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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I have a bunch of caron simply soft brites. I might try it with that.


But I have a bunch of reds, oranges, yellows.. hmm.. wont have to buy any yarn,:wink yep that is what i am going to do..





I have those colors - and black - waiting for the next ATW I make (if I ever finish the current one!):lol Great choice!


Later, gators...:hug

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Good Morning Ladies,


I want to wish you all a happy new year.. havent been around in a while, better late than never?

Been busy tho.. got all my christmas stuff done.. and have gotten the rebelghan done.. I did the just ducky quilt too.. going to give him to my nephew "Punk". I will take pics this afternoon, so I get can it out on the mail.


I see that all of you are busy yourselves. What is the angel that you all are working on? Can the ATW be different shades of the same color?


Mary, Can I join again this year? if so I will count squares on duck and let you know.

I love doing these little squares. if only I could draw.


Take Care of Yourselves,


Hi Cathy! We're glad you're back. :hook The saltine contest is ongoing, so just let me know how many solids and bi-colors and I'll add them to your total. Congratulations on finishing Just Ducky. :cheer The Angel ghan is another of Cara's wonderful patterns - it may not be on her site yet. I'll try to find the link and be back.

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278 total squares for Ducky. It took about 3 weeks, a month? DH was home, didnt have a whole lot of things to do, and surely didnt have any money to spend on yarn..


I think he is cute tho. I put the recipient's intital on the towel.. I hope that he likes it. Gonna take some pics this afternoon and get it in the mail to him.



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Reds, oranges and yellows sounds like a great mix for very cheerful ATW.


Those are my absolute favorite colors, I am going to try and lay it out like a sunburst. ooo yeah.. I bought some color pencils yesterday, I am going to do the graph this afternoon.


Thanks for the advice,


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Those are my absolute favorite colors, I am going to try and lay it out like a sunburst. ooo yeah.. I bought some color pencils yesterday, I am going to do the graph this afternoon.


Thanks for the advice,


Sounds wonderful.

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Happy Tuesday, everyone. DH left for the airport at 6, so I've been up for a long time already. :)



They are predicting severe storms this evening. :( We need the rain, but sure don't need any severe stuff.


DHs off traveling the globe again, eh? Does he have to do it so early? :lol We have a slight chance of severe stuff today last I heard. Maybe just some more rain. Got a good bit yesterday :yes I'm glad for the rain but the humidity just stinks :lol


Good Morning Ladies,


I want to wish you all a happy new year.. havent been around in a while, better late than never?

Been busy tho.. got all my christmas stuff done.. and have gotten the rebelghan done.. I did the just ducky quilt too.. going to give him to my nephew "Punk". I will take pics this afternoon, so I get can it out on the mail.


I see that all of you are busy yourselves. What is the angel that you all are working on? Can the ATW be different shades of the same color?


Mary, Can I join again this year? if so I will count squares on duck and let you know.

I love doing these little squares. if only I could draw.


Take Care of Yourselves,



Howdy Cathy! :hi Like everyone already said you just had a little vacation and you can just pick up right where you left off :D I think an ATW in different shades of the same color is awesome. Karen (econ-nerd) did one all in purples recently that was gorgeous!



Morning everyone. When did the end of the month deadline on the Angel happen? :think I thought everyone was just going to make it at their own pace, but starting at the same time. Krystal, was the deadline your idea? :badidea Shame on you scaring everyone behind couches with your bat swinging! :scared


I don't have any idea what I'm going to working on today. Being out most of the day yesterday has thrown my week out of kilter. And we are all going to a Caylor reunion this weekend. We leave about noon on Friday and won't be back until mid to late afternoon on Monday. I've got an idea of something to make for at least some of them for Valentine's Day, but I have to check out my supplies first to see if it will work. I used to make silk flowers, but I haven't been able to find the supplies in a long time so my stock of bases is running very low. We'll see. More later.


No, no. No deadline on the angel. Krystal's just having a bit of fun :D Have a great time at the reunion! :clap


No, actually the deadline wasn't MY idea... someone else mentioned they'd like to get it done by the end of the month. Of course you're welcome to do it at your own pace. I'm not the big monster Tracy keeps trying to make me out to be. :lol If you wanted it done by end of Feb, that's the schedule. If you're just merrily working along at your pace, then just ignore me. :rofl


So business as usual, eh? :lol:hug


I've seen the ATW done in brights somewhere here. If you add in some black every few rows, it looks really awesome, too!


Oh yes, with the black it's stunning :yes


278 total squares for Ducky. It took about 3 weeks, a month? DH was home, didnt have a whole lot of things to do, and surely didnt have any money to spend on yarn..


I think he is cute tho. I put the recipient's intital on the towel.. I hope that he likes it. Gonna take some pics this afternoon and get it in the mail to him.




Oh what a great idea to add the initial to the towel! :clap


Cara, is the mouth of the angel a special square? Or does it get done afterwards? :hook


It's just like the ducky's eye. First round is black then the second row is the face color :yes


Ahh, all rested now :c9 Actually I feel pretty good today. Very little fatigue. More pain than I like but not too bad. I just have to resist the temptation to overdo but of course my mind started churning out things I could do such as reorganizing my craft room :lol Maybe I'll just put my plan on paper today and then work on it slowly :D

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No, Krystal isn't mean unless you join her RAD Cal, then she keeps you up to date so you finish when you want to. :wink:lol Most times she just knows how to motivate you. :lol Between Wendy and Krystal, you start and finish projects. :yes That HUGE bat only came out once when someone lost their mojo. :lol



Where did the finish part come from? If I remember correctly I have more WIPs then I ever hace since I joined you all over at Sky...... :rofl:rofl:rofl

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Aaaaahhhh, join over at the Whip the WIPs Cal and you will get them finished. :yes That is where Krystal works her magic. :yes Wendy starts it in Sky, Krystal gets you to finish it over in Whips. :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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After failing to find the bottle of craft glue I need for the flowers, I decided to work on Kim's quilt. I just passed the halfway point. Minus the borders of course. :lol :lol :lol

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Good Morning Ladies,


I want to wish you all a happy new year.. havent been around in a while, better late than never?

Been busy tho.. got all my christmas stuff done.. and have gotten the rebelghan done.. I did the just ducky quilt too.. going to give him to my nephew "Punk". I will take pics this afternoon, so I get can it out on the mail.


I see that all of you are busy yourselves. What is the angel that you all are working on? Can the ATW be different shades of the same color?


Mary, Can I join again this year? if so I will count squares on duck and let you know.

I love doing these little squares. if only I could draw.


Take Care of Yourselves,



Hi Cathy, its great to see ya. The ATW is a great one to do. Im pretty sure mine is shown in my finished items in my siggie if you want to looksee.


No, actually the deadline wasn't MY idea... someone else mentioned they'd like to get it done by the end of the month. Of course you're welcome to do it at your own pace. I'm not the big monster Tracy keeps trying to make me out to be. :lol If you wanted it done by end of Feb, that's the schedule. If you're just merrily working along at your pace, then just ignore me. :rofl


Any chance to use that bat we know. :rofl


No, Krystal isn't mean unless you join her RAD Cal, then she keeps you up to date so you finish when you want to. :wink:lol Most times she just knows how to motivate you. :lol Between Wendy and Krystal, you start and finish projects. :yes That HUGE bat only came out once when someone lost their mojo. :lol


:lol :lol


Ahh, all rested now :c9 Actually I feel pretty good today. Very little fatigue. More pain than I like but not too bad. I just have to resist the temptation to overdo but of course my mind started churning out things I could do such as reorganizing my craft room :lol Maybe I'll just put my plan on paper today and then work on it slowly :D


Im glad your having a great day Cara :hug


Where did the finish part come from? If I remember correctly I have more WIPs then I ever hace since I joined you all over at Sky...... :rofl:rofl:rofl


:rofl now if I remember correctly it didnt take much enabling to get you to do more wips. :rofl


Aaaaahhhh, join over at the Whip the WIPs Cal and you will get them finished. :yes That is where Krystal works her magic. :yes Wendy starts it in Sky, Krystal gets you to finish it over in Whips. :lol


:lol Tracy your so funny.


Those look super neat. I might have to try that!


Welcome to the group, pull up a chair and pick a project to do, they are all great and you will love making them.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) We had strong storms last night, but no damage. Hail, wind and rain are not fun. :no


A quick flyby. I've got a sick child and I'm tired. :tired:lol


Mary 85 solids to report!


Now to bed I go before the child wakes up again :D

Heather, I hope your DD feels better soon. :manyheart 85 more are on the list!


I'm going to go out and do a little yard clean-up. Be back later. :yes

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Good morning. We're in for a rainy day today which explains why my joints hurt so badly yesterday. I'm trying to decide which project(s) to take with me this weekend. I'm leaning toward the yarn for the snowflake ghan as one of them and maybe a thread project or two. Dither, dither. :think:badidea:think


Hope your sick kid is feeling better very soon, Heather. :hug

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I was going to scan the atw graph that I worked on yesterday.. its yellows, oranges and reds, with black every few rows... I wish that I could share it with you, but the wire from the printer/scanner isnt long enough to go to the tower :o(


I guess I could take a pic of it.. okay I talked myself into it...



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