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Our House Part Two


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~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!


Congratulations on your win!

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Hey ladies :hi


Getting back into my routine here :whew I was running late this morning so didn't get a chance to stop in. Woke up with a cough this morning that seems to be getting progressively worse throughout the day :( I stopped on the way home to pick up some chicken noodle soup at the wawa, which was quite yummy :yes Had tea all day at work, but think I will put the teapot on and have another :think I hope this comes and goes with no lingering :xfin


I didn't go back to reread the posts that I skimmed through last night so am just going to move forward. If I missed anything important or any questions directly to me.....feel free to repeat :lol


We went shopping on saturday and I bought a pair of the dr scholl's version of the shape up sneakers, they were on sale at sears for $30 :clap I crocheted in the morning while watching the devastating news. After shopping, I finished the scarf I started and wore it out to eat. My sister got quite a bit of practicing in and Mary got quite a bit done on a big scarf as well :yes Saturday we ordered pizza in for lunch and then went out for our st patty's day celebration. Got home around 11. Sunday went out for lunch and then to the airport. Scoped out a practice for sale on the south side, which I've deemed not for me :think Just based on location and NO parking.


Tam - extra prayers being sent to dh and your family :hug :hug :hug


Linda - Sorry you had a bad day :hug I hope today was better. How's that tooth doing?


Cindy - did you figure out a fix for your error or did you have to frog?


Mary2 - I love the hat.....and great model too :wink


Judy - The energy is my 'game face' :lol I'm usually not very awake when I here since it's usually when I just get up or off of work. I love your spoon dish :manyheart


Kiyo - Hey there chickadee, sorry your bf had to head back, but it's nice of him not to expect to 'mooch' off of you and wants to find a job first :yes And congrats on the win of the felted bag :clap Maybe you should do a 'doily' giveaway :wink


Toni - Feel free to whine all you want, this crew is one great support system :ghug Always here to listen and when needed, offer advice ;) I like mindless projects too :yes


All right ladies, I have 2 or 3 other threads to check and haven't been in them since I left :eek So it might take a while.

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug






Oh, my Tammy! Extra prayers being said for your DH!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug


Hello everyone. I had a great day at work today. Nice and calm for a change. Its beautiful weather here, sunny and clear. (Of course that means I can see the dust in my house very clearly....) I'm so glad to hear that you had a great day!!! I love the sunshine, but it really does show up the dust!! But, I'd rather have the sunshine, than the gray, dreary skies especially since it seems that as soon as you dust, it's back again!!!



Joanne, nice hubby and IPHONE!!! someday my ship will come in and I'll be able to get all the latest toys, kindle, iphone, ipad, new embroidery machine......:rofl
He shocked the you know what out of me with the new phones! I've been playing with it a bit after work today - I was very comfortable with my Blackberry- but I'm loving my new toy! He is a kind man- but he is a man- so he does sometimes get on my nerves:lol:lol
Just a quick note. I've had a couple of "unsettled" days where I can't seem to concentrate on anything. That being said, the tea cozy didn't get worked on. Takes to much counting and concentration. Needed some no-brainer crocheting so started sock #2 for one I had just finished. Have another single sock, in another pattern and yarn waiting for it's mate, just in case this hangs around for a while.


I want out of the house. I want to be able to drive myself places again and not have to rush through store. I'm whining and yes, I'll take some cheese and crackers with it :lolI used to say that alot- I'll have a little cheese and crackers with my whine- haven't said it or heard it in a while-:lol And please feel free to have a little whine - we all have days like that and it's always good to know that in our house, we have friends who care!:hug I often need no-brainer crocheting- I find it hard to concentrate after working all day and need to give my brain cells a rest!


Back to my corner. Later Y'all!

You can come out of the corner now and join us in the living room!:lol:lol


~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!
I knew it was you who was going to get it!! Perfect!!! A pink bag for a lady who loves to use pink in her hair!!! enjoy it!!



I know the need to be on your own....

Hubby lieks to drive me to the store, etc, if he doesn't have work - and that's been more days than not, lately.

I've had to go out on my own just to browse without feeling rushed! I even told him I needed to get out and drive myself before I forget how!

:hugto you.

:lol I feel that way too sometimes. I sometimes feel like DH wants me to entertain him (and not in a naughty way;)) I need my "ME" time to unwind and relax!


Hey ladies :hi


Getting back into my routine here :whew I was running late this morning so didn't get a chance to stop in. Woke up with a cough this morning that seems to be getting progressively worse throughout the day :( I stopped on the way home to pick up some chicken noodle soup at the wawa, which was quite yummy :yes Had tea all day at work, but think I will put the teapot on and have another :think I hope this comes and goes with no lingering :xfinI hope it doesn't linger either!!! Chicken soup is always good- as is tea with honey!


I didn't go back to reread the posts that I skimmed through last night so am just going to move forward. If I missed anything important or any questions directly to me.....feel free to repeat :lolNo problem- nothing important from me--at least that I remember:think


We went shopping on saturday and I bought a pair of the dr scholl's version of the shape up sneakers, they were on sale at sears for $30 :clap I crocheted in the morning while watching the devastating news. After shopping, I finished the scarf I started and wore it out to eat. My sister got quite a bit of practicing in and Mary got quite a bit done on a big scarf as well :yes Saturday we ordered pizza in for lunch and then went out for our st patty's day celebration. Got home around 11. Sunday went out for lunch and then to the airport. Scoped out a practice for sale on the south side, which I've deemed not for me :think Just based on location and NO parking.NO PARKING???? No wonder the practice is for sale!! I didn't know Dr. Scholl's had a version of the shape up sneakers. I'll have to check them out! I was looking at the Sketchers- they are less chunky looking now-



Linda- Can't wait to see the pics of your buys from the Expo- and I was glad to hear you and Kim were going to have a quiet day. How's your tooth feeling...and I'm with Judy- you start getting older and I'm careful of what I'm eating- very afraid of chewing something to hard and breaking a tooth.


Had a good day at work- not too busy, not too slow- just right! They are few and far between it seems when they work out like that. I was playing with my iphone when I got home and couldn't believe it was almost 7 when I logged into the ville. It was still light out! Love it!!!


Hope you all have a good night!:hug

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We went shopping on saturday and I bought a pair of the dr scholl's version of the shape up sneakers, they were on sale at sears for $30 :clap




Cindy - did you figure out a fix for your error or did you have to frog?




I didn't know Dr Scholl's sold a version of the shape-up sneakers. I like Dr Scholls brand for work shoes. When I decided to go buy the expensive shoes from the uniform shop is when I developed plantar fasciitis. Once I got out my old Dr Scoll's my feet felt just fine again. Don't know if it was the shoes or just coincidence. However, it was enough to convince me to buy a new pair a few weeks ago and so far, so good.


And I haven't looked at the error again. Too tired after working all day to deal with it. I'd only have to frog one round, if that's what I decide to do. Its a long round though...


Hope you feel better soon.

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Nice seeing everyone pop in! :hook


Marisa, feel better...and the no parking by the one office....that was an easy No.:yes


Not much going on at my end...getting another body part (as Jules says:lol) checked out tomorrow...then another one on Thursday.

When did I turn into a senior citizen?:think


Hubby and I are really starting to laugh about all the appointments lately...ya just have to:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug





Oh sweetie! I've got you all in my thoughts!!!!!!!!:hug

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Just a quick note. I've had a couple of "unsettled" days where I can't seem to concentrate on anything. That being said, the tea cozy didn't get worked on. Takes to much counting and concentration. Needed some no-brainer crocheting so started sock #2 for one I had just finished. Have another single sock, in another pattern and yarn waiting for it's mate, just in case this hangs around for a while.


I want out of the house. I want to be able to drive myself places again and not have to rush through store. I'm whining and yes, I'll take some cheese and crackers with it :lol


Back to my corner. Later Y'all!

:hug :hug :hug I like my independence, too. It must be sooo hard having to do all your running around at someone else's convenience. :hug :hug :hug

~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!



I liked the dentist and everyone at the office. They were more reasonably priced than the dentist that John and Kim go to and closer to the house too. The down side is that they can TRY to save the tooth with a crown (over $1,000) or I can have it pulled (about $300.) It can't be fixed with a filling. They did give me a prescription for antibiotics and painpills while we decide what to do about it. And they recommended the same oral surgeon as pulled the other tooth in December if that's the way we go, which is what I'm leaning towards. And I do need to have some maintenance work done on the rest of my teeth and a filling. Sigh! :sigh I bought some soup and yogurt to eat while deciding what to do.


Kim was a lot more chipper today. Rosie stayed with her while I was at the dentist. I got her and John subs for their supper as a thank you. And some chocolate for Rosie. :D


I've started a scarf for you, Kiyo. And I've been crocheting some more squares for the next Christmas stocking. Which reminded me that I have to finish the baby quilt for my niece. She's due in just a few more weeks. Where did the time go?


I'll lock the door and put on the nightlight tonight. Have a good one. I'll catch you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Good morning! The curtains are pulled for another day in the house!


Linda glad to hear you like the dentist you went too. Good luck with your decision on what to do. Hope that today is nice and quiet for you and Kim.


Tammy- Keeping DH in my prayers- and for you too, my friend!:hug


Kiyo, Cindy and Marisa- Have a good day at work today and hope that Marisa got a good night's sleep- and that the cough isn't getting any worse!


Judy- Hope you have a good appointment today and that you are in and out in no time!


Oops- just looked at the clock-:eek time to get it in gear and get ready for another day.


See you later!!!:hug

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Just a quick note. I've had a couple of "unsettled" days where I can't seem to concentrate on anything. That being said, the tea cozy didn't get worked on. Takes to much counting and concentration. Needed some no-brainer crocheting so started sock #2 for one I had just finished. Have another single sock, in another pattern and yarn waiting for it's mate, just in case this hangs around for a while.


I want out of the house. I want to be able to drive myself places again and not have to rush through store. I'm whining and yes, I'll take some cheese and crackers with it :lol


Back to my corner. Later Y'all!

Oh darlin' whine away!!!! I have been doing my fair share this last week or so and you have been right there to make me feel better. :hug... :hug...:hug

Take care my friend.

~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!


Hey ladies :hi


Getting back into my routine here :whew I was running late this morning so didn't get a chance to stop in. Woke up with a cough this morning that seems to be getting progressively worse throughout the day :( I stopped on the way home to pick up some chicken noodle soup at the wawa, which was quite yummy :yes Had tea all day at work, but think I will put the teapot on and have another :think I hope this comes and goes with no lingering :xfin


I didn't go back to reread the posts that I skimmed through last night so am just going to move forward. If I missed anything important or any questions directly to me.....feel free to repeat :lol


We went shopping on saturday and I bought a pair of the dr scholl's version of the shape up sneakers, they were on sale at sears for $30 :clap I crocheted in the morning while watching the devastating news. After shopping, I finished the scarf I started and wore it out to eat. My sister got quite a bit of practicing in and Mary got quite a bit done on a big scarf as well :yes Saturday we ordered pizza in for lunch and then went out for our st patty's day celebration. Got home around 11. Sunday went out for lunch and then to the airport. Scoped out a practice for sale on the south side, which I've deemed not for me :think Just based on location and NO parking.


Tam - extra prayers being sent to dh and your family :hug :hug :hug

Thanks so much hon!!!! :hug

Kiyo - Hey there chickadee, sorry your bf had to head back, but it's nice of him not to expect to 'mooch' off of you and wants to find a job first :yes And congrats on the win of the felted bag :clap Maybe you should do a 'doily' giveaway :winkYES!!!



All right ladies, I have 2 or 3 other threads to check and haven't been in them since I left :eek So it might take a while.


Oh, my Tammy! Extra prayers being said for your DH!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug

Thank you sweetie!!! :hug

Had a good day at work- not too busy, not too slow- just right! They are few and far between it seems when they work out like that. I was playing with my iphone when I got home and couldn't believe it was almost 7 when I logged into the ville. It was still light out! Love it!!!


Hope you all have a good night!:hug






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Oh sweetie! I've got you all in my thoughts!!!!!!!!:hug


Tam praying the docs find out what is wrong. Hugs to you

Thanks hon!!! :hug

Good morning! The curtains are pulled for another day in the house!


Linda glad to hear you like the dentist you went too. Good luck with your decision on what to do. Hope that today is nice and quiet for you and Kim.


Tammy- Keeping DH in my prayers- and for you too, my friend!:hug

Thanks darlin'!!!! :hug

Kiyo, Cindy and Marisa- Have a good day at work today and hope that Marisa got a good night's sleep- and that the cough isn't getting any worse!


Judy- Hope you have a good appointment today and that you are in and out in no time!


Oops- just looked at the clock-:eek time to get it in gear and get ready for another day.


See you later!!!:hug







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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Hope all is well with everyone so far this morning and will be the rest of the day.

I wont be around today...

1) drop boys off at school

2) stop at mechanics to have van looked at... its acting up.... :sigh

3) go to hospital to see hubby

4) pick up two younger ones from school.... go to HighSchool and wait for older one (he has track practice) and we would rather wait for him than go home to listen to screaming kids.

5) come home... cook dinner... get homework done with kids... hopefully settle in with you guys for a while before bed!

I have a couple show & shares I'll have to share later! :hook

Well... off to finish getting the boys ready for school!

Love you guys! :hug

Miss Julie................ MISS YOU



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Hi, peeps!


I read all the posts...no time to comment except to say to Linda, that's the price I was quoted for a crown!:eek


...and Jules is hanging in there....hopefully we'll see here posting away really soon....fingers crossed.



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Good morning ladies :hi


Getting ready to walk out the door but needed to stop by first. I slept great last night from about 10-9:30 and only woke up a couple time to use the bathroom :lol But I sure was sweating so hopefully something sweat out :xfin Since by the time I got up I seemed to be at a normal temp :yes


Linda - Good luck with your dentist decision, it's never an easy one :no Glad to hear that Kim was a bit more chipper


Joanne - Cough is still here and not any better, but I don't really think it's any worse either :think


Tam - Good luck with your busy day and give dh hugs from all of us here :hug


Judy - Thanks for the update on Julie, let her know she's in our prayers too :yes

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Good morning, housemates. It started raining in the night and supposed to keep this up off and on all day long. :sigh I won't complain too much since we do need the rain. :sigh Kim has a doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I really hope it holds off on the rain while we are out. The tooth aches, but painpills are keeping it manageable. I think I'm going to opt to have it pulled, since the dentist wasn't sure they could save it with a crown. I'd really hate to put all that money into it and then still have to have it pulled in the end.


Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart


Hang in there, Miss Julie. We miss you. :hug :hug :hug

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good morning.


asking for prayers for hubby as he goes to meet with a customer from last year. Hubby is contract tree grafter and this guys trees aren't growing well. I believe there was a misunderstanding and the trees are in a world of hurt and not growing well. This is a very rare occurrence in his business. He needs wisdom and a peaceable outcome

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*~* Hi ladies*~* FILL ME IN-----WHAT HAPPENED TO JULIE???


Tam----My prayers are with you and DH- Hopefully all will be well soon! ((HUGS))


Marissa----since.....I am getting more into the oils and just had to use some for myself for feeling yucky. I gagged down Maleluca. It took the swelling in my throat down and tasted horrible, but I didn't cough, I didn't have a sore throat but for that day. It was nice to not have sickness linger. I did 3 drops every half hour for first hour and then spuratically (sp?) throughout the day. Then VIOLAAAAA--GONE GONE GONE!!!


As for everyone else-------GOOD MORNING!! Hope all is well and you have sunshine in your day today---hopefully it will be like that here!

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Kiyo, Jules has been having problems with the asthma and the meds she's taking to treat it so she's concentrating on taking care of herself for a bit.


good morning.


asking for prayers for hubby as he goes to meet with a customer from last year. Hubby is contract tree grafter and this guys trees aren't growing well. I believe there was a misunderstanding and the trees are in a world of hurt and not growing well. This is a very rare occurrence in his business. He needs wisdom and a peaceable outcome


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Hi Ladies. Sorry I've been pretty much MIA lately - lots going on with all three parents-Zoe got sick and has been to the vet-Luke is running a fever and DD wanted me to go to the Dr. with them...needless to say, no crocheting news from me. :lol


Linda ~ So sorry to read about the tooth problem. :hug I know it's painful and the $ is painful, too. :(


Mary2 ~ I hope everything works out with your DH's customer. :hug I've always been intrigued with plants, grafting and horticulture in general.


Kiyo ~ Congratulations on winning the bag! :clap It is so pretty and I know you'll love it!


Hi to all of you! Be back soon - I hope!

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Hi gang

Sorry I havent been around for several days .


I'll try to shorten this,which for me is NOT easy .


Last week,after being switched to a new asthma drug ( newest on the market), I had another asthma attack, so another trip to ER . as a lot of you know, I have had one stupid body part break, then the next,...etc .

I am at this point VERY discouraged with Dr's,tests,drugs, and all the truckloads of money it is costing . Ridiculous. :grumpy

Anyhow we also have our normal family issues all deciding to come out of the woodwork again,which is ticking me off royally . :bang

SO, to make a long story short, when I get like THIS, it is best to hibernate ,rather than come in here moaning .


A big thank you to Jude for dropping me a note today and handing me a plastic spoon so I can start digging myself out of my latest F U N K .:yes


I'll try to spare you guys all the gorey details .


To everyone dealing with issues right now, my thoughts are with you . :hug


Hope I can take a U turn here and yank myself up out of this mess again .


Sure wish I had the POWER you guys all do. You seem to be able to get knocked down flat, then stand right back up . I just lay there for awhile, trying to figure out why I got knocked down, who did it,and what I'm gonna DO to them when I get up .:tryme

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