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Our House [Archive 1]


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Athba - I agree with Wendy :yes You'll be happier if you wait a bit. I know it's hard but it'll be better for the kids as well if you wait. Dunno where those gals have been. Rachel's been MIA too :think


Wendy - Fajitas are a skirt steak made popular in Mexican dishes. I remember before they became popular they were dirt cheap, then they caught on nationwide and now they're $5-$6 a pound :lol Very yummy with beans, rice and guacamole (avacado salad) :drool


Theresa - So far so good with DD :D Amazing how worked up they get before the ceremony then by the reception they're all calm and telling everyone what a cinch it was :lol

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Morning, everyone. John's got the day off, so so do I. I'm relaxing and crocheting. And chatting in here, of course. Hope you all have a great and safe 4th of July. :firecrack :firecrack :firecrack It's sunny and nice here today.

Cara & Mary, I'd be glad to trade you our sunshine for your rain if I could. We've gotten some during the last week, which helps, but we're still way, way behind for the year.

I love fajitas, but like them done with chicken instead of beef. And, of course, they are best when slathered with lots of sour cream and gaucomoli.:yes

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Wendy, I love that movie too.


Athba, I went through that when I was first married. We did end up waiting the two years and I think it was a good thing. Once we had our first we hardly did anything anymore. We still hardly do what we used to. You will have plenty of time for babies in a year or two. Maybe you can talk him into trying for the first one next year. Good luck.


We had our fireworks last night. It was the girls first time. Boy did they have fun. Although we ended up having to go to the ER because Meaghan went down the slide in the dark and hit her chin. She had a pretty good laceration and had to get it glued shut. Poor thing but she hardly cried from beginning to end.

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Athba, it's hard to wait, but it is much harder going to school after having kids than it is before you have them. I speak from experience, having done it before, when they were young and when they were in their teens. Do it before. There are sooooo many more demands on your time when you have children. :yes And soooooooooo many more interruptions during what's supposed to be study time.

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Happy 4th everyone!


I'm afraid that I'm becoming the cranky old lady of the neighborhood. My dog is scared of fireworks and the neighbors seem to think that Independance Day is actually Independance Week! :eek I wouldn't mind so much if they would just shoot their fireworks off on the 4th and be done with it. Then I would only have to drug poor Mara for one day. Here's some pictures if you want to see her: Mara.


I found a whole web site dedicated to fajitas! Here's the "what is a fajita" page: http://www.fajitarecipe.net/what-is-fajita.html. They are yummy and can be quite healthy, too, if you lay off the sour cream...


Oh, and Athba, what the other gals are saying is right. Once you have a baby your life will change competely. You can't go do anything with just your husband unless you have baby sitting. :sigh Also, my husband and I had our worst arguments during our son's first year. It's a very stressful time. Enjoy having your husband to yourself right now and going out and doing things you can't do once you have a little one. You won't regret that time later.:yes


Have a great day everyone!

Linda Y

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Athba~I agree with the other gals, I would wait until school is done. I went through nursing school with an infant & 2 toddlers and it was no fun. I had to be up with the baby all night & still get up bright and early to make it to class. Forget trying to study at home. I had to go to school an hour early to get any good study time in. I got through it but why make it harder if you can wait. I know it's hard but enjoy your Hubby alone while you can. :manyheart

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As for "waiting" to have kids so that a new couple can have time alone, I say phoooey to that. If you have "alone" time, then have kids, it's a horrendous shock because you have been carefree for so long. I had my kids right away, with no regrets. HOWEVER, if you are going to school, that is a whole other story. There is NO WAY that I could do school AND raise my kids - not enough hours in the day. I definitely say to finish your school and then have your children. I was pregnant with my first when I was finishing up my last semester of my Masters' and it was MISERY. I was sick, and exhausted, and I could NOT for the life of me concentrate - my hormones just would not allow that!


But the point really is that no couple should have children unless BOTH people are ready. Clearly your husband wants to wait. If you have children now, he will just resent them.

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Linda Y - Hey Mara and I have the same birthday :manyheart Mean ol' neighbors scaring such a pretty girl :grump Yep, ours seem to have if not Independence week then a very long weekend :lol

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Oh, Linda Y! Mara is gorgeous! I have always been intrigued by those dogs...but have two right now that are getting up in years and wouldn't do well with a new one in the house and the cost would not work for me right now! LOL I keep saying after these two, I won't get any more dogs...but who am I kidding...right? Take care of that baby with all the fireworks going on, poor thing! Sometimes I think I need drugs to get through them too! LOL


Athba...I agree with everyone else...wait until you both want kids and are ready to share in every aspect of raising and loving them! You'll be glad you did!

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I keep saying after these two, I won't get any more dogs...but who am I kidding...right?


Yep, just like I'm gonna stick to one cat :yes I'm not feeding that Tuxedo female that's taken up residence on my front porch. Nope. Not me :heehee

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Thanks for the nice comments on Mara! I often say that walking her is like walking with a supermodel. Everyone sees her and they don't see you at all! She is a sweety, though, and mostly doesn't let it go to her head. :lol


Linda Y

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Cara what are Fajitas.


Athba dont be in a hurry to have kids. Have some time with hubby first.


Fajitas are yummy! It's a Tex-Mex dish made up of marinated skirt steak (you can use some other cut of beef, too) that is cut into strips and grilled with onions and peppers, and served in a rolled up tortilla with cheese, sour cream, guacamole and/or pico de gallo or salsa. You can also use chicken or shrimp or even just veggies, but I love beef fajitas the best.

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Yep, just like I'm gonna stick to one cat :yes I'm not feeding that Tuxedo female that's taken up residence on my front porch. Nope. Not me :heehee


Cara, what are you going to name your new kitty? :lol

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Linda Y...I think it's Mara's big ears that magnify the fireworks, too. My female G Shep (and the previous one) were both terrified of fireworks and t/storms. They always felt safer when in their crates or if it was night, laying next to our bed.

She's a beautiful Pharoah (?) hound.

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Linda Y, Mara is absolutely beautiful. No wonder people admire her. She is obviously a spunky lady with lots & lots of class. I've had a few dogs that were terrified of fireworks. I never had to sedate them but the weeks before and after July 4th were definately a strain.:yes

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Cara, what are you going to name your new kitty? :lol



:rofl :rofl I'm thinking Tuon after a character in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books :lol :lol At least DH likes the name if not the idea :lol

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Linda Mara is beautiful. She looks like a princess standing there, she needs a crown.


Cara we have fajitas here but I dont think we call them that, I will have to ask the girls at work.


Cara you adopted a new puddy tat, what does Misa think about this. A new playmate perhaps.


Im glad you all had a great time with the 4th July celebrations. Its sad that the neighbours can just keep carrying on without any thought to others.

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Wellllll, Misa doesn't exactly realize that I'm trying to adopt a new cat. The tuxedo cat is outside. I'm not even certain if she's a stray or belongs to the folks across the road. :blush DH just misses his old Ragamuffin that died 3 years ago. That cat thought he was a dog. Would let you carry him around like a baby and sleep in your arms :manyheart Misa, well Misa, if a little "standoffish" :lol

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Our first burmese was like that, you could hold her like a baby and she would just lay there. Does hubby really like the one outside.


Yeah, he's getting kind of fond of her. She has no fear of us at all. And she mews at him when he baby talks her :manyheart She won't let us touch her yet though.

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