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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Nicole -- Yaay for the weekend off. How are your plans for crochet/Nicole time coming along?


That is right, I am not doing a graph-ghan, but I am doing one of Cara's other fabulous patterns :yay:yay I feel so happy to be back working on a Happy Yellow House design. I am doing a table runner using the Grecian Tiles square. DH and I received an invite to a wedding reception on Thursday (he's not home this week, so I only had the girls as my sounding board, but they convinced me to go shopping for yarn. Aren't they great enablers?!? :devil) Anyway, I mulled ideas around in my head that night, and we headed to the yarn store yesterday morning. I started crocheting and made 8 of the 6-1/2" squares before bedtime. At this rate, I will have the whole runner finished by the time DH returns home on Monday and actually learns of the wedding reception :lol I am using RH Spa Blue, and I will certainly show pics when I get a few more squares attached. It's going well, though.


Hope you are all having a good weekend! Stay safe in your wet weather, Mary and Cara :rain. We, finally, have sunshine, and the thermometer is just easing over the 68-degree mark. Break out the shorts and tank tops! Yes, I am a little giddy, as our winter held on too long, followed by a damp and dreary spring. I am ready for :sun. Take care!


I've done one and a half rows on my angel quiltghan. I'm making good progress considering how much I've been in and out this weekend. Plans to stay in and crochet for two days never seem to pan out for me! :lol


I can't wait to see your pictures. It sounds like it's going very quickly.


I can never get too much NCIS....esp since the NY Yankees are making me crazy ...I'm switching back and forth.


I'm pretty sure I've seen every NCIS at least twice by now. :lol I'm a Cubs fan, but they regularly make me crazy as well. At least the Yankees have won the world series for you a few thousand times. :D


Haha...this is what i do to only i watch Blue Planet DVDs and Supernatural DVDs


I've never heard of those shows. Hmm....have to check into them.



Did I tell you all that I had to frog the first three rows of the angel? I just wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. I didn't want to spend hat much time working on something I didn't like in the end. So, I started over yesterday. I'm much happier with the result so far.


I have a birthday party for my friends' daughter today. She is turning two. They are having a barbecue party. So at least there will be good food there!

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I'm pretty sure I've seen every NCIS at least twice by now. :lol I'm a Cubs fan, but they regularly make me crazy as well. At least the Yankees have won the world series for you a few thousand times. :D



Did I tell you all that I had to frog the first three rows of the angel? I just wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. I didn't want to spend hat much time working on something I didn't like in the end. So, I started over yesterday. I'm much happier with the result so far.


I have a birthday party for my friends' daughter today. She is turning two. They are having a barbecue party. So at least there will be good food there!

I'm home a lot...I think I have some of the dialogue memorized!


And there's nothing worse than working on something you don't like...I've ditched projects for that reason.


Hope you have fun! The noise level should be up there:lol

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Dean :dreaming


Sorry,Sam girl here...6'5" of pure*clears throat*annnnny waaaay great show.:lol



Its a show about 2 brothers that were raised to hunt evil after their Mom was killed by a demon over lil Sammy's crib.....so they ride all over the USA hunting evil things and killing things.Lets just say that the brothers are really hot :bheart I may be getting old but im not dead :lol

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Happy Sunday, everyone. :)


:yay congrats on getting so much done on the penguin. Gracie is just too cute there!

Hi Jessica! Thank you. :manyheart What are you working on now? :think


Mary -- I completely forgot to comment on your Penguin Cuddle. It was in my mind, but then when I was typing, the thought forgot to come out. :oopsLove the job you did!! That pattern still talks to me, and am contemplating it for SIL's Christmas present...We'll see. Do you get to keep the ghan? Nice job :clap

Thank you, Dusti! I'm not sure where this one is going. I've given several away and have kept some. :)


thats what my blankets going to look:hug

I hope you're enjoying working on it...aren't Cara's patterns wonderful? :yes


I've done one and a half rows on my angel quiltghan. I'm making good progress considering how much I've been in and out this weekend. Plans to stay in and crochet for two days never seem to pan out for me! :lol


I can't wait to see your pictures. It sounds like it's going very quickly.




I'm pretty sure I've seen every NCIS at least twice by now. :lol I'm a Cubs fan, but they regularly make me crazy as well. At least the Yankees have won the world series for you a few thousand times. :D






I've never heard of those shows. Hmm....have to check into them.



Did I tell you all that I had to frog the first three rows of the angel? I just wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. I didn't want to spend hat much time working on something I didn't like in the end. So, I started over yesterday. I'm much happier with the result so far.


I have a birthday party for my friends' daughter today. She is turning two. They are having a barbecue party. So at least there will be good food there!

So sorry you had to frog three rows. :( I hope you've had a good day at the barbeque!


I'm a fan of NCIS, too. The repeated reruns don't even bother me. :lol


DH is in LA until Tuesday evening, so Gracie and I are trying to stay in out of the heat. She's a busy little thing, but thankfully takes several naps a day. ;)

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There must be something about NCIS that appeals to the quiltgan, crocheting type. :D


The show with the two good looking brothers doesn't sound too bad either. :devil


I watched it off & on for a few years. What really got my attention was Michael Weatherly (Tony). I had a bit of a crush on him since he was in Dark Angel series. :D I have not watched super natural. I guess since I did not theone when he was in Dark Angel I would not like him in Supernatural. :lol

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There must be something about NCIS that appeals to the quiltgan, crocheting type. :D


I watched it off & on for a few years. What really got my attention was Michael Weatherly (Tony). I had a bit of a crush on him since he was in Dark Angel series. :D I have not watched super natural. I guess since I did not theone when he was in Dark Angel I would not like him in Supernatural. :lol

I never watched the other series...


But I like MW's character...somehow I think it's a lot like he must be in real life too...and as Shay says...I may be older, but I'm not dead:devil

I also like Abby's character..and Ziva...

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Gosh has this thread been busy! :eek I'm gonna have to try hard to keep up with the posts here, lol. :gotmail So here goes: :compute

Nicole: The saltine thing seems fun. I checked out the "original" post. I've only conquered the solid squares. Will work my way up to the bi-color ones soon.....-ish.

Oh! And thanks for the info about posting photos. Sounds easy enough.

Judy: Thanks for the welcome!

Mary: I hope to be able to get some pics up tomorrow. Progress is slow but progressing.


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Nina, if you think this thread is busy....you should visit the SKY Cal:lol



I finished attaching all the saltines I had....now it's time to make more so I can add 2 more rows to 2 sides of the lapghan.


Have a fun day, everybody.

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Morning ladies :flower


Mary - Gracie was just too cute on the desk :manyheart


Nina - Welcome to the group :hug


We had a nice time with my in-laws this weekend. But the trip itself (both ways) was hideous! There was a motorcycle rally in Austin which is the halfway point between us and San Antonio.


The bikers themselves were absolutely behaving themselves. No weaving in and out of traffic, no speeding, nothing. But I've always noticed that folks tend to slow down when a motorcycle is on the interstate. I think it's fear of smashing into them. I know that's what it is with me :yes I've seen two bike wrecks in my life and they're not pretty :no


Anywho...that meant a 3 hour trip took 5 hours both going up and coming back. Lots of sudden stops which are hard on this old body of mine :lol


I'm not going to be doing any crochet or anything probably this week :no I need to get my house back in order. This "lowering my standards" and having BD help just isn't working out. I'm just too much of a clean freak for that :lol

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Welcome back, Cara...sounds like you need time in a spa bath...:hug:hug


BTW: FIL has his cat now! He's so happy - and I went out and bought a couple of cat toys for the kitty - no cheap stuff for this one! Going to visit on Wednesday.

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Welcome back, Cara...sounds like you need time in a spa bath...:hug:hug


BTW: FIL has his cat now! He's so happy - and I went out and bought a couple of cat toys for the kitty - no cheap stuff for this one! Going to visit on Wednesday.


Yes, yes I do need time in a spa bath. :lol I told BD that we seriously have to work on getting one put in. I love my old cast iron pedestal tub but I seriously need a whirlpool. they help me so much. I'm so happy that FIL is enjoying his kitten so much :manyheart He really needed a companion, imho :yes Has he chosen a name? Oh wait, he still doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl yet though does he? How old is the kitten? We could tell Tuon was female at about 4 weeks.

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Yes, yes I do need time in a spa bath. :lol I told BD that we seriously have to work on getting one put in. I love my old cast iron pedestal tub but I seriously need a whirlpool. they help me so much. I'm so happy that FIL is enjoying his kitten so much :manyheart He really needed a companion, imho :yes Has he chosen a name? Oh wait, he still doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl yet though does he? How old is the kitten? We could tell Tuon was female at about 4 weeks.

I think the kitten is about 6 weeks...I got the crib sheet version of sexing a kitten from a friend who has always had cats, so I'll lift the tail and check when I get there. So far he's been calling the kitten his "buddy"... won't work for a girl, though;)

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I think the kitten is about 6 weeks...I got the crib sheet version of sexing a kitten from a friend who has always had cats, so I'll lift the tail and check when I get there. So far he's been calling the kitten his "buddy"... won't work for a girl, though;)


Oh thank goodness you got the crib sheet version :whew I was sitting here trying to think of a, um, delicate way of giving you the info :rofl :rofl

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Oh thank goodness you got the crib sheet version :whew I was sitting here trying to think of a, um, delicate way of giving you the info :rofl :rofl


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Posting a quick grrrrr!

Last night, my internet froze, so after two tries at posting, I gave up. To see this morning, that my post got posted TWICE. Now, I've spent at least 20 mins doing the replies that I wanted to do LAST night...and it ATE my post. I forgot to copy it, cuz I had a feeling that would happen.

SIGH...so now I shall take a break, and see if I'm patient enough to try to remember and re-post what I wrote the first time.....



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Posting a quick grrrrr!


Last night, my internet froze, so after two tries at posting, I gave up. To see this morning, that my post got posted TWICE. Now, I've spent at least 20 mins doing the replies that I wanted to do LAST night...and it ATE my post. I forgot to copy it, cuz I had a feeling that would happen.


SIGH...so now I shall take a break, and see if I'm patient enough to try to remember and re-post what I wrote the first time.....







I've had that happen to me before. It really stinks! :(

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Posting a quick grrrrr!


Last night, my internet froze, so after two tries at posting, I gave up. To see this morning, that my post got posted TWICE. Now, I've spent at least 20 mins doing the replies that I wanted to do LAST night...and it ATE my post. I forgot to copy it, cuz I had a feeling that would happen.


SIGH...so now I shall take a break, and see if I'm patient enough to try to remember and re-post what I wrote the first time.....





Yep that happens sometimes. Thankfully it's a relatively rare thing. :yes

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Posting a quick grrrrr!


Last night, my internet froze, so after two tries at posting, I gave up. To see this morning, that my post got posted TWICE. Now, I've spent at least 20 mins doing the replies that I wanted to do LAST night...and it ATE my post. I forgot to copy it, cuz I had a feeling that would happen.


SIGH...so now I shall take a break, and see if I'm patient enough to try to remember and re-post what I wrote the first time.....




I've had that happen, too...:yes

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Posting a quick grrrrr!


Last night, my internet froze, so after two tries at posting, I gave up. To see this morning, that my post got posted TWICE. Now, I've spent at least 20 mins doing the replies that I wanted to do LAST night...and it ATE my post. I forgot to copy it, cuz I had a feeling that would happen.


SIGH...so now I shall take a break, and see if I'm patient enough to try to remember and re-post what I wrote the first time.....




Yup, I know the feeling well.


I'm back home and Kim & John got in today about 4:00. Still can't hear much out of my left ear, but other than that I'm feeling much better. Still get short of breath easily, too. I got in at about 10:30 Saturday night. Had no problems or pain in the ears during the flight, for which I'm very grateful.


Rosie is doing better. She's making steady progress and loved the batik material I got her.


Sarge is delighted to have me home. :cat He yowled for quite a while Saturday night telling me how abused he felt over being abandoned for so long, then when I laid down in bed he curled up on me and purred and got scritches and purred some more. Same Sunday. He's just down to a little complaining today.

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Hi, Linda! I remember our male cat when we were first married....left for a couple of days and he was all over me when we got home. Very affectionate moose he was.

I hope you continue to get better - we don't want any relapses, so take care of yourself!:hug

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