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Our House [Archive 3]


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Thanks, everyone. I tried whipstitching that one together looser than I usually do and it lies much flatter than they usually do. I'm going to try that on the puppy ghan also. I like the look. How's that for being different? Most people we tell to tug the stitches tighter and I'm having to do it looser. I was usuing a really, really tight whipstitch it seems. Jokes on me. :rofl :rofl :rofl

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hello all, just taking a break from watching TV ... I was watching Ghost Hunter .. it was spooky...


took Haley to the doctors today .. they say her finger is healing well... she has to go back in 10 days... after that she should be able to play gym...

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Hi ladies. I've had so much fun crocheting the last couple of days. It's such great stress relief and keeps me busy in the evenings when DH is gone. :hook


Here is the Baby Gingham so far - RHSS Rose Pink, Country Rose and Soft White. (Clickable)



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Hi ladies. I've had so much fun crocheting the last couple of days. It's such great stress relief and keeps me busy in the evenings when DH is gone. :hook


Here is the Baby Gingham so far - RHSS Rose Pink, Country Rose and Soft White. (Clickable)




Mary~Your ghan is coming along beautifully. :cheer The pinks are just sooo perdy. :manyheart

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Linda and Mary your ghans are really pretty. I may not get much done today. I have to go to the barn and take care of horse. I also have a bunch of laundry to do at the laundromat. Cara, I really envy you your new washer and dryer.


The one good thing about the laundromat is I can get everything done in less than 3 hours. I think I'll bring some yarn for the new row of kitties and get some squares done while I'm waiting. Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Hooray for 4 day weekends :yay:clap


Today is my day out. Dunno if I'm actually gonna go anywhere though. My sister and nephew will be coming over here though. I get tired of the "where shall we eat" discussion and then once again realizing we don't have a restaurant that has what we want....home cooking. They live an odd life over there. Sis and her DH work all day then go to school at night. Nephew goes to school during the day. So they don't cook. They eat out.


So I'm making lunch here because I'm sick of the discussion :lol Plus, they really like my cooking. Told you they don't get "real food" often. They think mine is good :rofl I really don't have anywhere to go today though. I have enough yarn for my next 3 projects already (it was on a really good sale a few weeks ago :D).

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Mary, those colours are great together and the blanket looks cute.

Cara, have fun with the relatives.

I have been cleaning and my bedroom looks like a bedroom and not the storeroom of a yarn store anymore. :devil Well, almost. I still have one bag of yarn to sort out and pack away. The rest is all in boxes under the bed and my clothes are packed away neatly for the first time in a long time. Just need to vacuum it and then tackle DD bedroom. :eek

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Mary, those colours are great together and the blanket looks cute.

Cara, have fun with the relatives.

I have been cleaning and my bedroom looks like a bedroom and not the storeroom of a yarn store anymore. :devil


:lol :lol That's what our guest room looks like at the moment. Yarn was on sale for two weeks running so I bought lots while I could :lol :lol

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Good Morning! Thanks to everyone for the compliments. :manyheart I almost feel like I'm cheating on this one...no bicolor squares and you don't have to change colors to join. :lol


It's raining and supposed to snow this afternoon. Brrr! DD and I are going to meet for lunch and then I'll be in for the day and I can catch up on posts.


Have a wonderful day. :)

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Mary - Have fun with DD :manyheart Think I'm just gonna have a trip to WalMart then I'll be in for the day too. It's supposed to get ugly here too soon.

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Mary and Linda, I just love y'alls work! It is so pretty.


I got the first 3 strips our of 8 sewed on my 2nd block. I'm hoping I can finish the 2nd block tonight or tomorrow night. I've got a movie to watch and can crochet. Only problem I will be home a bit late and still have housework to do.


Today has been rough because I have a migraine. Trying to see clients and focus has been a bit tough. However, I took my Relpax this morning and should be feeling better soon.


Have a great day everybody!

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Daphne, hope the migraine goes away quickly and doesn't return.

Cara, have a good visit with sister and nephew.

Mary, have a good lunch.

I checked out an audiobook last weekend at the library ("Caribean" by Michener) and Kim & I have started listening to it. The person doing the reading is very good. Makes a nice change from neverending TV. I've gotten 2 of the first 3 blocks of the puppy ghan sewn together and will be starting on #3 after lunch. I'm pleased with it so far.

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:2snowThe weatherman said the ice and snow wouldn't be here till late afternoon - Wrong! Just as I got to the restaurant, it started sleeting and snowing really hard and they said on the car radio that they were revising the winter storm warnings...no kidding. :lol So, I turned around and drove home and it's even worse out here where we live. DD was going to go home and not go back to work.


Oh dear, I guess I'll just have to stay in and crochet. :hook

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Linda- I feel better by the hour. The trick is it leaving and staying gone as you said.


The weather is beautiful here. However, it is suppose to turn cold and maybe snowy over the weekend. It's just been crazy...


No crocheting here... Just work :)

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I love Mary's squares!!


I"m almost finished with my snowflake afaghan so I can start crochet quilt! I"m so excited but I hate picking colors. BLAH! I'm torn between dk sage and amethyst and med sage and orchid with soft white. Just for giggles I might just do blues or dk pinks or even browns!

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Morning everyone,


Its another hot 38C day today, does anyone want to swap weathers. Im just so sick of hot weather I tell you.


Mary sorry the weather was so bad you couldnt have lunch with your DD.


Daphne hope the headache goes away soon, they sure spoil the day dont they.


Cara did you have a nice lunch with the relatives and what did you make for them.


Smith I find it hard to pick colors as well.


Well today Im going to work on the Beckys Block and maybe the 6-24 point pin ripple.

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