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Our House Part Two


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Hi, ya, peeps!


I read through the posts...

Marlene, I'm sorry your hand is still weak:hug:hug

Joanne, those diaper cakes are neat!

Mary1, Hi! I know how time can get away from you:yes

Wrennie, that's funny about the lady who said no more dogs. Know that feeling:lol I woke up once during the night and saw Heidi's outstretched front paw in my face as she tried to roll over from her right side to her left. I ended up with maybe 12 inches of mattress for me:lol Somehow we all managed to sleep well and she was very snuggly when she woke up this morning - not her usual mouthy self:D


Shawl pics to come later!

And I didn't work with Heidi on going down the stairs yesterday. At least going up is fine - as long as she doesn't freak herself out by trying to get on the first step from the SIDE of the staircase:lol



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Hiya house, TGIF for that is how I feel. Lately I've been exhausted and I'm looking forward to the three days week-end off from taking care of my lil darling grand childern. I have nothing exciting plan except to hang up new curtains in all the rooms and new shower curtains and window curtains in the bathroom. I'm looking forward to transforming my house for the summer weather. Believe it or not I haven't been to the craft store so that will be high up on my list of to do's for this long week-end. :) We have no outings planned for most of the places I can go to my husband will not be able to access since his transportation do not go to various places, so it look like we are stuck here, no he is stuck here and probably I will stay with him for a few hours then wander away to do my own thing. :eek


I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to come in here and chat as often as I would like for life do get in the way of what I would like to do, but it's okay for that is how life flows. :think So with that said have a fun fill week-end and memorial day. Sending Hugs and prayers where needed. :hug

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Hi everyone! Just quick drop in as my oldest is here visiting and I should get my new token to log on to work today. Will be hard to get personal online time after that, until I get caught up at work.


Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!!!


:heart and :hug

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:mdust·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸:mdust



Hi Ladies,


I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I ended up staying home for a week. It was nice! I got home and hubby wasn't feeling to well so had to get him better. We did the VA appt and it went well. They did some blood tests and a chest xray. We ended up staying at my sisters for 2 nights. We went garage saling for days and it was a lot of fun. Found some good bargins. Monday I called the surgeon who did hubby's hiatal surgery to make an appt and they could get him in on tuesday so we took it. He goes on the 1st for an upper GI and back to him on the 9th. His chest pains are back and much worse than ever before. I hope this test shows something so they can fix it and he can quit worrying and complaining about the pain. hugs... love and prayers sweetie!!!

Tomorrow Jocelyn and I will pick Payton up after school and head to my house have supper and hubby will go with us to DD'S and Maya's. Can't wait to see her. I talked to her last night on the phone. She wanted to tell me something without her Mommy listening. So I told her go in her bedroom and we could talk privately. She talked forever and her Mom already knew what she wanted to tell me. It was funny she thought it was going to be so secretive. awwwww.... :)

I'm going to be home most of the month of June. Hubby has 3 doctor appts and I have something I need to do so I asked my Mom if she could babysit and she said she would. I have a lot of cleaning out to do. Plus I need to see the doctor about my hand. I think it needs more than the exercises I do from when I was going to pt. I noticed last week doing dishes it's still pretty weak when I picked a light pyrex dish. Here at my sons they have a dishwasher so I don't really do any dishes here. Maybe I'm just expecting to much to soon.

I'll try and catch up next week with everyone. I need to head to bed now. Have a safe weekend everyone. good to see you pop in... hang in there hon! thinkin and prayin' for you :hug


Good morning everyone!




It was great to see a post from Marlene--sounds like you have been super busy- hope that they can figure out source of DH's chest pains and that you get your hand checked out again. Enjoy the time with Maya!


Does anyone have plans for the Memorial Day weekend? I plan to take it easy- do my basic weekly cleaning/laundry, and then just do whatever it is I want to do. On Monday, DD and SIL are having a bar-b-que. Baseball games for my boys and visit my Aunt and Uncle that are in town!!!! :D


Safe travels to Cindy, Dusti and Marisa! Dusti --enjoy your week by the lake!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise. have a good day all!


Good morning ladies and TGIF!!!! I'm still trying to wake up and it just doesn't seem to be going well :think


Anyhoo, nothing new here. We did Mary's test, well she had to do a review first, which is what didn't go so well for her so after we finished the review, we right did the test. We sat here from 8-11:15 :whew I coulda had it done in an hour easy, but I made her work out every problem :devil:lol I just keep her on the right path :yes Now she can move on to the next section. Wow.... :whew


Toni - Have fun with your dd's :clap My sister and I never got along until she moved away, now were like best friends :yes But I must admit that we do worry about living together again since I'll be staying in her house when I move to Pitt :eek


Tam - Did Michael get to play last night? How did he do? yes he sure did... it was awesome! They won 8-7 close one.. they like to keep us parents on the edge of our seats. Ken had to stay home.. he's running a fever... probably from all the puking that went on around here a few days ago from daughter and her kids having stomach flu.


Dusti - Oooo, it's the perfect temp over there for me :manyheart Have a great weekend


Kiyo - Awe Aree sure is growing up :yes and :yay for june 4th


Judy - Math always came easy to me and I love numbers :blush I can't wait to see pics of the shawl :bounce How's Heidi doing on the steps?


Joanne - :yay a diaper cake!!!!!


Marlene - I hope dh's appt goes well and they're able to figure something out :xfin Keep up on that hand, they may need to do more testing :think Glad you found some good buys at the garage sales :yes


I won't be back until the AM. Driving up my parents after work and when I get there, my neighbor is going to paint my toes for me :clap


Morning. I had a cat fight run across my face this morning. UM.... OUCH.... :eek and what a way to be woke up!!! That woke me the rest of the way up pretty quick! Guess the old reflexes are pretty good. Got my arm up so I still have eyes intact. He did get a good slice on my ear, right where the arm of my glasses sit. Bad kitty! He's been trying to kiss up ever since. :lolI bet!!!

We had tornado warnings here last night. In the mountains :think weird.

My irises have started to bloom. I have loads of buds this year. I'll have to get some pictures over the weekend. I have to work saturday till noon, then I wanna see if theres any yard sales nearby. Like I need more stuff.:P

Yesterday a girl who used to work at my job came in with 2 puppies. about 10-12 weeks old. Rhodesian ridgeback mixed with maybe lab, one black with a distinctive ridge and the other brown. awww....

Well Donna, the customer service manager who is adamantly NOT ever getting another dog. When the ones she has are gone thats it! NO more! Very firm no, no, no..... is taking one home over the weekend to see how he gets along with her 3 dogs she has now.:lol:lol:lol She says its a maybe, I say as soon as that puppies paws hit the floor, he's home. omgosh... you know it.... :rofl

I'll have to see if I can get a picture of him. :yes

Have a great day everyone! you have a great day too!!


Well, so much for catching up and getting back here on Wednesday. :lol Good morning to all of you. :manyheart


I have to be gone until late afternoon, but would sure love a quiet day today. :) Have a good day, everyone! have a great day yourself hon!!! :hug













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Hi, ya, peeps!


I read through the posts...

Marlene, I'm sorry your hand is still weak:hug:hug

Joanne, those diaper cakes are neat!

Mary1, Hi! I know how time can get away from you:yes

Wrennie, that's funny about the lady who said no more dogs. Know that feeling:lol I woke up once during the night and saw Heidi's outstretched front paw in my face as she tried to roll over from her right side to her left. I ended up with maybe 12 inches of mattress for me:lol Somehow we all managed to sleep well and she was very snuggly when she woke up this morning - not her usual mouthy self:D


Shawl pics to come later! cant wait... :D

And I didn't work with Heidi on going down the stairs yesterday. At least going up is fine - as long as she doesn't freak herself out by trying to get on the first step from the SIDE of the staircase:lol awww... poor baby!




Hiya house, TGIF for that is how I feel. Lately I've been exhausted and I'm looking forward to the three days week-end off from taking care of my lil darling grand childern. oh.. do have fun with them!!! I have nothing exciting plan except to hang up new curtains in all the rooms and new shower curtains and window curtains in the bathroom. I'm looking forward to transforming my house for the summer weather. Believe it or not I haven't been to the craft store so that will be high up on my list of to do's for this long week-end. you have fun dear!!! :) We have no outings planned for most of the places I can go to my husband will not be able to access since his transportation do not go to various places, so it look like we are stuck here, no he is stuck here and probably I will stay with him for a few hours then wander away to do my own thing. :eek


I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to come in here and chat as often as I would like for life do get in the way of what I would like to do, but it's okay for that is how life flows. :think So with that said have a fun fill week-end and memorial day. Sending Hugs and prayers where needed. :hughave a great weekend! hugs and prayers back at ya!


Hi everyone! Just quick drop in as my oldest is here visiting and I should get my new token to log on to work today. Will be hard to get personal online time after that, until I get caught up at work.


Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!!! have a wonderful safe weekend sweetie! :hug


:heart and :hug










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~~Morning ladies!!!~~ I'm sitting here, drinking a cup of coffee, trying to get loads entered, drivers dispatched, solve all the worlds problems by noon!! 2 hours. I am praying like HELLO that the rain stays away until Sunday..........Aree has a tournament that starts today at 3 and goes through tomorrow late afternoon (hoping they stay in it that long- she has a tough coach sooooo I'm sure they will fight until the end) BUt......as I sit there and cheer them on, I will have a few crochet projects with me to work on.


LOVE TO YOU ALL and enjoy your weekend!! (I have to go and get my Dad's headstone cleaned and if that isnt one of the hardest things to do......I cry the whole time I am doing it......sucks!) I call my brother in Denver and try to get him to come home and do it since it's just us 2 and he NEVER takes his turn lol!

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Hello House!!!!!!!! Finally feel up to sitting in front of the computer for a few minutes! Although typing one-handed is a pain.:lol Surgery went well, the Dr. did have to do more than he planned though. I had bone fragments "floating" around in the soft tissue ane there was an extensive amount of scar tissue that needed to be cleaned up as well. I actually feel pretty good and thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers!:hug Seems like I should be able to crochet before too long-I'll tell my Dr. that it's part of my pt! Won't be able to go back towork for at least 6 weeks:eek but at least my job is secure.


Hope you all have a fabulous day!

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Trish, I hope you heal super fast! Good to hear from you:hug:manyheart


Kiyo, here;s hoping the weather is good for Aree's game...and the cemetery thing: I went once to my parent's plot.

Never could do it again.....:(

:hugto you


Cheeria, have a restful weekend....try not to shop too much:lol


Re: meetup: do we have a firm date?

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Hi Trish! Thank you so much for letting us know that your surgery went well. :hug I love the idea of crocheting being your physical therapy!:lol


Kiyo ~ Keeping my fingers crossed that you have some sunny days. :yes Good luck to Aree in the tournament! :cheer


Toni ~ I hope the work back-log isn't too bad. Have fun with your DDs! :)


Tam ~ So sorry to hear about Ken's fever. :hug Have fun at the baseball games and visiting with your Aunt and Uncle. I like your new avatar.:yes


Wrennie ~ How are the "war wounds"? ;) Once in a while Gracie (Cairn) and Zoe, the cat chase eachother on the bed...at 4 in the morning. :lol


Judy ~ What kind of ice cream did you all have? :D


Dusti ~ Sorry I didn't get to say "Bye" - Have a wonderful time!


Hi to everyone at the House!


It's been a long day and I'm so glad to be home!

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Hello, everyone. This has been a week of weirdness. Kim was sick for few days and I've been under the weather as well. I haven't touched a craft project in a week, although I've done a bunch of reading. Just been very tired with no energy or ambition. John is going to the hunting cabin this weekend, so it will be girl's time here. Not sure whether he's coming back on Sunday or Monday at this point. They'll be heading to their time share in Panama City Beach next Friday, and I'll staying here this year. I already have way too many things on the "to-do" list for the 10 days they'll be gone, so time will tell how much actually gets done.


Trish ~ glad to hear that the shoulder surgery went well. It's amazing how much damage those floating bone chips can do. Hope you have a very smooth recovery.


Joanne ~ You can get a good basic sewing machine for around $120 - $150, but getting one for free from your friend would be even nicer.


Dusti ~ It's great that you and hubby are so good at the home repairs. Hope you all have a wonderful time at the lake time share next week.


Judy ~ those are adorable pictures of your furples. And that's a beautiful shawl, too.


Mary 1 ~ That's a fabulous picture of Luke at the pool. Glad you weren't effected much by the storms.


Toni ~ Glad you're have a smooth recovery from the eye surgery. Hope DD's car is quickly fixed so you can have your mobility back. I really like your Hobo Hearts Tote.


Wrennie ~ You have lovely kitties.


Marisa ~ The turtles ATE the moss ball cleaner ?!?! Oh, that is just too funny! :lol :lol :lol

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Good afternoon ~


This is going to be *super quick.* ... No, seriously, stop laughing...




I have to be ready to walk out the door, as soon as DH gets home from work. I am finished packing, the food is made, the girls have their projects to work on in the car, so...I think we are good to go. I will not have access to a computer until next weekend, so I wish you a fun, safe, relaxing week :manyheart


Glad to hear from you, Marlene. Sorry to hear that you and hubby have been doctoring quite a bit, recently, but I hope you are able to figure out something about your wrist, so you feel better. I can hear your excitement about having Maya with you, again.


Mary ~ Life does get busy and "away from us," sometimes, doesn't it? Take care!


Kiyo ~ Hope the rain holds off, and that Aree's team progresses far in the tournament. :hug as you go out to your Dad's resting place.


Judy ~ BEAUTIFUL shawl and pic of you modeling it :manyheart


Linda ~ Hope your girls' weekend is calm.


Wrennie ~ That would be quite the wake-up call. Sorry you got wounded in the process.


Marisa ~ Safe travels out on the freeway this weekend. Nice you could help Mary through her Algebra woes. Is there more Algebra in her future, or does she go on to Geometry next? Good thing you like all of those numbers and can help her study :yes


Tam ~ Sorry to hear that your DH had to miss what sounded like an exciting baseball game, last night. Hope his fever breaks, quickly, and that it does not get any worse for him. You are hanging in there? Loved the smiling cup of cappuccino in your post, yesterday :hug


Trish ~ I, honestly, did not expect to even hear from you this soon after your surgery. So glad you popped in to give us an update. Crochet would definitely be good PT :hook


Joanne ~ A nice, mellow weekend sounds perfect. :) And, you get to spend special time with your DD on Monday -- enjoy.


Cheeria ~ Hope you have some fun on your shopping outings this weekend. Sounds as though you are due a trip to the craft store, definitely :yes Relax and enjoy yourself.


Toni ~ Hope your log-in info arrived, today. I can tell that you are upset about being behind at work, so I hope you are soon up-and-running, again. Best of luck catching up. Hope all is well with your oldest DD visiting.


Oops, it's time to go. :ghug See you in a week. Have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Hugs to ALL of you :waving

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Tam, I'm sorry Ken's under the weather again:hug

Linda, I hope you're okay now so you can get your quilt completed! It's due soon, isn't it?

And sometimes you just need "me" time...good for you for deciding to stay home instead of taking the trip.

Judy ~ What kind of ice cream did you all have? :D


That was a combo Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins place, and being the caffeine junkie I am, I had the hot stuff;)


Thanks for the compliments on the scarf, ladies. I also thought it was about time I put a pic of my mug on here:lol...plus you can see how the shawl drapes. I love it.:c9

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Here's the baby playing with Sparkie's favorite ball.I think she has a death wish - just this afternoon I had to separate them after she did something and he had to discipline her - she yelped, but DID back off for a bit. Sparkie still wasn't too happy with her, so I sent them to their neutral corners. She's not afraid of him; whcih isn't always a good thing.


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It's officially the long weekend!!!:clap:clap:clap


Dusti- Safe travels!!! Have fun!!


Judy- The shawl is stunning!!! I absolutely love how it turned out!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!:manyheart


Marisa- Safe travels to you and enjoy your "pedicure" after the long day at work and then the drive!!!


Cheeria- Glad you are going to have some "me" time this weekend- Getting the place ready for the summer sounds great!!! I am going to do some of my cleaning tonight so I can have more free time tomorrow.


Judy, Marisa and Cheeria- RE: Meetup- How is June 18? I have mani/pedi on June 4- don't get done till about 10:30 so couldn't meet up till 11:00 on that date. June 11 is my DD and SIL's "baby-que" shower and June 25 I'm heading to Boston.


Wrennie- What a way to wake up in the morning!!! Hope your half day at work goes by quickly and have fun at the yard sales.


Mary1- time sometimes just flies on by- glad you popped in!


Tammy- WTG on Michael's team win last night. Sorry to hear that once again DD and her kiddos have passed on something to Ken! Hoping and praying that the fever breaks soon!!! :hug


Toni- Hope you were able to log onto work- and enjoy your time with your DD's. Any word on the car?


Linda- Sounds like you have been busy- with Kim and you not feeling well, that mustn't have been easy. I'm sure you are probably looking forward to some "off time" even if you have lots of things to do!!!


Kiyo- Good luck to Aree's team in their marathon of games!!! Have fun :crocheting while watching the games!!!


Off to get something to eat. Have a great night friends!

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Here's the baby playing with Sparkie's favorite ball.I think she has a death wish - just this afternoon I had to separate them after she did something and he had to discipline her - she yelped, but DID back off for a bit. Sparkie still wasn't too happy with her, so I sent them to their neutral corners. She's not afraid of him; whcih isn't always a good thing.

Oh my---just look at those eyes!!!!

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Hello everyone. We are back from visiting my parents. My mom is progressing slowly. She can move both her right hand and her right leg and foot a little. However, now they are questioning whether she actually had a stroke. or if there is something else wrong. They think the 2nd MRI shows a lesion in her brain. They are waiting for a neurosurgeon to look at the MRI and give some input. It sounds like she will have to move to a larger medical center about 75 miles away for further tests if he thinks it's necessary. (My parents live in a fairly small city, with limited medical facilities.)


I did not do any crafting at all while we were gone. I read an entire book in the car though.


I just quickly skimmed through posts, but I read that Tam's Ken isn't feeling well. Hope that whatever it is, is minor.


Also saw that both Linda and Kim have been under the weather. Hope both of you feel better by now, and that Kim stays well, so that she and John can enjoy getting away together.

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Here's the baby playing with Sparkie's favorite ball.I think she has a death wish - just this afternoon I had to separate them after she did something and he had to discipline her - she yelped, but DID back off for a bit. Sparkie still wasn't too happy with her, so I sent them to their neutral corners. She's not afraid of him; whcih isn't always a good thing.

Heidi looks like she knows she's been bad, but isn't at all repentant.


Good luck to Aree in her tournament this weekend.


Safe trips to all those traveling.

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Hi Ladies. :)


Linda ~ We've missed you and hope you are feeling much better now...and Kim, too! Reading is such a good hobby-especially when you need a break and need to "get away" for a while. :manyheart


Cindy ~ We are so fortunate to be close to major medical facilities...and I forget how many people aren't. I hope they can figure out your mom's diagnosis very soon. :hug Are you working this weekend?


Cheeria ~ Yay for three days off! I don't know how you keep up with Sean and Jaedon at the same time. :lol Enjoy your weekend!


Marlene ~ I hope your DH gets some relief from the pain soon. :hug I loved reading about your "secret" conversation with Miss Maya. ;)


Judy ~ Looks to me like Heidi has that "Who, Me"? look on her face. :lol What an adorable puppy! Gracie's legs are still only about 5" long, but she had a hard time with the stairs when she was Heidi's age.


It's still Friday! I have a picture! These are scarves for Kiyo on our newly tiled patio. The two on the left are RH Soft Heather Grey and Vanna's Colonial Blue in a hdc ribbed stitch. The third is RH Collage in a V-stitch pattern. We can't clean the "grout haze" off until tomorrow, but it is wonderful and makes the whole back yard look better!


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Good morning!


Mary1- Love the scarves and the tile!!! How exciting to have new tile to really brighten up the space!!! And yes, you made it for Photo Friday!!! Enjoy your weekend!


Cindy- Hoping that they can figure out what's going on with your Mom! Glad to hear you are back home safe and sound! I can't read in the car- but thankfully, I can crochet in a car. I really need to pick up the nook and read a little, but it seems that all my free time is consumed with making totes and or baby blankets!


Got the laundry on- and a few things to do, then run errands and then....it's hookin time!!!


Have a wonderful day and I'll probably pop back in later!

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It's still Friday! I have a picture! These are scarves for Kiyo on our newly tiled patio. The two on the left are RH Soft Heather Grey and Vanna's Colonial Blue in a hdc ribbed stitch. The third is RH Collage in a V-stitch pattern. We can't clean the "grout haze" off until tomorrow, but it is wonderful and makes the whole back yard look better!

gorgeous scarves! And I like that tile, too:yes


Cindy, I hope your mom is okay:hug:manyheart

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