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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I checked out that Sky thread. :eek Wow! Seems like someone posts every couple minutes. If I joined I'd post a pic of me crocheting while on my elliptical machine!


Yes, you heard that right. :lol

I am definitely not that coordinated.

You can have our hot weather if you like, its going to be over 37C for the rest of the week here. I hate the heat. Can we swap.

I'd love to swap. Maybe the heat would finally seep into my bones and I could get warm again.


Norma, welcome to the group. :welcome

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Karen ~ The purple ATW is stunning! Has your niece received it, yet? She is going to be so thrilled with your gorgeous work.


LOVE your IC! I may have to make one of those one day :yes


My niece's birthday is today and I don't know if the package has arrived yet. I hope so!!


I am taking a saltine break (need one after cranking out the purple ATW so fast). My next plan is to use up the extra saltines I made with the leftover yarn from the ATW I made originally. I may spend some time this weekend laying out the squares to see what might look good. I am thinking of a baby nine patch with each patch being different. We'll see how it looks when I lay it all out.


Piercings and tatoos... I have no tatoos nor do I want one. Not my thing. I have one hole in one ear and three in the other :blush Got the first ones when I was in grade 6 and the other two in grade 11. I froze part of my earlobe on one ear and couldn't wear earrings there for years (I can now - but only "good" stuff - no "cheap" earrings for me anymore.) so I got the extra holes in one ear and wore three earrings in one side and none in the other for a long time. Now I wear small gold hoops in the first hole on each side and two small diamond studs in the second two holes on the one side. I occcasionally wear other earrings too - I have several nice pairs :yes


Time to go shower and get organized for work...

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Morning everyone.


Tabby the flag ghan is going to be so pretty.


I want to know how you crochet on the elliptical too. :thinkI usually spend my time on it trying not to fall off :rofl


I got 12 more solids made last night.

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Good morning, all. I definitely am on the mend now. My head and chest both feel better today. It will take time to get the energy back, but I can think straight today and at a normal speed, not like each thought is being pulled out of the depths. :lol

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Busy week at the girls' school, and they are so excited, that they seem rather super-charged this morning. It is 'Beach Party' day, so they packed towels to sit on at lunchtime, visors to wear, and flip-flop necklaces. They both insisted on wearing hibiscus-print dresses, so we layered them over turtlenecks and leggings, because with a morning temp of -22 degrees, I did not think blue goosebumps set-off the hibiscus fabric too well :P I am finishing up a couple of smaller projects this week, but I think I am going to toss my H hook and some variegated RH Bay Print in my work bag to make some saltines while I am waiting for the school-day to end. I knew I could not stay away from the addictive little squares for too long :hook

Tabby ~ I just love your flag ghan!! Wow. Looks fantastic the way it is, but you say you have had time to work on it some more, lately? It is going to be VERY NICE when you are finished. Sounds as though you needed a good :hug, yesterday. I hope things are looking up, today :sun

:welcomeNorma. Pretty pattern you chose, and we look forward to cheer you on as you join the saltine bandwagon.



Have a nice day, Everyone!

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Good Morning! Julie's first post for our CAL was January 27th, 2007! Happy Anniversary to us. :manyheart


Donna ~ I've added 12 more for you. :)


Dusti ~ I love your description of the girls going off to their beach party at school. :D I'll bet they were so excited. Growing up in Iowa, I can remember the leggings and layers of clothes in the winter. :yes


Hi Karen! It doesn't sound like your saltine break will last too long. ;)


We have a little ice and they're predicting more as the day goes on...I'm staying home today. :)

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You can have our hot weather if you like, its going to be over 37C for the rest of the week here. I hate the heat. Can we swap.


Just as long as you don't send it here :lol We're finally having something resembling cold today. 35*F (2*C). Nice and cozy just the way I like it :D


My niece's birthday is today and I don't know if the package has arrived yet. I hope so!!


I am taking a saltine break (need one after cranking out the purple ATW so fast). My next plan is to use up the extra saltines I made with the leftover yarn from the ATW I made originally. I may spend some time this weekend laying out the squares to see what might look good. I am thinking of a baby nine patch with each patch being different. We'll see how it looks when I lay it all out.


Hope your niece gets that package soon! I'm dying to hear how much she likes it :D A baby nine patch with different color patches would look great I think. I was thinking the same thing a while back. Have a great day at work!


I want to know how you crochet on the elliptical too. :thinkI usually spend my time on it trying not to fall off :rofl


You and me both, honey, you and me both :rofl


Good morning, all. I definitely am on the mend now. My head and chest both feel better today. It will take time to get the energy back, but I can think straight today and at a normal speed, not like each thought is being pulled out of the depths. :lol


I'm so very glad to hear you're feeling better! That was a persistent bug :hug


Busy week at the girls' school, and they are so excited, that they seem rather super-charged this morning. It is 'Beach Party' day, so they packed towels to sit on at lunchtime, visors to wear, and flip-flop necklaces. They both insisted on wearing hibiscus-print dresses, so we layered them over turtlenecks and leggings, because with a morning temp of -22 degrees, I did not think blue goosebumps set-off the hibiscus fabric too well :P


Oh how cute they must've been! :manyheart


Good Morning! Julie's first post for our CAL was January 27th, 2007! Happy Anniversary to us. :manyheart


Oh my goodness!! Two years and still going strong! I'm so happy about this I can't even begin to tell you :manyheart You ladies are absolutely the bestest :manyheart


BD is staying home sick today, bless his little heart. He was up most of the night with a headache :( So he didn't get any sleep at all. I, on the other hand, finally got a halfway decent night's sleep. I almost feel guilty....almost :lol So the kitties and I are being quiet today so Daddy can get some sleep. So the audiobook will be on a lower volume and crochet is nice and quiet :hook

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Good Morning! Julie's first post for our CAL was January 27th, 2007! Happy Anniversary to us. :manyheart


We have a little ice and they're predicting more as the day goes on...I'm staying home today. :)

Yeah! We're two years old and getting better at this every day. Stay warm and safe today. :yay:clap:yay


Cara, sorry to hear the BD is sick. Hope he gets to feeling better very soon. Enjoy your day with your hook. :hug

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Oh my goodness!! Two years and still going strong! I'm so happy about this I can't even begin to tell you :manyheart You ladies are absolutely the bestest :manyheart

Didn't we split off from the "Quilt-ghan CAL" or something like that??


This is really amazing...


And please give the furbabies a sratch under their chins and BD an extra hug. I hope when he wakes up he feels a whole lot better.


Kitties and hubbies are so sweet when they're sleeping:lol

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Afternoon everyone! Just popping in to tell you that we got ice last night and today and more is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. My boss even closed our office for both days! So I'm home and :hook on a sweater...my first crocheted sweater. I sure hope it fits! I did take some pics of the ice and posted them on my blog if any one is interested.

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WOO HOO! 2 years for us!! Well, I've only been here for a year of it or so but hey! 2 YEARS!!!! :cheer



Dusti~This is what my flag ghan looked like a ways back. I now have 5 blocks done & together, 1 more stripes one left to go. :cheer




This is gorgeous! Where is this pattern at?

I checked out that Sky thread. :eek Wow! Seems like someone posts every couple minutes. If I joined I'd post a pic of me crocheting while on my elliptical machine!


Yes, you heard that right. :lol


OOOH can we see a pic! If I can show DH that I can crochet and exercise at the same time I might be able to convince him I need more yarn! :lol



Hope everyone is staying warm where its cold and cool where its hot! :think Wow confused myself...gonna be a long day!

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Afternoon everyone! Just popping in to tell you that we got ice last night and today and more is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. My boss even closed our office for both days! So I'm home and :hook on a sweater...my first crocheted sweater. I sure hope it fits! I did take some pics of the ice and posted them on my blog if any one is interested.


Wow! The ice is beautiful but good call on your boss' part. No one needs to be out in that :no


This is gorgeous! Where is this pattern at?


That's one she designed all by herself :manyheart

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Good morning, all. I definitely am on the mend now. My head and chest both feel better today. It will take time to get the energy back, but I can think straight today and at a normal speed, not like each thought is being pulled out of the depths. :lol


Im glad your feeling a lot better. :hug


Good Morning! Julie's first post for our CAL was January 27th, 2007! Happy Anniversary to us. :manyheart


We have a little ice and they're predicting more as the day goes on...I'm staying home today. :)


Wow 2 years thats fantastic. :yay Happy Anniversary :woo


Thanks for all the well wishes for Daddy :manyheart The headache went away about 7 and he's just sleeping now :yes


Im glad he is feeling a lot better. :hug


Afternoon everyone! Just popping in to tell you that we got ice last night and today and more is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. My boss even closed our office for both days! So I'm home and :hook on a sweater...my first crocheted sweater. I sure hope it fits! I did take some pics of the ice and posted them on my blog if any one is interested.


Thats great of your boss to do that. Cant wait to see your sweater.


WOO HOO! 2 years for us!! Well, I've only been here for a year of it or so but hey! 2 YEARS!!!! :cheer

OOOH can we see a pic! If I can show DH that I can crochet and exercise at the same time I might be able to convince him I need more yarn! :lol



Hope everyone is staying warm where its cold and cool where its hot! :think Wow confused myself...gonna be a long day!


You could say that crocheting while on the exercise machine makes you crochet faster and thats why you need more yarn. :lol

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Linda M ~ Wow! I'm so glad you didn't have to get out in the ice. Your pictures are great. :yes


Cara, I hope BD is lots better by now. :)


Yay, Tracy has enough yarn for the Angel ghan!:cheer


I've been forcing myself to work on the taxes - they're not finished, but close. That and the usual cleaning and laundry...and tonight is crochet time. :hook

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Afternoon everyone! Just popping in to tell you that we got ice last night and today and more is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. My boss even closed our office for both days! So I'm home and :hook on a sweater...my first crocheted sweater. I sure hope it fits! I did take some pics of the ice and posted them on my blog if any one is interested.

Great pictures, Linda M. I'm glad you don't have to get out in it. Stay safe.


I remember when this CAL started. I hadn't been a member very long and it was one of my first CALs to join. Now it's my home base in here.


I spent another day on snowflakes and angels today. The angel pattern is called "Robbie's Angel" and they are part of my church's outreach programs. I crochet the pieces (hence the pins in the photos) and another lady sews them together (my least favorite part.)



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Thanks for the positive comments on my pics. There is a lot more ice now and we have limbs down or hanging almost to the ground. I'll try to take some more pics tomorrow. So far we still have electricity; hope it stays that way!

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Thanks for the positive comments on my pics. There is a lot more ice now and we have limbs down or hanging almost to the ground. I'll try to take some more pics tomorrow. So far we still have electricity; hope it stays that way!


It's gotten worse? That's not good :no Hope you keep your power :hug

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