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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Jessie - Yes, makeup is good to cover the rash. I know that can make one a bit timid. Couple of gals at my rheumy that have lupus :( They were afraid that's what I had but I'm so glad it's just RA. That I can live with. Lupus is rough. :hug I used to dress all in black and I have black (well black and silver now) hair. I was goth before there was a name for it :lol Not now though. But I do start with a layer of black. Black pants, black shirt or shell sweater then I add a nice blouse on top. It's an easy, easy formula to look put together and that way I don't have to try to do up the buttons on a blouse with my fumble fingers :rofl

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Priszm, we went on one cruise years ago...a 7 day one, and it was just the right amount of time.


Our last one 2 years ago was 7 days. With this one, Mom had told me about how Royal Caribbean is also feeling the effects of the economy and they had inside cabins for $199. I told DBF and he asked when the cruise was. I mentioned it in passing, so I didn't know. Asked Mom, she priced out a bunch of different ships/itineraries for us, including 7 days. This was the one DBF choose. He did agree though, 7 is better :D

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I've never been on a cruise, although they sound nice. I'd probably end up burned to a crisp unless I stayed in the shade all the time though. So it's probably not in my future.


Now that all the saltines are made for the PD I've started putting them together. I've got the first of 12 blocks about half way done. I think I've decided on the border, too. In the morning before the sun comes up, everything in the desert looks pale gray and at night it is pitch black, so I'm thinking I'll do a double color border with pale gray on the inside and black on the outside. Should set the middle off nicely. It's going to be interesting how this looks when it's done, because one of the skeins of yarn I got for the red says it's the same as the rest, but it isn't. :eek It's several shades lighter and I don't feel like redoing all the squares that are done with it. Hopefully it won't be too bad. :rolleyes

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Hello ladies! Sorry I know it's been a couple days but the end of the week is a pooper for me. I can only go just so many days with barely any sleep before my brain & body give up.


My mom pierced my ears at 14 because she'd just bought this spiffy new piercing gun and she wanted to try it out. I wore earring until I was 20 and DS #1 was born. He was fascinated with earrings and it HURT if he got hold of them :lol That put an end to my earring days, except the day BD and I got married. Those were clipon though because I can't get earring in the holes anymore :rofl


The thought of my Mom coming near me with a piercing gun is scarey. I think i'de be mentally scarred. :lol


I do have my ears pierced & I know the first hole was done when I was a baby. The second hole I got done in the mall. I had one in my cartilage but my friend did it when we were 14 7 she used bengay to numb me, well it got a tad bit infected. my ear swelled so bad that you couldn't see the earring. boy did it hurt when the ER had to dig & pry it out. OUCH! I don't wear earrings anymore unless it's a real special occassion. The only piercing I actually wear is my tongue ring & I feel naked without. I've had it for 11 yrs. now. :yes

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John went hunting after work and the deer won again. He saw one but it was too far away to take a shot at it.


I agree with you on the tongue ring, Cara. Rates right up there with a nose ring. Yuck! More power to you Tabby, but it's not right for me. I'll stick with earrings.

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Hello Happy House folks!!


Lets see .... earrings....I have 2 holes in each ear...first set is gauged to a 6, second hole is probably closed. Got the second one done in a salon and she did them crooked going down toward the back of my lobe...never again! In fact, for anyone thinking about getting yours pierced by a "gun" or piercing your child's by a "gun" I STRONGLY advise you to talk to a professional piercer. Getting a piercing by a gun is basically a bullet wound! Its a needlessly painful puncture wound. any professional piercer will use a special needle intended for those purposes only and will also strongly advise you not to get a piercing by a gun. Also look for a piercing studio that is APP certified. (Association of Professional Piercers) They are just as clean and sterile (if not cleaner!) than a doctor's office and are very safe. :soap (ok off my soap box for now!) I also have a Monroe piercing (upper lip in the same area as Marilyn Monroe's mole.) And will probably have a few more someday. Would love to have my tongue pierce but can't STAND the clamp they use on your tongue during your piercing.


Ok enough of that rant.....


umm so haven't gotten around to any saltines lately :blush But everyone else is doing really well! :D

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Howdy doody everyone.


I have been busy with the MAM, Tree of Life, Rainbow, LTK and just havent got back to the scrappydoo, I must try and get it finished before Feb.


As for piercings, I have my ears pierced but dont wear ear rings very often. I hate nose and tongue piercings, I just think they are grouse.


How is everyone going with their projects, are you all ready to do Caras Angel ghan.

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Boy, you never know what the subject will be in here til you get here. Like Christmas every day . :lol


I have pieced ears and used the "self-piercers" that were all the rage in the early 70's around here.

Some of you may not know what that is ( especially some of the younger ones, because I doubt they still make them . )

They look like little hoop earrings, but the front part that goes on your ear is sharp, like a sewing needle. The back has a tiny loop of metal that sits so that the needle in the front points into the loop on the back .

Every day you had to squeeze those earrings, so that they'd work their way through your ears, a day at a time .

It didnt hurt that much til you got down to that final last thin flap of skin, then OUCH .


And after all that, I havent worn earrings since 1975. :lol

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Boy, you never know what the subject will be in here til you get here. Like Christmas every day . :lol


I have pieced ears and used the "self-piercers" that were all the rage in the early 70's around here.

Some of you may not know what that is ( especially some of the younger ones, because I doubt they still make them . )

They look like little hoop earrings, but the front part that goes on your ear is sharp, like a sewing needle. The back has a tiny loop of metal that sits so that the needle in the front points into the loop on the back .

Every day you had to squeeze those earrings, so that they'd work their way through your ears, a day at a time .

It didnt hurt that much til you got down to that final last thin flap of skin, then OUCH .


And after all that, I havent worn earrings since 1975. :lol


Yep, those are the ones that Momma's gun replaced :lol It's a shame I don't wear earrings. Mine are in the exact center of my lobes and perfectly straight :lol My sister's are too because everyone had to go "under the gun" so to speak that day :rofl

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Good Morning Ladies.


Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


Well, i'm hoping to get some :hook done today. My hours at work have been cut again this week so now i'm only on 4 days a week. An extra day to rest, relax & hook. :yes

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Good Morning Ladies.


Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


Well, i'm hoping to get some :hook done today. My hours at work have been cut again this week so now i'm only on 4 days a week. An extra day to rest, relax & hook. :yes


Oh dear Lord please save us the details of sister's piercing :rofl Sorry they cut your hours but I'm glad you're getting more time to relax :hug

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Oh dear Lord please save us the details of sister's piercing :rofl Sorry they cut your hours but I'm glad you're getting more time to relax :hug


Believe me I will. :rofl


Thanks, it's okay I guess. it gives me more time to play here with you all. :hug

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Good Morning Ladies.


Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


Well, i'm hoping to get some :hook done today. My hours at work have been cut again this week so now i'm only on 4 days a week. An extra day to rest, relax & hook. :yes

An extra day to hook:clap

...and your sister's piercing must be at the place I saw as being "not recommended" when I went in to get "ink" at my local tattoo parlor a few years ago.:lol


I finally uploaded the picture of my scrappydo #1


Love it...looks even better, if that's possible, when I blew it up to see the detail!:clap

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Yep, those are the ones that Momma's gun replaced :lol It's a shame I don't wear earrings. Mine are in the exact center of my lobes and perfectly straight :lol My sister's are too because everyone had to go "under the gun" so to speak that day :rofl


Cara - I went to the goth piercing shop and got some 18 gauge studs that have the screw on back and put them in my ears. They stay there and since they're surgical steel, they are perfect for my sensitive skin. If I WANT to take them out, they've left a nice large hole and it's easy to get regular earrings in without giving me skin sensitivities. Those studs stay in my ears 98% of the time and I never have to fuss with them.

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Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


OK, here is MY issue with those piercings (aside from the obvious)...


First, who in their RIGHT mind would go to a complete stranger and say "here are my goods, get your eyes within inches of them, put your hands ALL OVER them and then pierce it...." I mean - going to a doctor who has SEEN everything and everyone is one thing, but to go to a man on the street is a completely different beast. Although, if you're getting pierced there, you've probably got a whole different outlook on privacy than I do to begin with.


Second - hygiene... let alone the day to day after it heals, HOW in the world would one keep that area clean enough to prevent infection while it heals? :eek And there would go your jeans wearing days for about a week!

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Good morning, everyone. You never know what you will find in here. I think piercing, like tattoos, are a matter of what each individual is comfortable with. For people in public service areas, conservative is best, but on your own time, whatever works for you. I have 3 tattoos and got them all after I turned 40. They are all in places that rarely show unless I feel like showing them to someone and they were all chosen for what they mean to me, not just to have one. When my mom found out about the 1st two she almost fainted. Of the 3 of us, I'm probably the last one she ever figured would get a tattoo. That's all right, I got them for me and not for her or for shock value to her. I don't think she's even seen the 3rd one. :D


I'm going to be taking it easy for the most part today and tomorrow. I have to go to the drugstore and library today, but other than that will be home. Have a good day!

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I watched a programme about piercings and one woman who was being pierced there allowed the cameras in to film it! :eek The piercer specialised in unusual piercings.

An exhibitionist!:devil


Good morning, everyone. You never know what you will find in here. I think piercing, like tattoos, are a matter of what each individual is comfortable with. For people in public service areas, conservative is best, but on your own time, whatever works for you. I have 3 tattoos and got them all after I turned 40. They are all in places that rarely show unless I feel like showing them to someone and they were all chosen for what they mean to me, not just to have one. When my mom found out about the 1st two she almost fainted. Of the 3 of us, I'm probably the last one she ever figured would get a tattoo. That's all right, I got them for me and not for her or for shock value to her. I don't think she's even seen the 3rd one. :D


I'm going to be taking it easy for the most part today and tomorrow. I have to go to the drugstore and library today, but other than that will be home. Have a good day!

I got my tattoo (nice sized one too;)) when I was in my mid-50's. SDR was out of town on business when I did it. He knew I wanted to get one, but never dreamed I'd have the nerve! It was healed by the time he got home. He was very impressed...and it is also in a place where I have to really know the person well in order to share it with them:lol Recently (over a bit of wine, when it was confession time for the bunch of us) I shared about it - but didn't show it - with my book club. Me and the 30 yo there finally had something in common!

Have a relaxing day, Linda...knowing you, you'll probably knock out another project!:hook

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