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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Well, I got my exam submitted today on time, and then attended an oh so exciting TA meeting. :) Came home to eat lunch because there was no real reason I needed to be in my office or lab for the couple hours between TA meeting and seminar, so I decided I didn't want to spend the money on campus food I'm already sick of.


Just about ready to head back to campus for seminar. I'm going to see if I can get away with working on a scarf during seminar. I figure, all I'm doing is moving my hands discretely... Unlike the masses who either do homework, read journal articles, or *sleep* during seminar. At least this way I'll be paying attention. :D


Seminar is a grab bag. Some weeks I follow the topic and it's applicable to my area of chemistry. Other weeks we get a speaker who starts going off on some topic I don't even pretend to touch in my research. Hehe


Going to give a scarf away today, too. I showed the girl a quick cell phone picture and she liked it, so it's her's. I'll post the pic in a couple hours when I'm home from seminar.


Looking forward to yarn shopping this weekend and getting started on Kristina and Dan's wedding gift. I already have a couple afghans in progress, but this is my first quit-ghan and I'm really excited. Plus, it's my best friend's wedding gift. :D

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Hi, Mary. I didn;t do much yesterday, either - SDR is away for the night so I can :crocheting the night away!


Hi I also did not get to do any :hook yesterday. Hope to do some tonight :yarn


Gee, aren't we a bunch of slackers. :lol Wouldn't it be fun if all the necessary, boring things could get done by themselves? ;)


I hope everyone gets some time with their hook today. :manyheart

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HI, all. We had a rather exciting time this afternoon. The tornado sirens went off at 5:00 tonight and the TV flashed a message to get to safety as there was a possibility of a tornado in 10 minutes. Kim and I went to the lower level for an hour and a half. Went back upstairs at 6:30. There's a tornado watch on until 11:00 tonight. South of us there are still tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings. Some people have had baseball size hail. One storm had multiple semi-trailers knocked on there sides. We got off lightly, with just wind and lots of lightning and some rain.

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HI, all. We had a rather exciting time this afternoon. The tornado sirens went off at 5:00 tonight and the TV flashed a message to get to safety as there was a possibility of a tornado in 10 minutes. Kim and I went to the lower level for an hour and a half. Went back upstairs at 6:30. There's a tornado watch on until 11:00 tonight. South of us there are still tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings. Some people have had baseball size hail. One storm had multiple semi-trailers knocked on there sides. We got off lightly, with just wind and lots of lightning and some rain.


Stay safe! I'm still surprised that there are no sirens down here. In MN it wasn't unusual for the sirens to sound for just regular severe weather. But here, none. And we get some seriously bad t-storms in the summer.


I've been crocheting! I joined the kitchen swap and am really excited to have Crojulee as my partner :clap I also started the V-stitch afghan for Victory Junction. I'm a little concerned the holes might be too big, but DBF says it's fine. I'm doing 3 strands together with a P hook for that one. So no saltines right now for me. I like making them, not so much the putting together :lol

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HI, all. We had a rather exciting time this afternoon. The tornado sirens went off at 5:00 tonight and the TV flashed a message to get to safety as there was a possibility of a tornado in 10 minutes. Kim and I went to the lower level for an hour and a half. Went back upstairs at 6:30. There's a tornado watch on until 11:00 tonight. South of us there are still tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings. Some people have had baseball size hail. One storm had multiple semi-trailers knocked on there sides. We got off lightly, with just wind and lots of lightning and some rain.


Not the good kind of exciting :no Glad y'all got off light :hug



Stay safe! I'm still surprised that there are no sirens down here. In MN it wasn't unusual for the sirens to sound for just regular severe weather. But here, none. And we get some seriously bad t-storms in the summer.


Y'all have no sirens in FL?!? What do you do if the power goes out? I know from experience that the storms can mess with radio reception or knocking the stations out entirely. They just added 30 new sirens here this last year. :yes


Well, I've gotten no crocheting done today either. I had a book to finish (yep one I actually had to READ :lol) that kept calling to me. Finished it right before I needed to start supper. 1,235 pages in total! :eek Tonight is Lost night. I have trouble crocheting and watching TV at the same so hopefully at 9 I can get back to it :hook

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Cara - we had the same issue with school closings when we lost out power. When I was a kid, they used to read the closings on the radio, but since the advent of Television and Internet, not anymore. They don't even have a phone number to call! :eek I had to call my SIL/BIL and tell them to call me (I have a non-electric phone just for outages) if school was canceled (it wasn't).

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Linda, I hope the worst of the storms have passed. :hug That's exactly what we had last week...and I'm always very anxious until they leave the area. We have a big closet under the stairs and that's our "safe" place.


Hi Wendy!


Tabby, what pattern did you order? Keep us posted. :hook


Val, it sounds like lots of great crocheting going on! And you know how much we like pictures. :D


Cara, good for you for finishing your book. I don't read as much as I used to, but still love it.


Well, this slacker finally got some crocheting done this afternoon. :lol I made a bunch of squares and wasn't really keeping track...just making the main colors that we need lots of. :yes

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Y'all have no sirens in FL?!? What do you do if the power goes out? I know from experience that the storms can mess with radio reception or knocking the stations out entirely. They just added 30 new sirens here this last year. :yes


Nope. We also don't have traffic lights that change to benefit the emergency vehicles here. MN had added a white light at the top of traffic That would flash when there was an emergency vehicle w/ it's lights activated in the area. It was great, people knew not to move. Here, someone's gonna die before the vehicles get to them because they can't get through the intersections quickly.


As for sirens, USUALLY here tornados are associated with hurricanes. And we all know just how much notice we get for hurricanes. And if there's a tornado, nope, no notice.

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Schools close when things get bad. I live in cali after all & we are wusses. :laughroll


I lived in a suburb of Minneapolis and my school closed in the winter only if the governor closed schools down. Except for that 1 other time, and the school closed because the heat broke. Not that it would have mattered. We would literally roast in one room and then freeze in a room directly across the hall :lol

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I lived in a suburb of Minneapolis and my school closed in the winter only if the governor closed schools down. Except for that 1 other time, and the school closed because the heat broke. Not that it would have mattered. We would literally roast in one room and then freeze in a room directly across the hall :lol


School won't close out here for God I tell you. so what if there is a major earthquake? If you where not effected & the generator works at the schools you gotta go. Like the kids up in Idyllwild would have to have snow days & they go to school down here. Would not matter the teachers where not allowed to let them make up homework as down here we did not have snow days. Maybe it's just the city I live in. :lol

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Things are calming down now weather wise, but there has been quite a bit of damage in some areas. Definitely sounds like a number of places had tornadoes. Some rather striking pictures of baseball size hail and one doozie of a picture of a tornado cloud. Flights at the Atlanta airport are delayed 3-4 hours. The worst of it was in south metro Atlanta and further south of it. We're about 30 miles north of Atlanta and just had the one bad storm. A lot of damage won't be able to be seen until the sun comes up again. Lots of trees down, but very few injuries reported so far.

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