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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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While I was hoping to finish in the positives, at least I'm not in the negatives so we'll call it a win. The dog assisted in my "0" because he was mad at me and tore up one of my yarn boxes... a lot of skeins were rolled into balls and some were rolled but yarn had to be thrown away *sigh*


I am close to finishing a skein but I figured I'd post my scores now and save the +2 for next week :)


WTD: 0 / YTD: -12

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Well, I've had a real nonproductive week with crochet, but very productive in other ways, so my WTD -3 YTD -25


I got a second job!!!

You go girl!!! Congratulations on that job. They are so hard to come by these days.

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changing my score real quick before I go and tally up the weekly list. I was able to roll a skein into a ball yesterday while making a scarf. (this brings my YTD score back to where I started a couple weeks ago - zero)

WTD +1

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Didn't manage to post the last couple of weeks. Well, I had a good excuse last week; I was visiting my mom and couldn't get the *(&^ wireless to connect, so I could only get on when my mom let me on her computer.


Anyway, I bought a bunch of yarn for a couple of CALs, but I also finished a scarf (that I still need to get pictures of), and wound the leftover yarn from that into a ball. I think it works out to -19 total WTD/ -19 YTD.

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Heeerrre we gooooo Ladies (and gents????).....

GOLD MEDAL goes to..

lhasaapsolady 22 :yay:clap:yay:clap

SILVER MEDAL is awarded to..

dragonpuck 15 :yay:clap:yay:clap

BRONZE MEDAL recipient is..

pineknott 13 :yay:clap:yay:clap

YARN-A-HOLICS who played with their yarn this week..

MouseCLP 7

jura2908 6

dilyca2006 5

cshort 5

kraftynkrazy 5

CLLinda 4

saffronangel 4

MamaBear CRTE 4

gshall 3

Needle Arts 3


walker1021 1

No Gain, No Loss Yarnies....

Marzee 0

BigPinkPolkaDot 0

cris 0

fc1123 0

YARN-A-HOLICS who added to their stashes..

Shell Lee -3

tracyleigh -3

readstar -3

basjordan -4

FrLopLady -9

tralee -11

MelissaF -12

yarn geek -14

Crafty Witch -19

greyhoundgrandma -31

And our SHOOT THE MOON winner is....


WRENNIE:yay:yay:yay with a whopping -69!!!!!

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Dear Walker1021


Great job posting those scores. Very colorful and entertaining.


Just a reminder. After Wrennie posts the scores for the week, then I will be posting the Year to Date scores on Sunday. So make sure you put your WTD and YTD scores on at the end of this week.

Thank you.


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good job!!!


Heeerrre we gooooo Ladies (and gents????).....

GOLD MEDAL goes to..

lhasaapsolady 22 :yay:clap:yay:clap

SILVER MEDAL is awarded to..

dragonpuck 15 :yay:clap:yay:clap

BRONZE MEDAL recipient is..

pineknott 13 :yay:clap:yay:clap

YARN-A-HOLICS who played with their yarn this week..

MouseCLP 7

jura2908 6

dilyca2006 5

cshort 5

kraftynkrazy 5

CLLinda 4

saffronangel 4

MamaBear CRTE 4

gshall 3

Needle Arts 3


walker1021 1

No Gain, No Loss Yarnies....

Marzee 0

BigPinkPolkaDot 0

cris 0

fc1123 0

YARN-A-HOLICS who added to their stashes..

Shell Lee -3

tracyleigh -3

readstar -3

basjordan -4

FrLopLady -9

tralee -11

MelissaF -12

yarn geek -14

Crafty Witch -19

greyhoundgrandma -31

And our SHOOT THE MOON winner is....


WRENNIE:yay:yay:yay with a whopping -69!!!!!

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finally feeling somewhat better and able to crochet tonight. Finished one ball making a cat toy for our kitten Penelope. Now working on stepdad's blanket some more. :) Hoping to have the last strip finished by Wednesday if I can manage it. Then just need to put the strips together and put the border on. :cheer

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:yay Wrennie!!! :yay


You got lots to play with!!! :rofl

Yes I do! And I've been playing. Have about 6 balls busted from that box already. Have a plan for 4 more in my little head.


Yay, Wrennie! You must have an awesome stash now!:cheer:cheer:cheer

You know as I've been doing snuggles trying to use up my stash, I suddenly felt like I had no yarn till this box showed up! :lol


**Such a proud shoot the moon winner :D ** and mom said I never apply myself! :rofl

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It's only Monday and I'm in the hole by 6 points. Bought some yarn at HL that was on sale. Making some booties for the hospital babies.



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