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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Brenda, I want to thank you for my two beautiful squares you sent. I will get pics up later this weekend as I'm on my way out but I wanted to say thank you.


You're welcome! I didn't think any of the squares would start reaching their destination until Mon.

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Kissing up will get you everywhere! :lol




sue- you are so mean to me and here i am trying to be nice. ;) but seriously it was a great idea. & no tomatos this time... great now i some baby tomatos... this is all your fault... :D and good morning ladies. :):manyheart

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sue- you are so mean to me and here i am trying to be nice. ;) but seriously it was a great idea. & no tomatos this time... great now i some baby tomatos... this is all your fault... :D and good morning ladies. :):manyheart


You know I :manyheart ya! :hug


Everything's always my fault! :lol



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HI Sue and ladies:


Today I sent off two squares to 2 ladies from this CAL...


I got like 5 more squares to ship on friday of this week so coming along good and catching up with my squares...


I also received a square Saturday and will post thank you later tonight...

Just wanted to let you know i've not forgotten some of you...



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A special gift...to all the ladies making squares. If you would like one of my patterns (link in my signature), please PM me and let me know which one (with your e-mail). Just a way for me to say thanks! :hug




Sue, Thank you so much for the scrubbie patterns. I really appreciate your generousity. You have done such a wonderful job, from starting this CAL to maintaining the mailing list.

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I'm going to send my first 2 squares on Friday <3


That's awesome! :cheer


Sue, Thank you so much for the scrubbie patterns. I really appreciate your generousity. You have done such a wonderful job, from starting this CAL to maintaining the mailing list.


You're very welcome Brenda! :hug



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Hi everyone I just gave my details to Turtlelvr and don't know how I have missed this CAL/ROAK. I would love 12" squares in any colour. I prefer squares that are more solid with little to no holes throughout.

Thank you I am off to look at the posts and pretty pictures.

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You're very welcome to all who got my squares! That pattern btw is called Shining Star Square and it's actually a free original pattern on here by Champygirl i believe. It was much fun to make but I didn't know how it got kinda lopsided so if anyone figures that out let me know lol.

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Here are the beautiful squares I received last week :manyheartThank you Erin, Linda, Mandy, Brenda, Trish and Glenda - you gals rock :hug


You're welcome! :)

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Thank you Brenda for the 2 beauitful squares and the extras. I love them. :hug



Here are the beautiful squares I received last week :manyheartThank you Erin, Linda, Mandy, Brenda, Trish and Glenda - you gals rock :hug


You are both very welcome!

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