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I'd like to be a crochet....

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...librarian! I would love to have access to all the crochet books printed since about 1955. Then whenever anyone was looking for a pattern, i would comb through all the books to see if I could find it for them. So if somewhere in the world there was a library with all the crochet books published in English, and ones with symbol diagrams from Japan, I would happily volunteer there to help people find things in person, and to help find patterns here on the Ville:D


What is your fantasy crochet occupation?

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That would suit you to a T. You are so good about recommending books to folks here and at Ravelry.


I dunno, for me perhaps pattern tester. I like trying new things, and solving puzzles where there are bugs in a pattern :hook

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Yarn stash organizer. I guess that would have to be private consulting, right? I love organizing.


Or official color namer. I ordered some "azure" was was decidedly not. I could also moonlight as ink color namer. Some of those are even worse. I have a light magenta named "crimson." Right. But then, I guess surprises aren't always bad. Just adds to the stash when it can't be immediately used as planned.

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That would suit you to a T. You are so good about recommending books to folks here and at Ravelry.


I dunno, for me perhaps pattern tester. I like trying new things, and solving puzzles where there are bugs in a pattern :hook


:lol Ya got me pegged!


You would be a great pattern tester! and are a very good puzzle solver:hook

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OOOH I could be crochet book librarian or a yarn stash organizer...not that I would get much work done as I would either have my nose in a book or be rolling around in the squishy yarn LOL

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Yarn stash organizer. I guess that would have to be private consulting, right? I love organizing.


Or official color namer. I ordered some "azure" was was decidedly not. I could also moonlight as ink color namer. Some of those are even worse. I have a light magenta named "crimson." Right. But then, I guess surprises aren't always bad. Just adds to the stash when it can't be immediately used as planned.


in your organizer role, please come to my house and help me get rid of the yarn that I am NEVER going to use because I just plain don't like it---I definitely need help with that:lol


I hear ya about the color names, and somebody also needs to address the problem of deciding on colors to order based on websites, where they never look like they do in real life:think

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OH just to sit and crochet Afghans, hats, scarfs, anything i can make for people.. I'd be happy to be paid in yarn!!! and Ribbon for frilly'in up things.


a yarn salary sounds great:lol:hook

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I would like to be a crochet patterns/books organizer.

I'm currently going through my patterns that I've downloaded and printed recently and adding them to the binders that I have for them. It's a lot of work. Sometimes it's difficult to figure out what category something belongs in but I really do enjoy the work. :yes

The only real problem that I'm running into is that I need more binders and I can't seem to find ones like I already have.

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I would be the pattern organizer!! When my mother passed away, she left a room full of vintage patterns and when the time came, I got them all organized and orderly - in notebooks, in plastic sleeves, etc. Love getting things like that organized.

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It is so hard to choose between "organizing" and "using" whether it be yarn, thread or patterns. I, too, love to organize. I'm just winding up the organization of all my crochet booklets, leaflets and magazines and have found I have quite a few duplicates. So will be getting rid of those soon. Just handling, looking through and ooooohing and aaaaahing over patterns I rediscover is such fun. Now YARN is another can of worms all together. I definitely need "ddc" to come in and make sense of all my totes...LOL.

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I would be the pattern organizer!! When my mother passed away, she left a room full of vintage patterns and when the time came, I got them all organized and orderly - in notebooks, in plastic sleeves, etc. Love getting things like that organized.

Sapphire would you consider a mini vacation to my house? I am not the most organized person and would love to just snap my fingers and it all be in order! I have patterns EVERYWHERE! Just think how much you would have!!! :rofl

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Deb, it sounds like I would be in "organizing" heaven at your house. :yay It could take me a while because I love looking through some of the books at the same time I'm organizing. Is it cooler up there in Indiana? It would be nice to get away from this heat and humidity here in Alabama. :sweat

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oh Beverly , you can come to my house to although its a bit hot here in AZ now I have patterns from one end of my house to the other and the yarn well lets just say it follows the patterns from one end of the house to the other I wanna take down my yarn room and put it all back together with colors and brands all in one spot instead of black here and over there and under that it would be black right there on the corner

I would love to get organized maybe some day I will but the sad thing is I know exactly what I have back there it just takes me a bit to get it cause I gotta go through umpteen totes to get all of 1 color :sigh

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As to the problem with online colors, I think it was a link somewhere on here that led me to RH's list of colors that blend with their ombres and prints. I wish all the manufacturer's would do something so helpful, as well as lists of them in color families so that you could be confident that what you are ordering would look good together. It would surely help with customer satisfaction and how hard could it be for them to provide this information?


On the other hand, getting new colors online is always adventurous and exciting, because you're never really sure what will come out of the box!

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I hope you don't mind that mines a little out there, but I'd like to be a crochet magician. When I get tired of working on a project, a neverending wip, weaving ends or the color starts burning my retinas (eyes) all I have to do is wave a magic wand and presto its done :2magic . Sorry if this is really really silly :blush , I just keep starting new afghans and then they become wips. I keep telling myself I'll get this done before I get started on an other one but with 6 different afghans in progress (and thats not counting the 4 or so that haven't been looked at in 2 or 3 years) I think I better start yelling at myself or just give that up. :think:lol

I guess what it comes down to is I would like to be a faster, patient and more focus crocheter. :c9


Although a big room designated for just yarn, crochet books/magazines, supplies and other crafty stuff sounds like it would be fun and organized.

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Oooooh, I LUV the idea of being a crochet magician. Just, for once, having ALL my projects completed so I have no guilt at starting a NEW project would be heavenly. Of course, that magic thing would have to be renewable as I am sure I would have numerable WIPS stacked here and there in no time and would have to wave that magic wand again, and again, and again....LOL.

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I thought of another.. A LYS owener. lol THen i'd get to Feel and play with all sorts of nice yarn. Actualy that is my dream (besides opening a ferret rescue and owning 2 Syberian huskys lol). Is Winning the lotto and opening a LYS. I'd have every yarn under the sun.



then i'd fill a big pool with soft yarn and we all could just jump in it and swim lol

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I hope you don't mind that mines a little out there, but I'd like to be a crochet magician. When I get tired of working on a project, a neverending wip, weaving ends or the color starts burning my retinas (eyes) all I have to do is wave a magic wand and presto its done :2magic . Sorry if this is really really silly :blush , I just keep starting new afghans and then they become wips. I keep telling myself I'll get this done before I get started on an other one but with 6 different afghans in progress (and thats not counting the 4 or so that haven't been looked at in 2 or 3 years) I think I better start yelling at myself or just give that up. :think:lol

I guess what it comes down to is I would like to be a faster, patient and more focus crocheter. :c9


This is no sillier than me wanting to work in a library that has every book:lol

A little bit of magic would be a great thing to have. Once we've worked out the interesting parts of a project, we could magically have the boring parts finished for us and then move on to the next interesting thing. :hook Reminds me of a quilter's prayer I saw that was something like, when you die and go to heaven, may St Peter greet you with all of the quilts you ever planned or started, miraculously finished! it was much more eloquent than that but you get the idea:lol

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I'll take one of the crochet wands with the Harry Potter "reparo" (was that it?) spell. Whip it out when somehow the piece suddenly becomes two stitches narrower. (How did that happen? Couldn't have been ME!) Or, oh, if that blue were just a little bit darker....


Then if Joann's would sell them with a 40% off coupon, could life get any better than that?

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I think I was born to rewind yarn or thread. Seems like I do that a lot, lol

My fantasy is to be able to crochet anything I like without a pattern, I'm pretty good at coping something if I see it and can count the stitches.


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