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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Okay, I'm really upset and wanted to post here since we have so many animal lovers.


A woman who lives on my street is really mean to animals. She kicks any dogs that get in her yard. Yes, kicks them. The dog's owner needs to keep them under control, but no dog deserves to be kicked for walking into someone's yard.


Well, she has now killed two cats that we know of for sure. She is putting cat and dog food in dishes and putting them in her yard. She is also putting antifreeze in them.


I'm sorry to just put this out here to you guys, but I'm so upset. I can't stop crying. Thankfully, my cats stay inside. I'm scared to death one of them will get out or something though.


Apparently, the neighbor who lost one of the cats heard her telling someone on the phone (bragging really) that she had done that with the food. She had already taken the cat that died to the vet. The vet said the cat had gotten a hold of antifreeze.


I am glad to say though that the neighbor is pressing charges. I doubt that much will happen to her, but she deserves to go to jail! It's bad enough that two cats have died, but what if a child somehow got a hold of that food?


Thanks for letting me vent. It's a very sad time around here right now. I keep holding my cats. I think I'm driving them nuts.

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Okay, I'm really upset and wanted to post here since we have so many animal lovers.


A woman who lives on my street is really mean to animals. She kicks any dogs that get in her yard. Yes, kicks them. The dog's owner needs to keep them under control, but no dog deserves to be kicked for walking into someone's yard.


Well, she has now killed two cats that we know of for sure. She is putting cat and dog food in dishes and putting them in her yard. She is also putting antifreeze in them.


I'm sorry to just put this out here to you guys, but I'm so upset. I can't stop crying. Thankfully, my cats stay inside. I'm scared to death one of them will get out or something though.


Apparently, the neighbor who lost one of the cats heard her telling someone on the phone (bragging really) that she had done that with the food. She had already taken the cat that died to the vet. The vet said the cat had gotten a hold of antifreeze.


I am glad to say though that the neighbor is pressing charges. I doubt that much will happen to her, but she deserves to go to jail! It's bad enough that two cats have died, but what if a child somehow got a hold of that food?


Thanks for letting me vent. It's a very sad time around here right now. I keep holding my cats. I think I'm driving them nuts.

Nicole, please call the ASPCA or Humane Socitey - PETA, anyone you can think of. If it wasn't for their involvement in the dog fighting stuff that football player Vick was into he would have gotten off too lightly. This is horrible!!! Please....call.

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Nicole, please call the ASPCA or Humane Socitey - PETA, anyone you can think of. If it wasn't for their involvement in the dog fighting stuff that football player Vick was into he would have gotten off too lightly. This is horrible!!! Please....call.


Thank you for the tip. My neighbor did call the Humane Society here. If they don't offer help, I'll call ASPCA and/or PETA. It sounds like the Humane Society has stepped up though.


We don't know who owed the second cat. There was no collar on him/her. There are quite a few stray cats around right now.


Do you think I need to contact the ASPCA or PETA? Or do you think the Humane Society is enough for now?

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Nicole, given the way this person is killing animals I would call eveyone I could think of. It can't hurt. I would do the same. They all got involved in the Vick case from what I remember.

I hope you have a good night - I'm closing for now.:hug

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Okay, I'm really upset and wanted to post here since we have so many animal lovers.


A woman who lives on my street is really mean to animals. She kicks any dogs that get in her yard. Yes, kicks them. The dog's owner needs to keep them under control, but no dog deserves to be kicked for walking into someone's yard.


Well, she has now killed two cats that we know of for sure. She is putting cat and dog food in dishes and putting them in her yard. She is also putting antifreeze in them.


I'm sorry to just put this out here to you guys, but I'm so upset. I can't stop crying. Thankfully, my cats stay inside. I'm scared to death one of them will get out or something though.


Apparently, the neighbor who lost one of the cats heard her telling someone on the phone (bragging really) that she had done that with the food. She had already taken the cat that died to the vet. The vet said the cat had gotten a hold of antifreeze.


I am glad to say though that the neighbor is pressing charges. I doubt that much will happen to her, but she deserves to go to jail! It's bad enough that two cats have died, but what if a child somehow got a hold of that food?


Thanks for letting me vent. It's a very sad time around here right now. I keep holding my cats. I think I'm driving them nuts.

That is just so sad! :hugBut do call everyone you can think of. If nothing else it will get the local humane society in gear.

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Nicole - Oh that just enrages me!! :angry If she doesn't want the animals in her yard then she can call animal control. Now granted they can be slow but what she did is WRONG! Definitely, the ASPCA (which is the Humane Society I think :think) and PETA should be contacted. They do not put up with that nonsense :2nono You're right. Kids could get hold of the antifreeze and die as well. Then she'll be up on murder charges. I hope they put that woman away for a long time :angry

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That is just so sad! :hugBut do call everyone you can think of. If nothing else it will get the local humane society in gear.


I agree.


Nicole - Oh that just enrages me!! :angry If she doesn't want the animals in her yard then she can call animal control. Now granted they can be slow but what she did is WRONG! Definitely, the ASPCA (which is the Humane Society I think :think) and PETA should be contacted. They do not put up with that nonsense :2nono You're right. Kids could get hold of the antifreeze and die as well. Then she'll be up on murder charges. I hope they put that woman away for a long time :angry


I teeter between being livid and just very sad. I want her to go away for a long time, too. Hopefully, with the organizations involved, she will do some time.


I'm not sure if the Humane Society is the ASPCA or not. I'll have to dig into that. I plan on making some phone calls tomorrow.

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I am a cat non-lover (you could say "hater"), but even I won't go so far as kill a cat. I have a neighbor that has "barn cats" and insists they never leave her property (yeah, right) and they have done significant damage to my vehicles and property in my garage by spraying them. :yuck I have called her and she insists that it isn't her cats (even if I describe them). Funny, though - when I took the cat that I caught in my garage that was doing the damage to the SPCA, I got a call from her the next day wondering if I'd seen her cat. Since she had denied that it was HER cat, my answer was, "Nope, haven't seen your cat."


Irresponsible owners really peeve those of us that don't love those animals. However, it doesn't give anyone the right to break the law.


Cara - in our town, there is no animal control regulation for cats, only dogs.


Go figure. :irk

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Cara - in our town, there is no animal control regulation for cats, only dogs.


Go figure. :irk


Really? That's weird. Cats have a tendency to form colonies and breed like mad. I know from personal experience :blush I have a female that is either lost or someone dumped here that I need to take to get spayed. She has on a collar and I thought she belonged to the folks in the triplex behind us but she doesn't. She's already had three kittens and I don't want more around. I have enough kitties around here as it is :lol

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When I called the town, they said they have a "Dog Control Warden" and that since we're agricultural, cats aren't regulated... I personally think cats regularly do a whole lot more damage than dogs do. I've had dogs that have gotten off their leads wander into my yard many times, the worst they've ever done is peed on my bushes. Several times I've caught them and called the owners up - most everyone here has their phone number on the dog's tags. Cats on the other hand are always shredding the garbage (you're a dummy for not putting them in the containers out here, but still...) and spraying my vehicles and getting in my garage and spraying.

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I agree that pet owners should care for their pets. Even as a pet lover/owner, it still peeves me when people don't care for their pets and some random animal comes around. We have a lot of cats (strays I think, but don't know for sure) running around right now. It drives my cats insane!

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Nothing on the saltine front right now. Just moved & all. I need to get a BICO, rr, & a secret project done before the end of the month.

Hi Jessica! I hope you're all settled and that the move went well. :)


Gosh has this thread been busy! :eek I'm gonna have to try hard to keep up with the posts here, lol. :gotmail So here goes: :compute


Nicole: The saltine thing seems fun. I checked out the "original" post. I've only conquered the solid squares. Will work my way up to the bi-color ones soon.....-ish.

Oh! And thanks for the info about posting photos. Sounds easy enough.


Judy: Thanks for the welcome!


Mary: I hope to be able to get some pics up tomorrow. Progress is slow but progressing.



Slow progress is good! ;) Better than NO progress like me. :lol


Good morning! :coffee


Mary - Can you make my total on the saltines 94? That's the accurate count since I confused you on my count. Sorry!

94 it is! :hook


Morning ladies :flower


Mary - Gracie was just too cute on the desk :manyheart


Nina - Welcome to the group :hug


We had a nice time with my in-laws this weekend. But the trip itself (both ways) was hideous! There was a motorcycle rally in Austin which is the halfway point between us and San Antonio.


The bikers themselves were absolutely behaving themselves. No weaving in and out of traffic, no speeding, nothing. But I've always noticed that folks tend to slow down when a motorcycle is on the interstate. I think it's fear of smashing into them. I know that's what it is with me :yes I've seen two bike wrecks in my life and they're not pretty :no


Anywho...that meant a 3 hour trip took 5 hours both going up and coming back. Lots of sudden stops which are hard on this old body of mine :lol


I'm not going to be doing any crochet or anything probably this week :no I need to get my house back in order. This "lowering my standards" and having BD help just isn't working out. I'm just too much of a clean freak for that :lol

Traffic on 35 has been so bad for so long! When DD was in school in Austin, I hated that drive and I know it's even worse now. :( I'm glad your visit with BD's family was a good one. :yes

Yup, I know the feeling well.


I'm back home and Kim & John got in today about 4:00. Still can't hear much out of my left ear, but other than that I'm feeling much better. Still get short of breath easily, too. I got in at about 10:30 Saturday night. Had no problems or pain in the ears during the flight, for which I'm very grateful.


Rosie is doing better. She's making steady progress and loved the batik material I got her.


Sarge is delighted to have me home. :cat He yowled for quite a while Saturday night telling me how abused he felt over being abandoned for so long, then when I laid down in bed he curled up on me and purred and got scritches and purred some more. Same Sunday. He's just down to a little complaining today.

I'm glad you're home and feeling better. :manyheart


You all know I'm a cat and dog lover...one of my all time pet peeves is irresponsible pet owners. It's never the pet's fault and that woman needs to be arrested for cruelty to animals! Our city has ordinances requiring proof of vacination and limits the number of pets allowed. It there are strays, they will bring humane traps to your home and come and get them if they are caught. They take them to a no kill shelter where they at least stand a chance of being taken care of.


Nicole, I'm so sorry you have that going on so close to you. :manyheart


Today has been crazy - again. Gracie is asleep on my foot, but I must take her out and get ready for bed. Have a good evening, everyone. :hug

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I am a cat non-lover (you could say "hater"), but even I won't go so far as kill a cat. I have a neighbor that has "barn cats" and insists they never leave her property (yeah, right) and they have done significant damage to my vehicles and property in my garage by spraying them. :yuck I have called her and she insists that it isn't her cats (even if I describe them). Funny, though - when I took the cat that I caught in my garage that was doing the damage to the SPCA, I got a call from her the next day wondering if I'd seen her cat. Since she had denied that it was HER cat, my answer was, "Nope, haven't seen your cat."


Irresponsible owners really peeve those of us that don't love those animals. However, it doesn't give anyone the right to break the law.

I agree with people having to be responsible owners....most definitely!

But what do you think happened to that cat you brought to the ASPCA and lied to the owner about?

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Didn't mean to start any trouble! I was just upset. Let's move on, okay? I will be happy to discuss it further off the thread (through PM or e-mail) if you'd like.

;)okie dokie...

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Hi, Linda! I remember our male cat when we were first married....left for a couple of days and he was all over me when we got home. Very affectionate moose he was.

I hope you continue to get better - we don't want any relapses, so take care of yourself!:hug

I'm feeling much better. About all that is left is the naggy, hacky cough and the hearing in the left ear. No pain. I'll finish out the meds and if it's still a problem I'll go see my regular doctor, although I already have an appointment with her in two weeks.


That woman who is baiting animals with poisoned food should definitely be reported. For sure notify the ASPCA in addition to the humane society. They are not the same, although they frequently work together. A child could easily be harmed, as well as her targetted animals. If she dislikes them so much she should fence her precious yard. That will keep out most of her unwanted visitors.


Kim and I are getting back into our normal routines this week and neither of us have any appointments this week or next week. Thus we can work back into things gradually and I can do a lot of resting while caring for her. I think I'm going to make scalloped potatoes with ham for supper tonight. I got a really nice ham at the store yesterday when I was grocery shopping and that just sounds so good. I'll add veggies to it too. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.


The weather is beautiful today. Sun shining, light breeze, and not too hot so far. And not as muggy as yesterday. Two of the 3 roses I planted this spring are going to make it. The 3rd didn't make it, but I was just hoping that at least one would make it. So I'm ahead of the plan. They only cost me $3 each so I'm not out much.


Hope everyone has a nice day. More later.

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Good morning ladies :flower


And yes, it's actually morning :rofl


Linda - Mmmm, scalloped potatoes :drool It's making me hungry too :lol I'm so glad you're feeling better :hug


Got woken up at 8:45 by a telemarketer. Oh yeah. I'm gonna buy your stupid product when you wake me up 2 or 3 hours before I usually get up. NOT! :irk


Oh well, maybe I'll just get a good start on the day. I probably need to be waking up earlier anyway :yes

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Got woken up at 8:45 by a telemarketer. Oh yeah. I'm gonna buy your stupid product when you wake me up 2 or 3 hours before I usually get up. NOT! :irk

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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I'm feeling much better. About all that is left is the naggy, hacky cough and the hearing in the left ear. No pain. I'll finish out the meds and if it's still a problem I'll go see my regular doctor, although I already have an appointment with her in two weeks.


Kim and I are getting back into our normal routines this week and neither of us have any appointments this week or next week. Thus we can work back into things gradually and I can do a lot of resting while caring for her. I think I'm going to make scalloped potatoes with ham for supper tonight. I got a really nice ham at the store yesterday when I was grocery shopping and that just sounds so good. I'll add veggies to it too. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.


The weather is beautiful today. Sun shining, light breeze, and not too hot so far. And not as muggy as yesterday. Two of the 3 roses I planted this spring are going to make it. The 3rd didn't make it, but I was just hoping that at least one would make it. So I'm ahead of the plan. They only cost me $3 each so I'm not out much.


Hope everyone has a nice day. More later.


I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm coming over for dinner, okay? :D


Good morning ladies :flower


And yes, it's actually morning :rofl


Linda - Mmmm, scalloped potatoes :drool It's making me hungry too :lol I'm so glad you're feeling better :hug


Got woken up at 8:45 by a telemarketer. Oh yeah. I'm gonna buy your stupid product when you wake me up 2 or 3 hours before I usually get up. NOT! :irk


Oh well, maybe I'll just get a good start on the day. I probably need to be waking up earlier anyway :yes


Hi, Cara! I thought they couldn't call until after 9:00 am. Hmm...I really dislike telemarketers. Sorry they wokr you up so early!


Howdy everyone! It's rainy and nasty here. I'm going out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about six months though. So at least the day won't be a total "wash". :devil

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Hi, Cara! I thought they couldn't call until after 9:00 am. Hmm...I really dislike telemarketers. Sorry they wokr you up so early!


Yeah. And they're not supposed to call after 9 at night either but we got one at 11:30 one night! Good thing we're night owls. They're also not supposed to call you if you're on the Do Not Call list which we are but that doesn't stop them :no


Howdy everyone! It's rainy and nasty here. I'm going out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about six months though. So at least the day won't be a total "wash". :devil


Oh how fun! Have a great supper :hug

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I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm coming over for dinner, okay? :D

Howdy everyone! It's rainy and nasty here. I'm going out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about six months though. So at least the day won't be a total "wash". :devil

Sure, Nicole, the more the merrier. Glad you're having a dinner out with your friend. I'm just about to start fixing supper. Sliced potatoes, diced ham, diced onions, frozen mixed veggies, garlic, spices, and milk. Bake at 350 degrees for about 2 hours. Yum.

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Evening Ladies !!! Just checking in.Ive had a bad headache the last 2 days so i haven't been on much...makes my head hurt worse...think its time to give in and go get glasses,put it off long enough :(



Please add 66 solids and 3 Bicolors.

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Evening Ladies !!! Just checking in.Ive had a bad headache the last 2 days so i haven't been on much...makes my head hurt worse...think its time to give in and go get glasses,put it off long enough :(

Oh, yes...sounds like time. With all the hand work we do, it's inevitable.

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Good morning. It's overcast here today. I can't remember how to work the complex system we've got in Kim's bedroom and John appears to have tossed the cheat sheet I had. Everything par for the course. :lol :lol I have a bunch of tails to hide and then the three Barbie outfits for Rosie's granddaughters are done. I think that's first on the list for today. Last night's casserole turned out super. Hope everyone has a good day. :hug

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