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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I know I said I'd be here this morning, but I forgot about the Memorial Day program at school this morning:eek

It was cute, but Looooong!

When I got back I had to check in with my MIL (who is one of my best friends in the world! not kidding!) The problem is that the shortest conversation we have is an hour or so... :shrug I can't figure out how we find so much to :blah :blah :blah about, but, who cares? :devil It's fun!


so far I have done my general pick-up and cleats line up, wiped down my bathroom and am on my 3rd load of laundry (it goes a lot faster not using my dryer:lol) I really am liking my clothesline again:yes... the dryer is only for DH's clothes, towels and rainy days till October! :clap:cheerMy electric bill will be soooo happy!:c9


Hi, Shannon! I was just saying to my friend at school that DH is starting to :think I've lost my mind! I have never been a cleaner (per se), but it's fun now! I think it must be because we are not alone anymore :devil:yes yeah, that's it!:manyheart And btw...:cheerfor you sleeping in! that's a treat in itself!:cheer


hi, Scooby- I must say I am a little :blush to confess that I had to move my stash from a closet to the attic, because I ran out of room :blush Now I have a closet for WIPs and and attic that is about 1/4 of the way filled:eek My family thinks that I could stock an LYS quite well (another dream of mine is to own one one day).... I have been a yarn collector for years and I always said "I'll buy it now, in case someday I need it"... well, now I don't work, so I am glad I did that! I will have to take a :photo to show you guys...Maybe tomorrow when I have to go and pull down my boxes of patterns to organize.... hey, heck, while I am at it, I will try to capture that too!


oh, and I have :xfin for your DS's braces;)


:hi, Beth

:rofl... when does a SAHM get to stay home? UMMMM NEVER! is my guess... at least that's the case for me.

WTG on the bathrooms!:clap


:waving, FosterMom

With ya 100% on the WiiFit! I wanted :santa to bring me one, but... I do still want one, too! I really want to try yoga, but don't want to go do it around other people:blush. :yesIt DOES sound like a PERFECT Father's Day gift!:devil


Who, me?!:blink tempt you into not cleaning?! ...but honey, I need to cash in on the :crocheting time I have earned... :rofl Hope you had a nice morning:wink


Colleen: I am sitting here with :fin that Joanne's SIL's brother found that bird to follow!!! :rofl


...be back shortly... Need to vacuum, do up the morning dishes, and change my :wash over again. :manyheart

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FosterMom- So you're the one with the great vocabulary!!! Thanks for the word! I :heart it.


LeaAnne- I know what you mean. We're a support group for cleaning! I'm going from "Hello, my name is Shannon. And I'm a procrastinator of clean." to "Hey girls, it's me and guess what I got done today!":):) It's very exciting. I feel like you girls are here with me, :cheer me on. Thank you everyone. I really needed this. For the record, I've always been a procrastinator. I even did a speech about it in college. I own the book Procrastination for Dummies. I also own a book about how to get more organized and clean more efficiently. So I've needed help for a while. Who knew all I needed was a great group :kick???


Okay, I have to get back to cleaning. They're coming to measure for new carpet today!!:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay

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Hello there. It is a :sun Wednesday here near Houston and the only things I have managed to get done in the past few days is dinner and dishes. I put the towels in the :wash. I also read some information for my paper on Monday, but I have yet to take the paper out and add it in. Last night was bowling, so I never get anything done on those nights and tonight is DD's :artist class. I get to sit and crochet while she creates pretty pictures! I will probably take the paper out after I get home from the art class and work on it then. Since I :crocheting during art class, I really need to work on other things once I get home.


I must say that I really do not get as much done as you ladies do. My goal for the long weekend is to dust everything and mop the floors in the kitchen and the bathrooms. Does anyone have one of those steam mops? If so, do you like it? I am thinking that I want one, but I want to hear from someone who has one.


Have a great rest of the day!

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FosterMom- So you're the one with the great vocabulary!!! Thanks for the word! I :heart it.


LeaAnne- I know what you mean. We're a support group for cleaning! I'm going from "Hello, my name is Shannon. And I'm a procrastinator of clean." to "Hey girls, it's me and guess what I got done today!":):) It's very exciting. I feel like you girls are here with me, :cheer me on. Thank you everyone. I really needed this. For the record, I've always been a procrastinator. I even did a speech about it in college. I own the book Procrastination for Dummies. I also own a book about how to get more organized and clean more efficiently. So I've needed help for a while. Who knew all I needed was a great group :kick???


Okay, I have to get back to cleaning. They're coming to measure for new carpet today!!:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay


I know what you mean, too... I have a few of those "get organized" books, but I procrastinate reading them:think I think now, I 'll just donate them to the library. this is WAY better:cheer

...and congrats on the new carpet! very exciting!


Hello there. It is a :sun Wednesday here near Houston and the only things I have managed to get done in the past few days is dinner and dishes. I put the towels in the :wash. I also read some information for my paper on Monday, but I have yet to take the paper out and add it in. Last night was bowling, so I never get anything done on those nights and tonight is DD's :artist class. I get to sit and crochet while she creates pretty pictures! I will probably take the paper out after I get home from the art class and work on it then. Since I :crocheting during art class, I really need to work on other things once I get home.


I must say that I really do not get as much done as you ladies do. My goal for the long weekend is to dust everything and mop the floors in the kitchen and the bathrooms. Does anyone have one of those steam mops? If so, do you like it? I am thinking that I want one, but I want to hear from someone who has one.


Have a great rest of the day!


:hi, Vicki! I think you do a lot!:cheer working on college papers and being a mom at the same time is a task in itself.... :devilBring on Summer Break :sun btw... Houston is a lovely city!


I truly admire all of you who can hold a job, take a course, homeschool your dk's, be a stay at home mom... We ALL work hard, no matter what it is we are doing:clap:cheer

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I truly admire all of you who can hold a job, take a course, homeschool your dk's, be a stay at home mom... We ALL work hard, no matter what it is we are doing:clap:cheer

That is so true!


Joanne- too funny about jotting your notes! :lol I thought I was the only one who did that...I used to have a great memory until I had 3 kids- now it's just plain gone. :blush I am also a HUGE procrastinator and super unorganized. It is so frustrating sometimes...I didn't know there was a Procrastinating for Dummies, maybe I will have to go to the library to see if they have it. As for the Cashmere- I knew there were other colors but the only two that were there when I went was the 'rain' and another cream color. I picked up a couple balls of that just to have it but I don't know what I will ever use it for.


Scooby- you always get so much done!! I am also :droolover your yarn. I only have 3 totes full and dh always asks if I really need more. Guys just don't understand. :shrug


Fostermom- glad your MP3 player revived itself! Even cooler that you are getting a new one, too! Dh and I gave each other Ipods for Christmas, and I would die without mine. I love music. Sometimes when the kids are arguing, I just turn that baby all the way up and go bake something. LoL

And just so you know- you are not the only one in the world without a WiiFit. I don't even have a Wii, even though I've been asking the Gift Gods for a while. :( I really, really want one. Dh complains that I don't like to play video games with him (war games on his 360) and I told him that if I had a Wii I would play all the time. Hopefully he will take the hint soon. LoL


My new rule is that I can't turn on the computer until I finish my cleaning. (Or I will never turn it off. :blush) Guess what? I got everything finished by 11 a.m.! :rofl I vacuumed, cleaned and mopped the kitchen, cleaned the girls' bathroom, and folded and put away all of the blankets, so we can put our mattress back in our room tonight. While I was putting away some stuff in my bedroom, I felt a little tickle on my arm, and when I looked down, there was a tick/flea! :eek:eek I can't tell the difference but it was black and in my experience fleas are mostly brown. We were at dh's aunt's house on Sunday so I am wondering if we picked something up there (they have a huge 2 acre lot that we went "hiking" on with the girls, plus they have a dog that is most outdoors.) We don't have animals anymore so one of those has to be the answer. Either way I am not sure what to do. I can get some flea spray at the store but what do I do if it was a tick? Is there spray for that also? :think

Ok, I better get going and make my grocery list. The new ads just came in the mail and it looks like there are some good deals! :yay

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:cheer:clap:yay I am done for the day. Although I didn't do everything that was on my list. I took out all the garbage,

:rabbitis content in his clean cage, all rooms have been dusted/vacuumed, dishes washed, 2 min decluttering done, kitchen swept, general pick up is done. I just don't have it in me to mop today :lol:devil. My apt is in really good shape for the weekend, so the mopping can wait, as the floors don't look bad at all. I think because I am keeping up with everything (general pick up) on a daily basis is helping me get things done faster.



DS works at HL and you have one right across the street! No wonder you have such a beautiful yarn store...err, I mean stash! Good for you! We got this new plaza built about a 10 minute walk from our house and I keep hoping a Michaels will go in there. We do not have a single real craft store in town, which is a bummer.


DS works at HL:c9....you are a lucky one!


:xfinand throwing out some fairy :mdust that you get a Michael's or some kind of nice craft store that carries lots of :yarn. It is really nice being this close to HL. A while back I took pictures of my HL and posted them here on the ville but I can't find the thread now. I will try to take some more pics and show you. I also did a favor for a fellow viller who needed some stuff from HL. She posted a thread and I sent her a response and told her to give me 10 mins to walk over and see if they had what she needed :lol. Of course they did, so I went back made the purchase, she pay pal'd me the $ and I sent out her package. We were both tickled pink.



OH VICKI, you are doing a lot. Keeping up with papers, school, kids and home is a full plate and often a :juggle act. I have seen the steam mops advertised but don't know anyone who has one. I am curious too to know how well they work.

Shannon- I too used to be a big procrastinator, and still am sometimes. I take it in spells. But this group as really helped me :kickand get in gear and get things done. It helps to know I am not alone as I have others here who are cleaning too. :yay Congrats on the new carpet!!!!!!!!

LeaAnne- I agree 100% that we all are working hard no matter what we are doing. I just said to a friend yesterday, it seems that MOMs are always busy doing something, although we don't always feel it is productive. But then when I finally do sit down and look around my home, I think WOW, it does look better/nice in here.

:lolYou sound like me with the :yarn addiction. On the rare occassions that there is a little extra $$, I buy :yarn because it is such a great clearance price, not because I need it, but just because I want it. :think:eek I just thought about something. I really need to get to the storage building, as I have some HL gift cards packed away in a box labeled "China Hutch Drawers" that I got for Christmas. That is a nice :kick/incentive to get that chore done :rofl.

Well ladies, I think I am going to go cash in on some :crocheting time. I am still trying to get the WIPs finished and I may work on my pattern notebooks for a while. I have everything ready to go for the Charity CAL tomorrow with Darski.Can't wait to get started on that :lol. Have a good rest of the day and I will probably check back in later on today!!!! Big :hugs and lots of :manyheart to you all.

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my Badorkus is dragging so bad right now, I think I might get "road rash" :rofl...


just got back from walking the dk's home from 2 schools... it's a nice day here, though, :sun and warm.


I think it's time to start the "cash in" (CHA-CHING!:wink)

The rest of my afternoon (other than making dinner) will be spent perusing the stash, and getting ready for the 2 big events tomorrow: Pattern organizing and Charity :crocheting with Darski...:clap:cheer


:thinkI sure do hope that MrStitchintime remembers that he suggested that I start taking some :crocheting time! :rofl

...and i DID warn him that it Would be in a big way:devil:lol


This evening, we have a softball coaches meeting. After that, I will be pouring a nice cool beverage and RELAX! (Once in a while, it's nice to hear the tinkling sound of ice cubes:D)


see you all in a bit:hug

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WOW this is a chatty group during the day! I miss so much when I am at work. Wednesday is my work from home so I worked today, did a general pick up, 2 loads of wash and ran the sweeper. Other then making dinner I am done! I need about a month of cleaning OCD!


Scooby, got your PM and will get a box ready to mail hopefully next week. Hope things work out with the braces.


Shannon I have the one more row syndrome too and lose lots of sleep cause of that. I also have the one more game syndrome when I am on Pogo!


Beth WTG on getting the bathrooms clean and congrats on the new carpet.


Colleen you can listen to audiobooks on the computer too. I have a hard time concentrating on them when I am on the puter though. Our library has audiobooks called Take Alongs or something like that. The book is looks like an mp3 player and comes with everything but the headphones. I get them every so often for work but most of mine I get from the online audio part of our library and audible. I am very old school and laughed at them for a long time but I love to listen while I crochet.


Overwhelmed is my middle name, thats why I have been trying meditation and let me tell you IT WORKS!


I understand your thinking on not getting a new TV until the old one retires, I am the same way. We dont have a flat screen or HD. When you are not a TV watcher its hard to see what the big deal is but hubby and kids want a new one.


LeaAnne put some cream on that road rash! :devil and you are all very welcome for your badorkus! HA HA I think its great that you have a good relationship with your MIL. My ex-MIL totally hated me from sight. Now I dont have one unless you count hubby's grandmother who raised him. She is 95 and the most wonderful woman I have ever met. Other than a small language barrier we get along great though I dont get to see her very much as she lives in SC.


Vicki you get alot done, give yourself more credit. I on the other hand dont get all that much done. During the week when I am working I am pretty much useless so I try on the weekends, try being the key word. I have seen those steam mops too and would like to have one but I dont have much floor, most everything is carpet in this house.


Stacy you mean you need a Wii for a Wii fit? LOL Here I thought it all came together. Hmmmm.


imanurse I hope you had a good day at work and that things are calming down. I work for four doctors, pediatricians, all women and if you ever want to hear horror stories about employees just ask! I thought moving from clinical into admin would be fun but boy was I a dufus for thinking that! Give me clinical any day! How was goodwill?


I will be back in a bit, gotta bread come chicken at hubbys request for dinner. See I am making nice!:manyheart

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What is this strange picture, Colleen, you ask? That is not a ghan or a purse or a sweater. It is not crocheted. No, this is MY DINING ROOM COUNTER. Time to join me in a dance!



Totally cleaned off of clutter, dusted, the tile top is wiped down with vinegar and water, the cupboard wiped down with all purpose and water too. Next thing I declutter I should take a before picture :D.


I was feeling kind of lazy and sorry for myself this afternoon. So I lied down on the couch to rest for a few moments, and I thought..."What am I doing? If the others can do it, so can I." So I got up, folded a basket of laundry, put away 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, decluttered the dining room counter and cleaned it up. I have since taken another load of laundry off the clothes line and will fold it (later, really, I will:blush). Now I am going to cook supper (DH is bbq'ing chops, so I just need to make rice and veggies) and then after supper I am going to mow the lawn.


Yep, I will deserve some :crocheting time. Not sure when, but I will deserve it!


If it were not for you folks and this CAL, I would have stayed on my badorkus on the couch feeling overwhelmed and my dining room counter would still be covered in junk.


So, any decorators out there? Any ideas for this vast empty space? Oh ya, and I really don't think keeping yarn or WIPs there will fly.


I should try meditation, FosterMom. I learned some breathing exercises once and should try them out again. But I must say cleaning is helping too :lol!

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What is this strange picture, Colleen, you ask. That is not a ghan or a purse or a sweater. It is not crocheted. No, this is MY DINING ROOM COUNTER. Time to join me in a dance!



Totally cleaned off of clutter, dusted, the tile top is wiped down with vinegar and water, the cupboard wiped down with all purpose and water too. Next thing I declutter I should take a before picture :D.


I was feeling kind of lazy and sorry for myself this afternoon. So I lied down on the couch to rest for a few moments, and I thought..."What am I doing? If the others can do it, so can I." So I got up, folded a basket of laundry, put away 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, decluttered the dining room counter and cleaned it up. I have since taken another load of laundry off the clothes line and will fold it (later, really, I will:blush). Now I am going to cook supper (DH is bbq'ing chops, so I just need to make rice and veggies) and then after supper I am going to mow the lawn.


Yep, I will deserve so :crocheting time. Not sure when, but I will deserve it!


If it were not for you folks and this CAL, I would have stayed on my badorkus on the couch feeling overwhelmed and my dining room counter would still be covered is junk.


So, any decorators out there. Any ideas for this vast empty space? Oh ya, and I really don't think keeping yarn or WIPs there will fly.


I should try meditation, FosterMom. I learned some breathing exercises once and should try them out again. But I must say cleaning is helping too :lol!


WTG COlleen! Your counter looks BEAUTIFUL! I bet you feel great too huh? What a great idea to take pics before and after. I would be ashamed to take befores but maybe thats what I need. LOL I am dancing right next to you and you deserve crochet time for sure!

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:cheer:clap:yay:jumpyay:woo:bow:rock:laughroll:dance:dance:bounce:2spin:2rock Doing my very happy for you dance Colleen!!!!!!! WTG, you did a great job decluttering that dining room counter space. I am sitting here :D at all you have accomplished today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU deserve quadruple :crocheting time. Sounds like to me you need to get those :hook and :yarn out and start cashing in :yes.

:eek:eek FosterMom- I have the one more game syndrome on pogo too. I used to be a badge addict but have kinda gotten out of that, as it seems badges are always for the games I don't like :lol.

LeaAnne, I have been dragging my bum around all day too. I am just not in the mood today, although I did do some cleaning but probably not near enough. There is ALWAYS something to do. A never ending vicious cycle. But, that is ok, you all make cleaning that much better :manyheart.

I think I am in one of the moods today where nothing seems to be holding my attention for very long. I cleaned a little, crocheted a little, read a book for a while, listened to a book a little bit, and NOTHING is appealing to me. Maybe it is because I don't feel real good, mother nature and her nasty little monthly tricks :lol, Anyways, maybe I will play a game of cards or something on pogo and then maybe some more :crocheting with the :ipod. Hope you all have a good evening and great dinners too!!! :check back in with you all later!!!!!

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:dance :dance :elle :elle :dance :dance


WTG, Colleen!

I love that cupboard! It's really beautiful!

hmmm... if it were in my house, I would hang a family portrait on the wall (or a Kinkade... I love him). And I would keep the top very simple: A beautiful vase filled with flowers sitting atop a :crocheting runner, of course! Or, better than the portrait or painting... how about this for a reward: a :crocheting wall hanging. That way, when you have reward time, you can work on your special piece. When your house is all decluttered, you get to finish and hang your reward piece:cheer I have always wanted to do a filet with our last name and frame it... :think:scrachin wait... did I just invent my own reward?! :lol


Anyway, you have fun decorating that space - you deserve it:hug

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Way to go Colleen. I love your counter... very classy. such a beautiful fixture deserves your best attention. WTGG!!!!


One of these days I will get my living area just a clear and clean. I just need to find a place for the dolls and all their shoes :rofl

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I lost my message AGAIN:angry:thair!!!


Colleen- WTG on working your badorkas off!!:dance You deserve your own :crocheting:party Your nook is beautiful. I've always liked the look of white plates on a wall. I've also made a frame holder out of moulding, cabinet door knobs and ribbon. I hot glued ribbon onto the back of frames and hung them from the knobs. It's an easy project. I'll try to get a picture the next time I go to my mom's.


LeaAnne- I :heart Kinkade too!


Scooby- Sometimes it's no fun being a girl!!:ohdear Hope you feel better soon.


So I want to share what you girls have done for me. Today I called to make an appointment for the carpet guy to come measure. The woman asked if he could come out today, and I said YES! I didn't hyperventilate about my house being dirty, because it's CLEAN! :yay me!! That has never, ever happened to me before. And it's because of all of you!!! :ty:ty:ty Now I have to clean out, paint and wallpaper before we can get our new carpet installed. I'm gonna need your help in the next few weeks!! Just go ahead and :kick in gear!

Have a great night!

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Hi everyone!


TY TY for :cheer for me and my clean dining room counter. :hug I love all your suggestions. Shannon, I would love to see a pic of your frame idea. I think I know what you mean, but I would love to see it. I also love the idea of crocheting a wall hanging :manyheart. I'll have to look for examples of that...haven't seen many. I was thinking about a runner too. I've been hinting to my mom that I'd like her to make me a wall quilt. I love quilts, but I don't quilt. DH had his own suggestion, a 60 inch LCD TV :lol. Well, there is lots of room in front there to do Wii Fit :think.


I must mention that DH built the cupboard when we bought the house. He is very handy. We don't really need a formal dining space and we needed some extra cupboard space (please don't ask me to take a picture of the mess inside :blush).


There are many more clutter areas in this house that I need to tackle, so I keep giving me a :kick!


I got the lawn mowed this evening too, so I'm feeling good and either going to :crocheting or surf for patterns. Good job to all of you on your accomplishments today!


BTW, I think one of these funny guys :P causes us to lose our messages. It has happened to me too.

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Scooby- what a great idea turning the hall closet into a yarn closet- Wish I could do that- but then there would be nowhere to put my coats. So for now stash is in wicker baskets in the family room (and some clear containers, and some tote bags, and some in a basket by my fav chair where I :crocheting:)


Stacy- I like your new "rule"- no computer until you clean!:lol seems to have worked at least for today!


Basjordan- great job getting the BR scrubbed and SAH mom is another word for taxi driver :lol- When my kids were younger I was a SAHM and all I did was drive my 3 DD everywhere (and of course they each had different interests) Then I got divorced and went to work and had to still play taxi driver! Kids+activities=taxi driver! Mom=:juggle too!


Shannon- I should look for Procastinator for Dummies for oldest DD- she has always been such a procastinator (but so am i :lol) And we'll all be here for you as you get ready for your new carpet. We do get so much done together! And congrats on having the house clean for the carpet guy:cheer


Lea Anne- It was :sun and warm here in NJ today too- I went for a walk at lunchtime and it was sooooo hard to have to go back inside to work:( I'll be in your neck of the woods this weekend- Yay, Boston- love the town and so glad that I get to visit DD and have excuse to go up there! Fenway Park on Sunday- pray for :sun or at least no:rain.


Oh, just remembered you and Shannon commented that you like Kincaid- me too, have a couple in my house!


Foster Mom- Thanks for the badorkas term- it has also been added to my vocab- I can relate to how you feel about missing so much during the day when you are at work- I feel the same way (What is it about us Jersey girls working all day? Could it be the high taxes?????:lol) I work for managed care and there are only 2 men in my dept of 42- the medical director and our data analyst. There is definitely alot of raging hormones in my office for sure:lol. And I agree with you sometimes this is harder than clinical (although easier on the body physically)


Well, other than stopping at Goodwill, I came home heated up leftovers since DH is helping a friend with his :compute problems. It is nice and quiet right now and I decided to take advantage and see what my friends were up to all day.


All ready for tomorrow night's organization of the patterns:clap. Most of you will be done before I set foot in the door at night (well, other than foster mom) but that's ok- as long as it gets done. I gathered them all up so they are at least all in one place. Oh, I also did my 5 min declutter. Should all be done by Friday night.


I had a good day at work today and that was because you all sent positive thoughts that I would so I thank you all!:ty


Have a wonderful evening and cya in the AM for my daily :coffee and check in!

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Hi everyone!


TY TY for :cheer for me and my clean dining room counter. :hug I love all your suggestions. Shannon, I would love to see a pic of your frame idea. I think I know what you mean, but I would love to see it. I also love the idea of crocheting a wall hanging :manyheart. I'll have to look for examples of that...haven't seen many. I was thinking about a runner too. I've been hinting to my mom that I'd like her to make me a wall quilt. I love quilts, but I don't quilt. DH had his own suggestion, a 60 inch LCD TV :lol. Well, there is lots of room in front there to do Wii Fit :think.


I must mention that DH built the cupboard when we bought the house. He is very handy. We don't really need a formal dining space and we needed some extra cupboard space (please don't ask me to take a picture of the mess inside :blush).


There are many more clutter areas in this house that I need to tackle, so I keep giving me a :kick!


I got the lawn mowed this evening too, so I'm feeling good and either going to :crocheting or surf for patterns. Good job to all of you on your accomplishments today!


BTW, I think one of these funny guys :P causes us to lose our messages. It has happened to me too.


Colleen- I think that you are right about these funny guys:P causing us to lose messages- I lost connection to the internet and had to reboot the modem. Luckily i was warned when I went to select one of the funny guys that my connection was lost so I copied the message I had written already so after I re-booted all I had to do was click paste! WTG on the lawn mowing- You deserve some :crocheting or pattern browsing time for sure!

Like the idea of a quilt- I love them too and if Mom can quilt, that would be really special. (but of course DH may win out with the flat screen, but you would get the Wii) I am going to ask for a Wii from :santathis year- my youngest DD has one (her bridal party gave her one at her shower last year) and she wants WiiFit from:santathis year.


Well:hug to all and have a good rest of the night!

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Ok, quick question-- I've seen a couple of you mention 2- and 5 minute de-cluttering...what do you de-clutter, exactly? I used to follow Flylady and she had a 10-minute de-clutter for each room. Is that how it is for you- a few minutes in each room? Or a few minutes on whichever mess is biggest? :blush:lol for me it would probably be my desk that needs to be de-cluttered daily. I just wondered how you all do it??

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I'm just checking in on my buddies to see what you are all up to, and to send a big :hug. It's great to hear what you've been up to, and to see the beautiful clear counter so I can dance along with you. :dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance:dance

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Ok, quick question-- I've seen a couple of you mention 2- and 5 minute de-cluttering...what do you de-clutter, exactly? I used to follow Flylady and she had a 10-minute de-clutter for each room. Is that how it is for you- a few minutes in each room? Or a few minutes on whichever mess is biggest? :blush:lol for me it would probably be my desk that needs to be de-cluttered daily. I just wondered how you all do it??


My kitchen table and china hutch is where everything gets deposited, on a daily basis. We come home from school, mailbox, store or where ever and everything lands in one of those two places. So, everyday during my general pick up, I spend at least 2 mins sometimes more decluttering that area. Mine will forever be an ongoing task as that just seems to be the norm here to drop everything off right there :lol. But if you have an area that you would like to de-clutter but just can't stand to do it all at once spend 2/5/10 mins a day until it is done. I don't de-clutter in every room every day, as that one area is the only clutter problem I have. I hope that helps answer your question.

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Ok, quick question-- I've seen a couple of you mention 2- and 5 minute de-cluttering...what do you de-clutter, exactly? I used to follow Flylady and she had a 10-minute de-clutter for each room. Is that how it is for you- a few minutes in each room? Or a few minutes on whichever mess is biggest? :blush:lol for me it would probably be my desk that needs to be de-cluttered daily. I just wondered how you all do it??


Yep, I'm trying to do what Scooby described. I spent a few minutes a day decluttering that counter top. I would pick a few things that had accumulated there (toys, magazines, cake containers, receipts) and either toss them or find a more permanent home for them. I have a few other clutter areas that I need to work on (office is a big one, top of fridge is a little one). You could either work to permanently declutter an area or do what Scooby is doing and just keep the clutter at bay. Ugh, same deal for me with the kitchen table...that mail just keeps coming!

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Well I am off to bed. Thank goodness there are only two work days left. This seemed like a very long week or maybe its just my crappy mood.


Nite ladies have a good tomorrow. I will check in after work.

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I have so much to do tomorrow! Ugh! I hope all of my new friends have a wonderful day. Good night!

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Good morning all!

In answer to Stacy's question- I declutter the kitchen table/counter which seems to be the landing pad for anything/everything, esp mail. Why DH can't just throw out the junk mail is beyond me- he'd just let it pile up. It had gotten out of control and now with the 2-5 min /day declutter it is almost done!

I'm with you Foster Mom- this has been a long week- 2 more to go. Cya after work!

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