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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Finished all my squares for my log cabin afghan AND I used up 4 more skeins in the process & rolled the remainder of 2 others into balls! I'm at +10 for the week already! :cheer

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Finished another hedgehog last night, but didn't use up enough yarn/fun fur to make it count towards the weekly score. :(

However, I do have plans to start an afghan tonight. Just not sure which. Either Rose Red's famous afghan (in black and yellow for my son) or a round ripple in purples for charity. Does anyone want to help me make a decision? Please???:P

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Finished another hedgehog last night, but didn't use up enough yarn/fun fur to make it count towards the weekly score. :(

However, I do have plans to start an afghan tonight. Just not sure which. Either Rose Red's famous afghan (in black and yellow for my son) or a round ripple in purples for charity. Does anyone want to help me make a decision? Please???:P


What about MY afghan lady??? :rofl



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However, I do have plans to start an afghan tonight. Just not sure which. Either Rose Red's famous afghan (in black and yellow for my son) or a round ripple in purples for charity. Does anyone want to help me make a decision? Please???:P


I wasn't familiar with the rose red, but googled and found a granny square afghan, so I'd have to choose the ripple. I HATE joining!!


I hope to get back to some crocheting today. Finished a granny go round tote last weekend and got 2/3 or so through another one--both Christmas presents. 1# skeins so I haven't used up any.


The younger son's trailer was damaged in a tornado Sunday night and I've spent the last two days there getting his values out and sorting stuff(he's currently out of state). Too tired to crochet when I've gotten home.


Now we're waiting on the insurance adjuster to come Friday. Luckily no one was home and it was a small tornado so the damage could have been a lot worse.

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The younger son's trailer was damaged in a tornado Sunday night and I've spent the last two days there getting his values out and sorting stuff(he's currently out of state). Too tired to crochet when I've gotten home.


Now we're waiting on the insurance adjuster to come Friday. Luckily no one was home and it was a small tornado so the damage could have been a lot worse.


:hug I'm sorry for your son's loss, but very thankful to hear that no one was hurt. :hug

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:hug I'm sorry for your son's loss, but very thankful to hear that no one was hurt. :hug



Thanks. We did have to laugh a little because the trailer now perfectly illustrates the old joke: What do a divorce and a tornado have in common? --Someone's going to lose a trailer.

He bought it from a couple getting divorced and now it's seen a tornado, too!

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I wasn't familiar with the rose red, but googled and found a granny square afghan, so I'd have to choose the ripple. I HATE joining!!


I hope to get back to some crocheting today. Finished a granny go round tote last weekend and got 2/3 or so through another one--both Christmas presents. 1# skeins so I haven't used up any.


The younger son's trailer was damaged in a tornado Sunday night and I've spent the last two days there getting his values out and sorting stuff(he's currently out of state). Too tired to crochet when I've gotten home.


Now we're waiting on the insurance adjuster to come Friday. Luckily no one was home and it was a small tornado so the damage could have been a lot worse.

These are done in strips, so you only join the strips, not the individual squares. http://inspiredcrochetdesign.blogspot.com/2007/09/free-pattern-lumberjack-flannelghan.html

So sorry to hear about your son's trailer. But he is so lucky to have a mommy close by to help out when needed.

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Went to HL and Joann's...13 skeins later... :lol


The yarn is bought and waiting patiently for me to do something with it. Guess I did say it would be done this year. :blush


And torturing me while I wait. :lol



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These are done in strips, so you only join the strips, not the individual squares. http://inspiredcrochetdesign.blogspot.com/2007/09/free-pattern-lumberjack-flannelghan.html

So sorry to hear about your son's trailer. But he is so lucky to have a mommy close by to help out when needed.


I might have to change my vote--those are very nice. And think how much yarn you can use up with two strands!


Yes, having family (and good friends) nearby is always a blessing.

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I might have to change my vote--those are very nice. And think how much yarn you can use up with two strands!


Yes, having family (and good friends) nearby is always a blessing.

It would get rid of about 12 skeins in a bag hanging out in the spare bedroom. Bought the yarn months ago when Sue and I went shopping.


Went to HL and Joann's...13 skeins later... :lol




And torturing me while I wait. :lol



:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Well, it looks like I'm stuck at +10 for the week. I've finished all the squares for my afghan & now have to piece it all together. Hope to finish off at least one more on the border, but I may not get to that until next week.

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I was doing pretty good, but then I frogged a scarf I was knitting because I didn't like the yarn, and I bought a skein of Lorna's Laces in a Pink/Purple combo for this potato chip scarf.



I'm at a +2 now.


Some weeks are just better than others.



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Putting in my totals!


I'm making slow-but-steady progress on my endless Autumn Stripes Afghan, so I was able to go through another skein! I'm hoping to get this done so that I can finish up my cabled crochet jacket for this winter.


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD -11

:c9 :manyheart

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Wow! It's great to be posting again. The last Saturday in August, my family was in a car crash. I was in the front passenger seat. A huge truck ran a stop sign and we hit. Her front bumper hit my side front of the car. Luckily no one else was physically hurt. I was worried about my two kids, our little family friend and the other driver's little girls, but they were all okay; hubby too, and the other driver. I was sent via ambulance to the emergency room. By God's grace and protection, I survived with just a sprained back, neck and shoulder. I am so thankful. Things could have been so much worse. I've been in physical therapy, and last week could finally hold and use my crochet hook! :cheer:cheer:cheer


My dear hubby took me to Wally world to celebrate and I bought yarn for Special Olympics scarves and a prayer shawl.


On Wednesday, during one of the huge rain storms we've been getting lately, hubby was coming home from work and hydroplaned. He thought he hit a landscaping truck, but that guy backed up and left the scene. Mart's now thinking he missed the truck and went up the embankment and hit a pole next to the cement overpass wall. He said he shut his eyes when he saw the truck heading straight for him, felt the crash and then the car traveled backwards. He was diagnosed with chest and back contusions in the emergency room, but I think his back is worse. He's not walking or moving well. Again, God's protection was in effect. He goes to our family doctor on Tuesday. He may need physical therapy too.


Both cars are totaled, but the insurance company is paying for a rental car so we can get some groceries and go to the ATM and get to church.


Since I can crochet again (and hold a pen to write and use the mouse on the computer :clap) I was able to crochet a skein down into a ball.


Hey guys, you buckle up, be grateful for airbags and say a little prayer for EMS, police and medical personnel. Be careful out there!


For week ending Oct. 1, 2011 (wow! Lost a month):

WTD: -17

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Since I can crochet again (and hold a pen to write and use the mouse on the computer :clap) I was able to crochet a skein down into a ball.


Hey guys, you buckle up, be grateful for airbags and say a little prayer for EMS, police and medical personnel. Be careful out there!


So glad your recovery is progressing well and hope your husband's will also!

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Prayers and :hug all around.

I used 5 balls of :yarn and rolled a skein down :cheer (+6). I went to a church fair this morning and got lucky. I got an afghan, somebody's UFO and 2 orange/green corkscrew scarf like things, only paid $4. I found 2 boxes of :yarn, 1 had skeins @ $0.50, the other had balls @ $0.25 :clap. I got 2 skeins and 4 balls for $2 :c9. It was such a deal I don't care if my score is minus (-8 ) :lol. I'm going to frog the UFO and scarves later and score it when I do.

WTD: - 2 YTD: + 141

Ellie 13

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