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Our House [Archive 3]


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Am I all alone here??? Hello??? Hello??? Is this thing on?

One hundred "H" hooks up on the wall,

One hundred hooks sized "H"....

Take one down,

Hook around town,

Ninety-nine "H" hooks up on the wall...



Ninety-Nine "H" hooks up on the wall,

Ninety-Nine hooks sized "H"....

Take one down,

Hook around town,

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Am I all alone here??? Hello??? Hello??? Is this thing on?

One hundred "H" hooks up on the wall,

One hundred hooks sized "H"....

Take one down,

Hook around town,

Ninety-nine "H" hooks up on the wall...



Ninety-Nine "H" hooks up on the wall,

Ninety-Nine hooks sized "H"....

Take one down,

Hook around town,

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Cara, I've got a question about the horse pattern not related to its legs. What are the white lines just above the grass? The white on top are clouds, but what are the white on the bottom?

John went hunting again this evening. You can still bow hunt until the end of the month. In this scuzzy weather! He goes hunting! And gets one! So now he's out in the snow tracking the 4 point buck he shot. I do NOT get it. I understand he has to find it now, but why go out in this kind of weather to do it in the first place? We are working on about an inch of snow on the ground now. :snow:wbrr:snow

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Cara, I've got a question about the horse pattern not related to its legs. What are the white lines just above the grass? The white on top are clouds, but what are the white on the bottom?


Hmm, supposed to be fence but I guess it ain't working :lol Think I'm gonna step away from it for today. I've been working on that stupid horse for about 7 hours now :(

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Tracy hope you find the colors you need.


Monrae welcome to the group, you will love making these squares.


Shay well done on your square making.


Mary way to go on the square sewing, I know thats the painful part isnt it, but its worth it when you see the end result.


Cara wow your horsey is looking great, maybe with the fence you could make it a different color.


Everyone is going fantastic with their squares. Well done.


I went to Mums today and spent the day doing the BB quilt. Still trying to finish that one.


Well I went to Spotlight and to 2 Big W's and no one has any Grey, any other time and its there but now I need it for my picture quilt and there is none to be found. I need 2 different color grays, med and dark. I am so annoyed. I can do without it for awhile as I do have light gray so I will be able to do the sky.

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Howdy ladies

and welcome to our new members !


Cara- you keep hookin 'em in with those patterns of yours !


I looked at both horse designs and kinda like the top part of the back legs on the first one, but the bottom of the legs on the second, if that makes sense. You'll get it figured out, i know you can .


Mary- that gave me a chuckle, you are kinda like our "walmart" greeter and welcome the ones who claim to be the craziest . We just like people with some "LIFE" in them, you know ? Someone gabby with lots of new stories to tell to keep us entertained .

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Good morning all... I missed you all yesterday (not)

[don't want to make ya feel bad but I had a FUN day yesterday]


First I escaped from the house ALL BY MYSELF.


went to my cardiologist and she said and I quote" you're doing a little better" (if you knew her you would know how good those words were to hear..)

upon leaving the Dr I took a ride to see my sister ( the Dr office is over half way to her house) Had a great day..my niece, Sarah, and my new(18 day old) Grandnephew, Isaac, were there... I GOT TO PLAY WITH THE BABY. it has been so long since I held one that tiny..he was so cuddly and he is a snuggle bug.. he likes to snuggle in when he is held. my sister made lunch for us and we just visited for awhile. I didn't even bring out my hook.. I came away from my sister's with 2 tote bags, some purses for my girls, and books for the girls


after visiting my Sis for a couple hours I went to my Mom's ( she lives near my Sis), raided Mom's stash of quilting magazines, went through her button jars for buttons for the purses I'm making, helped Mom put away her christmas stuff. (she didn't want to get yelled at by my Sis for climbing on the stepladder with no one around) I also ended up with a twin size quilt. a friend of ours gave Mom a bunch of squares that she had cut out years ago. Mom put them together and made an almost twin size quilt.. it was kind of funky looking.. very retro.. so she asked me if I wanted it for the car... the heck with the car it was over me in my recliner last night while I slept. she also gave me a bag full of oranges and tangerines [she received fruit from 3 different people and did not want it to spoil]


I stopped at ACMoore on the way home and only got 4 skiens of yarn that I needed for some purses I have orders for... even though all the yarn was on sale for 25% off


got home at 6:30Pm ,ate my supper.. (D#1D made pork chops, broccoli and applesauce for supper), sat in my chair to put my feet up [they were very, very swollen] and fell asleep before 8PM and didn't wake up until 6AM


today I have to get my rear in gear on my saltines

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Cara your horse is looking good. I'm not sure how you can fix the legs :think I thought both of them looked good but then I'm not sure how legs are supposed to look. I knew the white was a fence. But maybe a rail going through the middle would help.

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Morning ladies :flower


Sounds like everyone's making great progress on their squares. Good job to you all! :clap:cheer


Shelly - Well now it sounds like you had a wonderful day! I'm very happy for you :manyheart


My sister finally has a day off today where she's not off playing snow bunny or high roller so gonna try to go out at least for lunch today. I still can't wear my normal shoes though. I have to wear my slippers. Thankfully they look like those little ballerina flats. Of course I do have a pair that are great big with pink fun fur and claws but those are tighter :lol So we'll see how long I last. Not long, I predict. Oh well, at least it's a free lunch :D

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Good Morning, all. :) It's 19 degrees with wind chills in the single digits. Brrr. DD and I are going to meet for lunch today.


Cara, have a good time with your sister! Two years ago, I tore ligaments in my ankle and had to wear one of those velcro "casts" all winter...so I totally feel for you. :hug I had paid way too much for the perfect heels to wear with my mother-of-the-bride long dress - I wore "dressy" flip flops instead. :lol

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Hey all! I'm so glad I joined in on this CAL. I'm going to be doing my first quilt....I'm doing it for my son's teacher. The Wheels on the Bus one.....I thought that would be cute to give a teacher...right? :) Anyway...I only have a few squares done and hope that you all can keep me motivated to make them all. :) I tend to lose interest when doing the same thing over and over.....lol......wish me luck.

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Hi Amber! A few of us have made the Bus ghan and it turns out so cute...perfect gift for a teacher. :yes After a while, the squares go really fast and they're great to take with you to work on. :crocheting


Shelly, I'm glad you had a great day out yesterday!


Wendy ~ Grey yarn is hard to find here sometimes, too. If we can help, let us know. :yarn

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:jumpyay:woo:yay Found the green yarn I needed, now I can start!!! I could've started before, but I was so upset when the shop didn't have the green yarn I didn't have the heart to start. But now I do, another shop kept it for me and I picked it up this afternoon. I won't be doing many a day though, cos I still have to finish the RR as my cousin's wedding present (a bit late, but she won't mind) and I have started making granny squares out of leftover bits to make a blanket for orphans DD wants to send things to. She has started knitting squares to make a blanket for them, too. Well, if I want to get any of these things finished this year, I had better get started. Ohh, lets not forget my friendships squares as I have only made two so far (not posted yet though :hook ).
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