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Our House Part Two


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Me again :D


I just finished up my market tote and right took pics to share. It doesn't match up very well because I just used what I had so the bottom of the bag is different from the body :eek


So here it is....opened up and folded :D



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'morning, peeps!


Cheeria, I'm sooooo glad your DD is on her way to feeling better. That was a scary thing - :hug


Joanne, what's this swap you're doing??


And Marisa, great job! You're a regular crocheting machine!


Gotta dash...

Have a good one, my friends:hug:manyheart

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Steve died night before last. I hadn't heard yet when I posted yesterday morning.

I feel rel bad for his mom. You should never have to bury your child. :(

Though we don't know his mom, please tell her that we're all sending her hugs...esp the moms among us. You're right: you should never have to bury your child.

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Steve died night before last. I hadn't heard yet when I posted yesterday morning.

I feel rel bad for his mom. You should never have to bury your child. :(


Oh please send his mom's some :hug :hug :hug :hug from us. Sending out prayers for his family.


'morning, peeps!


Cheeria, I'm sooooo glad your DD is on her way to feeling better. That was a scary thing - :hug


Joanne, what's this swap you're doing??


And Marisa, great job! You're a regular crocheting machine!


Gotta dash...

Have a good one, my friends:hug:manyheart


Thanks :D I tend to start a couple things around the same time, and then they get finished around the same time too :yes Don't go thinking that I did it all in one day :think:lol Maybe if time was on my side :lol

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(..Good Morning House..........


Wow Marisa……… sounds like one fun weekend! :hug Sorry to hear there is some family stress!!! LOVE your newest SBT!!! And your Market Bag is too cute!!


Kiyo…….. I’m sorry to hear about our boyfriend…. But I do agree with Judy! :hug Wow… look at Aree! Very Nice!! I spend my summers at baseball games for all three of my younger sons. This month I have 2 days that are free of games! All the rest is filled with games and tournaments!


I envy your getting some landscaping done Joanne. I have so much I need to do around our yard. Busy busy busy!


LOL … Linda…….. glad you and Rosie had a good time! How are you feeling today? How’s your joints? I hope better!!!! :hug you sure are getting close to done on that quilt aren’t ya? Cant wait to see pics!!!


Wrennie…… so sorry about Steve …. :hug Praying for his family!!!


So… how’d it go with Little Guy yesterday Mary?


What did you and your daughter end up doing Cindy?


Oh Cheeria……… How is your daughter doing? I do understand more than you know about tending to three extra little ones! :hug









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Good morning, everyone. I'm glad I have some extra time to do the finishing on the quilt. And I really do need to do some work downstairs, it's a mess. John and Kim won't be back until late Sunday or Monday, so I've still got a lot of staycation left. I've almost finished another book. Today is going to be a stay at home day for me. My aches are better today. I think the pressure front has changed. Yay!!!


Here's the next sbt I just finished :yay Now it's ready to be sent out along with the bright yellow one to be donated to a couple of kids :manyheart

Very pretty and super nice for a boy or quiet girl.

Me again :D


I just finished up my market tote and right took pics to share. It doesn't match up very well because I just used what I had so the bottom of the bag is different from the body :eek


So here it is....opened up and folded :D

I like this one too.

Steve died night before last. I hadn't heard yet when I posted yesterday morning.

I feel rel bad for his mom. You should never have to bury your child. :(

Oh, dear. At least he didn't suffer for long. Hugs and love to his mom and family. :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Hello everyone. heat wave has broken here, and its a beautiful 75 degrees outside. It was another very busy day at work today. I'm off until Sunday now.


DD and I went into our little town of Rockford yesterday and had lunch there and checked out all the little shops. Rockford is a small very picturesque town with some really neat little stores. It doesn't really have much int he way of well known stores, most are individually owned and are unique. It was surprisingly busy there, in fact it took a while to find a parking place and we had to walk several blocks to the business district.


Marisa, that bag looks good.


Cheeria, hope your daughter continues to get better.

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Cindy, your beautiful weather is expected here tomorrow! I can hardly wait...:)

I love hearing how you spend your time with your DD:manyheart


Have a good night, my friends.:hug:manyheart

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The angels are bowling- and storm is a brewing- so I'll be back later- but wanted to let you all know that my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-


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The angels are bowling- and storm is a brewing- so I'll be back later- but wanted to let you all know that my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-


Oh, Joanne, Congratulations!!! That's great!:yay :yay :yay

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Good morning, everyone. I'm glad I have some extra time to do the finishing on the quilt. And I really do need to do some work downstairs, it's a mess. John and Kim won't be back until late Sunday or Monday, so I've still got a lot of staycation left. I've almost finished another book. Today is going to be a stay at home day for me. My aches are better today. I think the pressure front has changed. Yay!!!



Very pretty and super nice for a boy or quiet girl.


I like this one too.



Thanks :hug Enjoy the rest of your staycation :wink


We've been hibernating today - soooo hot:P


working on small hook projects....


Sounds perfect :c9


Hello everyone. heat wave has broken here, and its a beautiful 75 degrees outside. It was another very busy day at work today. I'm off until Sunday now.


DD and I went into our little town of Rockford yesterday and had lunch there and checked out all the little shops. Rockford is a small very picturesque town with some really neat little stores. It doesn't really have much int he way of well known stores, most are individually owned and are unique. It was surprisingly busy there, in fact it took a while to find a parking place and we had to walk several blocks to the business district.


Marisa, that bag looks good.


Cheeria, hope your daughter continues to get better.


Both, todays weather and yesterdays outting sounds wonderful :manyheart


The angels are bowling- and storm is a brewing- so I'll be back later- but wanted to let you all know that my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-



Oh :yay Congrats :clap Glad to hear they are both doing well :yes How long will it be until you get to meet him?

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The angels are bowling- and storm is a brewing- so I'll be back later- but wanted to let you all know that my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-



Congratulations!!! What is his name?

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Busy, busy week for me.


Tuesday was dr. day, Wednesday went shopping and got some good deals on cotton yarn at Wally World, $1 a skein on certain colors. Yep, they went into buggy. Today had eye surgeon appt in a town away from here. They have a great big Wally World so stopped in there. BONANZA!!! :yay Picked up more cotton skeins for $1.00, 2 cones for $5 ea, some RH Stripes for $3.00 ea and some other yarn at Big Lots that I just love the feel of for $3.00 ea. All in all, a good yarn week. Then had chemo this afternoon. I'm tired. Got into cotton sleep pants and shirt as soon as I got home. Comfort is the name of the game!


Joanne, so glad the mom and baby are doing well. He's a good size for a preemie! I made a tote/purse/whatever for my swap partner and deviated from my usual hand sewing the lining in tote and did it on the sewing machine that didn't have a walking foot, don't like it, not sending it, have started a different one in a different style and colors.


Linda, you sound like you're enjoying your staycation and making great progress on the quilt! Good for you. Yes, the high pressure is moving away, thank goodness. Maybe now we will get some rain and cool down to normal temps for this time of year.


Judy, yep, they think we're stupid. If it hadn't come on until 6, it would have been different, but EXACTLY at 5:30 Nope, no way it wasn't planned. :(


Cheeria, so sorry to hear about your dd. Family first, Ville second :lol Just glad the outcome is so good and you were/are able to be there for her and the kids. But, understand wanting to sleep in your own bed :yes


Kiyo, glad to see you and your photos. Great one's!


Mary, what fun you will be having, tired, but fun!


Marisa, the totes are wonderful!!! Thank you! Like the market tote a LOT!


:hug Wrennie. I'm sorry you lost your friend, but glad that he didn't suffer long. Give his mother and family and friend my love and prayers.


Cindy, sounds like you and your dd have lots of fun together. I do with mine too. I want your temps!!! That would be my perfect year round temp 75. Not to hot, not to cold, JUST RIGHT!!!


To every one I missed, :hi :hi :hi Love and Hugs to everyone!

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Steve died night before last. I hadn't heard yet when I posted yesterday morning.

I feel rel bad for his mom. You should never have to bury your child. :(

:hug:hug:hug Keeping them all in my prayers. :hug:hug


Congratulations!!! What is his name?
His name is William! When DH got home from working last night- he had a pic of him- he is soo cute- turns out she had an emerg C Section- DH didn't know why- I'll be calling her today- I wish we lived closer- won't get to see them probably until the fall.


Busy, busy week for me.


Tuesday was dr. day, Wednesday went shopping and got some good deals on cotton yarn at Wally World, $1 a skein on certain colors. Yep, they went into buggy. Today had eye surgeon appt in a town away from here. They have a great big Wally World so stopped in there. BONANZA!!! :yay Picked up more cotton skeins for $1.00, 2 cones for $5 ea, some RH Stripes for $3.00 ea and some other yarn at Big Lots that I just love the feel of for $3.00 ea. All in all, a good yarn week. Then had chemo this afternoon. I'm tired. Got into cotton sleep pants and shirt as soon as I got home. Comfort is the name of the game!


Joanne, so glad the mom and baby are doing well. He's a good size for a preemie! I made a tote/purse/whatever for my swap partner and deviated from my usual hand sewing the lining in tote and did it on the sewing machine that didn't have a walking foot, don't like it, not sending it, have started a different one in a different style and colors.


Linda, you sound like you're enjoying your staycation and making great progress on the quilt! Good for you. Yes, the high pressure is moving away, thank goodness. Maybe now we will get some rain and cool down to normal temps for this time of year.


Judy, yep, they think we're stupid. If it hadn't come on until 6, it would have been different, but EXACTLY at 5:30 Nope, no way it wasn't planned. :(


Cheeria, so sorry to hear about your dd. Family first, Ville second :lol Just glad the outcome is so good and you were/are able to be there for her and the kids. But, understand wanting to sleep in your own bed :yes


Kiyo, glad to see you and your photos. Great one's!


Mary, what fun you will be having, tired, but fun!


Marisa, the totes are wonderful!!! Thank you! Like the market tote a LOT!


:hug Wrennie. I'm sorry you lost your friend, but glad that he didn't suffer long. Give his mother and family and friend my love and prayers.


Cindy, sounds like you and your dd have lots of fun together. I do with mine too. I want your temps!!! That would be my perfect year round temp 75. Not to hot, not to cold, JUST RIGHT!!!


To every one I missed, :hi :hi :hi Love and Hugs to everyone!

Right back at you all with the love and hugs!!!


WTG on that yarn score Toni!!!


The angels bowled for a good part of the evening and I finished a sBT- and started something for my swap partner


Judy-I'm doing the Purse/Tote Swap- I see the Yanks lost yet again- I didn't watch it- (thank goodness didn't stay up late to watch them lose).


Seems like it is a tad cooler out there this morning- the temps can just keep coming down as far as I'm concerned- like in the 70's!!!


Hope everyone as a good day- and all I can say is TGIF!!! It's been a long week...but tomorrow is the baby-que for DD and SIL!!!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


TGIF :clap I won't be back tonight, I'll be driving up to my parents after work. Tomorrow is my mom's bday and I'll be getting a haircut too....goodbye to all of it :bounce Sometimes you just need a change :lol Nothing new to report here though.


Have a wonderful day everyone :hug

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The angels are bowling- and storm is a brewing- so I'll be back later- but wanted to let you all know that my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-



Congratulations grandma!!! :hug



Thanks for the hugs & prayers everyone.

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'morning peeps! Sunny and humid today after all that rain, but the temp will be tolerable...

my stepdaughter had her first baby today- a little boy- he wasn't due till July 9- but decided to make his entrance into the world early- 5 lbs 11 oz- mom and baby doing great-


congratulations!!!! That's a good weight for being so early:yes Too bad you have to wait till the Fall to meet him.


Judy-I'm doing the Purse/Tote Swap- I see the Yanks lost yet again- I didn't watch it- (thank goodness didn't stay up late to watch them lose).

At least they managed to hit a few Boston bodies while they were losing:P

TGIF :clap I won't be back tonight, I'll be driving up to my parents after work. Tomorrow is my mom's bday and I'll be getting a haircut too....goodbye to all of it :bounce Sometimes you just need a change :lol Nothing new to report here though.

How exciting! Your hair is soooo long....are we getting a before and after pic??


Have a good day everyone. I have a couple of errands this AM.

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Good morning. It's cold and rainy here at the moment, about 55 degrees.


I slept in this morning and have just now started my chores. (actually all I did was throw in a load of laundry.)


I'm going to go spend a gift certificate at the fabric store this afternoon. Not sure what I will get, but I've had it for a long time, and I think I'd better use it before I misplace it. Hopefully I will get out of the house early enough to go to the post office.

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

How is everyone this morning? Cloudy here… it stormed all night … not what we needed around here with the flood waters rising more and more! Housed in Lake Waconda are now flooding… they are closing more roads. Its going to be interesting to see how we get to a store.

Congratulations Joanne!!!! Nice size baby!!! My earliest weighed 3lbs 7oz. My longest term… at 32 weeks.. was 4lbs 9oz.

Nice yarn buy ….. Toni!!!


Good morning back at ya Mary! :hug

Oh… have fun at the fabric store Cindy!!!

Miss you Julie!! :hug

Off to get more coffee and ball uniforms in the wash. Games Games Games this weekend!

Catch up more later!



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