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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hello there! It is one of those days that I will be running ALL day and not get home until way after the sun has gone to sleep :(. I have a meeting after school and then I get to come back for awards night. Husband will get DD and feed her :eek. The only thing I got accomplished last night was I read some more information for my paper. I was going to work on it last night, but I was so tired that I truly did not have the energy to pull it out. Reading for it counts, so I give myself credit for that. I will get nothing done tomorrow night as we are going to see Queensryche at the House of Blues. Can't wait! LOVE THEM! My cleaning will have to wait until the weekend. I'm not worried. It will still be there when I get to it :lol!


Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks, ladies! :D My catch-all is my desk since it is only a few steps away from the front door. It is the landing pad for mail, magazines, dd's homework, art projects, books, some crochet...you get the picture. LoL It is my workspace. I'm thinking I will start to de-clutter, also. I have a terrible filing system but dh brought home a bunch of small manila envelopes so I really should go through everything and put them in the appropriate ones.

Colleen- your counter looks fabulous! You know what would look cute (if you have one) is a family photo surrounded by several smaller photos. (I think someone else suggested the family one too but I haven't taken notes so don't remember who.) I have it like that on the wall behind my couch and it looks adorable. I am planning to find some nice sconces to add as well.

I've already done my general pick-up (dh left at 5 a.m. and I have been up since) and just need to do the dishes and vacuum. The baby spilled a bag of pretzels on the floor last night and I was too tired to vacuum. :blush I did pick up the big pieces but the salt and crumbs are still there.

Today is Mommy and Me, then after I come home and get the kids fed, I will look for my patterns and organize them! :clap My binder and page protectors are standing by. :lol

Have a great day, girls!!


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Good morning friends! I hope everyone had a restful night.


I need to make a correction: my book is called The Complete Idiot's Guide to Overcoming Procrastination. Just so everyone knows.


DD comes home today and I miss her so!! But before I go get her, I have to do some chores: mop the floor, change sheets, empty dishwasher, laundry, clean bathroom, and of course organize my patterns. I'd like to clean out the car and wash it but our yard man is here so it depends on how long he stays. I may skip exercising this morning and wait til DD comes home so I can get stuff done early.


Have a great day and have fun with your patterns!!:yay

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:coffee Morning, all!


I meant to come back last night after the coach's meeting, but DH and I decided that we needed a DATE! :blushCan't even remember the last time just the 2 of us got to go out for a while...It was really nice, and we had a great time:manyheart


so, today is officially my day off of housework, per MrStitchintime:c9 I am very excited to do nothing but sit around like a domestic goddess and eat bon-bons! :rofl I have my :hook:yarn& :mug... the cash-in starts TODAY :jumpyay today's time is going for the Charity CAL:yes


I am going to wait until later on to do the patterns, it seems that most of us will be doing it later on in the day.


Joanne : :hughope you have a :D day! That's right, too, you are heading to Beantown:clap When are you leaving? I checked the weather, and it looks ok. They keep changing it though:think We were going to go to the Cape this weekend, but I think we're just gonna stay home instead (works for me:devil my stash is here:yay)


Stacy: I love the idea you gave for Colleen's decorating dilemma:manyheart sounds wonderful! Enjoy Mommy&Me today:hug


Vicki- Have a :2rock time at Queensryche!


:hi, FosterMom! :U:flower:bounce Here's hoping that you have a really great day, today... and here's a :hugfor you!


:waving, Shannon! Hope you get everything done before NeeNee and BigBob return your :angel to you:manyheart


and :hugto you, Colleen, Beth and Scooby!

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:yayI organized my patterns!:yay I'm so glad. I found what I want to use for the charity CAL. I also did my Thursday chores with my 3 children's help: sweep, dust, cobweb patrol, ceiling fan cleaning, wipe down doors, take out trash and recycling, clean cages and cat boxes, and clean mirrors. I'm done with housework for today, unless I climb back up that dratted ladder to work in my dd's room.


I hope you all have a :manyheart day!

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Hi everyone!


I have to tell you guys, there is the strangest woman in my house. She does dishes and tidies the kitchen right after every meal. :think I don't know who she is, but I LOVE her!


I've just finished tidying up my patterns. I organized them and added dividers between types. Great idea, Shannon! It is amazing what you can accomplish in 20 minutes! So, what are we going to tidy next :D?


I have to go to work in a little while, so I will check in this evening. My Thursday 2 minute task is decluttering, so I guess I will pick a spot and get that done now. I'm thinking the magazines and catalogues are starting to take over the living room, so I'm going to start there.


I hope everyone is having a great day! :hug

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LeaAnne- Have fun with all your :crocheting today, you lucky :ducky!!


Beth-:yay:yay:cheerfor getting your patterns organized! I did it too, but I had the TV on and was trying to stall, so it took me an hour. I cheated on my own idea:blush:blush Oh well, the important thing is it's done.


Colleen- :yay:yay:cheerfor getting your patterns organized too!! Yay us! I think I might start a journal of all my finished :crocheting projects, with pictures, the date, who it's for, what hook I used, etc.


OK, I need your opinion. Does this look right to you? It's my first attempt at a RR (for the charity CAL), and I'm really not sure how it's going. Please be honest. I'm still new at this and need help.




I've never posted a picture so let me know if you don't see it. I'll check in later!!

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:waving:hiAll!!!!! Haven't done much cleaning today. I did my 2 min decluttering, dishes, general pick up, and went to my dr's appt. I have been :crocheting for the Charity CAL most of the day. I haven't even been on the puter that much today :lol. Just been relaxing and taking it easy. I have been enjoying my :book on the :ipod. It is such a :sunbeautiful day here. Not too :hotso I opened all the windows to let in the fresh air.

:h5 WTG Beth and Colleen on getting those patterns organized. :devil:devil I cheated and got mine done last nite:lol because I knew I wanted to :crocheting today and didn't want to be bothered with it.

:tup LeaAnne!! :) glad you and DH had a nice time on your date!!! Hope you are on :c9 and enjoying your :crocheting time!!!!

Vicki- :heart:heart I love the House of Blues!!! Hope you have a fantastic :2rock:2rock good time!!!! You deserve it.

FosterMom and Joanne- This long week is almost over. Hang in there. I hope your day has been great so far. Just one more day and you are home free for the weekend. :hug

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OK, I need your opinion. Does this look right to you? It's my first attempt at a RR (for the charity CAL), and I'm really not sure how it's going. Please be honest. I'm still new at this and need help.




I've never posted a picture so let me know if you don't see it. I'll check in later!!


:cheer:clap:yay:yesLooks great to me!!! There are a few different patterns out there, which one are you using, if you can share that info.

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Shannon, it looks great! RR's work up so quickly. I :manyheart to make them.


Vicki- enjoy your concert!


Beth- we're supposed to wipe down doors?! :eek:think:lol


LeAnne- enjoy your date! It's been a while since hubby and I have had one. The IL's only like to watch my kids when they want to, and give us a lot of poo when we ask them. :blush


Congrats to everyone who got their patterns organized. I've been working on my lace wrap top since we came home from class. :blush All I have left is to finish one sleeve and do the sc border. Honestly...I don't like it. :cry It's been on my WIM list for over 2 years and now that it is almost finished- it is just not what I wanted. I am so disappointed...as soon as I tried it on, I thought "I want to rip it apart and make it into a pineapple shawl." :eek:eek Please talk some sense into me! LoL I'm sure (I hope) that I will love it in the winter but for now it is just too heavy and just do not like it. Ever have that problem?

Anyway...I should be making dinner but as soon as I tried it on I had to post about it. LoL So I am off to finish dinner and vacuum again (Pretzel Queen, aka youngest dd, spilled another baggie of pretzels.) Hopefully I will check in again tonight but if not, see you all in the morning!



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Hi all-

As soon as I came home from work today I got right to organizing the patterns- I don't have alot yet (since I just started crocheting again after a very long hiatus in Feb. I have tons more on my computer than print, so my next task is to organize the ones I just saved in my favorites into folders so I can find them easier. So the printed patterns I do have are now in sheet protectors in a binder.


I also finished decluttering the kitchen table. Hopefully it will stay that way- as long as I go through the mail as it comes in (and DH cooperates) it should!


Scooby- saw your 2 ghans that you posted- the Black Camo and the scrap ghan for yourself- they are both beautiful! What pattern did you use for the scrap ghan. I love the stitch and the way you arranged your scrap colors was perfect. Glad you made something to keep for yourself


LeaAnne- glad you had a date with DH-that's always fun. I am heading to Beantown early, early Sat morning- hoping to leave by 5. So if there isn't too much traffic, should arrive at DD's place around 10. I'm staying through Memorial Day and coming home on Tuesday. We're going to the Sox/Mets game on Sunday!


FosterMom- We made it to the end of the week- only 1 more day! Yay!


I decided not to use the smiley's in this post since I still have to do some laundry since I'll be gone for the weekend and don't want to come home to laundry except for what I've taken with me.


Have a good night all!

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Shannon- forgot to comment on your RR- I haven't made one yet- but your's looks really nice so far. TFS.


Stacy- keep the lace wrap top- you will appreciate it when the weather gets cooler. And just think when you finish it you can cross it off as DONE!


Vickie- have fun at the concert (or by the time you read this- hope you had a great time at the concert)

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Hi everyone! OK, I tried taking notes. Here goes:


Vicky - No worries, your cleaning will definitely still be there when you get to it and so will we.


Stacy - Thanks for the idea on the photos. I'm horrible at decorating. I hope your wrap turns out alright! Sounds like you need to get one of the little spill proof snack containers for the little one. My DD had one with Elmo on it and she loved it. And if she dropped it, no spilling.


LeaAnne - Enjoy your well earned crochet time. Lucky you getting to go out on a date!


Beth - WTG. You got a lot done today! I think you win the consistency award around here. You always get lots done. How is the mudding going?


Shannon - Your RR looks fantastic. I love the color.


Scooby - Enjoy your relaxing crochet time. I checked out your 'ghans too and they are very nice. Good choice to keep the scrap for yourself!


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend at DD's. I hope that means you get a weekend off of cleaning?! I'll look for you if the game highlights are on TV. You'll be the one with the yarn, right? (insert roll around laughing guy here).


FosterMom - I hope your day went well. The weekend is almost here! (Errr, I hope you don't work weekends???)


Yes, taking notes is definitely easier. I hope I didn't miss anyone.


Well, home from work. Didn't clean a lot today, but I keep up on everything (the kitchen, the clutter, etc.). The best news is that DH came home today and told me that he notices that I'm doing a great job at keeping the house clean and he is thrilled. Thank gosh, because I was beginning to think he didn't notice!


Only 2 days until my company comes. I'm doing well at the clean house part, but now I need to think about groceries.


Have a great evening!

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I lost my long message!! Ugh! I need to go to sleep, but I want to say thank you all for your compliments on my RR. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Good night!

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Just checking in.


I finally (after 4 years) hung my pots (w/ lids) on the wall over my sink. I have a very small kitchen and about half of my cupboards are dead space since I no longer climb up on chairs or get down on my knees to get stuff.

But by putting the pots on the wall, I can now use the standing shelf for appliances and things that kept taking space on what little counter area I have. That helps a hundred fold in getting that section organize/tidy.


I am working very hard at keeping my new puter desk in shape. It is so hard not to leave scissors sitting at hand or other things like that. I am determined to keep it clean at all costs. Although, having my Charity yarn nearby is posing a challenge to keeping the floor free of yarn... :sigh


Well the charity is more important than some floor space so it will just have to play nice in the storage bag I have for the ghan. it will be seen to and done soon enough anyway.


This is keeping my declutter, organize and clean mood going. My next project is a mail declutter event, 5 minutes a day until finished, :yes


Thanks all for the inspiration and the :kick



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Anybody have any good badorkus kicking shoes on? I need a jump start today, and a nice :kickin the :cat might do the trick. My son (who doesn't drive) has to be at work before 6 this morning. I've been "up" since 4. Not awake, just up. Crawling back into bed sounds very very good.

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Good morning all.

Basjordan- here's the kick you need!

Colleen- have fun with your cleaning.

And yes, ladies, this weekend is no cleaning for me!!! R&R with DD! Back on Tuesday. (wonder if DH will have re-cluttered with the kitchen table with mail???)

I'll be checking in to see how you're all doing over the weekend

To all those in the Charity CAL- have fun!

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Good morning all,


Thank you all for keeping me going! Groceries on my list today and regular tidying. My Friday chore is cleaning up the flyers and newspapers, so I will do that too.


Darski - WTG on getting those pots hung up. Counters space is always a nice thing to "find".


Beth - Here is your kick! You can do it! One more day and you can round out a very productive week!


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend!


I hope those of you in the Charity CAL have fun are very productive! You've earned it!

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Beth,, hang in there, you can do it! :kick: :kick: ;) I know how you feel having a son that doesn't drive. I drive my son back & forth from work too. He is 19. Fortunately he works evenings, except for weekends when it's 8 am. At night I crochet while waiting in the car for him to get off work at 9.


Yesterday I unpacked a few boxes, did 4 loads of laundry plus sweeping, so I could crochet last night for a while but by 10 I was too sleepy lol, so I have stored up crochet time for today! I'm working on a light cardi & I am almost up to the sleeves! Just love it when a project takes form or gets close to an FO.

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darski- Counter space is nice to have, isn't it?! Good job on getting those pots up!


Beth- Here's a nice kick for you. It's Friday. That's something to get excited about!


Joanne- No cleaning!!! I am so jealous. But it'll be so nice for you to come back to a clean house. Yay!


Colleen- Good luck with the groceries and have a great time with your company!!


Shell- I'd love to see your cardi when you are finished with it. Good luck getting it done!


I hope everyone has a great day!

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Yabba Dabba DOOOO!


Happy Friday, everyone!


Last night (and tonight) we are at the softball field... but then, No ball for the weekend!!:jumpyay


It was nice (at the time) to take a little break yesterday - I didn't realize how much I needed it:c9 I ended up using some of my :crocheting time for a nice looongg NAP! It really was good to relax.

Here's the kicker, though... MrStitchintime forgot to tell the dk's (aka resident slobs:lol) that it was mom's day off, so I have spent so far this morning putting my house back together! I really can't figure it out:think they were only had a few hours of awake at home time, and last night when I looked around :eek:eekthat cyclone came back! :rofl Oh well... they are in need of a break, too. I am glad that we have the long weekend for them:yes (I LOVE it when my kids are home, even though I can't seem to get them to pick up a cup:lol)


so for the rest of today, here's my list:

get 2 more washes done (I am getting a little neurotic about laundry... SCARY)

vac and dust living/family room

...and get back to :crocheting:crocheting for our Darski's charity CAL


this is my DONE list:



kids rooms


I am going to post seperately to you all... I am afraid of losing another long post:blush

C ya in a few!:manyheart

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:hi... I'm back!




Shannon: I LOVE that RR! it's really awesome:yes

I think I might have to look into making one of those... yours is very pretty:c9


:woo, Darski! WTG on getting your pots up:clap ... and good going on the keeping up of everything. It really feels nice to be in a clean place, surrounded by :yarn:yarn, doesn't it? I'll see you at the charity CAL a little later on :hug


:hi, Kazily! Nice to see you here! Wow- you got a lot accomplished yesterday :cheer and i know what you mean about being too tired when you finally got to sit with :hook:yarn... that happens to me A LOT!

Hope you're having a great day:manyheart


OMG, Beth - Are you TIRED? :lol I can't imagine why! :lol

You are like the energizer bunny or something:hug

I hope that your day goes well... I'll :kick you if you want, but please listen to your body: I just want a little rest!

:nworthy please know that you are one of my hero's here! :nworthy


:waving Colleen - enjoy your day of light cleaning, and grocery shopping:manyheart you'll have to let us know what you ended up with for your menu:hug


:yayJoanne! Happy Friday! I hope you have a safe :drive to Boston, and have a great time with DD!:clap The weather is really nice here today... and it looks good for the weekend:

Tonight: A stray thunderstorm is possible through the evening. Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 56F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.

Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High 68F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.

Tomorrow night: Cloudy with showers. Low 59F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

Sunday: Scattered thunderstorms. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

Monday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the low 50s.

GO SOX!... I mean METS!... I mean SOX!

Where are your seats for the game, so we can all watch for you? (I need to see if :crocheting at Fenway is really a good idea! :rofl)


Stacy - you should share a pic of your cardi... It really sounds nice. And I agree with Joanne... I would definitely keep it:yes Hope you get it off your WIP list soon!:hug


:waving Scooby - glad you are getting to enjoy some good reading:ipod and charity :crocheting... I did go over to the WIP week CAL (which I plan to return to next week) to see the pics of what you've gotten finished :yay:clap REALLY PRETTY! You have inspired me to get crackin' again on my WIP's...:ty


:jumpyay:hug:yay Happy Friday, FosterMOM! Hope it's a great one for ya! Just wanted you to know that I am thinking boutcha, and hope you're having a :U:dance day!


:2rock :2rock hey, Vicki! How was House of Blues/Queensryche?

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Good morning, ladies!!


Colleen- what are these spill-proof snack containers you speak of? :think We have the cups but I've never seen containers. Usually what I do is, buy a big bag of snacks (pretzels, whatever) then split it up between baggies for the week. Easy to toss into oldest dd's snack/lunch bag, and very portable. But, unfortunately, kinda messy. :blush


Darksi- great job with the pots! I wish I could hang mine on the wall...it would free up much cupboard space. But then, I don't have much wall room, either. :lol


Beth- you need a kick in the cat? :lol I hear you about being up early. Dh leaves for work at 5:30 every morning, and I wake up to make breakfast and pack his lunch (he is pre-diabetic and if I don't do it then he will definitely forget.) Sometimes when he leaves really early, I feel like a zombie for the rest of the day, even if I go back to sleep.


Joanne- enjoy the time with your DD!!


Shell- can't wait to see a pic of your cardi! Is it the cutaway cardi? I started it but have yet to finish. :blush


Leanne- Yay for naps!! :cheer Glad you got to relax. LoL @ the cyclone kids...that happens when I leave dh in charge, also. For Mother's Day I told him I wanted him to watch the kids...he watched them make a huge mess, anyway. I spent all of Monday cleaning it up. But that's what dads are for, I guess. :lol As for my wrap, I have pics but on said Mother's Day, dh let the kiddies play with the camera cord (don't ask) and now it is nowhere to be seen. :eek I will post them if I ever find it.


Today I vacuumed again at 6 a.m. (I'm sure my neighbors love me.) Did general clean-up while waiting for kiddies to wake up, did the usual morning routine. Let youngest dd's play at the playground after taking oldest to school, then we went to Target for the usual Friday stock-up. :D I'm waiting for them to finish watching Dora so I can go grocery shopping. I'm trying to time it so that I will finish shopping when it is time to pick up dd from school. Maybe I'll go work on my drum afghan for a little while.

See you later!

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Good afternoon!


Shell - WTG on unpacking those boxes. Can't wait to see pics of the cardi.


LeaAnne - :yay naps. I have them now and then too and I swear by them. Sometimes you just need a few minutes of shut-eye to refresh. It is murphy's law though, any time I fall asleep in the afternoon for a few minutes the phone rings.:angry


Stacy - I hope you find the camera cord soon. Does this mean you finished your wrap/cardi? This container I have is a tiny little container (holds ~ 3/4 of a cup) with a screw on lid. About 1/3 of the lid flips open leaving just enough room for little tiny hands. If they drop it (which of course they will :lol), the lid closes and it doesn't spill. I have also seen ones that have a lid that kind of collapses around the little hand. Those are more expensive than the cheapy Elmo one I used :lol. Take a look at Target in the baby container/sippy cup area maybe? For a while that was a staple add on to all my baby gifts--tried and true. Great for the car or stroller.


I have barely done any cleaning beyond dishes and stuff today. I did tidy up last week's newspapers and flyers. We have this basket we keep them in and I went through it and disposed of the junk, such as 8 identical chinese take out menus :blush , so that was a good task. It has been a busy day! DD and I went swimming this morning. The library is in the same complex as the pool so we went to the library and I picked up a couple audio books to try. They are on CD and I have a portable CD player that I got down and dusted off today so I'm all set. Maybe if I like it I'll ask for an MP3 player for Christmas:think. We came home for lunch and then after lunch we did groceries and made a stop for a b-day gift for soon to be 8 yo nephew. That brings us to now :whew. It was so busy out there. Our city's predominant employment is auto-parts manufacturers and most of them are on reduced work weeks, so Fridays are almost like Saturdays around here! Yikes!


The menu is set for tomorrow. I'm doing a veggie and dip tray and making a hot artichoke/cheese dip that will go good with both the veggies and some crackers. I'm trying a lemon-lime cupcake recipe that I saw in a magazine recently for the kids and bought gum drops to put on top of the icing to jazz them up. They can pick their fav colour. I'll bake a chocolate cake with a chocolate glaze for the adults (we will have our desert and coffee after the kids fall asleep on the floor with their sleeping bags).


I hope everyone's long weekend starts off right and includes more crocheting than cleaning :). I'll be around, so I'll see you later

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Hmm...I'll have to look at another Target. I was just there today and I know the one by us doesn't have anything that closes when it falls. The top just stays open until you close it. Thanks for the heads-up, though, I will keep an eye out for it. If I see one with Elmo, then it should be the right one. :lol


Your menu sounds great. Enjoy your company. How long are they staying? I saw a cupcake recipe recently online where you pour the batter into ice cream cones and bake them that way. I think I may save that idea and try it for youngest dd's birthday this summer.


Oh, yes I am finished with the wrap. I finished it last night while watching V for Vendetta with hubby. I ended up frogging about 6 rows on each panel because there was nowhere to sew them, but I think it looks nice anyway. Just really, really heavy for the weather. LoL I am working on a pineapple shawl with the Caron Naturally Spa yarn I picked up a couple weeks ago.

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