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Our House [Archive 1]


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Hi ladies. All of the talk about fajitas yesterday made me crave them, so the meat is marinating and that's what we're having for dinner!

Another rainy day, :rain but I got 14 squares made for my neglected Woven Blocks and played with the border for the Bus Ghan for a while...no final decision yet. :think

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Morning everyone,

Linda your train and frog look great.


Mary well done on getting 14 squares finished. Looking forward to seeing the border on the bus ghan.


Its friday here and its my day off.. woohoo so Im going to veg out in front of the tv and watch my shows from last night and make more squares for the amish. Oh what a life I lead. hehe

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Yes, LOTS of rain for over a month now. :( This is unheard of for us...it's usually close to 100 degrees and very dry this time of year. The flooding is incredible in many areas; we live on a hill so we're safe from any high water areas. :)

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Hi Everyone -

Hope you're all doing great and making good progress...


Here is half of my Pretty Gingham Baby Blanket. I have all the squares for this half sewn together then had to go buy more yarn. Here's the first half:




I'm using Caron SS in Country Blue, Light Country Blue and Dark Country Blue.

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Tandi, that is so beautiful!! I used to think I wasn't a "blue" person, but the shades of that color that I've been seeing have certainly changed my mind!

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I am 8 squares away from having another 2 rows done on my baby gingham. :cheer I am so close, hopefully in another day or two the squares will be finished. I did take pics. but haven't uploaded them yet. :D I will take a new pic. with the two rows on it & upload it tomorrow. :yes


Have a good night. :manyheart

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I am 8 squares away from having another 2 rows done on my baby gingham. :cheer I am so close, hopefully in another day or two the squares will be finished. I did take pics. but haven't uploaded them yet. :D I will take a new pic. with the two rows on it & upload it tomorrow. :yes


Have a good night. :manyheart


Tabby~So exciting to be so close. Good for you.:yay We'll be looking forward to pictures. :hug

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Linda- Very cute frog! The train looks great!


Tandi- I love the blues in that!


Today was charity day so I haven't done much on my calliope just sewed a few squares together. :lol

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Thanks for all the great comments guys!


I am 8 squares away from having another 2 rows done on my baby gingham. :cheer I am so close, hopefully in another day or two the squares will be finished. I did take pics. but haven't uploaded them yet. :D I will take a new pic. with the two rows on it & upload it tomorrow. :yes


Tabby Good Luck! Can't wait to see your pictures.

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Bah! All that fuss with the doctor and she just wanted to check me again. I've had a sinus infection for a month now :P That and my cholesterol is high (well DUH!) but I'm working on that :yes Did find out I've lost 7 pounds in three weeks though!! Guess cutting that fat for the cholesterol and my liver problem (:yuck) is paying off with an extra benefit :tup


Sounds like everyone is making great progress!! Tandi I'm not really fond of blues either but your gingham could talk me into them :yes Great job!


Gosh, it's already going to be Photo Friday tomorrow. Where did the week go? I better get busy. Or take a nap, haven't decided yet :lol


Have a great evening everyone :manyheart

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Misa - I am the poster child for having to change what you eat. I'm learning, but it's a sloooow process. I have found that going for a walk in the morning (no speed records, that's for sure!) has helped me a lot - seems like a good thing to blow off all that stress and steam first thing in the morning. I didn't walk today and have been moody all day. I think that's why... :think


As for blues - they are MY FAVORITE!!! How could anyone not like blue? So cool and relaxing.. nothing that hurts the eyes, just a vision of calm, restful water....

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Im with you Krystal I love the color Blue.


Tandi your gingham looks beautiful.


Tabby well done your nearly there.


I have done a few squares today and hopefully tonight I can get some more sewn together.

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Hi, ladies...

I'm up early as usual...times like this are when I miss Julie the most.:( She and I were the only ones online at this hour, unless Wendy wasn't busy and came by for a visit.


Sounds like I need to make/join some more pink squares on my baby gingham. Maybe next week I'll have a pic to post:)

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Hi, Wendy...not much - woke to an itchy, gunky eye (sentivity to some eye make up - even in the Almay line. Why do companies always change their formula?):angry

And DH will be flying out for a few days -business - on Sunday. He'll be getting into a schedule of traveling every so many weeks through November.:(

The only redeeming thing about that is I get more crochet time:)


I'm going to get started on some gifts - and a "gift" for me, too - Leslies purple and green quilt ghan pattern. I LOVE that combo!


Have you decided to make the Amish for your mom smaller than you thought at first?

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ooh be careful with your eye, hope it gets better.


What is the leslies ghan pattern.


I am still trying to do the original size for now. But once closer and I run out of time I will have to decide what to do then. At the moment I have all 8 rows ready to sew together for the 7th block and thats what Im doing here now why chatting to you.


What an exciting life I lead. Its a friday night and Im chatting online and doing my crocheting while listening to music.

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