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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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oh yeah..you feel soooo bad... like any of the rest of us would have.... NOT! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer


I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. I'll move you to the 0 spot. (if I still can)



Not a chance.



Whats so funny? :rofl jk


Ok, down in off topic, a few months back, I said how I was going to inherit some yarn from my friend who passed away. Well, yesterday her husband came into where I work and said

'Brenda {their daughter} is going home tomorrow {today} why don't you come up after work and go through some yarn with her.'

So I went up. Mind you Arline {my friend} was a bit of a yarnaholic. I walked in the house and you could barely walk through the kitchen there was so much yarn, totes, bags, bags, and more bags. Then Brenda took me in the sewing room. Every surface had sewing or yarn supplies, patterns, etc etc etc! Sh has a weaving loom, so stuff for that too. Oh, and did I mention yarn. She pulled open a random drawer. Yarn! Moved a bag, under it is... knitting needles and yarn!


{good thing I have a pickup truck}

I loaded up the back seat, front seat and put 3 totes in the bed of my truck. I have 2 paper shopping bags, the kind with the handles you get at Macy's at Christmas, FULL, 2 big black trash bags, with smaller bags inside, FULL, 3 storage containers FULL.

My score this week will be way over -100!!!!

Hangs my head in shame {so nobody can see my yarnaholic big ole' grin.}

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******** chapter 2 **********

I took all of the yarn with me to work. Stephanie{co-worker} had also gotten to be friends with Arline. We had just been talking about loom knitting, Arline had a small Knifty Knitter she had gotten from me, after trying it she got the round set, so I got them for Steph. {looked like she was gonna cry when I gave it to her.}

Then we wnt through the small bags first, then the bins. Donna{our manager} thought we were done then {hahaha} And we brought in the 2 BIG garbage bags.

So Donna took some of the wool from the sheep & wool festival, and some wool ease home to her Aunt. There was easily $300 of wool in that bag alone. The festival stuff isn't cheap.

There was some italian wool, alpaca wool, a bunch of wool from other companies that I forget now. There was a BIG bunch, maybe a dozen skeins of this really pretty rose pink that Steph took home to maybe make a sweater.

The majority of it was acrylic. We bagged up 2 bags {grocery size} for steph to give to her mom. And she took 2 kitchen size bags full home for herself and her future MIL to share.

I gave her all the wool and partial wool content because I am WAY allergic to it.

I took a redish{looks kinda brown in the picture, 3 skeins.} color that I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it was pretty, and from Italy. I'm going to try the softer of the alpaca wools and hope I'm not allergic, we'll see.

I have to go get a count on what I brought home. There was a load of a dark brown I may make a caridgan out of. 14 skeins

And also a bunch of old ombres 7skeins. I'll have to guesstimate if theres enough there for a sweater, or maybe a vest.

There was a bag with baby yarn and a bunch of squares made that never got finished. Me & Steph are going to put it together.

There was also a small square started with a heart crocheted in the center that I'm going to make into a snuggle. Arline loved her critters, I think she'd be happy I made it into a snuggle.

I also took 1 variegated RH.

Now Debbie{other co-worker} used to crochet. We made her start again today, so she got some of the pinks.

We kept the rest at work for now. That way any of us can take what we want when we want.

So my stash is really only {someone grab me an abacus}


You can beat that Krafty!!!






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Wrennie, I was reading out loud your post about inheriting the yarn and made a comment about shooting the moon. My hubby asked "whats that mean?" so I explained the ranking system. He goes "She didn't just shoot the moon. She shot the whole universe!"

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Wow...I feel so much better now about my purchase of the Red Heart WomanHeart scarf kit. :lol:lol:lol


same here. knowing what her score was possibly going to be...i didnt feel bad about the 8 skeins I bought this afternoon! Most likely will be snowed in tomorrow so I'll be crocheting away!

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same here. knowing what her score was possibly going to be...i didnt feel bad about the 8 skeins I bought this afternoon! Most likely will be snowed in tomorrow so I'll be crocheting away!


If I weren't snowed in already, I would be out yarn shopping cuz I know I couldn't shoot the moon that well :P

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Have the first strip of Big Flower Flannelghan started. 6 inch squares. This is roughly half of the first strip in the picture. 3 different greens.


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We are snowed in! The weathermen were right for once. We probably have 10 inches and it's still snowing! They said it could snow all the way until 3 p.m. It's just crazy.


Everyone is home. So we will just work on snow cleanup and I will find some time to crochet!



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We are snowed in! The weathermen were right for once. We probably have 10 inches and it's still snowing! They said it could snow all the way until 3 p.m. It's just crazy.


Everyone is home. So we will just work on snow cleanup and I will find some time to crochet!



Have fun!! Seems like so many are snowed in - schools closed, work closed. Good time to catch up on crocheting and reading. As for me...I'm at work. Maybe I'll get some crochet time in tonight.

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Wrennie, I was reading out loud your post about inheriting the yarn and made a comment about shooting the moon. My hubby asked "whats that mean?" so I explained the ranking system. He goes "She didn't just shoot the moon. She shot the whole universe!"



Wow...I feel so much better now about my purchase of the Red Heart WomanHeart scarf kit. :lol:lol:lol

gee. glad I could help, I think!:lol


same here. knowing what her score was possibly going to be...i didnt feel bad about the 8 skeins I bought this afternoon! Most likely will be snowed in tomorrow so I'll be crocheting away!

Glad I made your shopping guilt free!:devil


If I weren't snowed in already, I would be out yarn shopping cuz I know I couldn't shoot the moon that well :P

Guess I'm a pro-shooter!

Now that I'm in a swap, more yarn will probably come home from the at work stash today.


Careful in that snow Linda. We have an ice storm here now. Snow is ok, ice is a major bad yucky.... well words I'm not allowed to type in nice company. :rofl

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This week's stash busting might come to a halt for a bit. We just got done shoveling the driveway (2 hours for my hubby and I to get it done). Just as we were finishing up the end of the driveway where the 2 ft heavy/sticky snow was, I felt something pop in my left forearm muscle. UGH! And I was only 18 rows away from finishing the second strip on my mom's ghan!

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Shell - hope you feel better soon and can get back to busting your stash. I hope that whatever happened isn't too serious.


Wrennie - You keep shooting the moon like that and there won't be anything left for the rest of us to aim at. :lol


Well, I'll be hopping in the shower shortly and after that it's settling in for a couple of movies with BF and some :crocheting time. Hopefully tonight will be a very productive night.


Talk to you all later.

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This week's stash busting might come to a halt for a bit. We just got done shoveling the driveway (2 hours for my hubby and I to get it done). Just as we were finishing up the end of the driveway where the 2 ft heavy/sticky snow was, I felt something pop in my left forearm muscle. UGH! And I was only 18 rows away from finishing the second strip on my mom's ghan!



Ouch! That doesn't sound good. Hopefully, it'll heal soon.




We lucked out this time and didn't get walloped by the storm. We only got about 5-6 fluffy inches of snow the past couple of days, but now it's freezing again.

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Shell, here's hoping your arm feels better soon!:hug:eek:eek:hug


Wrennie is single-handedly responsible for all yarn sales this week



He goes "She didn't just shoot the moon. She shot the whole universe!"




All we are likely to get out of this monster system is some rain, and a little chill in the air, so :hug:manyheart:hug to all of you dealing with the nastiness, and hopefully I'll get adjusted soon to my new schedule, so I can bust some more stash!


BTW, I asked before, if some stash that was stored in another state happens to make it to the stash that is established here, do I count it as new arrivals, or just welcome it, make room for it, and then start busting?

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BTW, I asked before, if some stash that was stored in another state happens to make it to the stash that is established here, do I count it as new arrivals, or just welcome it, make room for it, and then start busting?

In my opinion...

If it was your yarn, no matter where it was stored, it was already part of your stash. So just welcome it with open arms, and start busting away!!!

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In my opinion...

If it was your yarn, no matter where it was stored, it was already part of your stash. So just welcome it with open arms, and start busting away!!!



Thank you, that's what I'll do!:hook:crocheting:hook:crocheting:hook:crocheting:hook:crocheting:cheer

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Wrennie is single-handedly responsible for all yarn sales this week ;)

Well, up your shopping list! I brought home 4 more skeins yesterday! Makes my total 60!:eek


Wrennie - You keep shooting the moon like that and there won't be anything left for the rest of us to aim at. :lol



Shell, I hope your arm is better soon.:hug

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Between getting a rotten cold, and having a blizzard dump feet of snow on us, I have really been using up the yarn. Can't go anywhere to get more.:lol



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I was given yet another trainee today, so I got to sit back and direct instead of building product myself, so I was able to rest my arm. The last 4 months or so at work I've been training people more than I've been building product lol. Luckily, I really like training people.


Did manage to slowly bust a little bit more stash tonight (1 ball) finishing up the 2nd strip of the new ghan I'm working on.


Bedtime now though! Hope everyone's having good stashbusting tonight! (or... good times adding to their stash since we pretty much know who the shoot the moon winner is going to be....)

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