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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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I'm plugging away. For clue #5 I have all 16 done in hubby's colors and 5 done in my colors.


I crocheted up a clue #6 last night and it's easy so I don't think I will be behind after this weekend. Thank goodness. I keep telling myself this is supposed to be fun, not work. :hook I think I have read that mantra enough over the last couple of weeks that I adopted it for myself. :D


Will get a photo up soon.


Hope all is well with everyone. The squares are looking good. I am excited to see them all put together. Still undecided as to where my two afghans will go when completed, maybe it will come to me once they are together.

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I have 11 mitered squares finished and a 12th nearly done. (I do have a few ends to weave in still though.) I was hoping to finish them all before tomorrow, since we will be gone on vacation for the next week and a half, but I don;t think that will happen. I will do clue 6 while we are gone, but I don't want to drag all the skeins of yarn along that I would need for clue 5.

I don't blame you- but you'll be done with clue 6 and only have a few left of the clue 5 when you return. Have a great vacation!!!

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Still only have three mitre squares done,as well as two more stripe wws to go and of course I have to do 16 mitre wws! This weekend is out for crocheting,just too busy. Even today is iffy lots of American Legion stuff to do. I will take my bags with me just don't know if I will have time to do any :crocheting.

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I keep telling myself this is supposed to be fun, not work. :hook I think I have read that mantra enough over the last couple of weeks that I adopted it for myself. :D


Whenever I begin to not enjoy what I'm doing, that's when I stop doing it. Even if it's just for a few minutes--a few hours--a few days...however long it takes me to release whatever I'm hanging onto about not liking it. Remember, not just with this, but with all things--enjoy what you do, and if you don't...just take a break or change your mind.


It seems counter-intuitive to stop when you feel behind (I'm only on clue 3 since I started only a couple weeks ago), but it will pay off in the end because when you are happier, you are able to work better, and if you work better, you don't have to re-do as much or be unpleased with the results if you don't re-do. I've definitely been there though--frustratedly crocheting. Crocheting to run from something rather than to enjoy what I'm doing...not saying its necessarily a bad thing--just that I enjoy it more when I'm doing it for the sake of doing it.


I'm so far behind that I'm pretty sure I won't be catching up with most of everyone here (and some of you are doing two or more??!?) :lol but that's alright. i'd rather be at the same spot, but i'm not..oh well. S'pose I could skip some clues and join everyone then go back to the previous clues in my spare time.. hmmm....


I still only have 7 1/2 clue 5 squares completed since I've barely had anytime to crochet all week :( We'll see if I'm able to do any this evening :think


Hope you can find some time to crochet--if not, there's always the next day...and the next day....and the day after that, and the one after that....you get the picture ;)


I have two of the mitered squares left and two of the shells. Then, I'll be ready for next weeks clue! :yay


keep it up!! :D excited that you're excited!!

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Hello, fellow mystery CALers! Just dropping by quickly to post pictures of my squares through clue #6. I don't particularly like clue #6. It's just not a pretty square. Hopefully the stitches will settle in once they are blocked/sewed into the afghan. Looking forward to seeing everyone all of the other pictures! :D




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Hello everyone!


I, too, finished my clue #5 squares. How exciting to have them done. I will be busy with the ends come Monday or Tuesday but I will be ready for clue #7 with no problem. I have three clue #6 squares done and it was nice to have a simple square so I could play catch up.



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I'm so far behind that I'm pretty sure I won't be catching up with most of everyone here (and some of you are doing two or more??!?) :lol but that's alright. i'd rather be at the same spot, but i'm not..oh well. S'pose I could skip some clues and join everyone then go back to the previous clues in my spare time.. hmmm....



I don't know about that, I've read and had "The Tortoise and the Hare" read to me several times over the years. :lol I'm not counting you out by any means.


Hello, fellow mystery CALers! Just dropping by quickly to post pictures of my squares through clue #6. I don't particularly like clue #6. It's just not a pretty square. Hopefully the stitches will settle in once they are blocked/sewed into the afghan. Looking forward to seeing everyone all of the other pictures! :D


Looks great Nicole. :cheer I'm enjoying your bright, vibrant colors. Perfect for a winter afghan.

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Oh Nicole your squares are so pretty! Really like the yellow!


Well I am officially all caught up! The Clue #6 squares went super fast. I'm just so happy to be finished with those 16 squares of Clue #5!



Yay Deb! :cheer

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Nicole- Your squares are so cheerful- I love them!!:manyheart


Shelley- WTG on being all caught up! And I love your squares!:clap:clap


jenny- Yes, the mantra is- this is supposed to be fun, not work.:yes


I worked late yesterday then off to a Halloween party at my boss's house- tons of fun- but no :crocheting done- so I'm right where I left off Thursday night- No worries, though, they'll get done when they get done!:lol

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Whenever I begin to not enjoy what I'm doing, that's when I stop doing it. Even if it's just for a few minutes--a few hours--a few days...however long it takes me to release whatever I'm hanging onto about not liking it. Remember, not just with this, but with all things--enjoy what you do, and if you don't...just take a break or change your mind.


It seems counter-intuitive to stop when you feel behind (I'm only on clue 3 since I started only a couple weeks ago), but it will pay off in the end because when you are happier, you are able to work better, and if you work better, you don't have to re-do as much or be unpleased with the results if you don't re-do. I've definitely been there though--frustratedly crocheting. Crocheting to run from something rather than to enjoy what I'm doing...not saying its necessarily a bad thing--just that I enjoy it more when I'm doing it for the sake of doing it.


I'm so far behind that I'm pretty sure I won't be catching up with most of everyone here (and some of you are doing two or more??!?) :lol but that's alright. i'd rather be at the same spot, but i'm not..oh well. S'pose I could skip some clues and join everyone then go back to the previous clues in my spare time.. hmmm....




Hope you can find some time to crochet--if not, there's always the next day...and the next day....and the day after that, and the one after that....you get the picture ;)




keep it up!! :D excited that you're excited!!



You make an awesome :cheer

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Hey there everyone :hi


I was able to get a clue 5 square done at lunch time yesterday and then a clue 6 square at the basketball game last night :clap:yay


I now have 8 squars for clue 5 and hope to get a few done today among other projects :think


It sounds like everyone is doing well and working on getting caught up for this week :yes I may not catch up clue 5 for an extra week :think We'll see how it goes :lol


Great pics from those of you that shared, I will try to put a pic of my progress up at some point this weekend :yes

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I'm not counting you out by any means.


:rock:party thanks


jenny- Yes, the mantra is- this is supposed to be fun, not work.:yes


alrighty then, hope it works for you :)


You make an awesome :cheer


:ty that's definitely something I enjoy doing when it is due :) there's nothing like feeling good about spreading positivity...especially if it helps someone decide to be who they truly are--IMO

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question: are you guys blocking the squares as you go? I have been...but I think i'm going to stop...seeing as how I've only got about 8 squares total :heehee I'd like to wait and see if it's part of the CAL...maybe blocking will be one of the upcoming clues... :shrug


and another blocking question that is a bit more general, but this thread is so active, I'll post it here: if a square is slightly large in one direction and about equally slightly small in the other direction, with careful and astute blocking, would this turn out to be a perfect square? Logic/theory tells me yes, but I've not been crocheting long enough to know for certain. thanks in advance :)

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question: are you guys blocking the squares as you go? I have been...but I think i'm going to stop...seeing as how I've only got about 8 squares total :heehee I'd like to wait and see if it's part of the CAL...maybe blocking will be one of the upcoming clues... :shrug


and another blocking question that is a bit more general, but this thread is so active, I'll post it here: if a square is slightly large in one direction and about equally slightly small in the other direction, with careful and astute blocking, would this turn out to be a perfect square? Logic/theory tells me yes, but I've not been crocheting long enough to know for certain. thanks in advance :)

I'm not blocking them- And to answer your question re: square slightly large in one direction and equally small in the other, would it turn out to be a perfect square with blocking----:think:think:think:think I don't know!!! Sorry I can't be of help there as I've never blocked anything yet!!!

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Thanks for the compliments, ladies! :manyheart Everyone keep up the good work getting their squares finished.


Jenny - Depending on the way it's blocked, yes, it can be made square as long as there is some stretch in the material.

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We are on vacation in the Smokey Mountains, staying in a condo, way up on a mountain top. I don't like heights much, but the view is absolutely beautiful.


Congratulations to those who are caught up. I am planning on getting the clue 6 squares done this week, but I left the rest of the clue 5 squares at home. I did not want to take all those skeins of yarn along.

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nic-okay, thanks for the input--I think I'll try one as a test...you know me and perfection...or at least--you're getting to know me and perfection :lol


Cindy-a vacay in the Smokey's sounds awesome right about now...how are the leaves?! I bet it's amazing up there....:sigh have fun!

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Good morning everyone.


Jenny, its pretty here, but there is still a lot of green here at the moment. Last year we were here a week earlier and it was more colorful. Maybe it will be better when we go into the park. I think that it will be different at different altitudes.

And I'm not complaining! I still have this gorgeous mountain view to look at!

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