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Our House [Archive 2]


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Well it doesnt sound like you'll have a shortage of projects to work on then if you have all them waiting in line ! :lol


Linda- glad the Dr report went well, take care of yourself so it gets even better. that brochitis is nasty stuff .


Love your new ripples, especially the yellow-- that would cheer you up year-round !


Mary- I think you should get a job with Donald Trump. Sounds like you are good at Management Decisions . ( If you get a job with him, would you do me a favor and sneak in at night and give him a haircut ? That mop drives me batty . :lol


Cara- you have a scarey room too ? We have one like that - I call it the Airport Terminal. Enough computers and blinking lights up here it looks like we are trying to contact the aliens .


Tab - GREAT job on the fallghan ! It's really cute !

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Wendy - way to go finishing your squares can't wait to see the finished project.


Tabby - your fall ghan turned out great


Linda those round ripples look great.


Denise - do you have any of that tequila left LOL

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Tabby, it's wonderful! :jack I know you're pleased to have it finished. :yay How did you do the border?


WTG, Linda and Tabby!!!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap


Tabby, that is gorgeous! Way to Go Gal!:yay:cheer:yay





Tab - GREAT job on the fallghan ! It's really cute !


Tabby - your fall ghan turned out great



Thank you ladies. :blush:manyheart


Mary~I did a shell border. I just do 2dc, ch2, 2dc in one st. Then skip 2 st. & do a sc in the next st, skip another 2st. & do the shell again. In the corner I do the shell but I put one sc in the st before & after the shell, makes for a better corner. I have gotten hooked on this border for quilt ghans & use it with every one now. :yes

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Evening ladies :hug


Linda & Tab - Excellent work!! Y'all do beautiful work! :manyheart


Julie - :yes Maybe that's what BD is doing...trying to contact the aliens :eek


Y'all ever have one of those days where everything is just way harder than it needs to be? :lol Well that's been mine. I'm going to go and sit in my little chair with my little hook and chill :hook


Have a great evening everyone :manyheart

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Thank you Cara! And yes, lately I have alot of those days. :yes


I just noticed while uploading a pic. to flickr that my fall ghan grass is two different colors. You can't see that in person but it shows in the pic. I ran out of the green & used another skein of the same color & brand that isn't suppose to have a dye lot. Geesh, I hate when that happens. :angry Oh well, it's not like it's a gift. Thankfully. :angry

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Thank you Cara! And yes, lately I have alot of those days. :yes


I just noticed while uploading a pic. to flickr that my fall ghan grass is two different colors. You can't see that in person but it shows in the pic. I ran out of the green & used another skein of the same color & brand that isn't suppose to have a dye lot. Geesh, I hate when that happens. :angry Oh well, it's not like it's a gift. Thankfully. :angry


Don't feel bad. One of my leaves ended up two slightly different shades and mine was a gift. But it was for my sister and if she complains I'll just take it back :lol Honestly though I can't see any difference in your photos. And anyway, grass isn't all the same shade anyway :)

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Tab, I looked as HARD as I could, and I could NOT figure out even as a wild guess which squares were made with the different green. I think it's a matter of knowing what to look for.


I agree :yes

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Cara congrats on getting a new computer.


Tabby your fall ghan looks amazing and you did a great job with the sewing. Well done.


Linda love your round ripples. You sure know how to make them.


Julie yep I have heaps just waiting in line to be done, when that will be I just dont know.

At least its only the Amish that needs to be done by xmas.


Mary hows your fall ghan going.

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Hi Ladies. Hope you're all having a good evening. :)


Tabby, I agree with Cara. Grass is different shades of green anyway, so just pretend you planned it that way...it sure doesn't show up in the picture. And I love the way you did the border - thanks for the pattern.:manyheart


Hi Andrea ~ What have you been working on?

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I just finished cleaning the kitchen. I tend to do things at strange times when DH is gone, so I stewed and boned 2 chickens tonight. :lol I love to keep my own chicken stock in the freezer and we were out.


I'm working on the last of 9 blocks and I joined the other blocks into rows today. :yay Amazing what gets done when I don't have to leave.


Have a good night, everyone. :hug

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Here is the spiderman round ripple I did for my nephew for xmas Hope you all like it and feel free to point out any mistakes, with the exception that I somehow only have 11 points instead of 12 and have no clue where I did that at since its like that throughout but not gonna rip it out now.


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I've been so far behind lately I haven't gotten to check in with you guys in awhile :)


Wendy~ I keep forgetting on the other thread to say :yay for almost being done with the Amish. :clap You've made 2 big quilts WOW!!


Tabby~ I love your fall ghan too!


I graphed out a quilt block for DH's Grandmother and need to find a block to graph out for his God Mother. I also graphed out another quilt I want to do but not sure if I can find enough shades of the colors I want for it.

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nice job on the Spidey-ghan--your nephew will love it .


Morning, Miss Mary- you are keeping busy down there aren't you ?


Heather- I know what you mean about colors.

I went on a hunt yesterday to come up with more shades for my Flower Garden . I'm trying to find the same colors of yarns, but in 2 different shades of each ,so I had to go looking for some different ones. I found more ,so off to work on them. I have a couple more made and attached and 2 more that the hex's are made, but not yet put together, so I have plenty to do today.


I also found an easy bootie pattern that I can actually knit, and I have one done, so today will tell the REAL story-- let's see if I can get the 2nd one the same size as the first . :lol

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Thank you Cara! And yes, lately I have alot of those days. :yes


I just noticed while uploading a pic. to flickr that my fall ghan grass is two different colors. You can't see that in person but it shows in the pic. I ran out of the green & used another skein of the same color & brand that isn't suppose to have a dye lot. Geesh, I hate when that happens. :angry Oh well, it's not like it's a gift. Thankfully. :angry

That happens to me alot too Tabby. It's so frustrating. I had the exact problem with my gopherghan.

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Morning, all. I didn't do a lot of crocheting last night. By the time Kim and I got home from the dentist I was hurting and ended up taking a pain pill. Soooo, that was it for me.

Andrea, your spiderman RR looks great! :yay:cheer:yay

Mary, Wow! You really accomplished a lot yesterday.

Have a great day, everyone. More later.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Oh dear. First the bronchitis and now the dentist. This has been a rough week for you :hug


Julie - Grats on the knitting success :yay:cheer I'll keep my fingers crossed that you end up with a matching set :D I'd admire all of y'all that stick with the knitting. I just do not have the patience for it :no


Quick poll - If you had to pick you 3 favorite size hooks what would you chose? I ask because the elder charity I like to give to is asking for crochet hooks and stuff this year to hand out. I would like to either give several sets of 3 hooks or pick the most popular size and buy in bulk :lol


Well, today is my day out :yay I need to pick up another skein each of the linen and dusty blue Vanna's for my ME project just to make sure I have enough and a trip to the post office. And of course the ever popular stops at the Goodwills :D Hope I find me a super nifty find today...it's been a while :yes


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Here is the spiderman round ripple I did for my nephew for xmas Hope you all like it and feel free to point out any mistakes, with the exception that I somehow only have 11 points instead of 12 and have no clue where I did that at since its like that throughout but not gonna rip it out now.



Andrea, it looks great! What a perfect gift for your nephew. :yes

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