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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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ugh... 1.97 sock yarns and .97 caron in blue..... I was proud of myself for walking out with 3 skeins... when I had about 8 in my arms!



Only three!!!!!! That's so good! I know I would have walked out with all of the yarn!:lol



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After a quick trip in Michaels yesterday, I walked out with 2 balls a fun fur and that was it. I did buy a skein for the little girl who was with me, but that went home with her.:D

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:cheer:cheer:cheer the :rabbit will have a chance against the :turtle this week!!




I could always send out another box of scrap balls! :rofl


After a quick trip in Michaels yesterday, I walked out with 2 balls a fun fur and that was it. I did buy a skein for the little girl who was with me, but that went home with her.:D


I've been replaced! :(



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8 skeins at HL, 14 skeins at Joann's, 7 skeins at Michael's...OY! -58 and its only Monday! :lol





:rofl: I am planning a trip to HL on Friday, but I don't think I will catch up with you this week..I COULD, but I don't plan on it :lol:rabbit

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:rofl: I am planning a trip to HL on Friday, but I don't think I will catch up with you this week..I COULD, but I don't plan on it :lol:rabbit


:rabbit is going to stomp all over :turtle this week I think. :rofl



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8 skeins at HL, 14 skeins at Joann's, 7 skeins at Michael's...OY! -58 and its only Monday! :lol




Oh yay! :yay


I don't think I will shoot the moon this week!!! :lol

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Oh yay! :yay


I don't think I will shoot the moon this week!!! :lol


Glad I could help. :lol


Went to Hancock's.. 20% off Lion brand, 15% total sales. Only bought 2! Used up one skein on a shawl. So I'm at -2 for the week ... so far :D


You just want :rabbit to win! :lol



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I made 5 small snowflakes by Fri. night. I used all but about 10 inches (+/-) of the ball thread (+1) :cheer. It was too late to post because the library closed at 5 PM and was closed Sat. - Mon. So I'll add it to this weeks score. I've been fighting the weeds in my garden instead of :crocheting this week. I made 2 more butterflies and used a ball. I untangled/rolled down a partial skein (+2) :clap. On the bright side, my tomatoes, beans, green peppers and rhubarb are growing like "weeds" :lol.

WTD: + 3 YTD: + 87

Ellie 13

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Putting in my totals now, so I don't forget...


It was a better week this week! I managed to use up 2 balls of yarn, plus 1 skein working on my tall cables jacket, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +4 YTD -27


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Made two dishcloths last night for a gift I am working on for my mom's birthday tomorrow. I haven't managed to use up any skeins yet though... maybe by the end of the day. I'll post pictures later today too. :D

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Of course I forgot to post last week before I went on vacation! Oh well--I did make progress, but I didn't actually finish anything so there wasn't much to post anyway...


But that does mean when I picked up my hooks again yesterday evening, I saw the mostly-used-up balls and worked extra hard (and stayed up a bit too late--good thing I'm working from home today!) to finish them off: Used up five skeins and balled up two of the leftovers (lazy and not doing the other three--they're still big enough that the label fits). As a bonus, most of this is from my dishtowels project, which is now complete! Yay! I don't plan on using them to actually dry stuff, so I figured using a cotton/acrylic blend would be fine (it was on sale!), and it was very soft and nice to work with. Almost made me forget my disdain for ripple patterns (though they do look pretty).


I've got loads of free time tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get some more done before I post my score/update my sig. :hook

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Busy day tomorrow. Swim race at 7 am! Not me, DH is swimming. But I go and cheer him on!


So I am posting early.



WTD=+12! YTD=+4!


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I thought I was done for the day. But I did an edging around the baby blanket I'm making and used up another skein.


so I'm updating my score.


WTD=+14 YTD=+6


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Didn't get to clean out any of my stash this week. Today looks like a rainy day. Suppose I had better stay home and do some stash gifting.

WTD +1

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