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Our House Part Two


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The quilting has begun. The center is blocked in and I've got part of one corner and side partially blocked, too. I'm going slow to keep the lines as straight as possible and as much in the seams as possible. My shoulders have had it for today. I'll do some more tomorrow.


Poor Heidi. Falling off the bed is no fun.

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Hello everyone. Its super hot and humid here today. Work was okay, but it was nice to be finished and come home. Three days off now. We'll be heading to my aprents again tomorrow.



I ended up going to Kohls yesterday, because I had a 30% off coupon. I bought a sundress, a necklace, and a tank top. DD bought lots of clothes.


When I got home from work today the grandsons were here. the oldest one told me that his mom had bought him pirate stickers for his bedroom wall, but he was going to wait for me to visit so that I could help him put them up. Isn't that sweet of him?


I don't think I've done any crafting since the weekend. I had planned to start another stashbuster tote yesterday, but I didn't feel like choosing yarn from my stash for it. I went to Michaels, hoping to find some cotton yarn that would go with the variegated that I already had, but the yarn was really picked over. That Michaels is moving to another location in June, so their shelves are quite bare. All clearance items were an additional 50% off, and it looked like lots of the pattern books had been priced at two or three dollars, but they were all gone.

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Hello everyone. Its super hot and humid here today. Work was okay, but it was nice to be finished and come home. Three days off now. We'll be heading to my aprents again tomorrow.



I ended up going to Kohls yesterday, because I had a 30% off coupon. I bought a sundress, a necklace, and a tank top. DD bought lots of clothes.


When I got home from work today the grandsons were here. the oldest one told me that his mom had bought him pirate stickers for his bedroom wall, but he was going to wait for me to visit so that I could help him put them up. Isn't that sweet of him?

That is sooooo sweet! How old is this particular GS?

I don't think I've done any crafting since the weekend. I had planned to start another stashbuster tote yesterday, but I didn't feel like choosing yarn from my stash for it. I went to Michaels, hoping to find some cotton yarn that would go with the variegated that I already had, but the yarn was really picked over. That Michaels is moving to another location in June, so their shelves are quite bare. All clearance items were an additional 50% off, and it looked like lots of the pattern books had been priced at two or three dollars, but they were all gone.

darn....sounds like you missed out on the best stuff!

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Off for the rest of the night - want to get in a little work on my shawl before baby wakes up again. She needs a lot of naps:lol

I had to put the Frontline plus on her and Sparkie today - after carrying her inside this afternoon (shes's a stubborn little thing when she wants to stay outside) I was at the sink and saw a very tiny tick crawling up my hand:eek:eek:eek I hate to use that stuff, but it's necessary. She did not like being fussed over...;)


Have a good night my friends:hug:manyheart

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Hello everyone!!! Another beautiful day here in NJ so I was outside for a bit after work!


Dusti- I can't wait to see the hexagon bag. The friend that you are sending the felted tote to in Japan is going to just love it!!! Did you every hear about your other friends after the earthquake. Sorry that your Spring is not coming yet, but glad that your flowers are ok! It's almost 10 more mornings of school!!


Cindy- Enjoy your three days off- and safe travels to your parents- hope your Mom and MIL are doing ok! Sounds like DD got some good deals at Kohls and glad that you got a few things for you too! Too bad about the Michael's jaunt- guess it just wasn't meant to be!


Linda- I can't believe it's only two weeks until the quilt challenge! It seems like yesterday you were telling us all about it!! I'm sure it's going to be beautiful- and nothing like some last minute pressure to get it done. Don't we all do that?


Judy- Sounds like Heidi is keeping you busy, busy, busy! And hopefully the pillow at the end of the bed will keep her from falling out of the bed.


Cheeria- I'm glad that you were able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather with your grandsons! fingers crossed that whatever is causing the many changes of diapers doesn't last long!!!


Marisa- Must feel good to send in your notice to the apartment owners! It's official now- you are moving (I will miss seeing you at meet-ups, but am so glad that I did get to meet you in IRL) Have you gotten any leads on an office?


Tammy- Thinking about you and hope that Michael and you and DAvid are doing ok!


Julie- Thinking about you and missing you too


Toni- Hope all went well with your surgery!


Marlene, Mary1, Mary2, Tab, LeAnne, Wrennie, Trish and all my housemates-sending good thoughts your way!


Without further ado- I'm going to post "Photo Friday" pics tonight- Stashbuster Tote #6-I used the leftover Turqua and Peruvian Print from another tote and added Vanna'sChoice Fern


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Good evening ladies :hi


Getting ready to watch american idol and work on my sweater :clap My parents are bringing my air conditioners down this weekend so I'll need to try to get some straightening done before they come, not sure when that is just yet :think Work wasn't too bad today :whew Next weekend I'm heading to Pitt and took off on friday, my parents are going too :clap I'm going to do some heavy reasearch over the weekend to see if I can make some calls on monday to see a place or 2 while we're there :clap I think my parents are heading out on thursday, but I won't go until friday morning.


Dusti - Can't wait to see the bag you're sending to your friend in Japan :bounce The girls must be excited for summer break :yes


Linda - I'm so excited about your quilt and am anxious to see the finished product :yay The time is just flying by, maybe you should set yourself a schedule :think:lol


Judy - Poor Heidi :hug falling out of bed and finding a tick all in one day :( Good idea with the frontline :h5


Cindy - How cute that your gs wants you to help decorate his walls :manyheart


Cheeria - I hope your little darling is feeling better quickly and that it doesn't really set in for you :hug


Sorry if I missed anyone :hug

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Good morning!


Still in disbelief about James being voted off Idol!!! OH, well at least it's Friday and then it's the weekend---even if the weather is not supposed to be as gorgeous as it's been all week while I've been stuck inside at work- it's still 2 days off so can't complain! Glad I got most of the yard work done last Saturday! Just a few more things to plant so maybe I'll try and get that done tonight or get a head start on my Saturday morning routine!


Hope you all have a good day!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


TGIF!!!! Nothing new to report this morning.


Sorry Joanne for James being voted off :( He was in my top 2 along with the other boy....I was quite disappointed myself when the 2 girls were called first :eek I guess I'll really need to vote now :think

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Good morning ladies :coffee


TGIF!!!! Nothing new to report this morning.


Sorry Joanne for James being voted off :( He was in my top 2 along with the other boy....I was quite disappointed myself when the 2 girls were called first :eek I guess I'll really need to vote now :think


I just don't get it-I thought he had the most talent- and the most varied repetoire! He never disappointed--no matter what type of music he did- he rocked it!!! At this point, I don't really care who wins- None of them left really moves me and makes me want to tune in every week. I couldn't wait to hear James every week-can't put my finger on it- there was just something about his performances!

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I just don't get it-I thought he had the most talent- and the most varied repetoire! He never disappointed--no matter what type of music he did- he rocked it!!! At this point, I don't really care who wins- None of them left really moves me and makes me want to tune in every week. I couldn't wait to hear James every week-can't put my finger on it- there was just something about his performances!


I totally agree that James is awesome and that he did amazing with every performance. I do love Scotty too though, so am pulling for him now (I think it's this new found spot in my heart for country music over the past year or 2 :think:lol ). Not that I wasn't before, but I was for both those boys, but will be very upset if one of those girls wins :(

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OH...Wrennie, I'll come help you dig for buried treasure!


Wrennie, I want to dig by your neighbors house to.

Come on over, or up, or is it down? :think Anyway bring a bucket and shovel! Heres the story of a real never found treasure here n the catskills > Dutch Schultz and His Lost Catskills' Treasure


I finished the little, drawstring purse last night, so it looks as though I am going to have a couple of different projects to show-off on Photo Friday :yay I have a hexagon-shaped tote finished out of Patons Classic Wool in the Kimono (olive green, spring green, magenta, and old gold [where DO some of these names come from? :think]) colorway. I am working on the handles, today. I will not felt the bag until I can do the handles, too, so that will, probably, have to wait until this weekend. Projects are coming along, though.


I was informed this morning, "There are only 11 more school mornings until the end of the year." Gee, do you suppose someone is counting? :lol Today's agenda includes an annual eye exam for Kyri after school, but that is it. I am off to start a letter to one of my high school friends, who is living in Japan. I am sending her the purse I felted a couple of weeks ago from soy-wool blend yarn I had ordered on-line. Felting is so very fun and addicting :U.


Have a good Thursday :flower

Cant wait to see your projects.


The quilting has begun. The center is blocked in and I've got part of one corner and side partially blocked, too. I'm going slow to keep the lines as straight as possible and as much in the seams as possible. My shoulders have had it for today. I'll do some more tomorrow.


Poor Heidi. Falling off the bed is no fun.

I want to see!

The quilt, not Heidi falling off the bed


Marlene, Mary1, Mary2, Tab, LeAnne, Wrennie, Trish and all my housemates-sending good thoughts your way!


Without further ado- I'm going to post "Photo Friday" pics tonight- Stashbuster Tote #6-I used the leftover Turqua and Peruvian Print from another tote and added Vanna'sChoice Fern

Very nice!


I totally agree that James is awesome and that he did amazing with every performance. I do love Scotty too though, so am pulling for him now (I think it's this new found spot in my heart for country music over the past year or 2 :think:lol ). Not that I wasn't before, but I was for both those boys, but will be very upset if one of those girls wins :(


Sorry your guys favorite got booted.


Yay fir friday. I really want to have a yardsale and get rid of stuff, but its supposed to rain this weekend. :( We'll have to see if it shifts.

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Good morning, my friends. It's another sunny, hot day here in Georgia. Kim slept a lot yesterday to make up for the other night when she was up all night. It should be a fairly quiet Friday for us with just the usual extras to get done.


I'm trying to work on the quilt a bit each day so I don't do myself in with it. The official date that the quilts and other projects have to be there by is June 15th, but I really want to get mine mailed off by the 1st so that it has plenty of time to get there before that deadline. This is the last picture I took of it. Right now it's covered with pins, pins, and more pins holding the top, batting, and backing together. Of course, I'll post a picture of it when it's all done, but that will be a while yet. I probably won't here if I've won anything until the end of the month, when it will be sent back if it doesn't win anything. And I really don't expect to win, it's just the excitement of it being my first entry. Anyway, I'll be thrilled if it does win and and of course you will all be among the first to know if it does.


Hello everyone!!! Another beautiful day here in NJ so I was outside for a bit after work!


Without further ado- I'm going to post "Photo Friday" pics tonight- Stashbuster Tote #6-I used the leftover Turqua and Peruvian Print from another tote and added Vanna'sChoice Fern

Another beautiful tote, Joanne. Great work!:yay :yay

Good evening ladies :hi


Getting ready to watch american idol and work on my sweater :clap My parents are bringing my air conditioners down this weekend so I'll need to try to get some straightening done before they come, not sure when that is just yet :think Work wasn't too bad today :whew Next weekend I'm heading to Pitt and took off on friday, my parents are going too :clap I'm going to do some heavy reasearch over the weekend to see if I can make some calls on monday to see a place or 2 while we're there :clap I think my parents are heading out on thursday, but I won't go until friday morning.

Good luck with the research, Marisa, and good luck with getting a chance to see a place or two while there next weekend, too.:xfin You've really put a lot of time and effort into this already. Hope the right place jumps out at you soon.


:hug :hug :hug Hugs and prayers going out to all those fighting illness and losses.


Hi, there, Miss Julie! We miss you. :hug


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'morning, peeps!


The 2 layer fortress of pillows, with a sheet wrapped around it, kept Heidi ON the bed...not next to it... last night:lol Hubby is so good with the suggestions....


Judy, we live in the woods and Sophie often picks up ticks. We get her vaccinated for Lyme disease. Heidi might be too small for that though.

I asked our vet about that a few years ago and at the time she said the vaccine wasn't 100% effective. Besides, with the dogs in the house all the time and on our bed, I thought that the Frontline Plus was a safer deal for us. I had a tick stuck at the base of my scalp many years ago and I had to talk hubby through the removal process. :P He never took any out of our dogs - I always did that, so he was clueless.

My oldest grandson is 6.

Awww....that's such a sweet age!!


Judy- Sounds like Heidi is keeping you busy, busy, busy! And hopefully the pillow at the end of the bed will keep her from falling out of the bed.

She's a bundle of energy! It's a hoot seeing her walk completely under Sparkie and try to grab his toy from his mouth. He gets freaked out and isn't sure how to get away from her:lol

And the pillow fortress worked!:D

Without further ado- I'm going to post "Photo Friday" pics tonight- Stashbuster Tote #6-I used the leftover Turqua and Peruvian Print from another tote and added Vanna'sChoice Fern

Very, very nice!!:clap:clap

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Linda, I love the pattern you came up with for the quilt...I was using my "crochet" eyes and saw your terrific attention to detail in how you arranged the fabric.

I can't imagine your work not winning something!


Off I go for a while...have to step over the baby (asleep again) to get into the laundry room and get the clothes from the dryer.

I've been getting off to such an early start compared to the way my life was two weeks ago:lol



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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Hope the pillow helps keep Heidi on the bed.


Linda, Glad Kim is feeling better. Your going right along on the quilt now. I was thinking you need a sewing marathon this weekend.


Dusti, Your friend will enjoy your letter and her new bag. Can't wait to see your other one. Payton has 17 school days left. Jocelyn has 2 practice Kindregarten days next week.


Cheeria, Maybe little guy is cutting teeth and that is causing the loose bowels. Have fun on your 3 day trip.


Cindy, That's sweet of your GS waiting until you can help him. Safe travels this weekend. Hope your Mom and MIL are continuing to improve. Sorry you missed out on the bargins at Michaels. Where is the new Michaels going to at? I've been to the one on alpine a couple of times. DD use to live down the street at York Creek Apts. I wish she still did.


Joanne, Sorry your idol lost last night. Another nice tote there.


Marisa, Good luck in your research this weekend.


Wrennie, That's an interesting story. I have heard that way back many years ago that people use to bury there money. The only treasure we ever found in a back yard was a couple of cans that had been buried. Someone told hubby there use to be a dump there many many years ago. I never checked it out so dont know for sure.


Hubby was going to come up here this weekend, but changed his mine so the kids and I will go home. Which I like better. I like being home. Athough the weather isn't suppose to be as nice as it has been the last few days. Payton has a soccer game in the morning at 9 so we will leave from there. Better get scootin and get showered and see what the day brings. Have a good day everyone!

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Linda, I love the pattern you came up with for the quilt...I was using my "crochet" eyes and saw your terrific attention to detail in how you arranged the fabric.

I can't imagine your work not winning something!


Thanks, Judy. You wouldn't believe the high quality of the quilts I've seen from last year's competition! The standards are VERY HIGH. But we shall see. I've got all the large squares bordered now as well as the overall border stitched. Now it's on to the smaller squares within squares. I'm pleased with my progress so far, but my "stitching in the ditch" is far from perfect.


Wrennie, I loved the article on Dutch's lost treasure.

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Good Friday ~


Safe travels, today, Cindy. I hope your mom and mil are doing better, by the time you see them. And, very cute that your grandson wanted your help with his room decorating :yes


Marisa ~ Sounds as though you have a couple of busy weekends on the horizon :hug Good luck lining up appointments to look into some property next weekend. Are you also going up to look for a new apartment or condo to rend in Pittsburgh? Or, do you already have that figured out? Sorry, if you have already mentioned this.


Joanne ~ Spring will, eventually, get here. Not today, though :lol It was 40*, when we left for school. I could see a haze of green in the tree tops as I drove, though, so, we ought to be seeing full-blown leaves real soon :yay


Linda ~ I hope you are able to find time to work at a smooth and steady pace, as you approach the deadline for your Challenge quilt. It's already lovely. The fabric is so pretty, and I could appreciate all of the effort you put into cutting the "right" part of the fabric to achieve the color balance of your design. :cheer You can do it. Glad to hear that Kim had a better night, and I hope today is smooth for both of you.


Judy ~ You do have to get creative with a new, little one in the house, don't you? Sounds as though your hubby is just as in love with Heidi as you are. Awwww :manyheart


Wrennie ~ Here's hoping the weather cooperates for you, and that you can put out a few things for a garage sale. I have been, s-l-o-w-l-y gathering and pricing things for our own sale. We have a big sale at my brother's house every summer, but I have not heard the exact date of this year's. Every little bit I can do ahead of time will reduce the stress later, I figures. Have a good weekend!


I went to Mass this morning. Both girls had roles in the service, Annika gave the opening Greeting, and Kyri was one of the Song Leaders. While I was there, the 1st Grade teacher asked if I could come back this afternoon and lend a hand with the rollerskating, so I need to be in town in another 90 minutes. I think I have time to grab lunch before I skedaddle out the door. Before I do, I wanted to post my finished items for the week.


The Thermal Stitch Baby Blanket and teeny-tiny hat in TLC Lovey



Drawstring Purse in RHSS Melonberry and Lavender



The Hexagon Tote in Patons Kimono (before felting. Note, only 1 handle is done :lol)



The Ruffled Purse I felted a couple of weeks ago with Patons Classic Charcoal and Patons Decor (doesn't felt, and did not quite give the finished look I was going for :P, but I will find a use for it, eventually)



:hug To All for a good and safe weekend :hug

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Dusti, your works is terrific, as always!!! I began the second half of my shawl last night, so won't have a pic to post for a while...


And yup - just as I am, hubby is totally in love with our littlest furbaby.:manyheart We also both spend our time trying to give each dog individual attention. Both furples get along beautifully, which makes it so easy! Sparkie's latest: he lays down, gets Heidi on her back and throws his massive leg across her to hold her down...or puts it over her face and mouth...and then she nibbles on his leg from underneath. To see our 105 pound moose, his mouth wide open, play fight with her is precious. He never closes his mouth over Heidi or intentionally hurts her.


...has anyone heard from Toni yet?? I was wonderfing how her eye surgery went...:think

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Hi Ladies. :manyheart So sorry I haven't been here much lately...I'm learning to enjoy any day that doesn't have some trauma or drama! I miss you all when I can't be here!


Dusti ~ Thank you for the pictures of your wonderful work! You are so talented and your color choices are great. :clap


Joanne ~ Your tote #6 is gorgeous.:hook That pattern looks good in so many different color combinations!


Linda ~ Your quilt is already a winner. :cheer Can't wait to see it all quilted and finished! How are Princess and Trouble doing?


Marlene ~ Oh yes, home is good! I know you've been away from home for quite a while...have a safe trip and a good weekend. :) Will Maya be coming when school is out?


Judy ~ Heidi sounds like she's doing great! Gracie was a bit slow on the house training...they're known for being smart, but stubborn. :lol What fun to have a playmate for Sparkie and watch all their antics. :yes Looking forward to seeing your shawl.


A big HI to everyone at the House! :manyheart I've been thinking about Toni, too - I hope we hear something soon. :yes


Julie ~ Thinking of you. :hug

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Sorry I've been so sparatic!!! Its been tough here.

Anyway........... gosh.. .I love all the beautiful creations you all have been making! The totes.. .the blankets... caps... quilts (lovely Linda)

I've been keeping as busy as I can!!! My thumb on my left hand is killing me... I think from all the crocheting but mostly knitting I've been doing!

But........ oh well.......... not giving it up. Stay away from my coffee and yarn... and no one gets hurt!!!

Well.. for photo Friday.......... here's my latest bag I designed.........














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Tam, wonderful work, as always!!!

I"m curious as to which knitting method you use...I use the throw method - couldn;t get the hang of the other way, at least not as a permanent thing.


Off to keep an eye on "gremlin ears", my knickname for Heidi...she's a pistol. I don't remember our others as being this much of nipper (and I have bruises to prove it) but we'll be working on that.


Later, gators!

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Spring will, eventually, get here. Not today, though :lol It was 40*, when we left for school. I could see a haze of green in the tree tops as I drove, though, so, we ought to be seeing full-blown leaves real soon :yay

Our leaves are all full blown and have deepened to their summer colors by now. That's what's nice about the south. We get spring sooner and fall comes a lot later with just a small amount of nasty winter. On the flip side our hot, hot summers last a long, long time.

Wrennie ~ Here's hoping the weather cooperates for you, and that you can put out a few things for a garage sale. I have been, s-l-o-w-l-y gathering and pricing things for our own sale. We have a big sale at my brother's house every summer, but I have not heard the exact date of this year's. Every little bit I can do ahead of time will reduce the stress later, I figures. Have a good weekend!

Good luck with the garage sale whenever it comes.

I went to Mass this morning. Both girls had roles in the service, Annika gave the opening Greeting, and Kyri was one of the Song Leaders. While I was there, the 1st Grade teacher asked if I could come back this afternoon and lend a hand with the rollerskating, so I need to be in town in another 90 minutes. I think I have time to grab lunch before I skedaddle out the door. Before I do, I wanted to post my finished items for the week.

Do you get to skate today?

The Thermal Stitch Baby Blanket and teeny-tiny hat in TLC Lovey



Drawstring Purse in RHSS Melonberry and Lavender



The Hexagon Tote in Patons Kimono (before felting. Note, only 1 handle is done :lol)


The Ruffled Purse I felted a couple of weeks ago with Patons Classic Charcoal and Patons Decor (doesn't felt, and did not quite give the finished look I was going for :P, but I will find a use for it, eventually)



:hug To All for a good and safe weekend :hug

Beautiful crochet work! :clap:cheer:clap

Hi Ladies. :manyheart So sorry I haven't been here much lately...I'm learning to enjoy any day that doesn't have some trauma or drama! I miss you all when I can't be here!

Hope there hasn't been too much of the trauma and drama going on there.

Linda ~ Your quilt is already a winner. :cheer Can't wait to see it all quilted and finished! How are Princess and Trouble doing?

Princess and Trouble are getting along well. They still get into it once in a while but not nearly as often as at first.

A big HI to everyone at the House! :manyheart I've been thinking about Toni, too - I hope we hear something soon. :yes

I've also been hoping to hear some good news from Toni, but it sounded like an awfully busy day for her today, so maybe not until this evening.

·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Sorry I've been so sparatic!!! Its been tough here.

Anyway........... gosh.. .I love all the beautiful creations you all have been making! The totes.. .the blankets... caps... quilts (lovely Linda)

I've been keeping as busy as I can!!! My thumb on my left hand is killing me... I think from all the crocheting but mostly knitting I've been doing!

But........ oh well.......... not giving it up. Stay away from my coffee and yarn... and no one gets hurt!!!

Well.. for photo Friday.......... here's my latest bag I designed.........








Take it easy on your thumb there girl. Can't have you laid up now. Beautiful bag! :clap:cheer:clap


I think I'm done with the sewing for today. I've done all the large squares and the overall square. I've even started the inner squares on one side. Starting to get sore in the back and shoulders though, so I think it's time to quit.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I've got a package to ship and more boxes to do. When those are done you'll hear me let out a big whoop.

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I'm trying to work on the quilt a bit each day so I don't do myself in with it. The official date that the quilts and other projects have to be there by is June 15th, but I really want to get mine mailed off by the 1st so that it has plenty of time to get there before that deadline. This is the last picture I took of it. Right now it's covered with pins, pins, and more pins holding the top, batting, and backing together. Of course, I'll post a picture of it when it's all done, but that will be a while yet. I probably won't here if I've won anything until the end of the month, when it will be sent back if it doesn't win anything. And I really don't expect to win, it's just the excitement of it being my first entry. Anyway, I'll be thrilled if it does win and and of course you will all be among the first to know if it does.


Linda- it's coming along beautifully!! You really have an eye for this!!! I'm rooting for the win for you!!! And great plan to work on a bit each day-



Another beautiful tote, Joanne. Great work!:yay :yay thanks Linda- I love this easy pattern!!!


Hi, there, Miss Julie! We miss you. :hug

Same from me:hug


Thanks, Judy. You wouldn't believe the high quality of the quilts I've seen from last year's competition! The standards are VERY HIGH. But we shall see. I've got all the large squares bordered now as well as the overall border stitched. Now it's on to the smaller squares within squares. I'm pleased with my progress so far, but my "stitching in the ditch" is far from perfect.


Wrennie, I loved the article on Dutch's lost treasure.

I loved the article too Wrennie!!! Hope your day at work went well and that the rain holds out for you to do a garage sale- weather forecast here is not promising- but late this afternoon, it got sunny and is absolutely spectacular outside- I'm actually sitting on my deck and checking in here!



Joanne ~ Spring will, eventually, get here. Not today, though :lol It was 40*, when we left for school. I could see a haze of green in the tree tops as I drove, though, so, we ought to be seeing full-blown leaves real soon :yayYay for Spring coming, Dusti- it is really beautiful here right now!

I went to Mass this morning. Both girls had roles in the service, Annika gave the opening Greeting, and Kyri was one of the Song Leaders. While I was there, the 1st Grade teacher asked if I could come back this afternoon and lend a hand with the rollerskating, so I need to be in town in another 90 minutes. I think I have time to grab lunch before I skedaddle out the door. Before I do, I wanted to post my finished items for the week.


The Thermal Stitch Baby Blanket and teeny-tiny hat in TLC Lovey



Drawstring Purse in RHSS Melonberry and Lavender



The Hexagon Tote in Patons Kimono (before felting. Note, only 1 handle is done :lol)

[ATTACH]39200[/ATTACH] Gorgeous work Dusti- as is all your work- and I saw the bag you sent Marisa IRL and it is BEAUTIFUL!!:manyheart


The Ruffled Purse I felted a couple of weeks ago with Patons Classic Charcoal and Patons Decor (doesn't felt, and did not quite give the finished look I was going for :P, but I will find a use for it, eventually)



:hug To All for a good and safe weekend :hug

And the same to you!!!


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Sorry I've been so sparatic!!! Its been tough here.

Anyway........... gosh.. .I love all the beautiful creations you all have been making! The totes.. .the blankets... caps... quilts (lovely Linda)

I've been keeping as busy as I can!!! My thumb on my left hand is killing me... I think from all the crocheting but mostly knitting I've been doing!

But........ oh well.......... not giving it up. Stay away from my coffee and yarn... and no one gets hurt!!!

Well.. for photo Friday.......... here's my latest bag I designed.........










It's beautiful Tammy! Hope you and the fam are starting to feel better!!! And I'm with you ---give me coffee and hook and yarn and no one gets hurt.....I actually have a coffee mug that says " I drink coffee for YOUR protection"...:lol
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