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Our House [Archive 2]


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Mary, that's beautiful!!!!!:clap


LindaT - I would never even think of making someone something handmade if I wasn't sure they'd welcome it...I can't imagine anyone NOT liking your work!:no


Julie, I can think of some things to say about your mother...but I'm a good Christian girl and will squelch it.

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Thank you all for the compliments. :hug I think I'd better finish a couple scarves and then I'll be ready for more squares and finish Mr. Train. :yes


Julie, I haven't given my mom anything handmade in years...she will always say something like "Oh, that would be pretty if it were knitted" or "so and so makes those and they're really nice." Too bad we can't pick our family - like we can pick our friends. ;)

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Mary~Love it. It came out beautiful. I really like the cat. :cheer:clap:cheer



Julie~I hear ya, that is just rude. That is actually why I stopped on my navajo. I was making it for my Dad for his birthday back in August. It wasn't done but I brought it over there & showed him & told him it was for him. He said, it's not Steelers colors. Now I know he wants a steeler graph ghan but it really hurt. I told him (guard went up) that I could give it to someone else. Then he's like no, it's really nice. I thought he'de like it because the style of it reminds me alot of Indians & he loves that decor. He hasn't asked where it is either to this day. I don't feel right finishing it & keeping it so it just sits waiting for him to ask for it. It'll never get finished waiting for him. :angry Did I ever tell you the one I made them for xmas sits on the back of there wicker love seat on the porch? I made that out of my yarn, her deceased mom's & his deceased mom's. Very sentimental yet I feel like it isn't appreciated. PEOPLE!!

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Linda - TEN RRs?!? :eek You are definitely the Queen of the Round Ripple :nworthy


Mary - Your fall ghan is fabulous!! :clap:cheer:clap I love the cat :manyheart


I can't imagine someone not liking something that someone took all the time to make just for them :no The finished product is just half the gift. I always think that the time that someone spent dedicated just to making me happy is the other half :manyheart I sure hope I don't ever find out if my family doesn't like something I make them :( I'm the kind that would take it very hard :(


Anyway, I'm sure they'll love the RRs :yes

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Thanks, all of you. This could be the make or break Christmas as far as my family is concerned. As you have all said, these were made with love and the colors were picked especially for each one. The one for Joe and Joy is coming right along. I've finished row 14 and have started on row 15. It's going to be pretty, but not exactly what I would have chosen on my own. It will be striking.

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I am very cautious who I make things for. Fortunately, all the women in my family are crafty, so any and all handmade things are treated with respect. My DH's family, not so sure... haven't really made them anything large... Oh, wait - I have. I made a quilt (hand quilted) for DH's sister. After 11 years, she asked if I can repair the binding, because it's been on their bed every day since. Now THAT is love!

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Evening Ladies,

I made it through another closing. DM & RM cancelled visit on tomorrow. I don't have to go in until 2pm. Can begin stitching my "ME" ghan together.


Mary - Great job.


Andrea - Hope you are doing okay.


Linda - Your work is so beautiful. I am sure they're going to appreciate your gifts.


Night all.

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Thanks for the well wishes, today is a little better for me. I can walk without trying to use the crutches they just didnt agree with me at all. I am gonna go back to work tomorrow and to be honest I cant wait Im ready to go back. Have a great day everyone.

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Morning everyone. Have a great day!

You be careful, Andrea. Don't hurt it further.

Not sure yet which project I'll be working on today. I guess I'm not all that awake yet. I'll have to get Kim up soon, so I'll decide after that.

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Good Morning, all. :) Thanks to everyone for the compliments on the Fall ghan. :manyheart

Andrea, I'm glad your foot is a little better. :yes


Valerie ~ Enjoy your crochet time. :hook It sounds like some of the pressure is off if the bosses cancelled their visit. :yes


Hi Linda!


I am going to get a haircut and run some errands, then back to do some cleaning. Have a great day.

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Hi everyone. First off, I've missed all of you. Mom had a bad fall and I have been shuttling between Altoona and Philadelphia, work, husband, and Mom. She fell on the sidewalk right on her face. She lost all her top front teeth, chipped a bone in her finger and has a possible fracture of her left wrist.


She is very upset :cry about the teeth. God bless her, she is 83 and still had all her own teeth. She took such good care of them too. Lynne (my sister) and I were just glad it wasn't worse. She was going home from Lynne's at about 10 PM and was trying to carry all of her groceries into the apartment at once. :thair She could have been lying there all night, broken a hip or worse. She just doesn't want to admit she's old. She talks about all the old people at her apartment house all the time. :rolleyes


Soooo, I had five minutes to stop in and let everyone know I haven't shuffled of this mortal coil yet. When I'm down at Lynne's her internet connection is dial up and unreliable. I tried a couple of times to get here and gave up in disgust. When I'm back I'm so busy trying to catch up with everything I just don't have time. I havn't forgotten you guys. :hug:manyheart

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Hi All,

Just dropped in to say hello.


Leslie - Praying for your Mom's speedy recovery and your strength as you travel back and forth.


Mary - Thanks. I am counting down the days. I get an hour for lunch and never took it until I joined you guys. I go to my car and crochet as much as I can in that hour. I'm hooked.


Will check in tonight when I get in. Have a great day everybody!

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So sorry to hear about your mom's accident. How far is it between your places ?

My parents moved to Florida last fall, and it is a worry with them so far away. They aren't yet in their 80s, but heading that direction .

They lived here in our town their whole lives up til last fall,about 5 minutes drive from me.

I'd go down all the time offering to do things for them ( mow, and other bigger jobs ), but NO WE CAN DO IT OURSELVES .

They didn't want to give up and allow any help from anyone. I guess that whole generation must be that way .


I hope your mom is soon on the mend, and you are right, it could have been much worse if she had lain there a long time with no one noticing .

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Howdy everyone,


Andrea hope you get better soon, take care walking around.


Mary your ghan is just amazing. Love the cat, you have done a beautiful job with it. Are you keeping it for yourself.


Leslie so sorry to hear about your mum. Poor thing. :hugMy grandma is that age and still lives by herself and wants to still do everything for herself. You cant tell them anything.


Linda Im sure your family will just love all the ripples you have made for them. Do you have many more to make or are you finished now.


My mum and my grandma love handmade things but my sister doesnt. I remember my mum knitting beautiful dresses and outfits for my sister's baby and we never saw the baby wearing them. Not sure what she has done with them all either. I have kept all the things mum made for my girls in a camphor chest and the girls will be able to use them for their babies in the future.

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