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to do while you are crocheting? I'm just curious to know what other people like to do while they are crocheting. I like to listen to soothing music (and sometimes sing along horribly lol:P). So what is it you like to do while you crochet?

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i will usu. have the tv on if I am at home crocheting; at the office there is soothing music; at the dr's office I people watch around doing stitches. and my dog likes for me to pet on him (he will lay on top of what i'm working on to try and get rubbed. lol



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I like watching TV while crocheting, unless it's a complicated pattern. In that case, I prefer to just listen to classical music. I usually reserve my complicated patterns for the early morning, as I'm the only one up. :crocheting

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I usually just watch t.v, or read. I learned how to crochet a lil over 6 months ago, and it was during school, so if the teachers would let me, I would crochet while I listened to their lessons.


I remember one day a sub teacher got onto me for crocheting in class and then realized I was paying more attention than anyone else and let me continue.

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I have become addicted to audio books. I love to read, and since I've started listening, it frees my eyes for crochet. But it has to be a pretty straightforward pattern. If it's complicated, I need silence. But then I miss having someone read to me, so I seldom choose a pattern that will require too much attention.

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When I get to crochet in the evenings--my main "me" time: Very often I will listen to an audiobook. Sometimes I get to listen to DH read a few chapters of their current book to DS (It's a long standing tradition...my 9yo and 6yo both love bedtime stories still) If it's something I need to really focus on, then I need either quiet or soft classical-lullaby type music.Depending on what DH is up to, sometimes we chat while doing our repective projects. :D Rarely do I get to crochet in the daytime. But during those rare opportunities during the day, I'm usually visiting, riding in the car, or people-watching in waiting rooms while I ply my hook ;)



Oh yes, I also have water nearby (year round)...and in the cooler weather a nice cup of tea. :)

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OOO I love having a cold drink with me too. Either water or coke it's so nice at night when it's bed time for my boys I take my crochet stuff a drink a snack and I sit up there and crochet while listening to my soothing music which soothes my babies to sleep as well.

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I also watch TV! I might pause it while I figure out a complicated pattern (and I usually have to talk to myself) but once I get it, I can watch and crochet at the same time. In fact, I don't like to watch TV unless I'm doing something else like crocheting, playing a computer game, or eating.


Oh and I always bring a small crochet project on trips whether it be by plane or car. I get lots of compliments waiting at the gate in the airport!

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