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Is it just me? ... or Canada?

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Not all that long ago I could buy RH pounders for about $5.00. (4:95), Now the prices are getting to be $8.oo and $9.oo for that same skein. The Bernat Handicrafter cotton is now almost $9.oo as well and it used to be only $7.oo about a year ago.


Bernat super savers were $3.49 just last year and they are now $5.99.


I live in the Niagara region which is just across the river from NF, NY and Buffalo so we have tended to be spoiled with low prices for most stuff.


is this happening elsewhere or ... what's up with that:eek

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Not all that long ago I could buy RH pounders for about $5.00. (4:95), Now the prices are getting to be $8.oo and $9.oo for that same skein. The Bernat Handicrafter cotton is now almost $9.oo as well and it used to be only $7.oo about a year ago.


Bernat super savers were $3.49 just last year and they are now $5.99.


I live in the Niagara region which is just across the river from NF, NY and Buffalo so we have tended to be spoiled with low prices for most stuff.


is this happening elsewhere or ... what's up with that:eek

It does look like the prices are going up everywhere. I just bought some of the Bernat Handicrafter Cotton yarn, yesterday, at JoAnn's and it was $9.00 a skein. Even the small peaches and cream cotton has went up in price. I remember when it was going for 99cents, and now it's getting close to $2.00 I am starting to get sticker shocked by the uppety prices.

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Darski the same thing is happening here. Last week my friend went to buy some stuff and I asked her to pick up the POL and she said they were $8.00 each, I was like your kidding they use to be $5.99 and when I looked it was on sale at A.C. Moore for $5.99 reg. price $8.00. They keep hiking up the prices and giving us nothing for our money - good old rip off as usual.

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Not only are the prices going up, but the # of ounces keeps dropping so you're getting less for your money. I looked at one of the RH skeins last week and it had only 6 oz. when it used to be 8 oz. I swear, even the size of my bar of soap is smaller than it used to be, but the price is higher!!!!

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It does look like the prices are going up everywhere....


This says to me that Yarn is no longer considered a good loss leader, or they are not selling enough because of eBay, etc so are beginning to price so that the cost of goods sold make the item profitable.

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I went shopping on July 2nd (day after HST implementation) and was astounded at the price jump on the yarns. I gave up trying to find what I wanted for what I used to pay and just dug through my stash to find a good substitute. Now when I want yarn, I have to beg and plead with hubby to take a list and buy it when he goes to work. Sadly, he won't take me with him to work one night so I can just fill up the minivan with yarn on his credit card.


Hugs and cookies.

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Well I live in Northern Ireland and last week I purchased some yarn and it usually comes to £20.00 but when I went to pay for it - it was £26.00! You could have knocked me down with a feather.

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