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Our House Part Two


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Good morning, everyone. With luck we will be heading out of here at some point today. My guess is it won't be until mid to late afternoon. Yesterday was a very good day, busy, but good. This morning she was showing off her "boo boo" where they drew blood this morning the minute her mom and I walked in the door. She didn't want any breakfast, but finally consented to eat part of a slice of French toast with butter and syrup on it. She's back to wanting her normal food. NOT hospital food.


John took off for work dressed in jeans and a Sesame Street shirt. Today is "team" day in honor of the Super Bowl this weekend. When we get the go ahead to go home, he'll be here with bells on.


Hello Ladies.


Sorry, I have been MIA for a bit.....I truly did not realize it had been so long since I posted. :think Guess i'm losing my mind. :P I saw many of you asked about the older kids & the baby.....uh, let's just say it hasn't changed their lives any. My oldest ignores his existance & the other ones like to poke and bother with him at the most inconvienent times. :lol Jaden wants to hold him constantly. :yes We're managing; tough, but getting better everyday. :D

Hi, Tabby. Sounds like pretty normal behavior for boys. Girls would probably be making more of a fuss over Elijah. But boys, especially older boys, not cool. Glad things are improving. Is the edema going away yet? Hope so. :hug:hug:hug


Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart We've got sunshine with a few clouds and warm temps.

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Hi House. :)


Linda ~ Keeping fingers crossed that you get to take Kim home today! She will be so happy to be home again. Is her mom still there?


Cindy ~ I hope your day at work goes by quickly. :yes


DH will be home tonight, so time to plan meals again. :lol That means a trip to the store for me today. Be back later. :)

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Alright ladies....let's fire up those grills :lol Good thing we're always having people over when it's nice :think


I had a rough time getting up and moving this morning. A cold had settled in and I feel a bit crappy, my sister called me and told me I sounded horrible :( I had to stop by the office to pick up my coupon for a free burrito at Mad Mex for my birthday which expires tomorrow, so I'm going today :yes I'll be heading home early as well to just lounge the night away I think :yes


Tab - Glad to hear that everyday gets a bit better :hug How are your legs doing with the swelling?

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Good morning,


Wishing everybody a wonderful day.


Linda, it'll be good to have Kim home...not more having to haul Crochet to the hospital.


Below is the picture of the Peek-a-Boo. I did hdc instead of the last sc on the edging. I have to make a ghan for a little girl 6-7 years old. I think I'll enlarge this one slightly and use this. It is such a great pattern. Thanks Cindy for sharing.





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Good morning,


Wishing everybody a wonderful day.


Linda, it'll be good to have Kim home...not more having to haul Crochet to the hospital.


Below is the picture of the Peek-a-Boo. I did hdc instead of the last sc on the edging. I have to make a ghan for a little girl 6-7 years old. I think I'll enlarge this one slightly and use this. It is such a great pattern. Thanks Cindy for sharing.




Great job and love the color :manyheart

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Good news on Kim coming home. I hope today is another really good one for her so she is back to having full steam when she comes home . If she is complaining about the hospital food, that's one sure way to tell a patient is getting better.




I know what you mean,when Sam is gone for a late meeting or dinner for work ,it's kinda nice not having to cook a whole meal for just myself .



Yep,make sure you plan some cookouts and go to any you are invited to . Hope your cold is gone soon,then things make you feel lousy,especially in the wintertime with the cold air .



The mint green blankie is so pretty . What color will your next one be ?

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It's official! Kim is coming home late this afternoon! :yay :yay :yay


Good morning,


Wishing everybody a wonderful day.


Linda, it'll be good to have Kim home...not more having to haul Crochet to the hospital.


Below is the picture of the Peek-a-Boo. I did hdc instead of the last sc on the edging. I have to make a ghan for a little girl 6-7 years old. I think I'll enlarge this one slightly and use this. It is such a great pattern. Thanks Cindy for sharing.



That's beautiful, Val. :clap :clap :clap


Marisa, hoping you are feeling better very soon. :hug :hug :hug


I started a preemie afghan yesterday. It will be loud. :D A variegated in RHSS called Marrakesh with gold, and cornmeal. It will be nice not toting everything back and forth anymore, but we've had super good care. I'm so thankful that she made it and is able to come home again. :c9

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Good morning,


Wishing everybody a wonderful day.


Linda, it'll be good to have Kim home...not more having to haul Crochet to the hospital.


Below is the picture of the Peek-a-Boo. I did hdc instead of the last sc on the edging. I have to make a ghan for a little girl 6-7 years old. I think I'll enlarge this one slightly and use this. It is such a great pattern. Thanks Cindy for sharing.



very nice!!

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it's official! Kim is coming home late this afternoon! :yay :yay :yay



that's beautiful, val. :clap :clap :clap


marisa, hoping you are feeling better very soon. :hug :hug :hug


i started a preemie afghan yesterday. It will be loud. :D a variegated in rhss called marrakesh with gold, and cornmeal. It will be nice not toting everything back and forth anymore, but we've had super good care. I'm so thankful that she made it and is able to come home again. :c9



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It's official! Kim is coming home late this afternoon! :yay :yay :yay


Marisa, hoping you are feeling better very soon. :hug :hug :hug


I started a preemie afghan yesterday. It will be loud. :D A variegated in RHSS called Marrakesh with gold, and cornmeal. It will be nice not toting everything back and forth anymore, but we've had super good care. I'm so thankful that she made it and is able to come home again. :c9


:yay:cheer:clap Great news!!!!!


Thank you :hug


Can't wait to see the preemie :bounce

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Better late than never! I had a busy morning and finally sat down. Typing on my Nook Tablet:)

I read all the posts

Linda, that is such good news!

Have to empty the dryer now and will check in as I can.

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Hi everyone! Groceries are put away and chores are done. :)


Linda ~ Oh, that's great news about Kim being released today! :clap Your preemie ghan colors will make a tiny one very happy. :c9


Marisa ~ Feel better soon.:hug DH called this a.m. and has a terrible cold...I'm staying away from him. :lol


Valerie ~ Your afghan is lovely.:hook When will you be moving back home?

Hi to Judy, Amy and Julie! And to the rest of the House, too. :)


DD's friend had another ultrasound last week and surprise! it's a boy. :lol Thankfully, they haven't bought too many girlie things and my RR in pinks can go to Project Linus. It's about 1/3 done and I have another scarf started, too. :crocheting

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Great job and love the color :manyheart





The mint green blankie is so pretty . What color will your next one be ?



It's official! Kim is coming home late this afternoon! :yay :yay :yay



That's beautiful, Val. :clap :clap :clap


I started a preemie afghan yesterday. It will be loud. :D A variegated in RHSS called Marrakesh with gold, and cornmeal. It will be nice not toting everything back and forth anymore, but we've had super good care. I'm so thankful that she made it and is able to come home again. :c9


I'm glad Kim is going home. Thanks. I want to see pictures of your preemie ghan.


very nice!!



Hi everyone! Groceries are put away and chores are done. :)


Valerie ~ Your afghan is lovely.:hook When will you be moving back home?

Thank you! Sometime later in the year. My sisters and I are having our parents remodeled and I'll move after it's completed since that's where I'll be living.


Julie - My next color ghan for the 6-7 year old is purple or Lavender... at her request!:lol

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Good morning,




Below is the picture of the Peek-a-Boo. I did hdc instead of the last sc on the edging. I have to make a ghan for a little girl 6-7 years old. I think I'll enlarge this one slightly and use this. It is such a great pattern. Thanks Cindy for sharing.




Very nice. Glad you like the pattern.


Linda, it's so good to hear about Kim's progress. Such a change from a week or so ago. I bet John is overjoyed. His love for his wife is so obvious from your posts.


Tab, hope things continue to settle down for you. Sounds like your boys are behaving just like boys!


I had a very quiet day at work today. Too bad I was there instead of here where I could enjoy the springlike weather. Very odd for February. (one thing I will say about the sunshine, I sure can see how dusty my windows are!!)

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We are HOME! :yay :yay :yay I'm beat and heading downstairs for an early bedtime.


Hi everyone! Groceries are put away and chores are done. :)


DD's friend had another ultrasound last week and surprise! it's a boy. :lol Thankfully, they haven't bought too many girlie things and my RR in pinks can go to Project Linus. It's about 1/3 done and I have another scarf started, too. :crocheting

That's a riot! They can be so very "shy" and uncooperative during ultrasounds.

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Wonderful news to read that Kim is home!!!:yay:yay:yay hope you get a great night's rest tonight Linda!!


Love the peek-a-boo blanket, Val!! The color is so pretty!!


Marisa-:hug Hope you get to rest and knock that cold out of your system:hug


Busy day in Paradise --what else is new?:lol:lol Just got home at 7- put a load of laundry on, checking in here and then I'm going to make breakfast for dinner!!! DH is on board with that so all is good!!!


Have a good night!

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, Great news that Kim came home today! The shower episode had me laughing. Hope you get a good nights rest tonight.


Marisa, Sorry to hear your still looking. But Julie is probably right, you'll find each other when your least expecting it. DH and I had are first date by the way of his sister. She asked me if I had any thing planned that night and I didn't. She said her Mom, herself and my DH were going to the show. So she told him I didn't have any plans so he asked me if I wanted to go with them. I did and we've been together every since. I didn't even mind the extra company. My SIL even set up one of her sisters and they have been together every since.

Hope you get over that cold quickly.


Shannon, Good luck on the job!


Joanne, Nice scarf and good job on the logo. We had breakfast for lunch today.


Julie, Loved your phone dating calls. To funny!


Mary, Hope you don't catch hubby's cold.


Amy, Hope your back gets better soon.


Val, You've picked some nice colors for your mystery ghan. Your peek-a-boo blanket is lovely and a nice color.

I was in a crochet group back home. It was a great time we were together all of my DD's school years plus some. They were all old enough to be my mother and took me in under there wings like we do here. I agree there's no place like home. I like living where were at in Michigan, but I love my hometown. I love my little community here in Texas to.


Tab, Hope your feeling better every day. The boys will come around.


We got are car back late yesterday. I had to call and ask what the status was. The man said didn't she call and tell you your was ready and I said no. But all is fixed and were happy.

We got the hall decorated for Valentine's Day and it looks really nice.

Yesterday at crafts the ladies were making flowers, I was crocheting hearts and another lady was doing embroidery. One of the ladies cut her thumb with a razor blade knife. I took her for stitches as it was deep but they glued it and said in about 5 days she'll be fine.

We are suppose to have a cool down starting sunday. The weather man said we will only be 8 degrees warmer than Indanapolis is on sunday. There still won't be no super bowl on tv. Both satellite companies advertised you can get it with them. Then tonight there was a commercial slamming Time Warner about not showing the super bowl. We can watch it online they say. They all should be ashamed of themselves.

I have one heart to finish for Maya, then the safety pins and sew the ends in. Going to mail them monday.

I'll catch everyone later. Have a nice night!

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Mary, that's a hoot about learning the baby is a boy - they can be so uncooperative during an ultrasound:lol:lol

And they were sooo excited about a little girl. ;)


Linda ~ I bet all of you are glad to be back home! I hope Kim continues to be okay and that things are back to normal soon. :manyheart


Marlene ~ Good news about your car being fixed and that you're happy with it! Maya will love receiving the hearts. :bheart How is your DH feeling?


Joanne ~ Oh, you must be ready for the long days to be over with. How long will this project be ongoing? Breakfast for supper sounds yummy!


Valerie ~ Of course she requested purples! :lol I can't remember having a favorite color at that age, but now it seems it's either purple or bright pink!


Cindy ~ The dust never ends...I've been ignoring these wooden blinds way too long. ;) I'm glad your day was a quiet one!


Have a good night, House. :manyheart

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Happy Friday!! It's WEAR RED FOR WOMEN DAY! (and of course, in my case, it's WEAR some BLUE for the GIANTS DAY:lol


Mary- The project end date is scheduled for the end of Sept--but having worked on a previous project- I'll be surprised (but happy) if it winds up on time!


Time to get ready- have a super day! TGIF!!!:clap

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Good morning! It's mostly sunny and 50* this morning. Daffodils have been in bloom for at least a week. They normally start about the 14th of February. A number of spring birds have already arrived. The Georgia groundhog said we're due for an early spring. The way things are going, I believe it.


Happy Friday!! It's WEAR RED FOR WOMEN DAY! (and of course, in my case, it's WEAR some BLUE for the GIANTS DAY:lol


Mary- The project end date is scheduled for the end of Sept--but having worked on a previous project- I'll be surprised (but happy) if it winds up on time!


Time to get ready- have a super day! TGIF!!!:clap

I didn't know about red for women's day, but I put a red shirt on this morning, so I'm with it. :D


I've been waking up at 7:00 this week so John could be at work on time, so today I woke up at 7:15 even without the alarm. :lol Kim's is smiling to beat the band this morning. Trouble is in bed with her and the stuffed Trouble Jr is under the covers with her. Looks like the chair will work well for her, too. She was sitting in it last night.


I'll fix her small portions of some of her favorite foods today, including a peanut butter and honey sandwich. :lol Squishes each piece, eats the middle first putting the crusts to one side, and then goes back and eats the crusts last. By which time her fingers are covered with peanut butter and honey and have to be sucked clean. No wonder she's got peanut butter residue under her nails every time we go to get them done. :lol


Both puppies are delighted to have us both home. I don't think Trouble has willingly moved from Kim's side hardly at all.

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