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Our House [Archive 2]


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Wendy - Woot!! :woo In the home stretch now :clap:cheer


Britt - I really shouldn't read before I'm completely awake. Thought you said you were making a baby blanket and needed stuffing and styrofoam. I'm sitting here thinking "What in the world kinda blanket is that?!?!" Then I see it's a baby in a blanket :rofl :rofl I need more caffeine :lol


So how is everyone this morning? Haven't checked outside yet so I don't know what the weather is like but the a/c units are off in the house and it's nice and comfy in here :D Hmmmm....according to the weather channel website it's 49 degrees...gonna get up to about 70 today though. That's a little warm for my taste but it's a lot better than 90 degrees :D


I got 30 squares made and stitched together on my fall ghan yesterday. It was so nice to make some progress on that :yes That will be my focus today as well. What do y'all have planned today?


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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'Morning, all. I was up at 2 (another middle of the night phone call) and finally went back to sleep at 5:30... who knows if I'll get much done today. :think Maybe we'll change our phone number and not tell any relatives. :devil


Cara, super progress on the Fall ghan! That may be what I work on today, too. It's 40 degrees here this a.m. and it would be great if it were finished...I'd cuddle up in it now. :D


Wendy~Won't be long til the Amish is completed. :cheer

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Okay, showing my ignorance and/or age here ;) ...what is a "baby in a blanket"? :think


I'm assuming she's talking about a baby doll with a blanket :yes I might very well be waayyy off but that's what I'm going with for now :D

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Don't you just hate when people call you like that in the middle of the night ? Scares me to death ,then I can't get back to sleep .



I hate those calls & mine is always my mother. She hasn't done it in awhile so i'm probably due for one soon. I wouldn't mind if it was of importance but it never is. :no



Mary~Get some rest & try to relax today. Maybe you'll be able to get in a nap or two. :manyheart

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Good Morning All, How are you all doing? I am fine. It is sunny out so I think I will drop off the kids and then take the dog for a walk. I am going to start putting together squares today. I am going to try cara's way of joining them. I hope you all have a great day and I will check in later.


The baby in a blanket is where you make the baby and all her parts. You then take the body of the baby and after you have sewn both pieces together, You then start with the blanket which is attached to the body. After that you but the rest of the baby together. See her blanket is attached. You can't lose it. I hopefully can figure out pics soon. Gee I hope that isn't too confusing. ok see ya:manyheart

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I hate those calls & mine is always my mother. She hasn't done it in awhile so i'm probably due for one soon. I wouldn't mind if it was of importance but it never is. :no



What? Does she call to just chat in the middle of the night? Tell I said to stop that. My Tabby needs her sleep to deal with those men children of hers :manyheart

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Britt, your description was great and it sounds adorable. :c9 Your WIP list is growing - are you making lots of things for Christmas gifts?


I'm off to the store and post office and crochet time later. :hook

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Hi Tabby, it's so good to see you here. :manyheart I have an idea...I'll give MIL your mom's phone number and they can call eachother. :D


:rofl :rofl :rofl


You're on a roll today Miss Mary :lol

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Hi everyone, I am super busy today but wanted to say hello. I took my laptop with me so I could work in Baltimore, but it seems that everyone just decided to wait until today to send me lots of work, so I've been super busy this morning.


It was cold last night - mid 40s, so I put a blanket on my bed, yay! Today's high is supposed to be about 72, but very windy, so it'll still feel cool. I am so happy.


I slept a lot yesterday, and I feel pretty refreshed now.


Oh and last night (and this morning!), Kitsu was very needy - he wanted lots and lots of cuddles and smooches, so of course I obliged. Sam too, although he's more cool about things than Kitsu. Kitsu gets very insistent, and loud about demanding his mommy time.

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Mary, I do have a growing list of things for xmas. luckily for me I started in aug. the only problem now is that I am still managing to run out of time. I have a few friends that have children so I thought that I would try and make some things for them. I guess we shall see. I do have a list for my own children too. Well I am off to do squares for dd kitty quilt. see ya later:manyheart

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Renee - Awww isn't that sweet? Kitsu and Sam missed their Mommy :manyheart


And I missed my boys! They're definitely much more affectionate with me than my girls, although when my girls want some smooch, I'd better drop everything and give it to them right then! :lol

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And I missed my boys! They're definitely much more affectionate with me than my girls, although when my girls want some smooch, I'd better drop everything and give it to them right then! :lol


Yes, I've found this to be true, too. Boy kitties seem to be more affectionate that females. But boy kitties do that spraying thing even when they're fixed :yuck We have a boy kitty that's our "porch cat" but he can't come in. DH says he can't go through that marking thing again :no

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Yes, I've found this to be true, too. Boy kitties seem to be more affectionate that females. But boy kitties do that spraying thing even when they're fixed :yuck We have a boy kitty that's our "porch cat" but he can't come in. DH says he can't go through that marking thing again :no


My boys have better manners than to spray (although Sam does have a litterbox issue when he gets diarrhea).

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