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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Judy I'm going to make a bunch of little things like bookmarks and ornaments next year too. :yes I think those would be good for gifts and ROAKs.


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We aren't the usual family, Priszm, so don't feel bad. John and Kim are married and celebrated 33 years together this fall. I've been their live-in companion/caregiver for Kim for the last 4+ years. We share the upstairs, but the downstairs is pretty much a self contained apartment for me. Just missing a kitchen down here. John and Kim have one son, and John has another son by his first marriage. I have a son and a daughter from my marriage. Don & I were married for 17 years and have been divorced for 20 years.


I see now! For some reason, from the way I'd read past posts, I thought John was your hubby :lol. Sounds like a great second family you've got.


Priszm, it was supposed to be for Christmas but it may just have to be for next year. I have two quiltghans going right now. The other one I'm out of yarn for and I just can't bring myself to pay the amount HL charges for it. WM quit carrying it so I'll have to suck it up and spend the extra soon. But I don't think either will be finished before Christmas. But at least then I'll have a gift for each of them ready for next year :lol


Since she's not expecting it, no matter when she gets it it'll be a nice surprise.

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Linda - I must say that you are the most dedicated, loving caregiver I have ever heard of. You seem to truly enjoy your work and care, and it seems that John considers you part of the family...


Here, here :party I sincerely hope that I'm half as lucky as Kim and John when my time for a caregiver comes :manyheart


Just a quick check in to let ya'll know i'm alive. We spent approx. 36 hours without power & it was just restored around noon today. We had a really bad ice storm & are in a state of emergency. Alot of people are still without power. We had to stay with family last night because the temp. dropped down to under 30 degrees in my house. Everything runs on electric in here. We did hang in here until about 2 p.m. yesterday & then we just had to leave because the kids were freezing even in there coats & 3 pairs of socks. It is finally starting to warm up in here it has taken forever to get up to 60 in here. I have a feeling we're in for it this winter.


Anyways, I hope all of you are safe & warm. :manyheart


Oh dear! I'm glad y'all are okay. Stay warm :hug


Tomorrow we will drive to my sister's at the Lake. Her DH requested no funeral - but did request an "open the bar and have a party." He was a very well known Dallas businessman and people will be there from all over the country. She's expecting well over 100 people. We are in charge of getting the parents there safely and taking them back home, so it will be a really long day. DH and I obviously don't travel in the same circles...I won't be wearing my usual jeans and sweater tomorrow. :lol


Ahh the Texas Funeral :lol Sounds like he will be sorely missed. You're such a loving daughter to make sure the parents are attended to :manyheart


Mary ~ 37 solids please


almost there... :clap




ive never felt so tired in my entire life...Im thinking today may be a day to sew little squares and nap a bunch


I hear that! I've never tried a quilt in this short amount of time. I'm pooped :lol Just catnaps in between saltines and sewing. I think once Christmas is over I'm going to sleep until after New Year's :rofl

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Priszm, it was supposed to be for Christmas but it may just have to be for next year. I have two quiltghans going right now. The other one I'm out of yarn for and I just can't bring myself to pay the amount HL charges for it. WM quit carrying it so I'll have to suck it up and spend the extra soon. But I don't think either will be finished before Christmas. But at least then I'll have a gift for each of them ready for next year :lol


Maybe they will have the yarn on their website? I been told by a few people that they have yarn on sale at craftsetc.com when they don't at the store. That is the only time I can buy ILTY. And the shipping if free over $25. :hook

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I'm back at making saltines :D I took a bit of a break to do up some other things but had to come back :yes I am making a checker board for a Christmas gift so that will get more onto my score. On that note:


Mary 12 more solids :D

Added! You'll be at 2000 in no time. :hook


Mary ~ 37 solids please


almost there... :clap




ive never felt so tired in my entire life...Im thinking today may be a day to sew little squares and nap a bunch

I hope you've had some time to rest. :manyheart 37 more added to the list. :yes

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We got home about 8. It was a very long day and we drove 300 miles, but it was a good day and a wonderful "Texas Funeral"...thanks for coining the phrase, Cara! :lol It's perfect! There were lots of good stories, kids playing on the lawn, and wonderful food. Bob would have loved every minute of the day.


I know I've missed replying to some posts, but promise to catch up tomorrow. :manyheart

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Morning! Just wanted to stop on and say hi before we head off to the Doctor's office. We got rained on last night/early morning, and OF COURSE it turns to snow....hope the roads aren't too icy cause DHs driving scares me in the snow!! I'll be sure to let you guys know how the appt goes, but I think theres no progression...lil boog...only 5 days til due date

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Morning! Just wanted to stop on and say hi before we head off to the Doctor's office. We got rained on last night/early morning, and OF COURSE it turns to snow....hope the roads aren't too icy cause DHs driving scares me in the snow!! I'll be sure to let you guys know how the appt goes, but I think theres no progression...lil boog...only 5 days til due date


Fingers are crossed he makes an appearance soon. Hopefully so you can have him home by Christmas.

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We got home about 8. It was a very long day and we drove 300 miles, but it was a good day and a wonderful "Texas Funeral"...thanks for coining the phrase, Cara! :lol It's perfect! There were lots of good stories, kids playing on the lawn, and wonderful food. Bob would have loved every minute of the day.


I know I've missed replying to some posts, but promise to catch up tomorrow. :manyheart


Yeah, a Texas funeral can be a very good time indeed. My great-grandmother used to opine "We should get together like this without someone dying" :lol I want mine to be a real shindig. I've even written my own eulogy...."We'll miss her. Let's eat!" :rofl


Morning! Just wanted to stop on and say hi before we head off to the Doctor's office. We got rained on last night/early morning, and OF COURSE it turns to snow....hope the roads aren't too icy cause DHs driving scares me in the snow!! I'll be sure to let you guys know how the appt goes, but I think theres no progression...lil boog...only 5 days til due date


Ooooh it's getting exciting!!! :hug


Howdy to all my good old HH ladies ~~~~ :manyheart


How are you guys in this neck of the woods ?


Any new quilt projects in the works ?


It looks like a lot of you are still doing the saltines, so there must be several quilt-ghans coming to life out there .


JULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumpyay:dance:woo Look everyone it's Julie :manyheart:hug Oh gosh we've missed you SO much!! :ghug


Well, I've gotta have a little break from this break neck speed on the Geo. This old body isn't meant for that :lol Today I'm gonna go my laundry, Christmas cards (better late than never I guess :P), crochet a hat, scarf and 2 hotpads and sew (or at least cut out) an apron. Hmmm, now that I look at that list I think I might be better off with the Geo :rofl

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Pace yourself, Cara!

I had to severely curtail our Christmas card list - it was getting to be too much....which means even many of my friends aren't getting a tangible card this year.

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I stopped doing cards a few years back. I decided that it was way too much stress for a piece of paper. I try to send some out to people I don't actually see during the holidays, but those are few and far between. I usually see most of the family through the holidays.

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Well, I've gotta have a little break from this break neck speed on the Geo. This old body isn't meant for that :lol Today I'm gonna go my laundry, Christmas cards (better late than never I guess :P), crochet a hat, scarf and 2 hotpads and sew (or at least cut out) an apron. Hmmm, now that I look at that list I think I might be better off with the Geo :rofl

:lol That list doesn't sound like taking a break to me! ;)


Erin, I hope all is well at your appointment. :c9


Hi Miss Julie! I was so excited to see your post. :manyheart

Happy Birthday to Judy! :cake Enjoy your day!

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Thanks everyone! :manyheart School is still closed here & i'm not sure if they'll have school tomorrow either. We still have power here so i'm grateful for that. What a week though. On Thursday, Hubbys mom fell & broke her knee on the ice at work & we just found out she needs surgery. Then yesterday I ended up with this nasty stomach bug & still don't feel too great. Geesh! I'm going to go into hibernation until all this over. :lol


I hope any of you other NE peeps are staying safe & warm. :manyheart I'm heading off to rest some more. :ghug

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Well we are FINALLY home...turns out we needed more than just the doctors appointment on our "to-dos" list.


The appt went well. Alex is measuring dead on in uterine inches and his heartbeat 146 so he's strong(I coulda told ya that!) Im ALMOST 2cm :( but Im 80% thinned out :D We asked a little more about the inducing process and she said she was doubtful that will be happening for us. According the DH she said that I may not even make it to next Mondays appt. Im not getting my hopes up but well doctors know what their doing most the time. Too bad babies are unpredictible in every sort of way :blush

I also made a call to my mother to tell her and she was certain it will be happening very soon. I guess I trust their judgements but still trying not to get the hopes high.


Then we went off to discount tire and sears, since the "family car" needed new ones really bad. The guy told us 45-1hour and we were there from 11:30 til after 2!!!!! Needless to say we were happy it was part of our mall and we would go get some Applebees and walk around a bit. I was only mad because I was experiencing some discomforts from the exam and Alex was all worked up.


Once we finally got done with there we went to Joanns for my purse buttons and meijer for a few things. Finally its 4 and we're settled in home. Its been snowing so its good to be warm inside and off my feeties.


The Geo is coming along, but Im freaking out about finishing it before this lil man comes lol!!! Oh well! :lol

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Hi Tabby :hi Ouch! I'm so sorry about Doa's mom :hug Hope she recoveres quickly. Stay warm sweetie :hug


Erin - Ooooh, you're almost there! :clap The walking today was probably good. Some say it helps labor but I know it helps build you up for the delivery. Take care of yourself the rest of the week. You might just be busy next week :manyheart


K - I took my crochet with son #2 but they took my hook away because I was so ticked off they thought I'd stab someone....and I just might have :rofl :rofl


Laundry's almost done and the Christmas card are ready to go :D

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Hi there Miss Mary -- you sound as sweet as ever !


Cara- what is the GEO thing you mentioned ? Sorry if I already asked .


Hey Tab-stay warm and safe up there -- it looks pretty nasty in your neck of the woods .We're supposed to have some of the same here on Wed, I think .

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Hi Ladies. 'Hope everyone is staying warm...it didn't get out of the 20s here today and we're having snow flurries right now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get any ice or snow. DD and her DH are on a trip, my DH is out of town, and I have got to be able to drive to their house and feed the grandcats. :think


Tabby, so sorry to hear about your MIL. And you feel better soon! :manyheart


Erin...sounds like it will be any day now! :hug We expect daily updates. :yes:)

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