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Our House [Archive 3]


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I love the sound of continuing the Smackdown so that as each person gets to 2,000 they get some goodies. If we want to do an ongoing Smackdown, we could let those who reach 2,000 start over again at zero after they reach the goal the first time. Just a thought. And maybe make the goal 3,000 the second time around? Thoughts anyone?


Sounds good to me! That way, if new people join they can still win!

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Shelly, it sounds like a wonderful day! Have a nice evening with DH. :manyheart


My time in the yard turned into several hours. I loved every minute of it...before long it will be 100 degrees and not too much fun. Now it's crochet time! :yay

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Shelly, congratulations! Have a great evening:manyheart


I'm so far down the list with saltine-producing... whatever you gals decide is fine with me.

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hello everyone... I have had the most wonderful day so far... today is my 33rd wedding anniversary... my 5 year old grandAngel made me breakfast in bed (frozen) waffles in the toasted and milk... my hubby not only told me Happy anniversary before he left for work he brought me a bouquet of flowers when he came home from work at noon... he never remembers birthdays or anniversarys... we are going out to supper tonight just the 2 of us...

Happy Anniversary, Shelly!!! :cake

Shelly, I think you have done the Celtic Knot Prayer Shawl. I have completed the back panel and can't figure out the first row of the side panels and was wondering if you could help me. Rosie's (my next door neighbor) daughter just got diagnosed with cancer yesterday and I would like to finish the shawl and give it to Andrea. Can you help me? Andrea and Tim have two little daughters aged 3 and 5. I'd appreciate prayers for Rosie and her family. Andrea sees the oncologist on Monday.

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Linda Im so sorry to hear about your neighbours daughter. Im glad they found out what was wrong and I hope they can do something for you. I too think you have to drink a lot of water to pass the stones.


Karen welcome to the saltine smackdown. Love the colors you have chosen.


Krystal I think thats a great idea that everyone gets a prized from us all when they reach 2000 points.


Mary Im glad Maggie is doing well.


I have started my ATW and am on the 3rd row now.

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Linda I started that shawl but ended up frogging it because I couldn't figure out what I was doing with it...sorry I can't help with that..

had a very nice evening with Hubby we went to the Movies and saw Iron Man not a bad movie-hubby really liked it... then we went for a late supper and a hot fudge sundae at Friendlys

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Linda I started that shawl but ended up frogging it because I couldn't figure out what I was doing with it...sorry I can't help with that..

Thanks, Shelly. I love the center panel, so I'll figure out something.


The sharp pains have quit, so the stone that was causing that has either passed or settled somewhere where it isn't bothering me, but the gnawing constant pain that is from the cysts is still there. With luck I can get in to see the urologist tomorrow and he can suggest something to tackle that part of the problem.


I'm focusing on preemie blankets today and tomorrow for the monthly Squares for Charity CAL. :crocheting I have 1 done and another almost done so far. My concentration isn't so good at the moment so they are just multicolored big granny squares with a border this time. Nothing fancy, but pretty just the same. Friday I had John & Kim's bed covered with leftover single skeins and partial skeins of yarn. We had fun putting colors next to each other to see what would go with what. Came up with some pretty unusual combinations which were also pretty.


Have a great day, everyone.

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Hi Ladies. :) When I heard it's going to be 96 tomorrow, :( I decided to spend this morning outside.


Wendy, good for you on starting your ATW! Looking forward to seeing your colors.


Linda, I hope you get into the Dr. quickly and get some relief. :hug I know we would all love to see your preemie ghans! :photo


Hi Tabby. :manyheart


Going to get cleaned up and start on desk stuff with crochet time later. :hook

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Hi everyone, I have finished row 3 on the ATW and its all sewn together as well.


Mary hope you had a great day in the garden.


Tabby Im doing the traditional ATW just going round and round till it gets too big. Are you doing one.


Linda hope they can help with the discomfort for you.:hug

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Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. I've been listening to an audiobook this afternoon and crocheting on the preemie blankets. 2 are done now and the third is down to the last two rounds of the grannie rows and the border.

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Hi everyone. Tracy and Wendy have a great start on their ATWs,:yay Linda is making preemie ghans and relaxing (I hope!),:hook and Mary only made 6 squares this evening. :lol


Hope you all have had a good weekend! I WILL finish the blue gingham this week. :yes

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I've had a quiet day here. I went to the drug store and the grocery store on a food run for our family, Rosie & John, and Andrea & her family. Rotisery chicken, coleslaw, macaroni salad, potato salad, baked beans, garlic bread, and german chocolate cake for all three families. The rest of the day has been spent listening to an audio book and crocheting. I now have three 18 x 18 inch preemie blankets completed and a fourth just barely begun.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

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I started an ATW today and did 25 squares and have the center motif done...I'm using choco cherry, dark brown, aran and fusion (bright pink) The main color is the dark brown. I'm liking it, but thinking I might want to make another in bright colors. :badidea

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I'm beat :whew Nephew is here and we got tons done. Way more than I expected. Couldn't get on here this morning so I got to the chores instead. Just finished about 20 minutes ago.


Gonna try to crochet a bit before bed. :hook

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Hi there. I am back to Crochetville after a long absence. :)


Unfortunately, I don't think I am able to do any happy house blankets this year. For 2008, I decide to finish what I started last year or years ago.


I really missed you all, wonderful support and friendships I have here at the forum. I will hang out here and cheer ya all up on all the work done on the beautiful afghans.

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