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Our House Part Two


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Here is my granny stripe afghan.


It came out beautiful :manyheart WTG getting it finished :h5


Don't you just love the quiet time???? I finally get some time to myself and it's paradise!



I'm thinking of making banana bread as well, although it will take me twice as long to do it since I can only use I hand!:lol


:cheerIt'll be so much better and less stressful for you now! Have a fabulous day of baseball!!!!:hug


Well, so much for enjoying the weather while I am recovering! It is cold and rainy here!:( Sunny California? Where? We never get this much rain this time of year and I have the heater on! Oh, well, think I'm going to try and do some baking this morning and whatever else I can find to do without making my shoulder scream:lol


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug:manyheart


Did you make your banana bread? How's the shoulder?


Linda- those fabrics are so beautiful!!!! I'm glad that you are finally realizing that you ARE on vacation!! Enjoy your day.


Cindy- Porkchops on the grill sounds delicious with the roasted potatoes! My DD came over today with her sewing machine- and my well laid plans for meatloaf are now changed. She is a vegetarian so I'm going to make spaghetti and meatballs instead- that way she can eat dinner too. She'll probably mix the zucchini in with her pasta (as will I , but I'll add a couple of meatballs too!


Isn't it funny how we can change our dinner menu at the drop of a hat :think:lol


Now doesn't that sound very summery (and delicious!!!) Isn't it amazing how much 'stuff' we all accumulate? I made another trip to Goodwill today- finally went up to the attic and brought down some more clothes that don't fit anymore- and immediately packed them in a bag and dropped them off!


DD is here with her sewing machine and is going to help me with the linings for the totes---this is in exchange for her doing her laundry at my house! Her BF is out playing ball and will be back later for dinner!


:yay How are you making out with the linings?


I had a post ready to go...and hit the wrong button my netbook:P


Anywho, here I go again:


Marisa, a neighbor was cutting back her mint and asked if anyone wanted any plants...so now I have a small pot of fresh mint for the next time I make Greek meetballs!

What exactly is that drink you mentioned where you use the mint?


And yes...puppyhood flies by!


She's a doll...and not a sweet, demure Heidi, as we first thought when we met her and brought her home...so today we decided to change her name to one that more accurately reflects her "balls of fire" personality and alert attitude.


Heidi is now LUCY, like my favorite red head on B/W tv:D


There won't be any confusion for her since I was the only one who ever used her name much...otherwise we usually reverted to knicknames: baby, goofy, etc:lol


Oooo, Lucy was my nan's name and she sure had some ball of fire too :rofl Very fiesty, that was my mom's mom :yes My drink is a Mojito and it's hard to find a good one because most places make it with the premade sugary syrup and it's just not the same. I use my sister's bf's recipe which is awesome, so for any of you that might partake....


2 tbsp of lime juice (I squeeze fresh limes and you get more juice from the yellowish ones) and 1-2 tsp of sugar (I do 1 1/2, but if you like sweeter you can add a bit more), add the fresh mint leaves (I added a stalk from my plant so maybe about 12ish leaves), then muddle that in the bottom of the glass. Then add 1/4 cup of white rum. Fill the glass with ice and then fill the rest with sparkling water and stir. Now a mojito glass is tall and skinny and those measurements could get thrown off with a glass that holds more or less :think I just went to check it for you my glass holds just shy of 16 oz and I have a specific mojito glass that came with the muddler (?) :yes My sister gave it to me as a gift a while back.


A small baby blankie...saltines were given to me by my friend Phyllis and I just attached and bordered them. Also, a couple of scarves I crocheted. Night all:hug:manyheart


Gorgeous work, love them all :manyheart

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My day consisted of trying to get the new USB modem to work. No luck. Will call techs at work tomorrow and see if they can help. Verizon helpdesk was really a helpless desk. Then, decided to just crochet the day away and watch races. Finished the last piece to diaper bag and 3/4 way finished on the little halter top for the step-ggd so she doesn't feel left out. Was a very good day.


Joanne, didn't think it would be that hot here either :( But it doesn't last as long as the summer's in FL!!! Plus, have seasons here and my favorite are fall, winter and spring without the storms :lol


I made 3 meatloafs yesterday. One with ketsup, one without and one half and half. DD can't have anything with tomatoes. Love meatloaf sandwiches. Like you, have a banana a day. If I want to bake bread, get some at store that are to ripe for me to eat and do the bread :lol


Judy, I love my dd's ADHD young dog. She's a real hoot and brings lots of laughter and joy. Just have to crate her when I leave the house because she's a chewer, even at 2 yo. She just can't help herself!


Love the blankie and scarves and the fact that Heidi is now Lucy *rotflol* Shasta will stay Shasta but I do have some other names for her!!!


Marisa, you certainly have been busy! Mojito, I want one :lol


Tam, love the coffe cup on the chair! I am also absolutely happy that you have a quiet house. Thank God for answered prayers!!!


Linda, I :manyheart the fabric choices you made for the Irish chain. Can't wait to see it completed!!!


Cindy, your Sunday meal sounds wonderful! More prayers for your MIL. Love your granny stripe ghan!


Wrennie, way to go in getting some of your veggies planted. I miss having a garden :sigh



:hug :hug :hug to all!

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Quick pop in before heading upstairs!


Marisa- that Mojito sounds delicious! What is a muddler, though- you said the glass your sis gave you came with a muddler??


Toni- Hope you get the USB modem figured out- sorry that the tech guy was clueless! But, at least it gave you a chance to do some fun things like crochet and watch your races!!!


I'm going to miss having a meatloaf sandwich tomorrow- so enjoy one for me, Toni. Dinner was good thought and we also cooked up some orange and red peppers and onions and mushrooms and added that to the pasta with zucchini- It was really good and DD was happy w/out meat, and the rest of us did enjoy the meatballs!!!


The linings on the totes came out great! I love how they look- just have some more of them to finish sewing into the bag -the handsewn part!


Judy- Great win by the Yankees and great job on the scarves and I love that baby blankie!!!!


Night house- coffee is all set up for the AM!

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Evening House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

So good to be home. Wow... did I just say that?



What wonderful news!!! Tammy doesn't have to be a closet crocheter anymore!!!:clap:yay:clap I'm thrilled for you Tammy and yes, you'll be excited after a few more mornings of quiet in the house and being able to enjoy your living room again!!!! Enjoy the games today!!! Thank you so much sweetie! Oh it was such a pleasant day! Ken made a big pan of eggs with sausage and I made waffles for breakfast. We cleaned up our mess and went about our day of baseball. Came home and it was still clean and quiet... :D


Judy- Sorry that Heidi didn't let you enjoy some quiet time on the deck! It was lovely- and I opted to take the baby RR I'm working on for my co-worker and got a few more rounds done. Boy they take longer and longer each round:hook Your domestic goddess day sounds great! I'm making Meatloaf tonight --reading about Toni's really put me in the mood for it!!


Marisa- I think that's a good choice about not going to the movie today and doing what you need to get done- and enjoy the day. Maybe next weekend at your parents you can all go to the movies? (are there any regular movie theatres that play current flicks where they live?)


Off to put the laundry in the dryer and hubster is finally up- so it's breakfast time!!!


Good morning, my friends. It's so quiet in the house with just the pets and me. It finally dawned on me last night that I kept waiting for the phone to ring and John to say that I was needed there. :think I'm so used to being on call all the time even when I'm not actually taking care of Kim that it hadn't sunk in that I have time off where I'm truly not answerable to anyone else. :no Oh sweetie :hug


I had a loaded baked potato for supper and spent part of the evening with Rosie chatting and watching TV. Trouble did better at settling down on my bed last night which was a relief.


I think that today is going to be a quilting day. I'll do more of the quilting on the Challenge Quilt and start cutting out the material for the double Irish Chain quilt, too.

This is the material that will be the main color (traditionally white):


This will be the outer of the chains (I think):


Then one of these two will be the center of the chains:


This is a coordinating fabric which may get added in, but not sure just how or where.


And this will go in where some of the main color traditionally goes amid the chains.


Just had to get in some of my fancy material. :lol :lol :lol

Oh my word.... what beautiful fabric!!!!


Blue toenails! :lol :lol :lol


Puppihood does fly by, although it doesn't always feel that way when you are in the midst of it.


A strawberry festival without strawberries! :eek Bummer! Sounds like you had a good day in spite of it.


Oh, Tammy! Hooray for quiet time in your own livingroom! :yay Good luck to the boys at their ball games. Thank you so much! it was a nice day! Michael had practice which went very well.. and Patrick had a game which they won! :yay


Good morning (afternoon, I mean!)


We went to church this morning and then stopped over at the inlaws for a while. MIL is still not feeling well, and needs to have a pacemaker placed. That is scheduled for Wednesday. Dh is a little worried about that, because he will be gone next week. Bless her heart! My Aunt that was in town last weekend.. has a pacemaker and defibulator. Shes doing great! :mdust Praying for Mom-in-law:mdust


Dh is out grilling pork chops at the moment.YUM! I try to have a big Sunday lunch when ds is here, because I think he eats out all week when he is in Detroit. I am making oven roasted potatoes and I seasoned them with some fresh thyme from my new herb garden. Thats about all it takes to make me feel domestic! DD invited us for dinner, so after lunch, my kitchen work is done.


Linda, I really like the colors and fabrics you chose for your Irish chain quilt. Looking forward to seeing that in progress.


Judy, too bad that Heidi kept you from relaxing on the deck. At least puppy hood is a very short period of time.


Tammy, how wonderful that you have your space back!! Enjoy it!

Thank you..... and Oh... I did!!!!!

My plan for this afternoon is to read and knit. I also need to get a picture of the granny stripe afghan still.








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Well, after finishing here earlier, I checked my credit report before heading up for my workout. Now am showered and have the 2nd load of laundry in :clap Going to take some things out to the dumpster and maybe work on going through some more stuff. I just feel like there's soooo much here and that I just don't know where to go next :lol It'll get done though :yes I do have to run to the market to get stuff for salads this week and I think I might get some lunchmeats since I've finished all last weeks leftovers and haven't cooked anything all weekend, nor do I feel like it today :eek




It's OK Tam :hug :hug :hug Glad you're getting to keep your favorite chair company :yes Good luck to the boys at their games :xfin:h5

You're a doll.............thank you!

Michael had practice ... which he did real good at.

Patrick had a game which they won. Patrick did really good.... I mean the whole team did.... but I'm just proud of Patrick's performance!



Yes they do Joanne, but we just don't go to that one :no:lol




Gorgeous fabrics :manyheart Can't wait to see what you do with them....I have trouble envisioning things in my head :think:lol




Prayers for you MIL :hug :hug Wish I was there for lunch :drool Sounds wonderful. I'm about to go cut some fresh mint to make myself a mojito :D


Don't you just love the quiet time???? I finally get some time to myself and it's paradise!



I'm thinking of making banana bread as well, although it will take me twice as long to do it since I can only use I hand!:lol



Sounds like a great day! Enjoy yourself



:cheerIt'll be so much better and less stressful for you now! Have a fabulous day of baseball!!!!:hug

Love ya hon! had a really nice day! peaceful!!!!



Beautiful material! I think that I may try quilting again as soon as my arm allows me to! I tried it years ago, but the kids were all small and my patience was really thin!:lol Enjoy your time off-it sounds like you are!:hug



My thoughts go out to your MIL.:hug Enjoy your day!


Well, so much for enjoying the weather while I am recovering! It is cold and rainy here!:( Sunny California? Where? We never get this much rain this time of year and I have the heater on! Oh, well, think I'm going to try and do some baking this morning and whatever else I can find to do without making my shoulder scream:lol


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug:manyheart


Here is my granny stripe afghan. Oh... thats beautiful!!!!!










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I had a post ready to go...and hit the wrong button my netbook:P


Anywho, here I go again:


Tam, that's wonderful news about your daugter and the kids having their own place!

Thank you!!! Let me tell ya... its amazing how different the boys were today.... so relaxed... so happy.

Linda, I love the fabrics with the greens and purples....

and spending the day reading sounds like heaven!


Marisa, a neighbor was cutting back her mint and asked if anyone wanted any plants...so now I have a small pot of fresh mint for the next time I make Greek meetballs!

What exactly is that drink you mentioned where you use the mint?


And yes...puppyhood flies by!


She's a doll...and not a sweet, demure Heidi, as we first thought when we met her and brought her home...so today we decided to change her name to one that more accurately reflects her "balls of fire" personality and alert attitude.


Heidi is now LUCY, like my favorite red head on B/W tv:D


There won't be any confusion for her since I was the only one who ever used her name much...otherwise we usually reverted to knicknames: baby, goofy, etc:lol


A small baby blankie...saltines were given to me by my friend Phyllis and I just attached and bordered them. Also, a couple of scarves I crocheted. Oh my goodness.... Beautiful work! Night all:hug:manyheart


My day consisted of trying to get the new USB modem to work. No luck. Will call techs at work tomorrow and see if they can help. Verizon helpdesk was really a helpless desk. Then, decided to just crochet the day away and watch races. Finished the last piece to diaper bag and 3/4 way finished on the little halter top for the step-ggd so she doesn't feel left out. Was a very good day.


Joanne, didn't think it would be that hot here either :( But it doesn't last as long as the summer's in FL!!! Plus, have seasons here and my favorite are fall, winter and spring without the storms :lol


I made 3 meatloafs yesterday. One with ketsup, one without and one half and half. DD can't have anything with tomatoes. Love meatloaf sandwiches. Like you, have a banana a day. If I want to bake bread, get some at store that are to ripe for me to eat and do the bread :lol


Judy, I love my dd's ADHD young dog. She's a real hoot and brings lots of laughter and joy. Just have to crate her when I leave the house because she's a chewer, even at 2 yo. She just can't help herself!


Love the blankie and scarves and the fact that Heidi is now Lucy *rotflol* Shasta will stay Shasta but I do have some other names for her!!!


Marisa, you certainly have been busy! Mojito, I want one :lol


Tam, love the coffe cup on the chair! I am also absolutely happy that you have a quiet house. Thank God for answered prayers!!!

Thank you my dear sweet friend!

It was a really nice day today. Yes... Thank you God!!! and thank you all for your love and prayers!!!! :hug

Linda, I :manyheart the fabric choices you made for the Irish chain. Can't wait to see it completed!!!


Cindy, your Sunday meal sounds wonderful! More prayers for your MIL. Love your granny stripe ghan!


Wrennie, way to go in getting some of your veggies planted. I miss having a garden :sigh



:hug :hug :hug to all!









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Good morning!


Tammy- What a wonderful start to the day reading all your happy posts! Warms my heart!!!


I just looked at the clock and although I work late today I need to get a move on and get in to paradise at my regular time today. Lots that needs to get done and can't wait till after 9. Hopefully the rest of the week, I can go in later in the morning. I really don't like the weeks that I have to stay till 5:30. But am ever grateful for a job, so it is what it is.


Hope you all have a good day and I'll check back in later on this evening!


Hugs to one and all!

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Waiting for Lucy to settle down after breakfast so I can go back up and snuggle with my hubby...

Toni, I just know Lucy will be into everything like Susie was - also around 2 she was still eating up carpets, etc. AND Lucy looks a lot like Susie did...and has similar mannerisms, even to the stalking posture she pulls on Sparkie - and which freaks him out!:lol

Lucy will always be in the crate unless I'm downstairs with her! Luckily she barely protests being in there...cookies are great for training.;)

Oooo, Lucy was my nan's name and she sure had some ball of fire too :rofl Very fiesty, that was my mom's mom Awwww...:hug

:yes My drink is a Mojito and it's hard to find a good one because most places make it with the premade sugary syrup and it's just not the same. I use my sister's bf's recipe which is awesome, so for any of you that might partake....


2 tbsp of lime juice (I squeeze fresh limes and you get more juice from the yellowish ones) and 1-2 tsp of sugar (I do 1 1/2, but if you like sweeter you can add a bit more), add the fresh mint leaves (I added a stalk from my plant so maybe about 12ish leaves), then muddle that in the bottom of the glass. Then add 1/4 cup of white rum. Fill the glass with ice and then fill the rest with sparkling water and stir. Now a mojito glass is tall and skinny and those measurements could get thrown off with a glass that holds more or less :think I just went to check it for you my glass holds just shy of 16 oz and I have a specific mojito glass that came with the muddler (?) :yes My sister gave it to me as a gift a while back.


I saved this recipe - thanks!


Gorgeous work, love them all :manyheart


Love the blankie and scarves and the fact that Heidi is now Lucy *rotflol* Shasta will stay Shasta but I do have some other names for her!!!


and Lucy has some other names...Greek ones:lol

The linings on the totes came out great! I love how they look- just have some more of them to finish sewing into the bag -the handsewn part!

That's great!

Judy- Great win by the Yankees and great job on the scarves and I love that baby blankie!!!!

It was a good game!

And thanks!



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Quick pop in before heading upstairs!


Marisa- that Mojito sounds delicious! What is a muddler, though- you said the glass your sis gave you came with a muddler??


I'm going to miss having a meatloaf sandwich tomorrow- so enjoy one for me, Toni. Dinner was good thought and we also cooked up some orange and red peppers and onions and mushrooms and added that to the pasta with zucchini- It was really good and DD was happy w/out meat, and the rest of us did enjoy the meatballs!!!


The linings on the totes came out great! I love how they look- just have some more of them to finish sewing into the bag -the handsewn part!


Night house- coffee is all set up for the AM!


A muddler is like an oversized pestle from a mortar and pestle set. I think it's specifically to use in a glass as opposed to its counterpart :think





Glad to hear the boys did well yesterday :yay and :woo for having a nice family bfast and coming home to a quite house :hug


Good morning!


Tammy- What a wonderful start to the day reading all your happy posts! Warms my heart!!!


I just looked at the clock and although I work late today I need to get a move on and get in to paradise at my regular time today. Lots that needs to get done and can't wait till after 9. Hopefully the rest of the week, I can go in later in the morning. I really don't like the weeks that I have to stay till 5:30. But am ever grateful for a job, so it is what it is.


Hope you all have a good day and I'll check back in later on this evening!


Hugs to one and all!


Have a wonderful day in paradise :D I think I have my regular doc and the new doc with me today :think Now that he got the new guy, I'm kind of waiting for him to turn around and tell me I don't have to come anymore :eek:lol


Waiting for Lucy to settle down after breakfast so I can go back up and snuggle with my hubby...

Toni, I just know Lucy will be into everything like Susie was - also around 2 she was still eating up carpets, etc. AND Lucy looks a lot like Susie did...and has similar mannerisms, even to the stalking posture she pulls on Sparkie - and which freaks him out!:lol

Lucy will always be in the crate unless I'm downstairs with her! Luckily she barely protests being in there...cookies are great for training.;)



Love the blankie and scarves and the fact that Heidi is now Lucy *rotflol* Shasta will stay Shasta but I do have some other names for her!!!


and Lucy has some other names...Greek ones:lol


It was a good game!

And thanks!




It's nice that Lucy doesn't mind the crate so much :clap she has to get through her 'child' phases before growing up :lol

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I feel like I'm moving in slow motion here :lol Last night I started another sbt and only have the pocket left on my market bag :clap I also finished the book I was reading :clap Now have to decide what's next :yes


Have a wonderful monday everyone :hug I need to go ruffle through some papers upstairs before getting ready to head out for work this morning :sigh

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How is my wonderful House Family this morning?

I'm doin' good... I have a great relaxing day of crocheting ahead of me .... then off to baseball games for David and Patrick. Of course I'll be taking my crocheting with me! :hook


I have a few loads of laundry to do..... but would you believe... I'm actually excited about that. Why you may ask.............. because its just my laundry.... The boys uniforms.. and a few other things.... NOT my daughters and 3 other little peoples clothes! :yay


Oh... and hey.... I'm in my living room again this morning... kicked back in my chair... enjoying my coffee with you all.

See... this is my little spot in the living room.



When I get my craft room cleaned back up from my daughters distruction... I can play in there again! :hook

The upstairs is going to be a week long family event to clean up after her and her boys! Oh well................ it will be done and we will have our rooms back!


love you guys

have a great day!



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Tam, your chair looks well-loved:c9

In your post something you said caught me by surprise...you used to wash your daughter's clothes as well as her boy's??!!:eek


Anywho - none of my business...it just took me back for a minute...


Off I go to start my day - my friend, mom of my 17 yo goddaughter, wants to talk to me later...goddaughter is very confused about her college major, other things, and fo some reason when GD talks to me she sees things more clearly:think In my household, that's a first:lol

Anyway, BBL!

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Tam, your chair looks well-loved:c9

In your post something you said caught me by surprise...you used to wash your daughter's clothes as well as her boy's??!!:eek


Anywho - none of my business...it just took me back for a minute...

Oh I know... sounds rediculous... but you have to understand... I did it out of protection of Ken and Michael. If I didnt wash the clothes.. she wouldnt..... they would wear dirty clothes... hence them continuing to be sick... then them spreading more germs... blah blah blah.

Sweetie..... If you saw my craft room and the boys rooms... you would understand. I'm not kidding when I say its going to take a good week or two with all 5 of us cleaning to get it back to normal!


Off I go to start my day - my friend, mom of my 17 yo goddaughter, wants to talk to me later...goddaughter is very confused about her college major, other things, and fo some reason when GD talks to me she sees things more clearly:think In my household, that's a first:lol

Anyway, BBL!








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Good morning my friends. It rained for a few minutes last night and the temps have dropped little because of it. Yay!!! I finally feel like I have some energy today. Not sure just which project(s) will be done, but at least I have some pizzazz.


A small baby blankie...saltines were given to me by my friend Phyllis and I just attached and bordered them. Also, a couple of scarves I crocheted. Night all:hug:manyheart

Some little one is going to be so blessed with that adorable blanket.



How is my wonderful House Family this morning?

I'm doin' good... I have a great relaxing day of crocheting ahead of me .... then off to baseball games for David and Patrick. Of course I'll be taking my crocheting with me! :hook


I have a few loads of laundry to do..... but would you believe... I'm actually excited about that. Why you may ask.............. because its just my laundry.... The boys uniforms.. and a few other things.... NOT my daughters and 3 other little peoples clothes! :yay


Oh... and hey.... I'm in my living room again this morning... kicked back in my chair... enjoying my coffee with you all.

See... this is my little spot in the living room.



When I get my craft room cleaned back up from my daughters distruction... I can play in there again! :hook

The upstairs is going to be a week long family event to clean up after her and her boys! Oh well................ it will be done and we will have our rooms back!


love you guys

have a great day!



I'm so glad that you are getting your home back to being yours.

Off I go to start my day - my friend, mom of my 17 yo goddaughter, wants to talk to me later...goddaughter is very confused about her college major, other things, and fo some reason when GD talks to me she sees things more clearly:think In my household, that's a first:lol

Anyway, BBL!

Someone who isn't a parent can frequently bring things into a better perspective.

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Linda, there's nothing like some cooler weather to help with our moods. We've had a nice break and now we're heading back into humid and hot weather again....


Tam, as you always do, you did what was best for your family with the laundry situation.

I can't tell you how happy I am that you have your house back to yourself again!

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Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a good weekend. :) Summer is here with a vengeance...way too early for 100* weather!


Judy ~ Aww, the Lucy name is perfect! Your baby ghan and scarves are all wonderful. :clap


Joanne ~ Yay for getting your A.C. replaced! We have two units that are 21 years old - every summer we expect one to go out. :lol


Linda ~ I'm glad you're relaxing and enjoying your "me" time. Your quilt fabrics are gorgeous - can't wait to see them together!


Tam ~ Oh, that's great news about having your house back. :manyheart I know you must be thrilled to have some quiet time again.


Cindy ~ Your Granny Stripes is so pretty. :hook Mine still needs a border.:blush I hope your MIL improves with the pacemaker. :hug


Wrennie ~ Your garden sounds wonderful! We always had a small veggie garden, but have too much shade in back now. I put a couple of tomato and pepper plants in a front bed this year. :)


Marisa ~ You are so busy! You are so organized...way to go on starting to sort and pack things.


And a big "Hi" to all my house friends! :ghug


Thank you for all of the well wishes. The pain is just enough to be annoying now. :lol I'm busy getting ready for Luke's visit (Wed. - Sunday)...planning meals, etc.

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Afternoon everyone!


Joanne, hope you had a good day today.


Tam, again, so good to hear your happy voice and know your family is much more at ease.


Judy, my dobes were crated and not trusted until they were 2 years old! Something seemed to click at that age. Not Shasta the monster child :lol Crates are wonderful!


TAM, that chair looks VERY comfortable!


Linda, it looked like it was going to rain here and went right on by. Could sure use some.


Mary, what fun to have Luke for so many days!


Marisa, glad you're to the packing stage and tossing things. Need one of those mojitos every night :lol


:hug :hug :hug to all the house and have a happy evening!

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Thanks, Mary1:)


Toni, yes, crates are a wonderful thing! And to think that years ago we used to think they were cruel...

What were we thinking?:lol

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Hello everyone. Work went well today, but it's always nice to get home.


I got a smile when I read about Heidi becoming Lucy. Lucy is my all time favorite tv character, and I still watch 'I Love Lucy" every once in a while.


I had more to say, but DD wants to eat dinner, since she has to work tonight, so I'd better go take care of that. Dh is gone for the week, so its just the 2 of us.

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Hi, All. :hi Since it's a bit cooler today, I snagged Rosie this morning and we drove down to Marietta and went to a bunch of the stores that I used to frequent when I lived down there. We had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. Rosie had their version of a Patty Melt and I had their Reuben sandwich. Both came with large cut French Fries and pickle and were fabulous. We picked up dessert later at the Austrian Bakery. I had an eclair and she had an apricot tart. We had a great time.


Now off to do something else. Read or sew. And spoil the puppies a bit.

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Hello everyone. Work went well today, but it's always nice to get home.


I got a smile when I read about Heidi becoming Lucy. Lucy is my all time favorite tv character, and I still watch 'I Love Lucy" every once in a while.


I had more to say, but DD wants to eat dinner, since she has to work tonight, so I'd better go take care of that. Dh is gone for the week, so its just the 2 of us.

We have I Love Lucy on every morning...I watch them while taking care of the furples:D

Hi, All. :hi Since it's a bit cooler today, I snagged Rosie this morning and we drove down to Marietta and went to a bunch of the stores that I used to frequent when I lived down there. We had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. Rosie had their version of a Patty Melt and I had their Reuben sandwich. Both came with large cut French Fries and pickle and were fabulous. We picked up dessert later at the Austrian Bakery. I had an eclair and she had an apricot tart. We had a great time.


Now off to do something else. Read or sew. And spoil the puppies a bit.

Sounds like a fantastic day! You have a good friend there, too....:yes

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How is my wonderful House Family this morning?

I'm doin' good... I have a great relaxing day of crocheting ahead of me .... then off to baseball games for David and Patrick. Of course I'll be taking my crocheting with me! :hook


I have a few loads of laundry to do..... but would you believe... I'm actually excited about that. Why you may ask.............. because its just my laundry.... The boys uniforms.. and a few other things.... NOT my daughters and 3 other little peoples clothes! :yay


Oh... and hey.... I'm in my living room again this morning... kicked back in my chair... enjoying my coffee with you all.

See... this is my little spot in the living room.



When I get my craft room cleaned back up from my daughters distruction... I can play in there again! :hook

The upstairs is going to be a week long family event to clean up after her and her boys! Oh well................ it will be done and we will have our rooms back!


love you guys

have a great day!






Tam, I'm soooo excited for you to have your house back :hug :hug If I was nearby, I'd come and try to help you get some order back :yes


Tam, your chair looks well-loved:c9

In your post something you said caught me by surprise...you used to wash your daughter's clothes as well as her boy's??!!:eek


Anywho - none of my business...it just took me back for a minute...


Off I go to start my day - my friend, mom of my 17 yo goddaughter, wants to talk to me later...goddaughter is very confused about her college major, other things, and fo some reason when GD talks to me she sees things more clearly:think In my household, that's a first:lol

Anyway, BBL!


Sometimes it's hard to talk to your parents about some things if you already have it in your mind that they want you to do something and if you're not sure that what they want for you is what you want for yourself, it's hard to talk with them about it. So it's nice to get a more objective opinion on things :yes


Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a good weekend. :) Summer is here with a vengeance...way too early for 100* weather!


Judy ~ Aww, the Lucy name is perfect! Your baby ghan and scarves are all wonderful. :clap


Joanne ~ Yay for getting your A.C. replaced! We have two units that are 21 years old - every summer we expect one to go out. :lol


Linda ~ I'm glad you're relaxing and enjoying your "me" time. Your quilt fabrics are gorgeous - can't wait to see them together!


Tam ~ Oh, that's great news about having your house back. :manyheart I know you must be thrilled to have some quiet time again.


Cindy ~ Your Granny Stripes is so pretty. :hook Mine still needs a border.:blush I hope your MIL improves with the pacemaker. :hug


Wrennie ~ Your garden sounds wonderful! We always had a small veggie garden, but have too much shade in back now. I put a couple of tomato and pepper plants in a front bed this year. :)


Marisa ~ You are so busy! You are so organized...way to go on starting to sort and pack things.


And a big "Hi" to all my house friends! :ghug


Thank you for all of the well wishes. The pain is just enough to be annoying now. :lol I'm busy getting ready for Luke's visit (Wed. - Sunday)...planning meals, etc.


Now don't let me fool you on the being organized bit :lol Everythings a great big mess right now :rofl But, it's started and guess what....tonight I'm going to crochet again :yes


Afternoon everyone!


Joanne, hope you had a good day today.


Tam, again, so good to hear your happy voice and know your family is much more at ease.


Judy, my dobes were crated and not trusted until they were 2 years old! Something seemed to click at that age. Not Shasta the monster child :lol Crates are wonderful!


TAM, that chair looks VERY comfortable!


Linda, it looked like it was going to rain here and went right on by. Could sure use some.


Mary, what fun to have Luke for so many days!


Marisa, glad you're to the packing stage and tossing things. Need one of those mojitos every night :lol


:hug :hug :hug to all the house and have a happy evening!


Ooooo, I'd be happy with mojito's every night :devil


Hello everyone. Work went well today, but it's always nice to get home.


I got a smile when I read about Heidi becoming Lucy. Lucy is my all time favorite tv character, and I still watch 'I Love Lucy" every once in a while.


I had more to say, but DD wants to eat dinner, since she has to work tonight, so I'd better go take care of that. Dh is gone for the week, so its just the 2 of us.


I watch I Love Lucy too :yes I think everybody loves lucy!!!!


Hi, All. :hi Since it's a bit cooler today, I snagged Rosie this morning and we drove down to Marietta and went to a bunch of the stores that I used to frequent when I lived down there. We had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. Rosie had their version of a Patty Melt and I had their Reuben sandwich. Both came with large cut French Fries and pickle and were fabulous. We picked up dessert later at the Austrian Bakery. I had an eclair and she had an apricot tart. We had a great time.


Now off to do something else. Read or sew. And spoil the puppies a bit.


Sounds like you and Rosie had a wonderful day :yay So, what did you end up doing?

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Hi everyone! Sorry for such a long disappearance but I have had alot going on. My hubby had to have another mass removed from his back & this one had him out for two months. He just went back tonight. Yay! I have been busy with school and entertaining him mostly. I do have some news that will probably floor some of you ladies that know me......I am about seven weeks pregnant! I know I always said I didn't want more, but the time has come & I am really excited!!!


Anywhoo, enough about me......how are all of you? Is Julie okay? I see she hasn't posted in a bit. I hope all is well with all of you. :ghug

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