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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I was thinking of Erin last night, too... Hope all is well and that she can check in, soon :manyheart


Wendy ~ The Grecian Tile is beautiful!!! Such nice work that you do! Were you able to keep it a secret from your mum? She is going to be overjoyed to receive it :yes


Love the little dragon, Val :clap I read your comments about your wish for more pics, especially when it came time to attach the wings, but it looks as though you got the instructions figured out perfectly. DBF will really like the lil' guy :yes


Everyone ~ Good luck getting the details under control this week; sounds as though it is going to be exciting at everyone's house. I stayed up until midnight last night, but I did finish wrapping, labeling and packing up all of the gifts for our girls, 6 nephews and 1 niece. Whew! That was a task-and-a-half. Today, I have food to make and packing to do. Did I mention, that I am helping with Christmas parties in both girls' classrooms?!? Then, we leave for our hometown in the morning. We'll make it, but I sure am glad I have my lists to keep me organized.


Stay warm :santa

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Erin ~ Hang in there, Hon :hug It's a hard time of year for everyone, but I can just imagine how quickly the thoughts are always buzzing around in your head. Be really careful when you head out to the doctor's later on :yes I did not remember that you had that wedding this weekend, so it makes sense that you did not check-in. Sorry I jumped the gun on the worry :P I DO hope you and DH both feel better, and that you have a good check-up.


Take care.

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Priszm, the dragon is adorable!!:cheer You have me almost convinced to try one...I did say almost:lol


Wendy, the tablecloth is beautiful! You did such a great job.:clap I'm also tickled at how you remember how many skiens of yarn you used...I'm only getting to that point when I make things - and that's only because people are starting to ask :P

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Here is the Grecian Tile Tablecloth.


It measures 60inches X 115inches. It took 18 skeins of green and 10 skeins of white (100grm each) to do this one.


My cats were inspecting it to make sure I had done it right.:lol




th_PC220096.jpg This shows the border I did and I used the last 3 rows of the pattern as the border.


It looks great Wendy!! :clap


Good morning! Sorry I havent been around much, and even more sadly its not because of the baby!! my brain is kinda just gone at this point. We got snowed in for a little while Friday then had the rehearsal dinner/rehearsal, wedding Saturday and both me and hubby did not feel good yesterday. Im feeling better sickness wise, him not so much. He never gets sick so hes really frustrated. My nerves are really beating on me right about now! This really is the blizzard of 08. We had more than 100 cars involved in accidents on one like 40 mile stretch of highway so it was shut down for a while. Lucky for us that was more by the lakeshore and not in our town, however hubby went out yesterday and said it wasn't very nice, plus everyone trying to shop. It has been snowing steady for at LEAST a few hours now, so we will see what its like. Rural roads haven't even really been plowed in over a day now, and they cannot salt the roads because of temps being so low. At least we're up to 16 degrees today, cause yesterday was 2 with narly wind chills.


We go to the doctors in an hour to figure out if anythings happening with this whole giving birth thing lol. My moods are so grim and hes only 3 days late. I think its just cause of the holidays. They will most likely set us up with an inducing date today too....maybe that will scare my body into motion.


Good luck with the doctor :hug


I was thinking of Erin last night, too... Hope all is well and that she can check in, soon :manyheart


Wendy ~ The Grecian Tile is beautiful!!! Such nice work that you do! Were you able to keep it a secret from your mum? She is going to be overjoyed to receive it :yes


Love the little dragon, Val :clap I read your comments about your wish for more pics, especially when it came time to attach the wings, but it looks as though you got the instructions figured out perfectly. DBF will really like the lil' guy :yes


Everyone ~ Good luck getting the details under control this week; sounds as though it is going to be exciting at everyone's house. I stayed up until midnight last night, but I did finish wrapping, labeling and packing up all of the gifts for our girls, 6 nephews and 1 niece. Whew! That was a task-and-a-half. Today, I have food to make and packing to do. Did I mention, that I am helping with Christmas parties in both girls' classrooms?!? Then, we leave for our hometown in the morning. We'll make it, but I sure am glad I have my lists to keep me organized.


Stay warm :santa


Sounds like you've got everything under control :clap


All I have left to do is to make two more baby dragons and put the border on the Geo and then I'm done :yay

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Good morning, everyone. I just woke up a little bit ago. I have several errands to run and do want to stop by Michaels and HL while out. The last filet piece and the Stacked Cubes probably won't get finished until after Christmas at the rate I'm moving. I'm very, very tired. Oh, well, they'll get there when they get there.


Erin, take care. Rest while your can and be very careful on the roads.


The dragon is wonderful! You did a great job on it, Priszm.


Wendy, the tablecloth is lovely. You do such fantastic things. Wow!!!

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Roads were actually fairly decent all things considered. Nothing new has progressed with Alex, they set us up to be induced on Saturday so he has til then to try =) My nerves are a bit calmed down now I guess, but we'll see how I feel Friday. Thanks for thinking/praying for us, its greatly appreciated!

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Erin - Has your doctor told you the one thing that is a KNOWN labor-progressor? Without too many details, it's a naturally occuring hormone. There is a reason why a late labor makes many husbands happy, as it's not a hormone that you yourself have. If you need any further information, I think a PM best.

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Erin - Has your doctor told you the one thing that is a KNOWN labor-progressor? Without too many details, it's a naturally occuring hormone. There is a reason why a late labor makes many husbands happy, as it's not a hormone that you yourself have. If you need any further information, I think a PM best.


oh trust me...we've tried everything on the list ;)

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oh trust me...we've tried everything on the list ;)


You poor thing! When was your baby due? (sorry, I've not had time to read all the past postings where I'm sure this info was contained)

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The dragon is done!!! Now to find a box and wrap it! I have it posted here.

How cute! Your work is wonderful.:hook I've added 13 more squares to the list.


Here is the Grecian Tile Tablecloth.


It measures 60inches X 115inches. It took 18 skeins of green and 10 skeins of white (100grm each) to do this one.


My cats were inspecting it to make sure I had done it right.:lol




th_PC220096.jpg This shows the border I did and I used the last 3 rows of the pattern as the border.

Absolutely gorgeous, Wendy. :cheer


Everyone ~ Good luck getting the details under control this week; sounds as though it is going to be exciting at everyone's house. I stayed up until midnight last night, but I did finish wrapping, labeling and packing up all of the gifts for our girls, 6 nephews and 1 niece. Whew! That was a task-and-a-half. Today, I have food to make and packing to do. Did I mention, that I am helping with Christmas parties in both girls' classrooms?!? Then, we leave for our hometown in the morning. We'll make it, but I sure am glad I have my lists to keep me organized.


Stay warm :santa

Dusti ~ Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. :manyheart My lists are getting longer instead of shorter. :lol

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Cara, I'm glad you had a good visit with your family and are home safely. :)


Erin ~ At least you know Alex will come this week, one way or another. :hug Even though our daughter is 34, I still remember going through the same thing. My weekly appts. were on Fridays and a week past my due date, my dr. said "See you at the hospital on Monday morning." She was born the Monday before Thanksgiving.


Linda, I hope your cold is better and that you can have some time to yourself this week now that John is back. :manyheart


Tomorrow will be the final trip to the store (famous last words :lol) to pick up the roast we ordered and a few other things. I truly enjoy all the preparations and cooking...DH is in town all week, so he will help a lot. :yes

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Erin - all the best to you! I was induced for 56 hours until they decided to make my oldest sons birth more of a horror story. Supposedly inducing labor makes the contractions worse but I did not have the physical part of the labor only the psychological & emotional. I got to the point of threatening to kill the exhusband. :lol


We will hold you to that. :lol What pattern are you doing.

An awareness ribbon one in purple. I need 34 bicolor, 175 white, & 106 purple squares. All done into 15 sections.... 25 in each section but the last one. That is just a row of 15 squares on the top. It will be a lapghan size one.

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Erin - all the best to you! I was induced for 56 hours until they decided to make my oldest sons birth more of a horror story. Supposedly inducing labor makes the contractions worse but I did not have the physical part of the labor only the psychological & emotional. I got to the point of threatening to kill the exhusband. :lol


I dont do pain so we will see about how it goes, and I am for sure a very emotional woman so Im praying for my husband and mother when they are in my room. Mom will understand because shes used to seeing these sort of things but I fear my husband will faint, explode, or just have a break down of his own.


My sister was 36 hours of inducing before they figured he was breech, then did a c-section. I know right now Alex isn't breech so I take comfort in that. I also know my body reacts to medicine fairly well. Thankfully they will NOT be starting with pitocin on me.


We were hoping for Friday to be the day since that's my 41 week mark but because of the holiday that's kinda screwy. I was surprised when he said Saturday because they(so im told by my mother) don't usually do that sort of thing on weekends or holidays. Maybe my doctor just urged for me, Im sure he could tell how miserable I was today. Who knows could come today still

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The checker board is done :yay


Here is the checker board and the checkers (the black and white dots). I think it turned out pretty neat!




Yes it did turn out very cute!! Excellent job :clap

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The checker board is done :yay


Here is the checker board and the checkers (the black and white dots). I think it turned out pretty neat!




It's wonderful, Karen! Can I steal your idea for a 7 year old great niece? :D


It's cold here (for North Texas) and they're calling for freezing rain and ice tonight. For all of you in the "real" winter weather - I hope you are safe and warm. :manyheart

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Karen, it looks great! Hubby's little brother is going to really enjoy it!


Mary, it got cold here in FL too. There's a reason I moved to FL, I don't like being cold. And it's been cold here.

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Erin - Has your doctor told you the one thing that is a KNOWN labor-progressor? Without too many details, it's a naturally occuring hormone. There is a reason why a late labor makes many husbands happy, as it's not a hormone that you yourself have. If you need any further information, I think a PM best.


The checker board is done :yay


Here is the checker board and the checkers (the black and white dots). I think it turned out pretty neat!



Karen, it's great! I'm sure it will be much loved and used.

try 4 degrees with a wind chill ;)

:wbrr:wcold:wbrr I remember those days. Yuck!!! Take care and stay warm, Erin.


I spent the evening with Rosie and John. We washed and blocked out Kim's shawl. It's now drying in their bathroom. After supper Rosie and I made New York cheesecake from scratch. We ended up with a 13" x 9" one and a 9" circular one. They smelled absolutely wonderful. We had a marvelous time visiting. I'll be making a salad/dessert called Jellied Holiday Nog, Ambrosia Salad in a Cloud, and a Chex Bar recipe to take to the get together on Christmas. John will be making venison meatballs. I'm also planning on making everyone a loaf of Cherry Nut Bread to take home. I have to get baking and cooking tomorrow. Rosie's daughter and family from Colorado arrive tomorrow for a week.


Here are pictures of the finished filet pieces. The first is the framed piece for John and Kim. The second is the framed piece for John for his office.


Next is the piece for John & Kim's son. Finally is one of the one's headed to my mom and brothers. I blocked each piece and then pinned it to backing material. Then I rolled them around empty Christmas wrap tubes and wrapped the resulting cylinder in Chistmas paper. They look intriguing and totally unlike what they actually contain. :devil


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It's wonderful, Karen! Can I steal your idea for a 7 year old great niece? :D


You absolutely may steal the idea :D It was pretty quick and easy to make. I hope he likes it (hubby thinks it turned out great)


Thanks for all the compliments :manyheart



Here are pictures of the finished filet pieces. The first is the framed piece for John and Kim. The second is the framed piece for John for his office.


Next is the piece for John & Kim's son. Finally is one of the one's headed to my mom and brothers. I blocked each piece and then pinned it to backing material. Then I rolled them around empty Christmas wrap tubes and wrapped the resulting cylinder in Chistmas paper. They look intriguing and totally unlike what they actually contain. :devil



WOW! I love the filets - you did a wonderful job on these :yay

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