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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Just our regular 3-month check up for Kim.


And now for some Kentucky Derby Party pictures:

Food was abundant and good, as were the beverages.


Mark and John were the only 2 guys with hats, but all the ladies wore one.


John, Kim, and I. The gal in the center of the next photo was the hostess.


Sean in borrowed finery. The photo of the night. :lol :lol :lol


Looks like you all had a great time!!! :clap

Introducing Miss Gracie!

Oh my!! That's the cutest little thing I've ever seen!!!!! :lol I WANT ONE!!! :lol:yes

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Good morning, all. I'm up and moving, but I haven't a clue as to what I'm going to do to today besides putting away laundry. I know I should accomplish something, but don't know what. Hopefully I'll figure it out before too long. :lol :lol :lol


Hi, Wendy. I've been missing you. Any more koalas around? How are the girls doing?

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Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)

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Hi Ladies. Gee, being a new mom again is keeping me busy. :lol Thank you for all the sweet words about Gracie. :manyheart


Oh, Mary - one glance at her and I had a huge smile on my face! She's precious! Good luck with her.


And I made 12 solid squares today.

12 more are on the list. :hook


Howdy everyone, sorry I havent been in here lately, been slack I know.


Hope your all going well with your projects. Maybe sometime this year I might do another saltine project.


Mary your doggie is so cute.

Hi Wendy! Please don't stay away...we miss your smiling face. :D


Hi Ladies,


I am turning to you to see if anyone has ever seen a baby blanket made out of squares called DUCKS IN A ROW..

wHEN I google it, the web site is no longer active and I can not find the pattern, it was so cute.

It is not like the one on Cara's web site.

Let me know if anyone has ever seen or made it....


Tks so much,


I'm so sorry you can't find the pattern. 'Hope you find it soon. :yarn


Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)

Hi Kristy! Your ghan is wonderful. :cheer The colors are great together!

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Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)


Oh Kristy that came out great! :clap I love the colors :yes



Hi Ladies. Gee, being a new mom again is keeping me busy. :lol Thank you for all the sweet words about Gracie. :manyheart


Bit of a sleepless night? :lol Did the window screen keep her behind the gate? I looked at that picture I don't know how many times last night! She's just so cute!


Well, after one day of getting up on time I was back to seriously oversleeping again :lol BD went to work early (with warning this time :lol) and I never even heard the alarm clock go off. So I just stayed in LaLa Land :sleep


Let's see if I can get a bit more crocheting done today. I really, really need to declutter my kitchen but crochet sounds so much more fun :hook

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Just our regular 3-month check up for Kim.


And now for some Kentucky Derby Party pictures:

Food was abundant and good, as were the beverages.


Mark and John were the only 2 guys with hats, but all the ladies wore one.


John, Kim, and I. The gal in the center of the next photo was the hostess.


Sean in borrowed finery. The photo of the night. :lol :lol :lol


Looks like you had a great time!

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Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)



Kristy, that is beautiful. :yes:hook

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Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)

That is beautiful!!

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hello ladies! just wanted to log on and let yall know I became an Aunt again yesterday, few days earlier than planned but turns out it was a girl! Shes named a lil after me too!!! Audrey Elizabeth(my middle name!!!) was 9lbs 3oz and almost 22 inches long. No way would her head have fit out but my sis was repeat c-sec anyhow. She was supposed to be born Monday but my sis went into labor Thursday. She has a lovely head of black hair thats over an inch long lol, anyhow, just had to tell yall!


Congrats on being an aunt!!

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One more picture...Gracie helping her Dad put screening up on her gate, because she can walk right through 3 inch spaces between the bars. :lol

She is adorable.


Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)

It looks beautiful. I love the colors.

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I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been having a hard time keeping up with everything with the end of the school year here. Between running around for the house, the girls and work I haven't been able to find much me time. Since we moved my commute time has increased alot for dropping the girls and picking them up. Hopefully I'll be able to stay better caught up once school is out.


I did finish Angel finally.


Now I need to find a new quilt ghan pattern to start in June.


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Oh, I have missed a ton by not turning on the computer this week.


Mary ~ Miss Maggie is just darling! I, too, did not realize just how tiny she would be, but what a sweet face she has. I hope she is feeling at home, already.


Linda ~ Your hats sounded fabulous for the Kentucky Derby party! Of course they won prizes -- you are so creative. The photos are fun to see, and it sure sounds as though you all had a great time on Saturday.


Kristy ~ Your Gingham came out so nicely. I get stuck in a rut (rather easily, I have to admit :blush), and I never imagined the "baby gingham" in "big people" colors, but I love it. Have you already given it to your parents? Nice job.


Erin ~ Congrats on becoming an auntie!


Donna ~ Hope your life slows down a bit, once the school year wraps up. Your commute to school sounds like mine...a necessity, but I can often think of something (:hook) I would rather be doing ;) Hang in there; Summer Vacation will be here, shortly.


Cara ~ Have you caught up on your rest? Did your crochet hook win out over chores, today?


Count me among those that are crocheting, but not working on a saltine project at present. In the past couple of weeks, I have finished a layette, 5 dishcloths, a tank top, 1/2 of a RR, and a purse. I need to come up with a couple of gifts for the girls' teachers, and THEN I can think about another quilt. The Penguin Cuddle always appeals to me, and I think I have the colors for our guest bedroom makeover determined, so I can make one of Cara's designs for that room. There are always more intriguing patterns than hours in which to crochet, aren't there?!?


I've missed you all -- hope the week is going well :hug

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Thanks for all the compliments on the Angel.


Dusti, yes once school is out life will start slowing down again. I'm definitely leaning towards the girls riding the bus next year. Just because I'm already tired of dropping them off and picking them up. It would definitely free up some crochet time for me. :hook

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Good morning, all. I'm up and moving, but I haven't a clue as to what I'm going to do to today besides putting away laundry. I know I should accomplish something, but don't know what. Hopefully I'll figure it out before too long. :lol :lol :lol


Hi, Wendy. I've been missing you. Any more koalas around? How are the girls doing?


:hi Linda yes been busy with other projects in the Sky cal. I do need another saltine project but not sure what as yet. No Koalas lately, lots of parrots in the trees at the moment though.


Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)


Oh its gorgeous, love the colors


I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been having a hard time keeping up with everything with the end of the school year here. Between running around for the house, the girls and work I haven't been able to find much me time. Since we moved my commute time has increased alot for dropping the girls and picking them up. Hopefully I'll be able to stay better caught up once school is out.


I did finish Angel finally.


Now I need to find a new quilt ghan pattern to start in June.


Donna its beautiful. Well done.

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Hi everyone. I have been so busy the last few weeks I didn't have time to get my pics up but I just did it now so here is my finished Gingham (5' by5') for my parents' camper.



I am working on a vintage doily for my mom's friend, a graphghan for my father, and would like to start a baby saltine project using lots of scrap yarns for the family shelter. I'll get going on that soon to add to my saltine total. :)

Oh my gosh! That's beautiful! The colors just fit together PERFECTLY!!! :clap:clap:clap:clap

I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been having a hard time keeping up with everything with the end of the school year here. Between running around for the house, the girls and work I haven't been able to find much me time. Since we moved my commute time has increased alot for dropping the girls and picking them up. Hopefully I'll be able to stay better caught up once school is out.


I did finish Angel finally.


Now I need to find a new quilt ghan pattern to start in June.

Your angel is beautiful! Great job!!! :clap:clap:clap:clap

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Good Morning, all. :)


Bit of a sleepless night? :lol Did the window screen keep her behind the gate? I looked at that picture I don't know how many times last night! She's just so cute!

Sleepless night - yes! Last night was better...only up at 1 and 4 and then up for good at 6. :lol


I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been having a hard time keeping up with everything with the end of the school year here. Between running around for the house, the girls and work I haven't been able to find much me time. Since we moved my commute time has increased alot for dropping the girls and picking them up. Hopefully I'll be able to stay better caught up once school is out.


I did finish Angel finally.


Now I need to find a new quilt ghan pattern to start in June.

Your Angel is wonderful, Linda! Yay for finishing! :cheer

Count me among those that are crocheting, but not working on a saltine project at present. In the past couple of weeks, I have finished a layette, 5 dishcloths, a tank top, 1/2 of a RR, and a purse. I need to come up with a couple of gifts for the girls' teachers, and THEN I can think about another quilt. The Penguin Cuddle always appeals to me, and I think I have the colors for our guest bedroom makeover determined, so I can make one of Cara's designs for that room. There are always more intriguing patterns than hours in which to crochet, aren't there?!?


I've missed you all -- hope the week is going well :hug

Hi Dusti. We've missed you, too. :manyheart All of your projects sound great and I know you won't have any problem deciding on another quilt ghan. :hook


I guess it's obvious I'm preoccupied with Gracie. :lol She's such a joy...sweet, knows no fear, and goes in her crate on her own when she's sleepy, dragging toys in with her. She had her first vet appt. yesterday and was just fine. She only weighs 2.6 lbs. and fits in DH's tennis shoe. No telling when I'll crochet.:lol

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I guess it's obvious I'm preoccupied with Gracie. :lol She's such a joy...sweet, knows no fear, and goes in her crate on her own when she's sleepy, dragging toys in with her. She had her first vet appt. yesterday and was just fine. She only weighs 2.6 lbs. and fits in DH's tennis shoe. No telling when I'll crochet.:lol


Awww! How sweet is that? :manyheart We need a photo of her in the tennis shoe :D I know, I know. But I'm a total sucker for cute furbaby pictures :D

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