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Our House [Archive 1]


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It took a lot of people to make it turn out that nice ,so I will only take a small part of the credit.

I put the list in the package of all who helped with it, so I hope Amy posts that when she gets it. I just mailed it to her this morning .

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Morning, everybody. The village ghan is Gorgeous!! You and all your helpers did a fantastic job, Julie. :cheer:yay:cheer Once I really wake up I'll be working on my train. What WIP project are you focusing on today, Julie? Hehehe!

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Linda-thanks but you are just as equally a part in it as me or anyone else .


and funny you should ask about what project I am working on this week.....


Hmmm..... I THINK it might be the Woven Blocks. I figure if I can put in about 342 HOURS, it should be finished . :D


Hope you all don't mind ARNOLD as much as I do ......... :lol

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Patty your Casa is so pretty . You sure are speedier than I am !!! :)


Thanks. Short deadlines improve speed. If I was making this for myself, it would probably take me a year. But when it needs to be done for a wedding present, there is a greater push to meet the deadline. I spent a lot more of my free time crocheting than I normally do, just so I could finish it before the wedding (the wedding is 07.07.07 & we fly out for it on the 4th).

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Thanks for all the compliments everyone. It's been a challenge to get this done before we leave for the wedding (the wedding is 07.07.07, we leave the 4th). I hope my sister-in-law and her husband like it as much as everyone here does. :)


I couldn't handle the though of making over 1,000 squares. :eek:no


It was easier if I didn't think of the total number of squares. I usually worked in smaller sections in stead of rows, and would do 4 - 16 squares (sometimes more but not often) and then sew them together.


This picture sorta shows how I was working on it.

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Ok ok, so I am a bit of a slacker lately with this CAL.....I just everything out of my house and back at mom and dad's and we found...I kid you not FOUND my gingham baby quilt afghan that I started for this CAL. I volunteered my mother to stitch the squares together for me while I work on my other endless WIPS/CALs. I am too embarrassed to put on my signature all the CALs I joined but slowed down a bit with them......ay chichuahua!


And now that I figured out how to work my new camera...I will get pictures up here for the Friday show and tell....yay for me...haha.

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Just checking in to see what your progress is, Julie?


Y'know... I was wondering if you could estimate what percentage you are done with the WIP (woven blocks) that you're trying to finish for my challenge? I have a very good reason, and hope you can oblige me with a number.



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Alright Krystal


I'll fall for this. I have no idea what you are up to, but I will play along . :lol


I HAD one block totally done. I NOW HAVE squares enough made to make block 2. I will try to get that one put together before I go to bed tonite .


10 more to go.........................GEEZ .........................:(

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OK, so I figure you've got 12 squares to make, plus horizontal joins (3 rows) and vertical joins (2 rows), plus a border... so that is 16 parts. You've got nearly two parts done, so that puts you at about..... 12 percent


Check out the avatar....


you'll notice that 12% of your nemesis is replaced... ;)

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