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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I'm in trouble if there is :lol Which one are you planning on doing?



I'm still trying to decide which one I want to do. I think I have it narrowed down to two It takes a Village and A Harvest of Friends. Which one are you doing????

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I'm still trying to decide which one I want to do. I think I have it narrowed down to two It takes a Village and A Harvest of Friends. Which one are you doing????


I'm doing a double Irish Chain in shades of brown; a double Irish Chain in scraps; a Baby Rings Mile a Minute in Caron SS; an H bag for the Vanna's Choice contest and a Prairie Star for a friend. Oh, and I'm adding a shawl. :hook

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Cara~Congrats on the 10,000 posts & on your casa deal (read it in the sky CAL). :clap


Well, we are in for it again weather wise. Geesh, i'm going to move in with Cara. :D They are talking snow from 7 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow, then ice not ending until Thursday. :eek Someone call in the sled dogs & save me. :yes

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Wow.. I haven't been here very long. and I have yet to finish a blanket. But I love to come here daily and read all the posts!! It puts a smile:D on my face. I keep having other project that keep coming up so I haven't gotten back to my saltines. Maybe by February..??:eek

I really enjoy everyone here!!:hug




Just hop on in whenever you feel like. No pressure in here :D


Morning all. Here is a picture of the finished ATW, version 2. It is nice and warm. :D


th_100_1617.jpg clickable


Oh wowza!! Wish I'd done mine like that now :lol It's gorgeous and I adore the colors :clap


Tracy I really like how you ATW turned out.


I think I have all the garden saltines made. I have about a row and a half left to sew together and then it will be time to do the border.


That went pretty quickly didn't it? Great job :clap


Uh, that's soon to be 6 :lol I decided I wanted to make ME a shawl for our cruise in 2 weeks. I tend to be a freeze baby and I like the idea of a shawl. I've been eyeing the Angelika pattern, then I found one I like better, this one. I dragged DBF to Michael's last night (I really needed another 2 skeins for my H bag for the Vanna's contest!) and picked up in Vanna's Silver and Colonial (pretty sure it's that one) blue. I got those planning on doing the Angelika. Now I'm debating doing these for the Bead Shawl. I'm thinking the Silver Blue for the body and something different for the edge in the Colonial Blue. I saw it on Ravelry and someone did it in a kinda rainbow fuzzy yarn and it was so pretty. I'm planning on a quick dash to Joann's for the beads today, so I need to hurry up and decide :think


Oooh I love the silver blue in Vanna's. That's what I'm using for a baby blanket for the contest :yes


Tracy - you ATW version is very nice!


Let's see...we have....


Wendy the Enabler

Cara the Creator

Me, the Enforcer

Linda the Caregiver

Tabby the Icemaker


:rofl Anybody else wanna choose a "clan name" :rofl


:rofl :rofl :rofl


Cara~Congrats on the 10,000 posts & on your casa deal (read it in the sky CAL). :clap


Well, we are in for it again weather wise. Geesh, i'm going to move in with Cara. :D They are talking snow from 7 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow, then ice not ending until Thursday. :eek Someone call in the sled dogs & save me. :yes


Jimeny crickets! Y'all are having a rough winter. Yeah move in here. It was 34* all day yesterday and it's 61* right now. I really wish it'd make up my mind :wlol


Starting the 2nd round of the border on the GT today :yay Was gonna do my floors today but I'm too stiff so I think it'll just be a crochet day for me after basic chores :D

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hey ladies! sorry ive been absent.. Ive been having a few issues around here since the babe came home. Im dealing with a "superficial infection" on my incision! Its a bummer.. I'll try to be around more, and the GEO is still unfinished =(

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hey ladies! sorry ive been absent.. Ive been having a few issues around here since the babe came home. Im dealing with a "superficial infection" on my incision! Its a bummer.. I'll try to be around more, and the GEO is still unfinished =(


Sweet pea, you have a newborn! You're probably still recovering from the delivery and a bit sleep deprived. Take care of yourself first, we'll still be here :hug


Ok I want to join but I received a message that JulieKay is not receiving PM's. Is this correct or can someone tell me what I did wrong?

I've chosen It Takes a Village.


Julie isn't doing the Saltine counts right now. Mary (Skysmom) is currently tracking the saltine smackdown. If you're joining the smackdown, just post how many solids and bi-colored squares you've done. Have fun :hook

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hey ladies! sorry ive been absent.. Ive been having a few issues around here since the babe came home. Im dealing with a "superficial infection" on my incision! Its a bummer.. I'll try to be around more, and the GEO is still unfinished =(


Oh dear :( Hope the infection clears up right away. Take it easy for a bit sweetie :hug


Ok I want to join but I received a message that JulieKay is not receiving PM's. Is this correct or can someone tell me what I did wrong?

I've chosen It Takes a Village.


No need for PMs....just grab a hook and pull up a chair :hook Welcome to the group :hug

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Well, we are in for it again weather wise. Geesh, i'm going to move in with Cara. :D They are talking snow from 7 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow, then ice not ending until Thursday. :eek Someone call in the sled dogs & save me. :yes

Oh, Tabby. You just reminded me of one of the reasons I moved to Georgia and why I don't really want to move back to the upper midwest. Stay safe and warm.

hey ladies! sorry ive been absent.. Ive been having a few issues around here since the babe came home. Im dealing with a "superficial infection" on my incision! Its a bummer.. I'll try to be around more, and the GEO is still unfinished =(

Erin, just take care of yourself and little Alex. Get as much rest as you can when you can. We'll still be here when you're feeling better.


I'm working on a Christmas stocking today. I've got all the squares crocheted, so that just leaves hiding all the tails (:yuck) and putting it together.

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Melody - JulieKay isn't on here very often. You can just jumpt right in, and just hang out with us. It Take a Village is a great quiltghan!!!!


Thanks for letting me know. I'm looking forward to doing the quilt-ghan.

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Howdy everyone :hi


I have sewn 4 rows together on my scrappy doo pet blanket. Might do more today.


Cara your nearly finished. :cheer


Uh, that's soon to be 6 :lol I decided I wanted to make ME a shawl for our cruise in 2 weeks. I tend to be a freeze baby and I like the idea of a shawl. I've been eyeing the Angelika pattern, then I found one I like better, this one. I dragged DBF to Michael's last night (I really needed another 2 skeins for my H bag for the Vanna's contest!) and picked up in Vanna's Silver and Colonial (pretty sure it's that one) blue. I got those planning on doing the Angelika. Now I'm debating doing these for the Bead Shawl. I'm thinking the Silver Blue for the body and something different for the edge in the Colonial Blue. I saw it on Ravelry and someone did it in a kinda rainbow fuzzy yarn and it was so pretty. I'm planning on a quick dash to Joann's for the beads today, so I need to hurry up and decide :think


:lol your getting there only 4 more projects. Have fun at the shops.


Tracy - you ATW version is very nice!


Let's see...we have....


Wendy the Enabler

Cara the Creator

Me, the Enforcer

Linda the Caregiver

Tabby the Icemaker


:rofl Anybody else wanna choose a "clan name" :rofl


:rofl :rofl


Well, we are in for it again weather wise. Geesh, i'm going to move in with Cara. :D They are talking snow from 7 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow, then ice not ending until Thursday. :eek Someone call in the sled dogs & save me. :yes


Oh dear, try and stay warm. Thats a lot of snow, hope you dont get snowed in there.


hey ladies! sorry ive been absent.. Ive been having a few issues around here since the babe came home. Im dealing with a "superficial infection" on my incision! Its a bummer.. I'll try to be around more, and the GEO is still unfinished =(


Hope it heals soon Erin, take it easy. :hug


Thanks for letting me know. I'm looking forward to doing the quilt-ghan.


Welcome and the It takes a village is a beautiful ghan to make. You will enjoy it.

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Cara~I see you need rug yarn. Any rug yarn? Is it all the same? I was given a skein of red still in the plastic but i'm not sure how old it is & if they've changed it any. It is very thick & almost seems kinda like a rope. I dunno. :think But if it sounds like anything you'de use i'll get it to ya after I get my skis waxed & tuned. :D

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Cara~I see you need rug yarn. Any rug yarn? Is it all the same? I was given a skein of red still in the plastic but i'm not sure how old it is & if they've changed it any. It is very thick & almost seems kinda like a rope. I dunno. :think But if it sounds like anything you'de use i'll get it to ya after I get my skis waxed & tuned. :D


Yep, still always need that rug yarn :D They're all the same as far as this project is concerned. Any amount too. Even if it's just a yard or so it'll be helpful. I really need to pull that rug back out and get to work on it. Need to probably join the RAD CAL for motivation :lol I'd appreciate any bits you have but wait til it thaws :wlol

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Yep, still always need that rug yarn :D They're all the same as far as this project is concerned. Any amount too. Even if it's just a yard or so it'll be helpful. I really need to pull that rug back out and get to work on it. Need to probably join the RAD CAL for motivation :lol I'd appreciate any bits you have but wait til it thaws :wlol


I know it's a full skein still in it's plastic. I will get it out hopefully by the end of the week. :yes


I need something for motivation too but a CAL just ain't cutting it. :no Maybe I need to pick up drinking, that might just help. :party:lol

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :) It turned into a very long day - Maggie and Zoe must have thought they were orphans. ;) I ended up spending most of the day dealing with parent issues and didn't get home until after 7...and I have a horrible time driving after dark. :eek


I'm going to catch up on posts, have a glass of wine and crawl into bed. Thanks for being here once again. :manyheart

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Cara, I got gifted some rug yarn that I have no idea what to do with. Would you like it? There are 6 oz of buttercup (Woolworth brand), 2 oz of yellow (Caron brand), 2 oz of rust (Woolworth brand), and 1 1/2 to 2 oz of steel gray (Aunt Lydia's), and maybe 1 oz of brown (no label).

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :) It turned into a very long day - Maggie and Zoe must have thought they were orphans. ;) I ended up spending most of the day dealing with parent issues and didn't get home until after 7...and I have a horrible time driving after dark. :eek


I'm going to catch up on posts, have a glass of wine and crawl into bed. Thanks for being here once again. :manyheart


Oh dear. Just never ends does it? Climbing in bed with a glass of wine sounds like just the ticket :hug


Cara, I got gifted some rug yarn that I have no idea what to do with. Would you like it? There are 6 oz of buttercup (Woolworth brand), 2 oz of yellow (Caron brand), 2 oz of rust (Woolworth brand), and 1 1/2 to 2 oz of steel gray (Aunt Lydia's), and maybe 1 oz of brown (no label).


Oooh, yes please :D

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