the house today- have a wonderful time at your church conference- we'll miss you tomorrow- but hope to meet up with you soon!!! Are you having fun with your new 'toy'?


Cindy- Hope that this morning finds your back feeling a little better!


Kiyo- Have fun at the wedding tonight!


Toni- How are you feeling today? How many more chemo treatments do you have?


Julie- Will Cam be coming this weekend? Is he going to be playing baseball again this season? I loved that pic you had posted months ago with him in is baseball uniform- so cute!


Linda- Hope this morning finds you feeling good and that the pollen count is dropping-


Off to get ready for paradise- Enjoy your FRIDAY!!! ladies!


See you later on this evening!

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Good morning everyone. I've been up since 4, because of my back. I've taken some Motrin, and hopefully it will settle down soon and I can sleep a while longer. At least it doesn't hurt to walk around.


I need to get to the laundry some time today. I also need to go to Sam's Club to buy some stuff for a wedding shower I am having tomorrow morning. Dh will go with me there, so he can do the carrying and lifting. And of course I will need to do some food prep for that shower today as well.

Oh, Cindy, Sorry to hear that the back is still barking:hug Funny you mentioned Sam's Club- when I was at my DD's MIL's the other evening- we have a list of things we'll be getting at Sam's Club for my DD's baby shower! Please take it easy- :hug

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Good morning all



Hope you have a good time at the wedding shindig ! Sounds fun. Eat a piece of cake for me .

As for my hair, I'm a pretty ODD lady --- most ladies like to have nice hairdo's ,but I dont really care what mine looks like. I wash it and comb it once a day .Good enough . I'm a little odd too, because grey hair doesnt bother me, in fact, I think grey hair is pretty,so I never want to cover it up . I earned every one of those hairs, so I feel like an army General with all the badges on his shirt. All my grey hairs are like my badges .



Love the new lapghan. it will make some nursing home person very happy with all the pretty colors .



Bet you are looking forward to the meetup tomorrow !



How is your back feeling today ?



Good to hear from you. I was wondering how things were going for you the last few days .



No worries if you cant come in and post often. We're always in here yakking so whenever you get a chance to jump in is fine !



How's Luke doing and what is he doing now ? They are so much fun at that age, they are learning new stuff all the time,so it's fun to watch them.

Cam will no doubt be here at least part of the weekend. I usually dont hear from them til Fridays. I dont like to call and bother him during the week. They load them down with so much homework, you wouldnt believe ! So, he or Steph will probably call today to let me know what their weekend plan is .


Well, I lost my train of thought, or missed the train entirely .Anyhow, sorry to those I missed. I intended to respond to as many as possible, but am not real wide awake this morning so no with it yet .


Looks like we are in for at least 2 more days of cold weather ... sure wish it'd warm up and stay warm . This time of year drives you batty with the weather,since you never know what it will do when you wake up .


I got the first star done on the lap quilt and started a little of the edge last night before zonking out . Will work on it some more today . It's been a nice change of pace to do something different for awhile .


Will check back in later -

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Hi Joanne

just saw your post . I think Cam will be playing baseball again . I asked him last week and he said he signed up but they havent yet started any practices and he doesnt know yet what the team name or colors will be . I was kinda surprised he signed up again -- he didnt seem to be super enthused about it ,but Steph wants him to sign up for something each summer. she says that will keep him occupied and out of trouble,so I guess he chose baseball. He played soccer and didnt seem to like it much either. I think he'd be great at basketball,but dont think they have teams for his age group. He is pretty tall for his age, so he would maybe be good at it, but he doesnt really seem to be much into sports-- he just signs up because Steph wants him to . Not sure what other type activities he may choose on down the road as he gets older .


One of these days you'll have a "little nipper" to watch playing sports ! It seems a long way off right now, but my gosh, the time flies when they are babies and toddlers .


Have a great day today .

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As for my hair, I'm a pretty ODD lady --- most ladies like to have nice hairdo's ,but I dont really care what mine looks like. I wash it and comb it once a day .Good enough . I'm a little odd too, because grey hair doesnt bother me, in fact, I think grey hair is pretty,so I never want to cover it up . I earned every one of those hairs, so I feel like an army General with all the badges on his shirt. All my grey hairs are like my badges .





How is your back feeling today ?



I don't care about my hair much either. Luckily I don't have hardly any gray in my hair. I've worn it the same for years, a side parted bob, slightly longer than chin length.

As for my back, its not so good so far today, but I've taken some Motrin and I'm hoping it calms down soon. I have things I have to do today, no matter what the back says.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new to report since last night, except TGIF!!!!! I was up before my alarm today, but of course just laid in bed until it went off..........and then some :lol Now enjoying my :coffee I had to take a portion of the first front panel of my sweater out last night because I worked up the pocket in the wrong directions :think:lol I kept feeling like something wasn't right, but just kept going anyway....guess I should've followed my gut :lol It wasn't a large piece thought, so not too bad :no


Cindy - So sorry to hear your back is still acting up :hug :hug If I lived closer I'd help you out.


I can't wait for our meet up tomrrow ladies :woo We're meeting at 10? I already told Mary we're leaving at 8:30 :yes:clap

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Thanks so much for the hugs....I feel each and every one of them:manyheart Fortunately we were busy today, so the day went by okay. And the rymadel for Sparkie's pain worked very well, just like the vet predicted. We're actually having to slow him down when he goes out to the yard. It's nice seeing him virtually pain free.


I'm glad it's done with...but not as much as you are! Take as many pain killers as you need:hug



Beautiful work! Felting IS lots of fun.:yes


We're off early to bring Sparkie to the vet tomorrow and then a couple of errands, so I won't be on till later on in the day.


Hugs to everyone:hug:manyheart:hug

Oh... I'm so glad Sparkie is feeling better ... :hug

Judy, so glad to hear Sparkie is doing better with the meds! It makes me smile knowing you have to slow him down.


Okay, back to crocheting for me. I started a new project (I KNOW the tea cozy is calling my name, I KNOW I need to get the tapesters done, but...) It's a diaper bag and changing pad for my grandson and his fiance. Also, bought a pattern and ordered some #1 cotton from KnitPicks to make a pretty little halter top for the three year old so she won't feel left out when the baby comes. They live in FL, so thought cotton would be the best to make it with.


Pattern was $5.99 at AA, but found the same one on Ravelry for $4.99. A dollar saved...



Too funny.......... I'm the same way... I have so many things I should work on and finish.. and a new pattern will call to me.................... "come play over here".... LOL :hook

Hello housemates!!!

I stopped at the book sale again tonight- I just couldn't resist- and picked up a few Debbie Macomber paperbacks for $1.00 each. Then I treated myself to a Starbuck's coffee- came home- had dinner and here I am!


Cindy- Hope the ibuprofen helps your back and glad you are off tomorrow to rest it!


Toni- Tea Cozy is calling-:lol:lol Have fun with the NEW project!!!


Judy- Hugs to you-:hug:hug and hope all works out well for Sparkie- Glad to read that he is pain free with the meds! I'll be thinking special thoughts for you guys tomorrow!:hug


Linda-I was glad to read that the tooth is gone! Hope that Kim's visit to the doctor went well and that you'll get to rest a little tonight- remember pain meds are there to help you feel better! Thanks for doing the math on the # of squares- maybe I'll do 3 inch so I only have to make 144:think.


Kiyo- Aree is a beautiful model- love the hat and the felted purse!!!


Julie- I'll be watching Biggest Loser with you in a few minutes! Can't wait to see who returns to the Ranch.


Marisa- How did the deposition go today? And how are you feeling? One of my co-workers had bronchitis- was on antibiotics last week- still sick - and she had jury duty today- they sent her home since she was coughing too much!


I had my weigh in at WW today- and I maintained my 10 lbs of wt loss on wk #2 I have 4 more weeks to go of maintenance and I get lifetime membership!!! I'm really happy about that! And I'm happy with my weight now. I finally remembered to take my pants to Goodwill with me this morning and I refuse to go back up in size. This is a good weight for me and I feel great!


I met with the Director of my former department where I'll be returning to and we had a good discussion. I still have bittersweet feelings about the project coming to an end- I really liked my co-workers on this team and we'll all be returning to our respective departments. I'm looking forward to having lunch with them all once a month! We'll see each other at work but it will not be same as sitting in the same aisle with them.

I'm so proud of you with all the progress you've made with WW.

checking in to see if the coffee pot was set up. Don't want anyone to miss their morning pick me up!

Curtains closed, chain on the door. 11 o'clock and all is weeeelllll.. (pst that is)


Had a busy day today. I was happy to play "madam" in the bunny barn and get some of the rabbits bred. Still have a list to try and get to tomorrow too. The real work part went good too. Helps that I'm my own boss.


Glad Sparkie is doing well on the med. Though I'm going to check one of my k-9 nutrition lists as it seems there are some warnings they don't always tell you about with some of those meds. Don't remember if that is one.


Joanne...wtg girl!


Tam did I miss that hubby got to go home? praying he is still doing well and getting better day by day

oh.. hon.. I'm sure it was me not keeping you all up to date better.. not you missing something.

yes... hubby did come home and he's doing okay!



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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!


thanks for setting up the coffee pot Mary2!!! It sure is good-and was so nice to wake up to that smell of freshly brewed coffee!!! You may have mentioned, but how many bunnies do you have?


Toni- The diaper bag sure sounds like it will be bright and cheerful looking! I love bright colors too! Hope you have a good day.


Judy- Good luck with Sparkie at the vet today:hug


Cindy- I hope that your back is feeling a little better today- at least you are off work and can rest some more- with a little crafting, maybe?


Julie- How did you like that crazy twist last night-with Jay returning? I was sorry to see Justin leave- he has been a real leader, but I am rooting for Courtney so glad she stayed- she started her journey even before the show- and I'm glad that she'll be with us another week. Anyway, it was a good one!


Tam- How's Ken doing now that he is home? And everyone else? And most importantly how are you doing and holding up? :hug


It is snowing here- CRAZY weather! It's sticking to the grass and bushes, but not the sidewalks or street. I don't think it will last as the temps are supposed to go into high 30's-40. Then colder tonight and about an inch more tomorrow. I WANT MY SPRING BACK!:flower


I'm heading over to my DD's MIL's after work so probably won't be here till later on this evening.


Have a good day everyone!:yay

Ken is doing well.. thanks for asking! Michael is hangin' tough... off the prednizone offically now.. .but still watching his levels! Me? I'm EXHAUSTED! but unfortunately.. .I dont have time to be tired... sheesh.

Good morning ladies :hi


I put some pork chops in the crockpot last night and it smells just wonderful in here this morning. Just made up some mac n cheese and now I have lunch for work :clap I have a sixers game tonight after work, I think the last home game was before I went out to Pitt :eek So I'm going through withdrawl :lol I sure will miss the games next season since Pitt doesn't have a professional basketball team, do bad I can't afford to start one myself :think


Toni - WTG on the diaper bag :clap


Mary2 - :yay for getting the rabbits bred....that must be interesting :think And thanks a bunch for the coffee :hug


See y'all tomorrow

oooooooooh.... chops in the crock! YUM!

I made a nice pot roast the other day in the crock... potatoes... carrots.. onions... homemade gravy.... YUMMY!

At least you will still get to see everyone occasionally, but you're right, it's sure not the same as working together. You've all been on this project for a long time.


Hi, Chrizty!


Oh, my! A "Madam" no less. :P



Sounds like a typical northern spring. Weird! :lol :lol :lol


I woke up twice in the night, once for more painpills and antihistamines, and once because I thought I heard John call for me. (He didn't, so must have been dreaming. The jaw still hurts, but not as bad as yesterday. I ended up using ice packs on it most of the evening and part of the afternoon. The teath on either side of the space hurt, too, but they warned me they might. It's because it was such a struggle to get the tooth out and they should calm down in a day or two. And yes I am taking my painpills.


Spring is in FULL BLOOM here now. The pollen count has quadrupled in the last two days. And the Ash trees head the list of tree pollens, which is my particular nemesis. A High pollen count is 90+ and an Extremely High pollen count is 1,500+. Our is now at 2,459. No wonder my head is stuffed up and my nose is drippy and I'm sneezing. So is Kim. We will be hybernating here at home today for obvious reasons. :sick:sneeze:tired:sneeze:sick

Oh sweetie.........darn it. I'm so sorry your allergies are acting up. It snowed here last night. So our pollen was stepped on for a while.



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Hi house, thanks for all the happy birthday. This year I did what I wanted to do and it was a great way to spend my birthday. I decided to treat myself to five weeks of on-line classes in learning how to weave navajo style rugs. So my time have been consume with learning how to warp the loom and gathering all the supplies I need from a navajo trading post in Arizona. Besides that I have to read my textbook on How to weave the Navajo Way. :D So yes I am busy, busy but happy to be learning something completely new.


Here are some pictures of my navajo loom and the warp that I have put on it. It took 3 1/2 hours to put the warp on and stablize it. Fun stuff :lol:lol






I know no one in the group is into the same type of fibre arts that I participate in besides knitting and crocheting, but I still want to share my work with you.


This week is meet-up which I can't attend :( for I have a conference to attend for two days (Friday and Saturday) at my church. I know the meet-up group will have fun and that my thoughts will be there with you.


My lil grand darlings are fine and growing and making a complete mess of my home which is normal for little ones. ;) Every evening I have to pull my home back together again which is okay with me.


I didn't have to go to AC Moore to pick up another hook which was missing for suddenly Sunday morning it appear on the floor by my closet and I was really glad to see it for now I can resume crocheting my doily-ghan. :eek


Sorry for not answering any posts but I wrote this post on the fly when the lil darlings were busy but now they are getting into nono's so I got to run now. Hugs:hug:hug

whoa.........Very cool! Cant wait to see your projects!

Hi, my friends...

I read through everyone's posts...chuckled at the rabbit "madam" reference and was glad to see that Linda is taking the pain pills.

Cindy, congrats on getting that beautiful pattern posted! I hope your back continues to improve.:hug



Sparkie update:

No bone cancer, tg, from what the vet saw on the xrays:)....she sent out some samples for cytology tests, though, so we'll see what happens with that. It'll take a couple of days or more to get that back.


I'm so thankful for your understanding, good thoughts and prayers...I couldn't get through life's trials and uncertainties without my friends:manyheart:hug

:yay good news about Sparkie! So far... So good! You can bet I'll be praying.. for sparkie and you! :hug



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¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Good Morning House.....




Poppin' in to say :hi HI

Hubby has a CT scan this morning at 10:30am... so any and all prayers would be really appreciated. We're praying that the last spot that was shrinking on hubby's lung is GONE.

He's been home since Monday night... taking all the meds they were giving him orally.

Miss chatting with you all! :hug

been so darn busy here. Hubby and meds... Michael and checking his levels... daughter and all her kids... and and and.

I'm keeping busy with lots of crocheting!!!!

I've been volunteering for testing lots of patterns lately... sure has been fun and keeps my mind busy!

I cant believe I havent fallen over from being so darn tired.

Anyway... gotta run.. need to get boys off to school and get hubby to dr.

catch up later.



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My back is still bugging me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay home from work tomorrow. I really think its just a pulled muscle, because its a constant ache, that gets worse with movement. If I stay home tomorrow, I am off until Monday, which should give it time to heal.

Back pain is no fun! Feel better soon!


That bowling ball idea sounds really cool to make for a garden decoration! Have fun with it!


Welcome to "our house" Crizty! There are lots of other crafts besides crocheting being done here by some very talented ladies! Stop in when you can- it'll be great to get to know you! I have 3 adult daughters, and my youngest is married to my wonderful son-in-law and they are expecting their first baby (a boy) in August, which is my first grandchild! I work full time- and you'll usually see me posting in the wee hours of the early morn and then again in the evening.

That does sound cool!


Yeah Chrizty! What she said! Well I already know you, but the other stuff.



I sure wish we had a few spring days coming this next few ,but it sounds like old man winter is trying to drop in for one more visit. It probably wont be anything major, just maybe a few snowflakes and cold again. We have had some really pretty days lately so I think we may see the light at the end of the tunnel .


That'd be nice. Darn March is such a tease when it throws in a couple of warm sunny days, then back to brrrrrrr.


Good morning! Hello! No need to worry about learning to crochet---just jump in! Fun lil groupie we are here! We love to see each others work----I'm not a knitter or a quilter, but I crochet and scrapbook and ......talk a lot!



Forgot to say, I have now been a cville member for 6 years !!!

:cheer Happy anniversary!


Here's a lapghan - going to the Nursing home.

Marisa might recognize her work in here;)

Oooh, nice!


Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new to report since last night, except TGIF!!!!! I was up before my alarm today, but of course just laid in bed until it went off..........and then some :lol Now enjoying my :coffee I had to take a portion of the first front panel of my sweater out last night because I worked up the pocket in the wrong directions :think:lol I kept feeling like something wasn't right, but just kept going anyway....guess I should've followed my gut :lol It wasn't a large piece thought, so not too bad :no




I can't wait for our meet up tomrrow ladies :woo We're meeting at 10? I already told Mary we're leaving at 8:30 :yes:clap

Good morning! I feel your pain with the sweater :blush

Whose meeting where? I missed that in the last 1000 posts or so.TAKE PICTURES!! We all want to see too!


No real news here today. I need to find out details on a rumored fund raiser for our library. If theres raffles & such I'll make an afghan, and donate one of the quilts I have for sale at my friends shop. I didn't make them my friend in Colorado did. If not I'll have to see if they're doing the library fair or not. And donate there.

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Good morning, peeps!

I wore my NY Yankee jersey to book club last night:D We have a great time - and actually discuss the book. We have a wonderful neighborhood.


Thanks for the compliments on the ghan. I love making squares - of any size.

Marisa and Joanne when we meet up tomorrow I'll have my yarn with me so I can start the baby 9 patch my friend commissioned.


I didn't give Sparkie his rymadel dose last night (we thought it might have given him a little indigestion) but this AM I saw him limping a little again, so put him right back on it.


The vet who did the xrays and needle biopsies called late yesterday: it's some inflammation...forget the name...but NEGATIVE to cancer cells in the lymph node....the other thing on his thigh was the same...BUT she thought maybe the needle missed the main part of the bump/lump and suggested ANOTHER biopsy:think Alternative would be to just bring him in a week or 2 so she can palpate the area and see if there's any change.

Anywho, my regular vet will call me today and I'm going to talk with her about all that. I trust HER not to overtest. She's not in it for the money.

Otherwise, Sparkie is animated and eating etc.:)

Good morning everyone. I've been up since 4, because of my back. I've taken some Motrin, and hopefully it will settle down soon and I can sleep a while longer. At least it doesn't hurt to walk around.

DS, not one to recommend meds of any kind, does remind me about how well Motrin or Advil (same thing?) work. I hope it gave you some relief.

I need to get to the laundry some time today. I also need to go to Sam's Club to buy some stuff for a wedding shower I am having tomorrow morning. Dh will go with me there, so he can do the carrying and lifting. And of course I will need to do some food prep for that shower today as well.

Definitely have DH lift stuff!:yes

I had to take a portion of the first front panel of my sweater out last night because I worked up the pocket in the wrong directions :think:lol I kept feeling like something wasn't right, but just kept going anyway....guess I should've followed my gut :lol It wasn't a large piece thought, so not too bad :noOOOOPS:P


I can't wait for our meet up tomrrow ladies :woo We're meeting at 10? I already told Mary we're leaving at 8:30 :yes:clap

Yup, 10 is good!! Looking forward to it....:)



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Wrennie, Me, Joanne and Cheeria live pretty close to each other, and Marisa drives up from Philadelphia - and we meet at a nearby Starbucks for a couple of hours of coffee and "show and tell/hooking":D Cheeria can't make it this time around. Mary is coming with Marisa and Joanne met someone on Ravelry who also lives close by and she joined us last time - not sure if she's coming tomorrow or not,



Tam if it wasn't for the hooking and coffee you would be on the floor:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:hug

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Morning everyone! I crashed and burned last night. Was soooo tired as we didn't get home from town until 6pm. :eek

Chemo went good, just slow because they had to do blood work beforehand. Good news, my white count is now LOW and not LOW CRITICAL, red cells are up and platelets are at NORMAL for the first time since this started. :yay:yay:yay Just have to drink my 2+ quarts of water today :(


Hey girlie----Actually our company owner is getting married tomorrow night up in Idaho about 2 hours away and then we were all going to do a little partying after and i figured I wouldn't bum out on a good time since I usually work every saturday! So.....I took the day off! Can you believe it! ===How are you? Have a good time for me too!!! :lol Enjoy your day off


I took today off too! I have some work to do that takes total concentration without interruption, so will be doing that sometime tomorrow when everyone else is off. Supposed to be storming to trip to HL is off.


Toni ~ I hope today wasn't too rough for you and that you're able to get lots of rest. :manyheart

With my sister along, it's always fun when I get treatments. She's a hoot! Yes, I got lots of rest last night.


Lots accomplished around here today and I even crocheted for an hour. :hookGlad you got some :crocheting time in!


Here's a lapghan - going to the Nursing home.


Gorgeous! Will keep someone warm and wrapped in love :cheer

Marisa might recognize her work in here;)


Toni- Hope your chemo went well today and that you will get a good night's sleep- you were up early! Hugs, my friend!


Yes, it went well and yes, I was up WAY to early. I got good sleep and taking today off.


Good morning everyone. I've been up since 4, because of my back. I've taken some Motrin, and hopefully it will settle down soon and I can sleep a while longer. At least it doesn't hurt to walk around.


Glad you are feeling some better. Continued prayers that it will be completely better soon!

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Good morning, my friends. The pollen count was down to 2,019 this morning, which is a lot better, but still extremely high. We're due to get some rain, maybe, this weekend, which would be a tremendous help. My jaw is still sore, but getting better each day.


I had to take a portion of the first front panel of my sweater out last night because I worked up the pocket in the wrong directions :think:lol I kept feeling like something wasn't right, but just kept going anyway....guess I should've followed my gut :lol It wasn't a large piece thought, so not too bad :no

:( Sorry you had to go to the frog pond and glad it wasn't a lot.

As for my back, its not so good so far today, but I've taken some Motrin and I'm hoping it calms down soon. I have things I have to do today, no matter what the back says.

Sorry that your back is still acting up. Hope the Motrin helps. Good luck with your busy day. :hug :hug :hug

Ken is doing well.. thanks for asking! Michael is hangin' tough... off the prednizone offically now.. .but still watching his levels! Me? I'm EXHAUSTED! but unfortunately.. .I dont have time to be tired... sheesh.:mug

Please take care of yourself, Tammy. :hug :hug :hug I'm glad that Ken and Hubby are doing better.

Hubby has a CT scan this morning at 10:30am... so any and all prayers would be really appreciated. We're praying that the last spot that was shrinking on hubby's lung is GONE.

He's been home since Monday night... taking all the meds they were giving him orally.

been so darn busy here. Hubby and meds... Michael and checking his levels... daughter and all her kids... and and and.

I cant believe I havent fallen over from being so darn tired.




Anyway... gotta run.. need to get boys off to school and get hubby to dr.

catch up later.:heart:mug

:hug :hug :hugGood luck with the catscan. :hug :hug :hug

No real news here today. I need to find out details on a rumored fund raiser for our library. If theres raffles & such I'll make an afghan, and donate one of the quilts I have for sale at my friends shop. I didn't make them my friend in Colorado did. If not I'll have to see if they're doing the library fair or not. And donate there.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

I didn't give Sparkie his rymadel dose last night (we thought it might have given him a little indigestion) but this AM I saw him limping a little again, so put him right back on it.


The vet who did the xrays and needle biopsies called late yesterday: it's some inflammation...forget the name...but NEGATIVE to cancer cells in the lymph node....the other thing on his thigh was the same...BUT she thought maybe the needle missed the main part of the bump/lump and suggested ANOTHER biopsy:think Alternative would be to just bring him in a week or 2 so she can palpate the area and see if there's any change.

Anywho, my regular vet will call me today and I'm going to talk with her about all that. I trust HER not to overtest. She's not in it for the money.

Otherwise, Sparkie is animated and eating etc.:)

Glad the tests were good. I'd definitely get a second opinion of redoing the biopsy. :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!


Toni- How are you feeling today? How many more chemo treatments do you have?


Two more scheduled this time, then see how it's doing. This is a chronic form of cancer and will be ongoing checking my blood, giving me blood, chemo, etc. for the rest of my life. Just depends on all the levels. At least now I know the signs that things aren't right and won't get to the level I was when I was hospitalized! Nip it in the bud.


Off to get ready for paradise- Enjoy your FRIDAY!!! ladies!


See you later on this evening!


Good morning all


As for my hair, I'm a pretty ODD lady --- most ladies like to have nice hairdo's ,but I dont really care what mine looks like. I wash it and comb it once a day .Good enough . I'm a little odd too, because grey hair doesnt bother me, in fact, I think grey hair is pretty,so I never want to cover it up . I earned every one of those hairs, so I feel like an army General with all the badges on his shirt. All my grey hairs are like my badges .


Oh, you are soooo much like me! I have white hair, it's almost waist length, pull it back in a barrett in winter and pony tail in summer. Like you, I've earned every one of those white hairs and wrinkles.


Love, Love, Love your star afghan. One of my favorite quilt patterns!




¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Good Morning House.....




Poppin' in to say :hi HI

Hubby has a CT scan this morning at 10:30am... so any and all prayers would be really appreciated. We're praying that the last spot that was shrinking on hubby's lung is GONE.

He's been home since Monday night... taking all the meds they were giving him orally.

Miss chatting with you all! :hug

been so darn busy here. Hubby and meds... Michael and checking his levels... daughter and all her kids... and and and.

I'm keeping busy with lots of crocheting!!!!

I've been volunteering for testing lots of patterns lately... sure has been fun and keeps my mind busy!

I cant believe I havent fallen over from being so darn tired.




Anyway... gotta run.. need to get boys off to school and get hubby to dr.

catch up later.





Glad Ken is home and Michael is doing better and hoping you can relax a little bit, I hope. You all continue to be in my prayers:hug[/QUOTE]


Good morning, peeps!

I didn't give Sparkie his rymadel dose last night (we thought it might have given him a little indigestion) but this AM I saw him limping a little again, so put him right back on it.


The vet who did the xrays and needle biopsies called late yesterday: it's some inflammation...forget the name...but NEGATIVE to cancer cells in the lymph node....the other thing on his thigh was the same...BUT she thought maybe the needle missed the main part of the bump/lump and suggested ANOTHER biopsy:think Alternative would be to just bring him in a week or 2 so she can palpate the area and see if there's any change.

Anywho, my regular vet will call me today and I'm going to talk with her about all that. I trust HER not to overtest. She's not in it for the money.

Otherwise, Sparkie is animated and eating etc.:)


:hug:hug:hug:cheer:cheer:clap:clap Glad to hear he's doing better. Continued prayers!




Wrennie, Me, Joanne and Cheeria live pretty close to each other, and Marisa drives up from Philadelphia - and we meet at a nearby Starbucks for a couple of hours of coffee and "show and tell/hooking":D Cheeria can't make it this time around. Mary is coming with Marisa and Joanne met someone on Ravelry who also lives close by and she joined us last time - not sure if she's coming tomorrow or not,


Sounds like a good time! Wish I lived closer to someone, and could drive again *LOL*



That's it for now. :hi to any and all I missed. Hard to catch up with everyone!

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Hoping your husbands test comes back even better than the last one ! Also hoping that you get some relief from all the other things piling up on you.




Good luck with the library fundraiser ! I bet they will appreciate anything you donate to help .



Sorry your back is still giving you fits,and with so much to do ... try not to overdo if you dont have to. Sounds like you have a couple busy days booked up .



Sounds like your book meetup was lots of fun again. Do you know yet what the next book will be ?

Also ,glad the vet tests came back good --that is a little odd that they think they may have missed the actual spot they were doing a biopsy on .... good to discuss it with your regular vet to see what she thinks .




Hope the pollen calms down for you -- I dont know the numbers of what ours reaches at its peak ,but it probably isnt very high at the moment. Too cold out -- you can just barely see some beginning buds on some of the trees and bushes .




Wow, I bet your hair is pretty ! Long white hair sounds beautiful. Mine is short --never have had long hair. My mom always said she couldnt do a thing with my hair,because I have a cowlick ,so she'd take me to get it lopped off every couple of months . I'm so used to short hair, I keep it like this .

Thanks for the compliments on the lap quilt pattern. It reminded me of the prairie star afghan which I started about 75 times and never completed !

GREAT NEWS about your last bloodwork !!!

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Jules, this is the book for next meeting. Very different, so I'll give it a shot.


Back to work here...ironing shirts is next on the agenda.



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Oh Jude !


I havent read that particular book,but did read In the Time of the Butterflies by the same lady . It was SO good. I read it a long time ago,and THINK it was based on an actual event, though don't remember exactly what the event was. It was very sad ,but one of those books which make you think a lot ,which are my favorites. Gotta keep the noggin thinking or it'll rust shut .


I think the one you guys are reading is a much lighter type book, but couldnt say so for sure since I havent read it .

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By the way, I threw my iron and ironing board away ,since that is the one task I hate above all others .

I then proceeded to buy Sam all new shirts ( the golf type pullover jobs with the collars )and he has learned to wear them now . He wore the shirts that needed ironed his whole life up until a couple years ago when I decided I had ironed my last shirt .


I would rather dig a moat around the entire town every day of my life than iron one more shirt . R E A L L Y HATE IRONING .

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By the way, I threw my iron and ironing board away ,since that is the one task I hate above all others .

I then proceeded to buy Sam all new shirts ( the golf type pullover jobs with the collars )and he has learned to wear them now . He wore the shirts that needed ironed his whole life up until a couple years ago when I decided I had ironed my last shirt .


I would rather dig a moat around the entire town every day of my life than iron one more shirt . R E A L L Y HATE IRONING .

I've been ironing shirts forever. It began when I was in Catholic grammer school...my blouses had to be ironed and while I was at it I did the rare dress shirts my dad wore, and my brother's shirts - also for Catholic school - till they learned how to do it. My mother was an equal opportunity mom. If you wanted to eat you learned to cook, too.


I find it very Zen...like weaving in ends...just don't enjoy pulling the ironing board out and setting it up:lol

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I've been ironing shirts forever. It began when I was in Catholic grammer school...my blouses had to be ironed and while I was at it I did the rare dress shirts my dad wore, and my brother's shirts - also for Catholic school - till they learned how to do it. My mother was an equal opportunity mom. If you wanted to eat you learned to cook, too.


I find it very Zen...like weaving in ends...just don't enjoy pulling the ironing board out and setting it up:lol

Ironing...what's that? :lol I too grew up having to iron everything; then about 25 years of DH's 100% cotton shirts...now they go to the cleaners. :devil


By the way, I threw my iron and ironing board away ,since that is the one task I hate above all others .

I then proceeded to buy Sam all new shirts ( the golf type pullover jobs with the collars )and he has learned to wear them now . He wore the shirts that needed ironed his whole life up until a couple years ago when I decided I had ironed my last shirt .


I would rather dig a moat around the entire town every day of my life than iron one more shirt . R E A L L Y HATE IRONING .

Me, too! :yes I only keep mine for touching up. :D

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Judy ~ Your lapghan is great - very happy colors! :clap


Toni ~ Oh, that's good news about your labs. :) I admire your good attitude and that will help you get through this! :hug


Kiyo ~ Good for you for taking tomorrow off. Have a wonderful time at the wedding and party!


Tam ~ Keeping fingers crossed for good results on the CT scan. :hug


Linda ~ Our pollen is horrible, too...we are sneezing a lot and are both taking Allegra. We're also officially in a drought...not good. I'm glad your jaw isn't quite as sore. :manyheart


Errands are out of the way and I'm looking forward to planting my annual herbs and flowers this weekend. :) Zoe has a check-up tomorrow at 9 and I may let DH take her...it's his turn. :lol

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Finally, all my food prep for the shower is done. Still need to run some errands and clean a bit.

I also managed to knit a pair of baby booties i between chores today. My back is feeling a little better, probably because I alternated an hour of work with an hour of rest.

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